Functional Programming, SRP, testability and classes with static and instance mutable fields - unit-testing

I hope I can phrase this question correctly. I have a concern when dealing with state and test-ability in classes with static and instance mutable fields.
Do the static fields essentially constitute a different class/responsibility/instance due to the difference in their lifetime/scope?
If so: then shouldn't the instance fields also be a separate class/data structure?
And then: and if that is so, then shouldn't all classes be stateless only receiving their dependencies on construction and should all then be immutable?
And finally, would this mean that functional programming is the right way to do object oriented programming as well?

You shouldn't have (really) mutable static fields. That is crappy design. Functional programming makes things a lot easier. I would separate the concerns so:
what is data, should only have the necessary code to manipulate it in class. like "string" "Integer" "Person" , these are the entities
what manipulates data, depends on data, but should not have internal state (Formatters etc)
what drives the execution , must usually have some internal state ,but it is either carried with the call, or is "configuration" like
database connections, requests etc. This is either from an active
request , or it is pure configuration (injected)
what views results (pure views) should be stateless in itself, and state should be fed to it with a context
then there is the glue in between which usually is the hairy exception..minimize that.
For testability
data should be mockable to a fake database.
"what manipulates data" should be easy to test since it is stateless.
State contained in contexts is easy to mock.
"what drives the execution" should be easy to test since dependencies are injectable and you can test it piece by piece.
views are easy to test since mocked state can be fed to it. the difficulty comes from actually verifying "what it looks like" , but that is up to either gui automation or human testers.
In essence ALL of this could be done in a functional way if database (disk) and the request layer (web, ui, whatever) would comply. In practise you try to do the "pure" part in between pretty and functionalish , and use design patterns to shield it from the outside dirt.


State design pattern usage in embedded software

I have been solving following problem. I'm a newbie in C++ and I need to implement
a state machine for an embedded software. This state machine should constitute
core of an application logic. It should control transitions between states
"STANDSTILL", "RUN" and "FAULT" of a controller. These transitions occur based
on: logic inputs state, analog inputs state, messages received over communication lines and messages created internally in the controller's software.
I would like to implement this state machine in such a manner that I utilize the
power of the C++ (object oriented programming). So I have spent some time in
looking for some appropriate design pattern. I have found the "state" desing
pattern but I am not sure whether it is a good choice for me. As far as
I understand the definition in right manner it is intended for situations when I
have some object (so called context object) which behavior (methods of its public interface) is strongly dependent on its state.
My first idea was that the so called context object could be the controller itself. (I mean a class which will realize the software model of the whole device.) The state dependent methods could be the methods asociated with the above mentioned inputs processed by the state machine i.e. logic inputs, analog inputs, messages received over communication lines and internal messages. But I am not sure whether it is good approach. Does anybody have any experience with such usage of the state design pattern? Thanks for any suggestions.
Just because you are using C++, you are not necessarily using object-oriented design. Nor do you have to use OOD when implementing trivial things. It is quite feasible to implement a state machine without involving OOD, since it is such a simple data structure. Basically it is just an array (of function pointers) with named members.
The "pattern" is known as finite state machine. A typical C implementation for embedded systems can be found here. You could write a simple class around that array. State machines in embedded systems are almost always static and read-only, so the class would have to be a "Singleton". You'll find that there's no obvious benefit of using a class here.
the state pattern is a good design to start with. But as mentioned, there are existing tools that can generate the code for you. Another one you could look at is This one create code that uses 'the power of C++' and is also based on the state pattern design.

JavaFX and Clojure: binding observables to immutable objects

I've been trying to figure out the approach to take to allow a JavaFX TableView (or any other JavaFX thing) to represent some Clojure data, and allow the user to manipulate the data through the GUI.
For this discussion, let's assume I have a list/vector of maps, ie something like
[{:col1 "happy1" :col2 "sad1"} {:col1 "happy2" :col2 "sad2"}] and I want it to display in a graphical table as follows:
mykey1 mykey2
happy1 sad1
happy2 sad2
Pretty straightforward. This has been done a gazillion times in the history of the world.
The problem is the TableView insists on taking an ObservableList, etc., which is inherently a mutable thing, as are all the Observables in JavaFX. This is great for keeping the table up to date, and in a mutable model, it's also great for allowing the user to directly manipulate the data via the GUI. I'm not an expert, but in this case it seems JavaFX wants the GUI object to actually contain the real data. This seems funny (not ha ha) to me. To maintain my own model and communicate between GUI and model via some API or interface also implies that I'm maintaining the data in two places: in my own model, and in the GUI. Is this the Correct Way of Doing Things? Maybe this is ok since the GUI only ever displays a small fraction of the total data, and it lets my model data just be normal model data, not an instance of some Java-derived type.
So this leads to the following three general questions when trying to put a GUI on a stateless/immutable model:
How can the model underneath be truly immutable if the GUI necessarily allows you to change things? I'm thinking specifically of some sort of design tool, editor, etc., where the user is explicitly changing things around. For example LightTable is an editor, yet the story is it is based on immutable data. How can this be? I'm not interested in FRP for this discussion.
Assuming at some level there is at least one Atom or other Clojure mutable type (ref/var/agent/etc) (whether it be a single Atom containing the entire in-memory design database, or whether the design database is an immutable list of mutable Atoms), which of the [MVP, MCP, MVVM, etc.] models is best for this type of creation?
JavaFX has littered the class hierarchy with every imaginable variation of Observable interface (, with such gems as Observable[whatever]Value, including for example ObservableMap and ObservableMapValue, and then dozens upon dozens of implementing classes such as IntegerProperty and SimpleIntegerProperty... geez! wtf?. Assuming that I have to create some Clojure objects (defrecord, etc.) and implement some of the Observable interface methods on my mostly immutable objects, can I just stick with Observable, or must I implement each one down to the leaf node, ie ObservableIntegerValue, etc.?
What is the correct high level approach? Maintain a single top-level atom which is replaced every time the user changes a value? Maintain a thousand low-level atoms? Let my values live as JavaFX Observables, and forget about Clojure data structs? Implement my own set of Observables in Clojure using some reify/proxy/gen-class, but implement them as immutables that get replaced each time a change is made? Is there a need or place for Clojure's add-watch function? I'd very much prefer that my data just be normal data in Clojure, not a "type" or an implementation of an interface of anything. An Integer should be an Integer, etc.
I would add a watch to the atom, and then update your observable based on the diff.

Is that normal Unit testing takes all the behavior out of my classes?

I'm starting a new project and I want to use unit testing.
So I wrote my services classes which are implementing interface and waiting for interface in their parameters so I can easily mock these classes.
My question: there is absolutely no code in my business class! (like Customer)
Is it normal? is it normal even without unit test ? what kind of code would you put in a class like "Customer"?
No, it doesn't sound normal to me - unless you are at the very beginning of your project and Customer is as yet just a skeleton, and you know it will get more functionality over time.
Otherwise it may be a sign of a design issue, such as an anemic domain model.
It is not the unit tests' fault. Unit tests don't in any way enforce one to create dumb classes without real functionality.
I don't know if normal is the right word here, I'd rather say that the situation you have found yourself in is very common.
I see this happen most often with people starting in on Domain Driven Design and also when people use design patterns such as MVVM - all the logic falls into services and controllers and managers (which are themself a smell IMO), and the core domain model becomes a very anaemic set of DTOs.
What I would suggest is returning to your object modelling and looking at your services and seeing where you have removed logic from your Customer object which is actually a core concern of the customer. That is - what does the customer object do? Some of this will belong in external services, but there will also be key processes which are the domain of the customer.
When you design clearly, there might be the case, where some classes are just aggregates of Data. This is part of the MVC Pattern, where the models should not contain much logic. However if you do have absolutely no code in your classes there is something seriously wrong.
To me it sounds, like you are trying some kind of dependency injection, but you are not only injecting the dependencies, but rather everything. This is taking the pattern to far, so it might be becoming it's own anti-pattern.

Types of methods which are hard to unit test?

What unit tests generally tend to be hard to write and why? I am particularly interested in methods which don't need mocking.
Two cases where unit testing is made difficult:
Methods that invoke static methods that belong to other classes, particularly when those other classes have static state, or do significant work. Being stuck trying to "unit" test a method that, through transitive closure, does database queries can suck.
Methods that create instances of other classes directly (i.e., via new), particularly when the constructor of the other class does itself requires static state, or when it does significant work in the constructor.
A great A to Z guide of testability concerns with side by side code examples of easy/hard to test code can be found in Misko's extensive testability guide.
Click on the "flaw #x" links (they look like plain text but they're separate links).
Big, complex methods that do lots of things at the same time that really should've been separated. (example: get something from a configuration object, create a URL based on some variables, encode the URL, send a request, do something with the response... you get the drill).
Everything static. Things created with New, although I haven't found a proper way to avoid it without spamming the entire application with factories.
It's almost always about dependencies.
Most code depends on external systems such as databases, file systems, email clients, networks, etc. It's also common to have dependencies on major internal systems (e.g, the spell checking module, or the recalc engine...).
If these dependences are not easily substitutable, then the system becomes hard to test.
Classes that call statics and singletons are the worst offenders, but any class that doesn't accept it's dependencies via constructor or properties will be hard to test.
There are some legitimate situations that are hard to test:
User Interface - this is why the trend is towards MVC architectures that create ViewModels which can be easily tested. The actual rendering is minimized - this is called the humble dialog or humble object pattern in the test literature.

N-tier architecture design separation of concerns

I realize there have already been a number of posts on n-tier design and this could possibly be me over thinking things and going round in circles, but I have myself all confused now and would like to get some clarity from the community please.
I am trying to separate a project I created, (and didn't design architecturally very well to start with), out into different layers (each in their own project):
Business Objects
Logic / Business
The UI should only call the Logic layer to get its stuff
The Business Objects should not call or have references to anything else, just be a way of storing the data
The Logic / BUSINESS layer should hold all of the methods to get, create, update, delete (CRUD) objects in the system and would have references to both the BO and the DAL. It would apply the business logic to the operations then delegate the actual CRUD to the DAL.
The DAL would just do the CRUD operations on the DB. It would have a reference to the BO's as it would return them for the Gets etc.
My question is should the Logic classes only call their equivalent DAL class and just call logic classes instead? In other words, CompanyLogic class should only call CompanyDAL class. So if it wanted to get A Client object by ID it would call ClientLogic.GetClientByID(int) rather than the ClientDAL.GetClientByID(int).
The reason I thought it maybe should stay on the its own layer was that:
It would seem to loosen the coupling between projects
What about the Logic, if getting a client object had some logic validation in it (possibly not the best example, but hope it gets the point across).
I am not sure if it is bad design by me but at the moment the BUSINESS layer has a number of classes including ClientBULL and CompnayBULL, both classes have a call to one another. I use an interface for each class and have a factory to build the objects to try and reduce any coupling but they can not exist without each other now due to calling methods in both classes. Is this a bad idea?
Well, here's my comments on your design:
Logic is a bad name for what essentially is a layer assigned to abstract persistence. I would probably call it "Repository" or "Persistence" or DAO (data access objects) instead of "Logic", which is ambiguous and could absolutely mean anything.
If you really want to decouple your business layer from your DAL, your Logic layer should only accept interfaces to the DAL, and not concrete DAL classes.
There are two schools of thought as to where validation should reside. Some are completely fine with validation sitting at the UI layer; others would rather throw exceptions or pass messages from the business layer. Whichever way you go, just be consistent, don't duplicate validations in multiple places, and you'll be fine.
Go ahead and try coding it would probably be the best piece of advice I could give you. It's well and fine thinking it through, but at one point you'll need to see it while you're coding it and only then will subtle quirks and pitfalls reveal themselves. Whatever prototypes you can come up with will definitely be valuable to the direction your development and design takes you.
Re your edit: Within the same namespace or assembly, calls to concrete classes are definitely fine. I think it will be overly convoluted for you to need to put up interfaces for business logic -- I mean is there more than one set of rules you should follow?
I'm a believer of keeping things simple and following YAGNI. Don't make an interface until there are more than two classes that are going to implement/already implementing that interface (the DAL is always an exception to this though).