At the end of the wiki page, there is a long list of files attached (images which are already displayed inline)
Is it possible to hide the list of files?
I'm trying to use a droptree field to allow content editors to pick one folder item from a tree of items. Here i have to restrict the droptree field to accept only media folder item and it should not allow media items like image and videos. I have set the source as datasource:
DataSource=/sitecore/media library/User Submitted Media&ExcludeTemplatesForSelection=Jpeg,Image
The above mentioned datasource is not working. Still i am able to select both media item and media folder. Sitecore version i am using is 7.2. Am i missing anything?
You can't use Include/Exclude TemplatesForDisplay/Selection with DropTree. See this stackoverflow answer
I have 2 websites each website contains settings item that contains logo and path for navigation folder for each website and navigation folder lives in global folder for each website :
Settings (Field map to navigation folder for current website1)
Navigation Folder
Settings (Field map to navigation folder for current website2)
Navigation Folder
Question 1 : when i open page editor and update any navigation link title and click publish from page editor (subitem and related items options are checked) nothing published on the front end website, so i have to go to the current settings item from content editor and publish it. I am sure this happens because there is no relation between current page and the the settings item. is there any way that i can make setting item published on page editor level ?
Question 2 : I want to make data source path field more dynamic, i have two websites, both with the same structure tree but different contents, lets say i'm reading navigation folder from datasource not settings item, so if i want to add new item under navigation folder from page editor it should display to me the navigation folder for current website, so the author can easily add navigation item under navigation folder for current website. how can i achieve this ?
Answer 1.
I think you'll need to select "Edit Related Item" and then publish that. Personally, I prefer things that don't change per-page to be edited from the content editor because it's more of a configuration thing. But that's just personal preference.
Answer 2.
I've used a martketplace module called "Sublayout Queryable Datasource".
It allows you to uses queries in your datasource locations, which means it can be relative to the current item. In your case it might look something like this:
query:ancestor-or-self::*[##templatename = 'Site Root']/Navigation Folder
We have developed a Sitecore site for a client who will primarily be using Page Editor. We've built page type layouts and then componentized everything else, including sub-layouts of content. This allows them the most flexibility when building pages.
So, an author goes to a page selects the main content area (Placeholder) of the page and inserts basic building block components that we've created. These include Rich Text box, page promos, etc. they can use these to build pretty rich pages with lengthy content.
All page components have the same Datasource Location, which is a "Page Components" folder that's setup as an item bucket.
This is all working well so far.
Now, I'm trying to make it so when a page is created a specific component is created, inserted into to our "Page Components" bucket and placed in a specific placeholder on the page.
I've been trying to build a Branch Template to accomplish this, but I don't see how to specify that the new component should be stored in our bucket location, instead of directly underneath the Page item. Also, how to make the component show up in the placeholder that I want on the page.
Is this possible? Thanks in advance for you help!
You will want to use a command template for this, since you are desiring to programmatically bypass Sitecore's standard layout configurations and branch template creation.
On your page template standard values, you will want to add the sublayout to the presentation details so you can hook the datasource in programmatically after creation.
The fundamental flow in the command will be as follows:
Create the desired page item
Create the desired component datasource in the bucket location
Search the layout definition of the created page item to find the appropriate sublayout to bind to.
Alter the datasource on the sublayout to bind to the datasource you created.
As #jammykam mentioned, there is a recent blog post now available.
What if one would want to create a landing page/home page for opencart?
How does someone will supposed to do that?
A landing page or home page, using only opencart and no other means.
What I meant of Home Page is it's literal meaning in the context of Front-End WebDev. What I meant to say is, the page where user is redirected when they access my site's root domain.
I want to design and create a custom landing and home page. That landing page has no product content.
It shall only contain the folowing;
Main Navigation Menu with, Home, Online Shop, Blog links.
Site Name, Site Logo
Site Name with Tagline.
Banner Rotator with CTA button.
Footer, Footer Links to Privacy Policy, About Us and other common footer links.
This Home Page/Landing Page/Index Page, is a different page from the main store section. On this page, It has a home page link and a store page link. So on the main nav of this page, you shall see a Home link and a Store link. Clicking store link, shall take you to the main store section and the main nav shall show the categories, the store has.
To achieve what You are requesting:
It shall only contain the folowing:
1. Main Navigation Menu with, Home, Online Shop, Blog links.
2. Site Name, Site Logo
3. Site Name with Tagline.
4. Banner Rotator with CTA button.
5. Footer, Footer Links to Privacy Policy, About Us and other common footer links.
You would have to disable any module that is displaying on homepage (categories, featured, bestsellers, latest, specials, etc.) and enable only the carousel module (or install one of Your desire) and place it on the Content Top position.
In that case You would have these elements:
header (with site name, logo, main navigation)
Your desired carousel/banner rotator
footer (with additional links)
Is that what You are requesting?
Edit 1: I think the homepage You request is kinda nonsense... Why on earth You would like to have a homepage with a link to homepage and store? I would understand to have a website (presentation) with a blog and store that both run within u subdirectory, thus having a site, with a blog at and a store at In that case I would understand that within the main site ( You would have a homepage with link to /blog/ and to /store/.
BUT if You are running only a store at Your domain ( then having additional homepage is nonsense, as You could create a homepage described above (header + text and carousel as content + footer)...
Edit 2:
Yes, that's my main idea would be my landing page/index page/home page., is the store section and also with the blog section at
In that case You could create just a simple static HTML page that will contain static text and a javascript carousel (banner rotator/slider). After You have installed the blog and store to their subdirectories then just create a link to both of them within Your static homepage that lays in the root of the web folder and is called index.html.
Another way how to achieve this with slightly more effort is to have the desired blogging system installed in the root, editing it's homepage while having the main blog on a subpage and a store within a subdirectory. Many people run wordpress/drupal installation at and an OpenCart installation at Within a wordpress site You can then have a subpage /blog/ where You will post all of Your blog posts...
So is this the final solution?
The reason why someone would want to do that is for marketing purposes. Creating unique content is extremely important for SEO. The opencart default page does not have much area for landing pages or gateway pages. You may have to improvise to achieve this.
What I would recommend is just create your landing page and then use .htaccess file in /public_html folder to use whatever page you created, inside the landing page code use href links that take you to the products. This would be your best bet.
I want to store multiple images for an item (e.g. images of a building) and I need to create a image viewer control in the ASP.NET website as well.
What are good options to save and retrieve images from Sitecore? If there is an Image list kind of control that would be ideal in my scenario.
Is it a good option to use the "Attachment" field type? If anyone has code examples, please share.
The Sitecore Field Suite open source module contains an "Image Field" control that allows you to attach multiple images to a content item. Unlike a normal multilist, the Image List allows authors to see the images they are attaching directly in the Content Editor, which can be very helpful in choosing and arranging Carousel items.
Blog post introducting the Field Suite:
FIeld Suite on Sitecore Marketplace: