Is it possible to add wildcards to #Query parameters? - jpa-2.0

I've defined my ContactDao as follows:
public interface ContactDao extends JpaRepository<Contact, Long> {
* Finds all contacts that the given user has entered where the contact's full name matches {#code name}.
* #param userId The current user's LDAP id.
* #param name The name to search for.
* #return A list of contacts matching the specified criteria.
#Query(" select c from Form as f" +
" inner join f.contacts as c" +
" where f.requestorUserId = :userId" +
" and lower(c.fullName) like lower(:name)" +
" order by lower(c.fullName)")
List<Contact> findUserContactsByUserIdAndName(#Param("userId") String userId, #Param("name") String name);
The above is working perfectly, and the SQL generated is what I'd write myself. The problem is that I'd like to add surrounding wild-cards to the :name parameter. Is there any nice way to do this? I've had a look at the Spring Data JPA reference document and I can't find anything regarding wildards and #query.
The following hack works, but is a bit ugly:
and lower(c.fullName) like '%' || lower(:name) || '%'
Does anyone have a better solution?

I would also not call it a hack - it's the way JPQL syntax is defined for exactly these problems.
However, there is an alternative using a CriteriaBuilder/CriteriaQuery, but maybe you find it even more complex (but you get compile-time type safety in return).


Google Sheets / Google Data Studio - RegEx

I got cells in a Google Sheet, which consist of some combined data to track workout progress. They look something like this:
80kg-3x5, 100kg-1x3
For a given exercise, i.e. hang snatch above, it means what actual work loads I did for that exercise on a given date, with weights and the related set x reps separated by commas. So for one exercise, I might have only one work load, or several (which are then comma separated). I have them in a single cell to keep the data tidy, and reduce time when entering the data after a workout.
Now to analyze the data, I need to somehow separate the comma separated values. An example using the sample cell data above, would be total volume for that exercise, with an expression like this:
Sum( (digit before 'kg') * (digit before 'x') * (digit after 'x') + Same expression before, if comma ',' exists after first expression (multiple loads for the exercise) )
It should be a trivial task, but I haven't touched the functions in google sheet or data studio that much, and I had a surprisingly difficult time figuring out a way to either loop through the content in a cell with appropriate regex, or other ways. I could do this easily in python and then any other visualization software, but the point for going this way using drive tools is that it saves a lot of time (if it works...). I can either implement it in google sheet, or in data studio as a new calculated column from the import, whichever makes it possible.
If you are looking to write a custom function, something like this may do the trick (though it needs work for better error-handling)
function workoutProgress(string) {
if (string == '' || string == null || string == undefined) { return 'error';}
var stringArray = string.split(",");
var sum = 0;
var digitsArray, digitsProduct;
if ( stringArray.length > 0) {
for (var element in stringArray) {
digitsArray = stringArray[element].match(/\d{1,}/g);
digitsProduct = digitsArray.reduce(function(product, digit){ return product*digit;});
sum += digitsProduct;
return sum;
It can be achieved using the RegEx Calculated Field below where Field represents the respective field name; each row represents a single workload (for example 80kg-3x5), thus the below accounts for 5 workloads (more can be added, for example a 6th could be added by copy-pasting the 5th line and incrementing he number in curly brackets by one - that is, changing {4} to {5}):
(CAST(REGEXP_EXTRACT(Field,"^(\\d+)kg")AS NUMBER) * CAST(REGEXP_EXTRACT(Field,"^\\d+kg-(\\d+)")AS NUMBER) * CAST(REGEXP_EXTRACT(Field,"^\\d+kg-\\d+x(\\d+)")AS NUMBER)) +
(NARY_MAX(CAST(REGEXP_EXTRACT(Field,"^(?:\\d+kg-\\d+x\\d+,\\s){1}(\\d+)kg")AS NUMBER),0) * NARY_MAX(CAST(REGEXP_EXTRACT(Field,"^(?:\\d+kg-\\d+x\\d+,\\s){1}\\d+kg-(\\d+)")AS NUMBER),0) * NARY_MAX(CAST(REGEXP_EXTRACT(Field,"^(?:\\d+kg-\\d+x\\d+,\\s){1}\\d+kg-\\d+x(\\d+)")AS NUMBER),0)) +
(NARY_MAX(CAST(REGEXP_EXTRACT(Field,"^(?:\\d+kg-\\d+x\\d+,\\s){2}(\\d+)kg")AS NUMBER),0) * NARY_MAX(CAST(REGEXP_EXTRACT(Field,"^(?:\\d+kg-\\d+x\\d+,\\s){2}\\d+kg-(\\d+)")AS NUMBER),0) * NARY_MAX(CAST(REGEXP_EXTRACT(Field,"^(?:\\d+kg-\\d+x\\d+,\\s){2}\\d+kg-\\d+x(\\d+)")AS NUMBER),0)) +
(NARY_MAX(CAST(REGEXP_EXTRACT(Field,"^(?:\\d+kg-\\d+x\\d+,\\s){3}(\\d+)kg")AS NUMBER),0) * NARY_MAX(CAST(REGEXP_EXTRACT(Field,"^(?:\\d+kg-\\d+x\\d+,\\s){3}\\d+kg-(\\d+)")AS NUMBER),0) * NARY_MAX(CAST(REGEXP_EXTRACT(Field,"^(?:\\d+kg-\\d+x\\d+,\\s){3}\\d+kg-\\d+x(\\d+)")AS NUMBER),0)) +
(NARY_MAX(CAST(REGEXP_EXTRACT(Field,"^(?:\\d+kg-\\d+x\\d+,\\s){4}(\\d+)kg")AS NUMBER),0) * NARY_MAX(CAST(REGEXP_EXTRACT(Field,"^(?:\\d+kg-\\d+x\\d+,\\s){4}\\d+kg-(\\d+)")AS NUMBER),0) * NARY_MAX(CAST(REGEXP_EXTRACT(Field,"^(?:\\d+kg-\\d+x\\d+,\\s){4}\\d+kg-\\d+x(\\d+)")AS NUMBER),0))
Editable Google Data Studio Report, Embedded Data Source, Editable Data Set (Google Sheets) and a GIF to elaborate, so feel free to change the name of the field (at the Data Source) to adapt the field to the Calculated Field:

Highlighting the search phase IN sql

While it is easy to do replace of the the search text in the code after getting the dataset from an sql with a where clause:
x = x.Replace("SearchText","<span style='color:RED'>SearchText</span>");
I was wondering if there was a way to this IN the SQL.
Select x.Replace("SearchText","<span class='highlight'>SearchText</span>") as x from t where x like '%SearchText%'
or something like that.
The reason I am asking is because I do a:
COALESCE(LastName + ', ' + FirstName, LastName, FirstName) as Name
and I don't want a returned Name field of "Bobbly, Bob" to get two highlighted areas when searching for a LastName that includes "Bob" or a FirstName that includes "Bob" (Noting that first and last names have different search phrases"
Yeah, I could just return the two field separately and join them in code, but I just want to see if it can be done in SQL.
T-SQL includes a Replace Function
REPLACE ( string_expression , string_pattern , string_replacement )
That should do what you need
COALESCE(REPLACE(FirstName,'SearchText1','<span class=''highlight''>' + 'SearchText1' + '</span>')+','
+REPLACE(LastName,'SearchText2','<span class=''highlight''>'+'SearchText2'+'</span>')
,REPLACE(FirstName,'SearchText1','<span class=''highlight''>' + 'SearchText1' + '</span>')
,REPLACE(LastName,'SearchText2','<span class=''highlight''>'+'SearchText2'+'</span>')

Scala and JPA Results Lists

Scala noob i'm afraid:
I have the following declared class variable which will the objects I read from the database:
val options = mutable.LinkedList[DivisionSelectOption]()
I then use JPA to get a List of all rows from a table:
val divisionOptions = em.createNamedQuery("SelectOption.all", classOf[SelectOption]) getResultList
/* Wrap java List in Scala List */
val wrappedOptions = JListWrapper.apply(divisionOptions)
/* Store the wrappedOptions in the class variable */
options += wrappedOptions
However, the last line has an error:
Type Expected: String, actual JListWrapper[SelectOption]
Can anyone help with what I am doing wrong? I'm just trying to populate the options object with the result of the DB call.
What (probably) is happening is that a JlistWrapper[SelectOption] isn't a DivisionSelectOption, so the method += isn't applicable to it. That being the case, it is trying other stuff, and giving a final error on this:
options = options + wrappedOptions
That is a rewriting Scala can do to make things like x += 1 work for var x. The + method is present on all objects, but it takes a String as parameter -- that's so one can write stuff like options + ":" and have that work as in Java. But since wrappedOptions isn't a String, it complains.
Roundabout and confusing, I know, and even Odersky regrets his decision with regards to +. Let that be a lesson: if you thing of adding a method to Any, think really hard before doing it.

Getting odd behavior from $query->setMaxResults()

When I call setMaxResults on a query, it seems to want to treat the max number as "2", no matter what it's actual value is.
function findMostRecentByOwnerUser(\Entities\User $user, $limit)
echo "2: $limit<br>";
$query = $this->getEntityManager()->createQuery('
FROM Entities\Thread t
JOIN t.messages m
g.ownerUser = :owner_user
ORDER BY m.timestamp DESC
$query->setParameter("owner_user", $user);
echo $query->getSQL()."<br>";
$results = $query->getResult();
echo "3: ".count($results);
return $results;
When I comment out the setMaxResults line, I get 6 results. When I leave it in, I get the 2 most recent results. When I run the generated SQL code in phpMyAdmin, I get the 4 most recent results. The generated SQL, for reference, is:
SELECT <lots of columns, all from t0_>
FROM Thread t0_
INNER JOIN Message m1_ ON = m1_.thread_id
INNER JOIN Groups g2_ ON t0_.group_id =
WHERE g2_.ownerUser_id = ?
ORDER BY m1_.timestamp DESC
While reading the DQL "Limit" documentation, I came across the following:
If your query contains a fetch-joined collection specifying the result limit methods are not working as you would expect. Set Max Results restricts the number of database result rows, however in the case of fetch-joined collections one root entity might appear in many rows, effectively hydrating less than the specified number of results.
I'm pretty sure that I'm not doing a fetch-joined collection. I'm under the impression that a fetch-joined collection is where I do something like SELECT t, m FROM Threads JOIN t.messages. Am I incorrect in my understanding of this?
An update : With Doctrine 2.2+ you can use the Paginator
Using ->groupBy('') seem to solve the issue!
I solved the same issue by only fetching contents of the master table and having all joined tables fetched as fetch="EAGER" which is defined in the Entity (described here
class VehicleRepository extends EntityRepository
* #var integer
protected $pageSize = 10;
public function page($number = 1)
return $this->_em->createQuery('SELECT v FROM Entities\VehicleManagement\Vehicles v')
->setFirstResult($number - 1)
In my example repo you can see I only fetched the vehicle table to get the correct result amount. But all properties (like make, model, category) are fetched immediately.
(I also iterated over the Entity-contents because I needed the Entity represented as an array, but that shouldn't matter afaik.)
Here's an excerpt from my entity:
class Vehicles
* #ManyToOne(targetEntity="Makes", fetch="EAGER")
* #var Makes
public $make;
Its important that you map every Entity correctly otherwise it won't work.

doctrine2 dql, use setParameter with % wildcard when doing a like comparison

I want to use the parameter place holder - e.g. ?1 - with the % wild cards. that is, something like: " LIKE %?1%" (though this throws an error). The docs have the following two examples:
// Example - $qb->expr()->like('u.firstname', $qb->expr()->literal('Gui%'))
public function like($x, $y); // Returns Expr\Comparison instance
I do not like this as there is no protection against code injection.
// $qb instanceof QueryBuilder
// example8: QueryBuilder port of: "SELECT u FROM User u WHERE = ?1 OR u.nickname LIKE ?2 ORDER BY u.surname DESC" using QueryBuilder helper methods
$qb->select(array('u')) // string 'u' is converted to array internally
->from('User', 'u')
$qb->expr()->eq('', '?1'),
$qb->expr()->like('u.nickname', '?2')
->orderBy('u.surname', 'ASC'));
I do not like this because I need to search for terms within the object's properties - that is, I need the wild cards on either side.
When binding parameters to queries, DQL pretty much works exactly like PDO (which is what Doctrine2 uses under the hood).
So when using the LIKE statement, PDO treats both the keyword and the % wildcards as a single token. You cannot add the wildcards next to the placeholder. You must append them to the string when you bind the params.
$qb->expr()->like('u.nickname', '?2')
$qb->getQuery()->setParameter(2, '%' . $value . '%');
See this comment in the PHP manual.
The selected answer is wrong. It works, but it is not secure.
You should escape the term that you insert between the percentage signs:
->setParameter(2, '%'.addcslashes($value, '%_').'%')
The percentage sign '%' and the symbol underscore '_' are interpreted as wildcards by LIKE. If they're not escaped properly, an attacker might construct arbirtarily complex queries that can cause a denial of service attack. Also, it might be possible for the attacker to get search results he is not supposed to get. A more detailed description of attack scenarios can be found here: