Recognizing \r or \n with stringstream and char* - c++

I am having trouble reading a newline character with a stringstream object.
I know when type this:
stringstream stringObj;
stringObj << "Type Line 1 \rType Line 2";
CCLabel label = ...;
Output from string Obj
Type Line 1
Type Line 2
But when I read in from a char*, the \r is read in literally.
char* charString = GetMyAppString(stringkey);//returns char* to string "Type Line 1\rType Line 2"
stringstream stringObj;
stringObj << charString;
CCLabel label = ...;
I get the literal of the string.
Type Line 1\rType Line 2
What can I do to read this string and get it formatted like in my first output example?
My goal is to take my character sequence from a char* and have the formatting apply (with \n or \r). It doesnt have to be a stringstream, but nothing else seems to work...


C++, write from file into map

im just new at c++ and I try to read from a file and write the content into a map<string, float>.
But only the first element of my file gets mapped and i cant figuer out why.
The file looks like this:
And the code i got for this part so far:
std::map<char, float> frequenciesM;
fstream frequencieFile("frequencies.txt", std::ios::in);
cout << "No such File!";
std::string line;
char ch;
std::string sub;
float fl;
while (std::getline(frequencieFile, line, '\0')) {
ch = line[0];
sub = line.substr(2);
fl = std::stof(sub);
frequenciesM[ch] = fl;
When i try to print out the size and content of my map, this is what i get:
Size: 1
E: 16.93
Thx for any help and suggestions!
You are telling getline() to read until a '\0' (nul) character is encountered, but there is no such character in your file, so the entire file gets read into the string on the 1st call, and then you extract only the 1st set of values from the string, discarding the rest of the data.
To read the file line-by-line, you need to change the 3rd parameter of getline() to '\n' instead:
while (std::getline(frequencieFile, line, '\n'))
Or, just drop the 3rd parameter entirely since '\n' is the default delimiter:
while (std::getline(frequencieFile, line))

Insert Carriage Return in unformatted text file

C++ problem. I have a text file with no "carriage return" or "new line".
All the words are concatenate in a whole single block.
I want to divide the file in lines by substituting every substring "ABC" with the "carriage return" or "new line" character.
P.S: I can't scan the file line by line because the file is actually a single line, bigger than the max value allowed for a single string (string::max_size).
I solved with the following code:
ifstream input("File_In");
ofstream output("File_Out");
for (unsigned long long int SEEK=0 ; SEEK<(MAX_LIMIT) ; SEEK++)
char tmp[4] ;,3);
if (string(tmp)=="ABC") output<<'\n';

Deleting from a certain point in a file to the end of the line?

I'm having some trouble with detecting two '//' as a char and then deleting from the first '/' till the end of the line (im guessing /n comes into use here).
ifstream infile;
char comment = '//';"test3.cpp");
if (!infile)
cout << "Can't open input file\n";
char line;
while (!infile.eof())
if (line == comment)
cout << "found it" << endl;
return 0;
In the test3.cpp file there are three comments, so 3 lots of '//'. But I can't detect the double slash and can only detect a single / which will affect other parts of the c++ file as I only want to delete from the beginning of a comment to the end of the line?
I'm having some trouble with detecting two '//' as a char
That's because // is not a character. It is a sequence of two characters. A sequence of characters is known as a string. You can make string literals with double quotation marks: "//".
A simple solution is to compare the current input character from the stream to the first character of the string "//" which is '/'. If it matches, then compare the next character from the stream with the second character in the string that is searched for. If you find two '/' in a row, you have your match. Or you could be smart and read the entire line into a std::string and use the member functions to find it.
while (!infile.eof())
// using line without testing eof- and badbit
This piece of code is wrong. You test for eofbit before reading the stream and process the input.
And your choice of name for the line variable is a bit confusing since it doesn't contain the entire. line but just one character.

ifstream get line change output from char to string

C++ ifstream get line change getline output from char to string
I got a text file.. so i read it and i do something like
char data[50];;
cout << data << endl;
My question is instead of creating a char with size 50 by the variable name data, can i get the getline to a string instead something like
string myData;
My text file is something like this
Line2D, [3,2]
Line3D, [7,2,3]
I tried and the compiler say..
no matching function for getline(std::string&,char)
so is it possible to still break by delimiter, assign value to a string instead of a char.
while (std::getline(readFile, line))
std::cout << line << std::endl;
IT read line by line, but i wanna break the string into several delimiter, originally if using char i will specify the delimiter as the 3rd element which is
how do i do with string if i break /explode with delimiter comma , the one above. in line by line
Use std::getline():
std::string line;
while (std::getline(readFile, line, ','))
std::cout << line << std::endl;
Always check the result of read operations immediately otherwise the code will attempt to process the result of a failed read, as is the case with the posted code.
Though it is possible to specify a different delimiter in getline() it could mistakenly process two invalid lines as a single valid line. Recommend retrieving each line in full and then split the line. A useful utility for splitting lines is boost::split().

Why does getline return empty lines if none exist

I have a file containing the following lines:
0 bla.dxf
1 blub.dxf
2 buzz.dxf
The numbers and text are seperated by a singular tab each, there is no whitespace character after 5556. The following code is used for parsing.
int main(int, char**){
std::ifstream file("test.bld");
std::string buildingName;
file >> buildingName;
std::cout << buildingName << std::endl;
std::string buf;
while(getline(file, buf)) {
if(buf.empty()){std::cout << "String was empty"<<std::endl;}
else std::cout << buf << std::endl;
return 0;
When I parse the file I get an empty line although there obviously is none.
The output reads as follows:
String was empty
0 bla.dxf
1 blub.dxf
2 buzz.dxf
This is only a minimal example. The whole file and the parser is more complex and I would very much like to use direct parsing for the first element and getline for the rest. What am I misunderstanding about line parsing with getline and how do I avoid getting empty lines?
operator>>(istream, string) reads up to but not including the first whitespace character after the extracted token.
To skip the rest of the line after extracting a token, you can either use
std::cin >> std::ws;
(if you know that there is only a newline remaining), or
std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
to skip to the end of the line regardless.
I'm assuming because
file >> buildingName;
doesn't move the cursor to the next line, but leaves it at the end of the current line. So when you call getline, you'll read an empty string and then move to the next.