i2c communication in IOKit on Mac OS X - c++

I'm trying to communicate with display over ddc/ci using MacOS X function IOI2CSendRequest.
All works if i just send "set" command, like set brightness. I see that display receive command, because display change brightness.
But when i'm trying to receive reply from display i receive some garbage. What is correct way for send and receive reply with IOI2CSendRequest?
Here is my current code:
memset(&request, 0, sizeof (request));
request.commFlags = 0;
request.sendAddress = addr << 1;
request.sendTransactionType = kIOI2CSimpleTransactionType;
request.sendBuffer = (vm_address_t) package;
request.sendBytes = i;
request.replyAddress = (addr << 1) + 1;
request.replyTransactionType = kIOI2CNoTransactionType;
request.replyBuffer = NULL;
request.replyBytes = 0;
kr = IOI2CSendRequest(Display_, kNilOptions, &request);
memset(&request, 0, sizeof (request));
request.commFlags = 0;
request.sendAddress = addr << 1;
request.sendTransactionType = kIOI2CNoTransactionType;
request.sendBuffer = (vm_address_t)package;
request.sendBytes = 0;
request.replyAddress = (addr << 1) + 1;
request.replyTransactionType = kIOI2CSimpleTransactionType;
request.replyBuffer = (vm_address_t) buf;
request.replyBytes = 127;
memset(buf, 0, request.replyBytes);
kr = IOI2CSendRequest(Display_, kNilOptions, &request);
Both kr and request.result equal to kIOReturnSuccess, but no valid data in buf.
Sent command is "51 82 01 10 AC", where is AC is checksum.
OS is 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard)
Any idea what is wrong in this code?


Why Matlab Serial Function Performs Better than Pure C++ using "Windows.h" function

I had a Matlab function performing serial read(fread) from a serial device, the senor i get data from send 150 packets of 42 bytes per second it means it actually writes 6300 bytes per second to the serial port.
Recently i implemented the exactly the same code to read date packets from the port using c++ and it's ReadFile from port handler. in matlab i used availableBytes witch represents the data in read buffer and in c++ i read the cbInQue from the port handler, in matlab it is always close to zero but in c++ code i wrote it's getting bigger and bigger.
I should add here than i do just read the data and there is no other burdening over cpu by doing excessive job in c++ code.
Matlab Code is Exactly this:
s = serial(COMPort,'BaudRate',115200,'DataBits',8);
s.InputBufferSize = 1000*1000*100;
i = 0; % Counter
j = 0;
lost = 0;
PacketSize = 42;
clc;disp('Started Sampling');
while i < Samples
j = j + 1;
Header = fread(s,1);
if Header == hex2dec('CB')
pack = fread(s, PacketSize);
cks = convert2int16(pack(41:42)) ;
cksc = sum(pack(1:40)) + hex2dec('CB');
if(cks - cksc == 0)
i = i + 1;
a_x(i,1) = convert2float32bin(pack(1:4));
a_y(i,1) = convert2float32bin(pack(5:8));
a_z(i,1) = convert2float32bin(pack(9:12));
w1(i,1) = convert2float32bin(pack(13:16));
w2(i,1) = convert2float32bin(pack(17:20));
w3(i,1) = convert2float32bin(pack(21:24));
m1(i,1) = convert2float32bin(pack(25:28));
m2(i,1) = convert2float32bin(pack(29:32));
m3(i,1) = convert2float32bin(pack(33:36));
tspan(i,1) = convert2int32(pack(37:40))/19660800;
if(mod(i,Rate) == 0)
if( i < CalibrCount)
disp(['Calibratuing ... [', num2str(100*i/CalibrCount),'%]']);
disp(['Time: ', num2str((i - CalibrCount)/Rate),'sec/ [', num2str(100*(i - CalibrCount)/(SampleCount - CalibrCount)) ,'%] AwPacks: ', num2str(floor(s.BytesAvailable/PacketSize))]);
lost = lost + 1;
disp('Packet Lost !!!!!!');
disp(['Lost Count: ', num2str(lost), ' LossRatio:[' , num2str(100*lost/i), '%]']);
and the c++ code is something like this:
int i{0};
while (true)
Sensor->read(&header, sizeof(ReadType));
if (header == Header_CB)
int add{0};
GX2->read(packet, sizeof(packet));
Bytes2Float(&packet[3] + 4 * add++, &imuData[i].accX);
Bytes2Float(&packet[3] + 4 * add++, &imuData[i].accY);
Bytes2Float(&packet[3] + 4 * add++, &imuData[i].accZ);
Bytes2Float(&packet[3] + 4 * add++, &imuData[i].gyrX);
Bytes2Float(&packet[3] + 4 * add++, &imuData[i].gyrY);
Bytes2Float(&packet[3] + 4 * add++, &imuData[i].gyrZ);
Bytes2Float(&packet[3] + 4 * add++, &imuData[i].magX);
Bytes2Float(&packet[3] + 4 * add++, &imuData[i].magY);
Bytes2Float(&packet[3] + 4 * add++, &imuData[i].magZ);
// Bytes2Float(packet + 3, accX);
// Bytes2Float(packet + 11, accZ);
printf("accX: %+1.4f \taccY: %+1.4f \taccZ: %+1.4f i:%d buff: %d\n", imuData[i].accX,imuData[i].accY,imuData[i].accZ, i, GX2->Get_cbInQue());
in witch the Read Mthod of Serialport class is like this:
int SerialPort::read(void *buffer, unsigned int buf_size)
DWORD bytesRead;
unsigned int toRead = 0;
ClearCommError(this->handler, &this->errors, &this->status);
if (this->status.cbInQue > 0)
if (this->status.cbInQue > buf_size)
toRead = buf_size;
toRead = this->status.cbInQue;
memset(buffer, 0, buf_size);
if (ReadFile(this->handler, buffer, toRead, &bytesRead, NULL))
return bytesRead;
return 0;
just to mention: I removed all of ByeToFloat calls from the c++ code and i still got the problem of buffer getting bigger and bigger.
g++ -g main.cpp include/SerialPort.cpp include/Sensor.cpp -o bin/main.exe -Iinclude

Send cmd to SD card but error 22 on Linux

I refer an article:
Any way to send commands to SD card from Linux userspace?
and use the source of mmc-util to send cmd to SD card, there is the code:
int cmd_test(int fd, __u8 *ext_csd)
int ret = 0;
struct mmc_ioc_cmd idata;
memset(&idata, 0, sizeof(idata));
memset(ext_csd, 0, sizeof(__u8) * 512);
idata.write_flag = 0;
idata.opcode = 17;
idata.arg = 0;
idata.flags = MMC_DATA_READ;
idata.blksz = 512;
idata.blocks = 1;
mmc_ioc_cmd_set_data(idata, ext_csd);
ret = ioctl(fd, MMC_IOC_CMD, &idata);
if (ret)
return ret;
finally receive error 22: invalid argument. I try another opcode like 10, 56..., it finally result same error.
The SD card is connected by usb reader, does it cause the error? or there are parameter setting error?

Detect USB hardware keylogger

I need to determine is there hardware keylogger that was plugged to PC with USB keyboard. It needs to be done via software method, from user-land. However wiki says that it is impossible to detect HKL using soft, there are several methods exists. The best and I think only one overiew that present in net relating that theme is "Detecting Hardware Keyloggers, by Fabian Mihailowitsch - youtube".
Using this overview I am developing a tool to detect USB hardware keyloggers. The sources for detecting PS/2 keyloggers was already shared by author and available here. So my task is to make it worked for USB only.
As suggested I am using libusb library to interfere with USB devices in system.
So, there are methods I had choosen in order to detect HKL:
Find USB keyboard that bugged by HKL. Note that HKL is usually
invisible from device list in system or returned by libusb.
Detect Keyghost HKL by: Interrupt read from USB HID device, send usb reset (libusb_reset_device), read interrupt again. If data returned on last read is not nulls then keylogger detected. It is described on page 45 of Mihailowitsch's presentation
Time measurement. The idea is measure time of send/receive packets using control transfer for original keyboard for thousands times. In case HKL has been plugged, program will measure time again and then compare the time with the original value. For HKL it have to be much(or not so much) greater.
Algorithm is:
Send an output report to Keyboard(as Control transfer) (HID_REPORT_TYPE_OUTPUT 0x02 )
Wait for ACKed packet
Repeat Loop (10.000 times)
Measure time
Below is my code according to steps of detection.
1. Find USB keyboard
libusb_device * UsbKeyboard::GetSpecifiedDevice(PredicateType pred)
if (_usbDevices == nullptr) return nullptr;
int i = 0;
libusb_device *dev = nullptr;
while ((dev = _usbDevices[i++]) != NULL)
struct libusb_device_descriptor desc;
int r = libusb_get_device_descriptor(dev, &desc);
if (r >= 0)
if (pred(desc))
return dev;
return nullptr;
libusb_device * UsbKeyboard::FindKeyboard()
return GetSpecifiedDevice([&](libusb_device_descriptor &desc) {
bool isKeyboard = false;
auto dev_handle = libusb_open_device_with_vid_pid(_context, desc.idVendor, desc.idProduct);
if (dev_handle != nullptr)
unsigned char buf[255] = "";
// product description contains 'Keyboard', usually string is 'USB Keyboard'
if (libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii(dev_handle, desc.iProduct, buf, sizeof(buf)) >= 0)
isKeyboard = strstr((char*)buf, "Keyboard") != nullptr;
return isKeyboard;
Here we're iterating through all USB devices in system and checks their Product string. In my system this string for keyboard is 'USB keyboard' (obviously).
Is it stable way to detect keyboard through Product string? Is there other ways?
2. Detect Keyghost HKL using Interrupt read
int UsbKeyboard::DetectKeyghost(libusb_device *kbdev)
int r, i;
int transferred;
unsigned char answer[PACKET_INT_LEN];
unsigned char question[PACKET_INT_LEN];
for (i = 0; i < PACKET_INT_LEN; i++) question[i] = 0x40 + i;
libusb_device_handle *devh = nullptr;
if ((r = libusb_open(kbdev, &devh)) < 0)
ShowError("Error open device", r);
return r;
r = libusb_set_configuration(devh, 1);
if (r < 0)
ShowError("libusb_set_configuration error ", r);
goto out;
printf("Successfully set usb configuration 1\n");
r = libusb_claim_interface(devh, 0);
if (r < 0)
ShowError("libusb_claim_interface error ", r);
goto out;
r = libusb_interrupt_transfer(devh, 0x81 , answer, PACKET_INT_LEN,
&transferred, TIMEOUT);
if (r < 0)
ShowError("Interrupt read error ", r);
goto out;
if (transferred < PACKET_INT_LEN)
ShowError("Interrupt transfer short read %", r);
goto out;
for (i = 0; i < PACKET_INT_LEN; i++) {
if (i % 8 == 0)
printf("%02x, %02x; ", question[i], answer[i]);
return 0;
I've got such error on libusb_interrupt_transfer:
libusb: error [hid_submit_bulk_transfer] HID transfer failed: [5] Access denied
Interrupt read error - Input/Output Error (LIBUSB_ERROR_IO) (GetLastError() - 1168)
No clue why 'access denied', then IO error, and GetLastError() returns 1168, which means - Element not found (What element?). Looking for help here.
Time measurement. Send output report and wait for ACK packet.
int UsbKeyboard::SendOutputReport(libusb_device *kbdev)
const int PACKET_INT_LEN = 1;
int r, i;
unsigned char answer[PACKET_INT_LEN];
unsigned char question[PACKET_INT_LEN];
for (i = 0; i < PACKET_INT_LEN; i++) question[i] = 0x30 + i;
for (i = 1; i < PACKET_INT_LEN; i++) answer[i] = 0;
libusb_device_handle *devh = nullptr;
if ((r = libusb_open(kbdev, &devh)) < 0)
ShowError("Error open device", r);
return r;
r = libusb_set_configuration(devh, 1);
if (r < 0)
ShowError("libusb_set_configuration error ", r);
goto out;
printf("Successfully set usb configuration 1\n");
r = libusb_claim_interface(devh, 0);
if (r < 0)
ShowError("libusb_claim_interface error ", r);
goto out;
printf("Successfully claim interface\n");
r = libusb_control_transfer(devh, CTRL_OUT, HID_SET_REPORT, (HID_REPORT_TYPE_OUTPUT << 8) | 0x00, 0, question, PACKET_INT_LEN, TIMEOUT);
if (r < 0) {
ShowError("Control Out error ", r);
goto out;
r = libusb_control_transfer(devh, CTRL_IN, HID_GET_REPORT, (HID_REPORT_TYPE_INPUT << 8) | 0x00, 0, answer, PACKET_INT_LEN, TIMEOUT);
if (r < 0) {
ShowError("Control In error ", r);
goto out;
return 0;
Error the same as for read interrupt:
Control Out error - Input/Output Error (LIBUSB_ERROR_IO) (GetLastError() - 1168
How to fix please? Also how to wait for ACK packet?
Thank you.
I've spent a day on searching and debbuging. So currently my problem is only to
send Output report via libusb_control_transfer. The 2nd method with interrupt read is unnecessary to implement because of Windows denies access to read from USB device using ReadFile.
It is only libusb stuff left, here is the code I wanted to make work (from 3rd example):
// sending Output report (LED)
// ...
unsigned char buf[65];
buf[0] = 1; // First byte is report number
buf[1] = 0x80;
r = libusb_control_transfer(devh, CTRL_OUT,
HID_SET_REPORT/*0x9*/, (HID_REPORT_TYPE_OUTPUT/*0x2*/ << 8) | 0x00,
0, buf, (uint16_t)2, 1000);
The error I've got:
[ 0.309018] [00001c0c] libusb: debug [_hid_set_report] Failed to Write HID Output Report: [1] Incorrect function
Control Out error - Input/Output Error (LIBUSB_ERROR_IO) (GetLastError() - 1168)
This error occures right after DeviceIoControl call in libusb internals.
What means "Incorrect function" there?

How to read the initial state of a MIDI Foot Controller?

I know MIDI allows me to read the state of a MIDI Foot Controller by catching a MIDI Message indicating a Control Change. But what if the user has not touched/changed the control yet? Am I still able to read the state/value? What would be the way to do that?
This is my code for catching Midi Messages using OSX CoreMIDI
void initMidi()
MIDIClientRef midiClient;
MIDIPortRef inputPort;
OSStatus status;
MIDIEndpointRef src;
status = MIDIClientCreate(CFSTR("testing"), NULL, NULL, &midiClient);
if (status != noErr)
NSLog(#"Error creating MIDI client: %d", status);
status = MIDIInputPortCreate(midiClient, CFSTR("Input"), midiInputCallback, NULL, &inputPort);
if (status != noErr)
NSLog(#"Error creating MIDI input port: %d", status);
ItemCount numOfDevices = MIDIGetNumberOfDevices();
// just try to connect to every device
for (ItemCount i = 0; i < numOfDevices; i++) {
src = MIDIGetSource(i);
status = MIDIPortConnectSource(inputPort, src, NULL);
void midiInputCallback(const MIDIPacketList *list,
void *procRef,
void *srcRef)
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < list->numPackets; i++) {
const MIDIPacket *packet = &list->packet[i];
for (UInt16 j = 0, size = 0; j < packet->length; j += size) {
UInt8 status = packet->data[j];
if (status < 0xC0) size = 3;
else if (status < 0xE0) size = 2;
else if (status < 0xF0) size = 3;
else if (status < 0xF3) size = 3;
else if (status == 0xF3) size = 2;
else size = 1;
switch (status & 0xF0) {
case 0xb0:
NSLog(#"MIDI Control Changed: %d %d", packet->data[j + 1], packet->data[j + 2]);
If you did not reset the device, and did not change a control, then your program does not know the state of a control until it receives a message.
Some devices might have vendor-specific commands to read the current state of a control, or to dump the entire state.
The short answer is - No - you cannot know until an event occurs
Other answers are correct, if you have IN and OUT connected to a controller that allows interrogation through SysEx messages (Manufacturer specific)
To be more helpful:
The default state of all controllers (you are wanting to use) should be OFF on startup
e.g. Pitch Bend = centered, Modulation = ZERO, Sustain = OFF etc…
This has been the state of play since 1980's so it is not been a real problem
If you have your foot down (on a pedal) before you start your app you will be in sync the moment you release it
Good luck

Serial Port communication with Arduino and C++

I am having a problem with a Serial Port communication between Arduino Nano and C++, even though the problem is in C++ side. Basically I want to send integers (or long,...) from the Arduino to a C++ program to be processed.
First I did a test sending information from the Arduino to the computer using Matlab. The Arduino code is pretty simple:
int i = 0;
void setup() {
// start serial port at 9600 bps:
void loop() {
void establishContact() {
while (Serial.available() <= 0) {
Serial.println('A', BYTE);
The Matlab side is also simple:
clear all;
s1 = serial('COM3'); % define serial port
s1.BaudRate=9600; % define baud rate
set(s1, 'terminator', 'LF'); % define the terminator for println
try % use try catch to ensure fclose
% signal the arduino to start collection
w=fscanf(s1,'%s'); % must define the input % d or %s, etc.
if (w=='A')
display(['Collecting data']);
fprintf(s1,'%s\n','A'); % establishContact just wants
% something in the buffer
while (toc(t0)<=numSec)
catch me
My goal is, with C++, do the same that is done in Matlab using fscanf(s1, '%d').
Here is the current code that I am using (C++ code):
void main()
HANDLE hSerial;
hSerial = CreateFile(TEXT("COM3"),
printf("Error initializing handler");
// Set the parameters of the handler to the serial port.
DCB dcb = {0};
dcb.DCBlength = sizeof(dcb);
if ( !GetCommState(hSerial, &dcb) )
printf("Error setting parameters");
FillMemory(&dcb, sizeof(dcb), 0);
dcb.BaudRate = CBR_9600;
dcb.ByteSize = 8;
dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
dcb.Parity = NOPARITY;
if ( !SetCommState(hSerial, &dcb) )
// error setting serial port state.
// Tell the program not to wait for data to show up
COMMTIMEOUTS timeouts = {0};
timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = 0;//20;
timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 0;//20;
timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;//50;
timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 0;//100;
timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;//100;
if ( !SetCommTimeouts(hSerial, &timeouts) )
printf("Error setting the timeouts");
char szBuff[5] = "";
DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
int i = 0;
char test[] = "B\n";
int maxSamples = 10;
DWORD dwCommStatus;
WriteFile(hSerial, test, 2, &dwBytesRead, NULL);
while (i < maxSamples)
WaitCommEvent (hSerial, &dwCommStatus, 0);
if (dwCommStatus & EV_RXCHAR)
ReadFile(hSerial, LPVOID(szBuff), 4, &dwBytesRead, NULL);
printf(" - %d - \n", atoi(szBuff));
scanf("%d", &i);
The goal of my code would be something like num = ReadSerialCOM(hSerial, "%d");
My current C++ code reads the information from the buffer, but there is not an accepted end of line, which implies that my numbers (integers) are received cut.
I send 8889 from the Arduino, which places it in the COM port. And the command ReadFile saves '88' into szBuff. At the next iteration '89\n' is saved into sZBuff. Basically I want to avoid to post-process sZBuff to concat '88' and '89\n'.
If I understand your question correctly, one way to avoid having to 'post-process' is to move the pointer passed to ReadFile to the end of the available data, so the ReadFile call is appending to the buffer, instead of overwriting.
Essentially, you would have two pointers. One to the buffer, the other to the end of the data in the buffer. So when your program starts, both pointers will be the same. Now, you read the first 2 bytes. You increment the end-of-data pointer by 2. You do another read, but instead of szBuff, you pass a pointer to the end of the previously read data. You read the next three bytes and you have the complete entry in szBuff.
If you need to wait until some delimiter to mark the end of an entry is received, you could just search the received data for it. If it's not there, you keep reading until you find it. If it is there, you can just return.
// Fill the buffer with 0
char szBuff[256] = {0};
// We have no data in the buffer, so the end of data points to the beginning
// of the buffer.
char* szEndOfData = szBuff;
while (i < maxSamples)
WaitCommEvent (hSerial, &dwCommStatus, 0);
if (dwCommStatus & EV_RXCHAR)
// Append up to 4 bytes from the serial port to the buffer
ReadFile(hSerial, LPVOID(szEndOfData), 4, &dwBytesRead, NULL);
// Increment the end of data pointer, so it points to the end of the
// data available in the buffer.
szEndOfData += dwBytesRead;
printf(" - %d - \n", atoi(szBuff));
// Output, assuming what you mentioned happens:
// - 88 -
// - 8889 -
If this approach is acceptable to you, it will require a bit more work. For example, you would have to ensure you don't overflow your buffer. When you remove data from the buffer, you'll have to move all of the data after the removed segment to the beginning, and fix the end of data pointer. Alternatively, you could use a circular buffer.
As Hans Passant and dauphic pointed, it doesn't seem to be a general solution for my question. I am writing, though, the code that I was trying to avoid, just in case somebody finds it useful or face the same problem that I had:
int i = 0;
DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
DWORD dwCommStatus = 0;
char szBuff[2] = "";
int maxRead = 20;
int sizeNum = 1;
int *num = (int*)malloc(maxRead*sizeof(int));
char *currNum;
char *pastNum;
// Write something into the Serial Port to start receive
// information from the Arduino
WriteFile(hSerial, (LPCVOID)"A\0", 1, &dwBytesRead, NULL);
SetCommMask(hSerial, EV_RXCHAR);
// Start reading from the Serial Port
while ( i < maxRead )
WaitCommEvent (hSerial, &dwCommStatus, 0);
if (dwCommStatus & EV_RXCHAR) // if a char is received in the serial port
ReadFile(hSerial, LPVOID(szBuff), 1, &dwBytesRead, NULL);
if ( szBuff[0] > 47 && szBuff[0] < 58 )
if (sizeNum ==2)
currNum = (char*)malloc(sizeNum*sizeof(char));
strcpy(currNum, szBuff);
} else
if (pastNum != NULL)
pastNum = currNum;
currNum = (char*)malloc(sizeNum*sizeof(char));
strcpy(currNum, pastNum);
strcpy(currNum+(sizeNum-2)*sizeof(char), szBuff);
cout << szBuff<<endl;
} else if (szBuff[0] == '\n' && sizeNum > 1) // end of number
num[i] = atoi(currNum);
sizeNum = 1;
if (currNum!=NULL)