eclipse c++ build error - c++

I'm having a problem with eclipse C++ juno. My project compiles and runs from command line but eclipse (juno) keeps saying there are thousands of errors. For example there's a function SetRun in my code, and eclipse mentions this error: "called Invalid arguments 'Candidates are: void SetRun(?)'", whereas SetRun is of type static void SetRun (uint32_t run);
I have quite a lot of similar errors like that, where eclipse doesn't seem to understand the type of the function and puts a '?' instead.
I also have many errors like this: "symbol '*' could not be resolved."
I also have many includes that can't be resolved, although they are resolved just fine by the compiler.
I think this is all part of the same issue.
I should also note that I had this working with eclipse previously, but now everytime I open eclipse it appears that way.
If I build the project from eclipse, it build successfully.
I tried updating the index but it didn't change a thing.
What can I do to make eclipse stop telling me about these errors?
here is an example of a include that is not resolved:
#include "ns3/core-module.h"

I had the same problem in my project. Try the following:
Right click on the project name
Then Index
Then Freshen All Files and wait.
This worked for me.

You have to manually add include and symbols paths in your project preferences. Follow this instructions. You can find a lot more information about it just goggling set up include paths eclipse.
It is normal that even though you Eclipse editor cannot resolve the path, your compiler can, because they use independent settings.
EDIT: Looks like in your case you are interested in using ns-3 in Eclipse, then you should follow this instructions.

In the past, i had too many issues with C++ projects under Eclipse that I eventually ended up switching to another IDE. Unless you really have to work under Eclipse, i suggest you switch to another one.


Linux, Eclipse, ARM toolchain and Codan errors

After whole week of Googling, asking questions here, etc. I set up my arm-none-eabi toolchain under Linux.
My problem is (I really hope it's the last one!) I'm still getting Codan errors from Eclipse - it is pretty annoying. Those errors descriptions are for example:
Symbol 'stderr' could not be resolved
Invalid arguments 'Candidates are: void sleep(?)
I'm using Eclipse Luna for C/C++ developers. And code in editor is default one.
What should I do? Disable Codan? 'Teach' it to ignore things like that? If so, how can I do that?
Thanks for your help!
See here - How to remove error "unresolved inclusion" for user defined path in eclipse IDE . After you do these steps you should rebuild your project (delete all outputs and compile everything), and also rebuild index by right clicking on the project and selecting Index > Rebuild.
This assumes that your project type is "Empty C++ Makefile project" with "Cross GCC" or "other toolchain".
EDIT: Not directly related to your question, just a hint at the end before you waste too much time for it like I did -

C++ boost thread is missing from your computer

I'm having this very strange problem when I try to run my program on code blocks using a g++ compiler. I have installed boost AND used it up until perhaps a week ago, I never had any problems. Today, I returned to a project I was working on and suddenly I get the following error message when I try to run it
The program can't start because libboost_thread-mgw47-mt-1_53.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
Now I've used boost thread before in this program, so I have no idea why I'm getting this. What's also strange is that boost threads work in other projects I have.
How do I go about trying to solve this? Everything seems to be in place, path variables set, compiler, linker options set, etc... Nothing, that I'm awawre of, has been changed since the last time I ran this program successfully. I did update Visual Studio today, but I don't think that should have any effect. I'm not really sure what other information I can give since I have no idea why this is happening. The .dll file does certainly exist, I've tried moving it into the working directory but still get the same error.
Anyone have any suggestions on how I can go about solving this?
Your compiler in that project is dynamicly linking the boost thread library,
Probably some misconfigured settings in linker options or your code uses dllimport instead of 'normal' functions which are resolved at compile-time (dllimport resolves functions at runtime - it can't find them in the required library so you get an error).
Your other projects work because they staticly link the boost thread library (provide the corret boost preprocessor definisions for static linking/compiling and include the corresponding cpp/lib files for the thread library) so it's included in the program.
So I figured it out. (note again, I'm using code blocks)
I had everything set up in the global compiler and linker settings (which I thought would enough). I had everything set up in the individual projects compiler settings, but the project that was working also had some extra stuff in the linker settings. So I had everything set, EXCEPT the settings in the Project -> Build Options -> Search Directories -> Linker part, with the project name selected, not debug/release. I added in...
and now it's fine.
Sort of surprised that the global compiler settings doesn't cover the individual project settings, but there you go.

Eclipse C/C++ Shows Errors but Compiles?

So I am building some Arduino code in eclipse, as described in Your Second Arduino Project, but every time I use an Arduino library, such as Serial, Eclipse underlines my function names, claiming they cannot be resolved. However, the code actually compiles, so I'm kind of at a loss as to why Eclipse thinks the functions are missing. If anyone has any idea on how to solve this problem it would be appreciated. Thanks beforehand.
EDIT: I should have been more specific, Eclipse underlines the METHODS inside the Arduino libraries. So if I use Serial.println("hello");, it underlines println() and claims it cannot be resolved. Then it compiles just fine and the method works when uploaded to the arduino board.
EDIT2: I found my error, turns out I was trying to use some C++ functions in a C file, and eclipse didn't like it; I renamed to .cpp and all the red disappeared ;) Thanks for your help!
Eclipse may or may not be pulling the paths to index from your build setup, depending on the configuration. Most likely, it is's building correctly because your build setup is just fine, and you can probably build by hand.
The CDT indexer (which is the engine for deciding where all those pretty underlines, as well as code completion, F3 declaration jumping, etc comes from) isn't smart enough in a lot of cases to parse out your Makefiles and know where to look for headers and source. You need to tell Eclipse that information manually.
Go to Project Properties -> C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols.
The amount of work you need to put into this can vary greatly, depending on your environment. If this external library is the only thing giving you headaches, then you probably just need to add the paths for that library and reindex:
Right-click on the project and select Index -> Rebuild
For starters, what color is the underline? This makes a difference, as yellow means it's a warning, and red means it's an error (critical, will not build in most circumstances).
Second, you need to look at the "Problems" tab to see if there are actual errors. If there is nothing there, then it did indeed compile correctly.
Now, back to the original question. Depending on the type of project you are building, this type of behavior is not that uncommon. Eclipse seems to do a poor job of indexing certain projects. When you run "make all" from the command line (which is effectively what Eclipse does during build) it is likely resolving all of your code and building it just fine.
However, Eclipse uses a different, separate tool for indexing all of your source code and resolving variable/function definitions and declarations. This is literally a case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing.
The solution below worked for me:
Click to your project using right click. Then: Properties -> C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols -> Symbols -> GNU C++.
Almost for sure there are no symbols at all if you have this problem. Add symbol "__cplusplus" with value "201402L"
After this:
Right click on Project -> Index -> Rebuild
You are done.
I had include folders in
Project Properties -> C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols -> Includes
When I removed those, the red underlines went away, i.e. the build and the IDE where in sync.
When resolving symbols, CDT indexer seems to consider all header files irrespectively of which ones are actually included in the compilation unit. There is a corresponding bug report filed with Eclipse Bugzilla:
In my case the problem was due to adding "-std=c++17" flag in the language standard field in the project properties under the compile dialect. After that the build was passing with errors, but the program was running fine. So the trick of Index>Rebuild resolved everything.
If you changed something in the configurations, (example, editing in *.cproject file with notepad++) , the below options helps.
Build Configurations --> Clean All and then Index --> Rebuild
I had the same problem.
Index -> Rebuild didn't help.
When I added line #include <avr/iom1280.h> in main.cpp and made Index -> Rebuild underlines dissapeared.
Then I deleted line #include <avr/iom1280.h> and project still without inderlines.
Replace iom1280.h with name of your controller. Look at the "avr\include\avr\" folder for available names
Eclipse does not work as well with C++ as it does with Java, but it should warn you about issues once you press "Rebuild" in the menu bar.
Try that, and see if it resolves your problem.

Eclipse 3.7.0 Indigo with CDT shows many false compilation errors

I have updated my Ubuntu box to 11.10 and then Eclipse also have been updated to 3.7.0 Indigo with CDT 8.0.1
Then the following problem occurs:
I have included the vector header file but the compiler said that Symbol 'vector' could not be resolved. I also defined #define int Comparable, but Eclipse also said Symbol 'Comparable' could not be resolved and so on....
Although lots of errors occur, compiling was finished successfully!
I have tried to use g++ to compile the code, it had no problem.
The problem is that there are a bunch of include directories that are missing from the indexer's perspective.
Adding the following worked for me, but may depend on your particular setup where they actually exist:
They can be set in Project>Properties>C++ Include Paths
Presumably, in the future, the platform specializations for the CDT will included these automatically. I recall reading that somewhere, but cannot provide a reference.
Time after time a crash of Eclipse, the VM or the computer or even just long months of development start to wear down the stability of the workspace where Eclipse stores everything.
Check the <workspace dir>\.metadata directory to get an idea of just how much Eclipse generates and stores in your workspace. Every time you add a plugin, upgrade a plugin, remove a plugin that puts and changes information in your workspace.
A proof is that this issue usually comes just after upgrading Eclipse. (In my case to Indigo).
The easiest way to fix up a dusty workspace is using the -clean command line argument to the eclipse.exe executable.
Eclipse help docs tell us what this command does:
if set to "true", any cached data used by the OSGi framework and
eclipse runtime will be wiped clean. This will clean the caches used
to store bundle dependency resolution and eclipse extension registry
data. Using this option will force eclipse to reinitialize these
There are three ways one can use the -clean command line argument:
Edit the eclipse.ini file located in your and add it as the first argument on the first line.
Edit the shortcut you use to start Eclipse and add it as the first argument.
Create a batch or shell script that calls the Eclipse executable with the -clean argument.
The advantage of step 3 is you can keep the script around and use it each time you want to clean out the workspace.
This page solved the problem to me!Hope it can help everybody else.
In the project properties, go to C/C++ Build > Tool Chain Editor, tick Display compatible toolchains only, and select Linux GCC and click Apply button.
Now if you go to C\C++ General > Paths and Symbols, you will see new list of include paths added. If you rebuild index, the error messages should go away.
The code analysis is causing this. It's not actually compiling the code but just doing some static checks for quick feedback. Unfortunately I don't know how to fix it, I just disabled it. Sorry I'm at work so I don't have CDT in front of me but I think it's something like:
Window > Preferences > C++ General > Code Analysis
Go there and un-check all the boxes to disable it.
When you create a C++ project (in my case from existing code) you have to set the 'Toolchain for Indexer Settings' to the compiler you use ('GNU Autotools Toolchains' in my case).
After this 'Path and Symbols' will show the correct path to the include files of your compiler.
The bugs will disappear.
This setting was useful only during creating the project, setting it later did not help.
In indigo 3.7.2 version (and up may be) your changes can be effect after reindexing. Eclipse ask for "reindexing". Lower versions can require a manual reindexing header tags etc.
Updated index option to active build configuration works for me,
also I removed some files from the file list of being indexed up-front,
Ok here is what worked for me:
deleted the path to the header files I created from the include path
compiled the project (obviously the compiler complains since it is missing user-defined headers)
reinserted the path to the header files I created
compiled the project again - worked perfectly
I can't explain the case :(
I am answering here because this is the closest question to my problem.
I used QT Eclipse integration with Helios (3.6.2) with no major problems. I was using mingw 4.6.2, which I had installed to c:\mingw. I wanted to upgrade to Indigo, which fixed some minor issues I was having with CDT.
However, under Indigo (3.7 SR2) Eclipse began underlining trivial functions, as being unresolved, such as:
function 'fprintf' could not be resolved
function 'memset' could not be resolved
even though #include was not underlined, could be opened, and included fprintf in the header. And even though the code itself compiled fine.
If I went back to Helios, the problems went away.
I tried reindexing, to no avail. I checked my include paths, and they were:
At first, I had just included the first, but not the second. But then I searched for "unresolved includes", and stdio.h was including stdarg.h, which wasn't in the main include folder of mingw, so I added the second. But still, printf was not resolved, and there were no more "unresolved includes".
I created a new C++ project with one class. I added stdio.h, the paths above, and a call to fprintf. It was underlined! Even though other things from stdio were not underlined.
Now I knew that it wasn't just a Qt problem.
I worked around on this for a while before I read the bottom post here suggesting removing the include paths and compiling. I didn't believe it would work but gave it a shot. Amazingly, even though the compile failed, the error went away!
It was then that I took another look at the include paths. They had been updated by the compile step to the following:
These were marked as "built-in" values which I assume means they weren't added by me and could get updated the next time I run a build.
So, I guess the lesson is, including every single include path under mingw, even if Eclipse doesn't find it to be an unresolved include.
The next step was to put all these paths into my Qt project. Unfortunately, after doing so, the unresolved functions were still there. It appears to be some sort of bug with the Qt C/C++ include paths which are different from the CDT C/C++ include paths.

eclipse and boost unit_test_framework failing syntax check using c++

i have the following Problem.
I started to use the boost library version 1.40, for unit testing.
Since some other people working on the project and not all of them are using eclipse, the program has to be compilable with a makefile. So we used cmake to generate one.
The good thing is, the test is building and working perfectly fine.
But the problem is, when using eclipse (created a c++ makefile project), it complains about several syntax errors (in the sourcecode view).
Something like:
{ some code }
will be detected as a syntax error by eclipse. It is really annoying having all these error messages in the IDE. Since after the first line nearly every line in the some code block is marked as having syntax errors as well.
So here is what i tried already:
I added `/usr/include/boost/` to the GNU C++ path options. (properties->C/C++ General->Path and Symbols->Path). This works normally for other external libs that are included by FindPkgConfig in the cmake file. So that the auto completion in eclipse can find the correct classes and function names.
Same way included `/usr/include/boost/test/` directly.
Adding `/usr/lib/` to the Libraries list.
Adding `/usr/lib` to the Library Paths.
So anyone has a hint how to teach eclipse that the syntax of the boost Macros is correct??
I forgot:
System is Linux and Eclipse Version is 3.6.1, CDT Version is:
Build id: 201009141542
I don't have a solution but maybe a hint.
I had a similar setup and it worked perfectly until...
the only relevant change I remember is that I changed the name of a test suite.
So (probably) after that, the syntax highlighting went crazy.
I tried indexing and refreshing but it didn't help.
I can't even see the macro expansion because the syntax error prevents it from popping up.
My guess is — still — some indexing issue, because it worked before and I didn't change any include paths. It compiles without problems, but it's urinating these yellow syntax error markers all over the document, which is really, really annoying.
However, it's probably not a path issue because it worked for me before.
I just did this myself using Eclipse Helios, and it does indeed work for me...
Shouldnt you add /usr/include and not /usr/include/boost, since boost is part of the include path used in your program?
For example <boost/unit_test.hpp> is simply <unit_test.hpp> if you include the boost folder aswell..
This is what I have added under GNU c++ include directories:
/usr/local/include //this is where I store the boost folder
/usr/include/c++/4.5.2 //This was needed since not even <map>, <vector> etc would resolve in eclipse.
Intellisense and autocompletion for C++ are pretty much impossible to get right in all cases. If the many macros used in Boost.Test confuse Eclipse, then perhaps you should find a cleaner unit test library. I can recommend Catch, which has a cleaner and friendlier syntax, is header-only so it's much easier to set up, and doesn't rely on macros. It is under active development by another SO user.
I had this problem as well (but on a Mac system). Once I added the boost path to GNU C++ path options, I restarted my operating system and Eclipse doesn't tag BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE as an error any more.