djangonic way to deal with rdf? - django

I was looking for an RDF project for django and I cant find any active.
This seems to be a good one, but the last commit was in 2008, (4 years ago). The group in google-groups seems to be abandoned. Last no-spam post was in 2008.
Therefore it has no support for new django versions.
Is there any library or some prebuilt open source app to easily expose rdf data?
Maybe is easy to solve, like writing a view and returning something using in one or two lines of code, but I can't figure it out how to do it...
The idea using RDFlib would be to take a django object or collection of objects and transform it to rdf in some way, maybe using an rdf parser.
I thought I could give html responses if the client request "accept:text/html", and RDF if the user requested the same page using a html accept header with rdf+xml or rdf+turtle (and it could exist an app that handles that for me)

From what little I've read of RDF you are probably going to have to do manual work to get meaningful RDF statements from Django models since it's not a simple data representation format like JSON, it is trying to encode semantic meaning.
That said, have a look at django-rdflib:
There doesn't seem to be any documentation (and it seems to have been built for a specific app) but the author has posted here about a syncvb command that generates an RDF graph from existing Django models:
Not sure exactly what views django-rdflib provides, but if it can make an RDFlib graph for you then you can probably use the serialization plugins provided by RDFlib to output rdf+xml or whatever from your own view.
SURF is useful as a RDF->object mapper (or RDFAlchemy)
injecting rdfa into your templates should work either (if you want to avoid triplestores)
you can also expose your database as a sparql endpoint using a tool such as


Writing to Django-mapped tables from outside the project

Is there anything specifically that I should do or refrain from doing? The only thing I have found so far is that I should create the tables initially using Django's ORM.
I haven't found any resources specific to this topic which makes me think the answer is either very obvious or that this isn't done much, which probably means it's a bad idea.
Details: I have a standalone C# program that reads a file and exports the data to a PostgreSQL database. I would like to make a website where users can upload these types of files and query the data generated by the program. I really like python and I have done a number of projects with it (but not Django), and my experience with C# and .NET so far has been fairly negative. I have also done the Django tutorial, some of Tango, and I'm reading Two Scoops of Django, all of which make me think I will like working with Django.

Django and Neo4j without Neo4Django

I'm build a Django app with Neo4j (along with Postgres), I found this Django integration called neo4django, I was wondering if it's possible to use neo4restclient only, like, what would be the disadvantages of not using Neo4django? Does using neo4-rest-client only, give me more flexibility?
When I was creating my models with Neo4Django, it seemed that there is no difference between modeling a graph db and relational db. Am I missing anything?
You can absolutely go ahead with neo4j-rest-client or py2neo, without using neo4django. In the same way, you can use any other database driver you'd like any time using Django, any REST client, etc.
What'll you lose? The model DSL, the built-in querying (eg, Person.objects.filter(name="Mohamed")), the built-in indexing, and the Lucene, Gremlin and Cypher behind that. Some things will be much easier- like setting an arbitrary property on a node- but you'll need to learn more about how Neo4j works.
You'll also lose some of the shortcuts Django provides that work with neo4django, like get_object_or_404() and some of the class-based views that work with querysets.
What'll you gain? Absolute power over the DB, and an easier time tweaking DB performance. Though neo4django isn't nearly as good a lib as some traditional ORMs in the Python sphere, the trade-off of power vs provided ease is similar.
That said, the two can work together- you can drop down from neo4django to the underlying REST client nodes and relationships anytime. Just use model_instance.node to get the underlying neo4j-rest-client node object from a model, and from neo4django.db import connection to get a wrapped neo4j-rest-client GraphDatabase.
On whether you're missing something: neo4django was written to re-use a powerful developer interface- the Django ORM- so it should feel similar to writing models for Postgres. I've written a bit about that odd feeling in the past. I think part of the problem might be that the lib doesn't highlight the graph terminology new graph-interested devs expect- like traversals and pattern matching- and instead dresses those techniques in Django query clothing.
I'd love your thoughts, or to know anything you'd like the library to do that it isn't doing :) Good luck!

Design pattern for webservice should i use

I have a requirement in my project where I will have to built a webservice. This webservice will do the following things:
Accept XML format data
Return XML format data
The XML input data will have an element will have login information and another element data which needs processing.
Now I am looking for a design pattern where in I can make the webservice code look nice neat and clean. Because the webservice has to do plenty of things like.
First Parse the xml
Authenticate the request by checking username and password
Create objects from the data and then save the data to database
Prepare and xml which will be returned to the client.
So I have around 4 major steps which will definately make the code look ugly if I write whole thing in .asmx.cs file.
If anyone can suggest any design pattern to suit this so that the code is easy to maintain in near future.
As this module is to be integrated in my existing project hence there are some restrictions, like I cant use some 3rd party module or dll.
So I was looking for something like Single Responsibilty principle, Chain of Responsibility or Command or Decorator Patterns or anyother oop concept that fits.
I have searched but havent understood which way to start.
I wouldn't write any of that from scratch. Use ServiceStack or MS MVC 4 for the webservice host. Rely upon them to do the conversion from XML to/from your objects. Both of those frameworks include authentication features. Start by reading their tutorials. It sounds to me like you have no experience with ORMs or micro ORMs or the various database options. I'd read a lot of tutorials on those as well.

A pointer in the right direction

I have been developing a Mac Desktop app with an iOS device counterpart.
Basically I want to upload event information (music gigs etc.) from the Desktop to an online database and be able to read (only) the information whilst mobile.
I've got both apps working, using Core Data (with a sqlite database - I was going to use XML but the iOS doesn't seem to let me do that), but I'm at a loss when it comes to the Web Services part.
I've been googling and checking docs involving sqlite, XML, JSON, NSXMLParser (do I need restful services?)and umpteen other things and I'm just getting nowhere fast.
Could someone explain to me the principle involved? Do I actually need Core Data? Do I have to convert the sqlite data to XML and back again to read it via an iOS mobile device?
I feel I'm making this out to be way more complicated than it should be - or is it?
Hoping someone can put me straight. Hope I've given enough information.
What i do, and I have done many web service iOS apps. I make a webpage in JSON, call it, and then I use SBJsonParser, which parses the JSON into native objects, like a dictionary or array of dictionaries, then I display the data. It really is very simple.
The at a specific time like ViewDidLoad, I fetch the JSON file. Remember, the json document can be web service or just a text file. Whatever you need. JSON doesn't need extra code, is extremely lightweight, and parses without any interference into native objects. Less work for you.

ColdFusion CRUD

For quite a long time now, I've been trying to write and have been in search of "a really good" CRUD application. Don't get me wrong - I didn't say "The ultimate" CRUD application. Just one that could be rated 1st class.
What I'm saying is: Please don't respond to this plea with an answer like "Well, every situation is different..."
Q: Is there a blog post or something in the Adobe documentation that shows CRUD on a one-to-many relationship (Header/Detail), that uses web standards css (instead of tables), that uses best practices (CF9 has changed so many things now: scripted components, ORM), that uses the latest UI techniques (jQuery or some of the built-in AJAX features of CF9), that has a nice front-end (a nice looking header and background along with some pretty buttons)?
I know that's a lot to ask, but such is my quest.
A good example of a one-to-many relationship is the city/state xml files built into the Spry examples. There are 23,000 cities in the sample xml files, so I think that's better than just using random data.
I'm not really sure what you're asking, but I just want to respond to a couple of points in your question (this is more a comment than an answer, but since SO is stupidly limited in this, I'll put it here instead.)
that uses web standards css (instead of tables),
There is no "css instead of tables" - they are two distinct and compatible things!
CSS describes visual aspects of a document, whilst tables markup tabular data.
If you're displaying tabular data, then tables is exactly what you should be using, and you can use CSS to make it look more exciting than the plain styles that tables come in.
Since you're asking for a CRUD app, odds are you are going to be wanting to display tabular data so should be using tables.
(The common mistake people make is not understanding the nature of the web, and using tables to apply grid layouts to documents, when they should be using strucuted semantic markup instead.)
that uses best practices (CF9 has changed so many things now:
scripted components, ORM)
Scripted components are not a best practise!
They are an alternative syntax (for people that prefer having non-descriptive braces everywhere) they do not offer anything you can't already do.
i would strongly suggest you check out cfwheels. read the documentation, it's built for doing such crud applications and has an amazing set of features and will save you a lot of time. as for the interface, there are many jquery plugins out there that can handle this. i suggest looking at ajaxrain and find a plugin you like