Using Fabric to search for and run a file - django

I'm working on a website using Django and I have Fabric as well, which is very useful for scripting some chunks of code that me and other developers use. I'm pretty new to all of these (and linux in general, tbh) so I have ideas, but I don't know how (or if) they are possible. Specifically, I wanted to write a script to start the server on a specific port that we use for testing. Manually, I would just run
python ~/project/ runserver
but that gets old. To manually implement that specific command, I have the following code in my fabfile:
def start8080():
local("python ~/project/ runserver")
which works, but I'm not the only one using the port for testing, and ~/project/ is not the only project which would need to use a similar script. Is there a way to search down the tree from the directory you are working in for the first and then to run it the same command from there?

Farbic functions allow you to use arguments:
#task #not bad to use once your fabfile is big by using helper functions
def runserver(project_path, port=8000):
run("python %s/ runserver" % (project_path,port))
and you would use it like this:
fab runserver:/home/project,8080
you could also simplify it by creating a task that selects a port per project, although all available projects and their paths would have to be defined there. Then it could be as easy as:
fab runserver:myprojectname
Of course you could additionally implement #morgan's answer making the script check if the port is open and automatically assign a free one.

You could use the socket module, as shown here and have the os figure out your port, and then fabric just let you know which it chose.


Tab completion over ssh library

I am using paramiko library to connect with a specialized environment. Its based on linux but when we SSH in it provide its own shell. We can write help to get list of all commands that are supported in that session.
I am using paramiko with python2.7 to provide a CLI client (it automates few things) that connect with the host and let us run the supported commands. Now I would like to provide tab-completion in the client CLI. I am not sure how this can be done. I am thinking there would be some support or some specialize character that can be send to get back response but I am not sure how it can be accomplished.
I am hoping to avoid sending help command, parse the list of commands supported, and then provide a local tab-completion based on list of command. I want a more generic and dynamic solution.
Any or all ideas are welcome.
You can try simulating the partial input and the Tab key press and parsing the results, undoing the simulated input afterwards. But that is not a good idea. You will have to end up re-implementing terminal emulation, what is an insane task. Without a full terminal implementation, you can never be sure that you never get an output that you won't be able to parse.
The shell is a black box with input and output. It should only be used as such. You should never try to "understand" its output.
Using the help command is a way more reliable solution.

Python Sub-Process Coverage

I'm attempting to get coverage reports for a project that uses both C++ and Python. I'm using LCOV/GCOV for C++, and attempting to use for the python stuff. The only issue is, most of the python code that's being used is simply utility functions being called one function at a time. No initialization, no real life-cycle, or exit. So no real way to use the API to start/stop/save, or use the coverage command line to measure.
With this, I thought the easiest way to accomplish this would be using the method like outlined here. I have gotten that to work, and it measures all configured python code as expected. Now I'm looking at how to accomplish this with compiled python code (.pyc).
I can get it to work if I keep source(.py) and (.pyc) in the same directory when running, and then reporting. However, I'm looking for a way to RUN the files and generate the measurement data. Then at a later time point to the actual source files, and run the actual reports. Ideally I wouldn't need the source(.py) files at all, but I haven't found a way to accomplish this.
In the end I want to be able to compile the python files(.pyc), install them on the target, and run coverage like stated above. It will generate coverage data files, then pull those files to my host machine which houses the source(.py) .. and do the actual coverage reporting.
Is this possible currently?
[Edit] Thanks to Ned's advice, I looked into the [paths] usage, and it worked exactly how I needed it to.

Preventing Embedded Python from Running Shell Commands?

I want to embed Python 3.x in our C++ application to allow scripting of maintenance and other tasks. It so far does everything we need including file manipulation.
The problem is that to meet some specifications (like PCI), we aren't allowed to arbitrarily run shell commands such as with or popen.
Is there a way to prevent and similar calls from working in embedded Python?
One option is to remove all the modules that allow running arbitrary shell commands, i.e.:*,*... and include only the modules that the end users are allowed to have immediate access to.
Unless your application is really locked down I don't think you can prevent someone from loading their own python module from an arbitrary directory (with import) so I don't think you can prevent execution of arbitrary code as long as you have python embedded.

how to get value from spinctrl and send it to .exe file in python script

I am new to python and wxpython, I am making a automated tool using python and for user interface wxpython and i use shell script can be called from the python. but now I am facing problem with the spinctrl value. whenever that spinctrl value changes it have to send that value into one txt.exe file which is written in BASH .{ if we run txt.exe file in command line it will ask for number then it will accept that value whenever we press enter}. but i am not able to understand that how to send value from spinctrl to txt.exe whenever i press "ok" button in GUI. please share your thoughts and knowledge.
Thank you
To call an executable in Python, you need to look at Python's subprocess module:
If your exe doesn't accept arguments, then it won't work. If you created the exe yourself using something like PyInstaller or py2Exe, then you need to make it so your app can accept arguments. The simplest way is using sys.argv, but there are also the optparse and argparse libraries in Python as well.
I do not get a good feeling about your concept. It is hard to say, but I suspect you would benefit from talking with someone experienced about what you are trying to achieve and how it could best be done.
However, to get you started down your current path, I think you should take a look at wxExecute ( ). This will allow you to run your txt.exe utility from inside your GUI.
wxExecute is a wxWidgets utility. If you are working in python then there will be a more direct way to do this using a python utility - some-one else will have to advise on that. I suggest you edit your question for clarity so a python expert can help you.

Simple interactive prompt in C++

I work on an application that usually runs unattended. Now I need to add to it something like an interactive prompt. In the interactive mode the operator will be able to give simple commands to the application - nothing fancy, simple commands like start and stop. Parametrized commands (e.g. repeat 10) and commands history could be nice too.
Do you know, by chance, any library that helps with such tasks. I've been thinking about something that works like boost::program_options or gflags but for an interactive prompt and not for command line parameters. Any ideas?
Readline is one the best known libraries for this
It is covered by GPL, so it is only possible to use in GPL-compatible programs.
I did a quick search for alternatives, and found this:
I'm not sure if the following is a reasonable amount of work for what you're trying to do, but Python has a very nice Command Line Interface (CLI) building library called cmd2. If it's possible to expose the relevant parts of your apps to Python using SWIG or CTypes, then doing the rest should be easy.
Here's a nice video presentation about cmd2:
PyCon 2010:Easy command-line applications with cmd and cmd2
One possibilty is to open a TCP port and accept messages in text format. Then you can telnet to that port and issue simple commands.