Flex/FlashBuilder :: Spark List / IconItemRenderer:: Disable Selection Highlight / No Selection / Remove Selection - list

I had trouble removing the selected and down state colors for a spark list using IconItemRender. If you are making a mobile app and using IconItemRender (instead of ItemRenderer) there is no autoDrawBackground property.
I figured I'd drop it in here after figuring it out thanks to this page: http://www.sajeevkumar.com/2012/01/08/flex-4-6-list-mobile-iconitemrenderer-background-image/

You can do the following to muck around with the down and selected colors. For more control over items in a list using IconItemRender look at the LabelItemRenderer class and the drawBackground function.
override protected function drawBackground(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void {
var bgColor:uint = 0xffffff;
graphics.drawRect(0, 0, unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
// Draw the separator for the item renderer
super.drawBorder(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
opaqueBackground = bgColor;


DART/FLUTTER: How to get access to member variable / values of Widgets

I have an list of widgets. The widgets are background images for a website. The last widget(image) in this list is displayed onscreen. As nav functions push/pop, the last element is removed/added.
One of the fields in the Widget(BackdropImage) is a bool called 'isForeground'. I need access to it.
Why? Some background images are foreground and are to be rendered above the site's semi-transparent background texture, some are to be rendered behind it.
If I have a List(BackDropImage) and the BackDropImage contains:
Path, BoxFit, Opacity, isForeground(bool) etc etc. How can I get access to the last BackDropImage in BackDropImage list and access its isForground field?
if(backdropImageList.last's 'isForground' field is FALSE) BackDropImage.last,//render here below the texture
if(backdropImageList.last's isForground field is TRUE) BackDropImage.last //render here above the texture
I'd appreciate help if possible (or alternative approaches). The alterative is to flip a bool programmatically every time a button is pressed/popped and keeping track of what images are displayed where. Knowing which images are fore/background in the first place and controlling from the object itself is much neater IMO.
Thanks folks.
list.firstWhere((x) => x['isForground'] == true);
Widget is an abstract class. When working with Widgets like Container etc that have member variables you need to access programmatically, it can be done like this:
Widget testContainer = Container (width:100)
print(testContainer.width) // WON'T WORK
print((testContainer as Container).width) // WILL WORK
To access the member variables of individual Widgets in a list of Widgets:
List<Widget> listOfWidgets = [Container(color:Colors.blue), Container(color:Colors.red), Container(color:Colors.green)]
void printColorsOfAllContainers () {
for (var element in listOfWidgets) {
if (element is Container) {
Alternatively, you can also do things like this:
void printColorsOfAllContainers() {
final List<Color> listOfContainerColours = [];
for (var element in listOfWidgets) {
element as Container;

Sitecore 8: Automatically fill a placeholder by a default rendering

I was playing around with dynamic placeholders and was struck by a prefilling concept.Is there a way to select a default rendering for one of my placeholders which would avoid the "select rendering" dialog in experience editor ??
Scenario: I have a rendeing called "PageHead" which has three renderings. One of them is a placeholder "PageTeaserPh" which currently allows two renderings: one is "PageTeaser" and second "PageTeaserWithImage". I want the placeholder "PageTeaserPh" to always have the rendering selected as "PageTeaser" and therefore avoid the dialog "Select rendering" .
I did some homework and was wondering if this is something related to Standard values (we can have it at template level; not sure for renderings though) and also i have heard of command template concept (not in-depth).
Any and all help appreciated.
You can have renderings assigned on standard values of templates, each new item would then have your PageTeaser rendering.
If you wanted to automate this process have a look at the <mvc.getXmlBasedLayoutDefinition> pipeline, we are injected common renderings by extending this pipeline.
I've found some code samples and blog posts that should help point you in the right direction for manipulating the layout details.
public void AddSublayoutToItem(string itemId, string sublayoutId)
using (new Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler())
if (Sitecore.Data.ID.IsID(itemId) && Sitecore.Data.ID.IsID(sublayoutId))
//Get the master database and get the item on which you want to add sublayout
Database masterDatabase = Database.GetDatabase("master");
Item item = masterDatabase.GetItem(Sitecore.Data.ID.Parse(itemId));
// Or you can also get Sitecore Item from Context Database as per your requirement
// Item item = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(Sitecore.Data.ID.Parse(itemId));
if (item != null)
// Get the layout definitions and the device definition
LayoutField layoutField = new LayoutField(item.Fields[Sitecore.FieldIDs.LayoutField]);
LayoutDefinition layoutDefinition = LayoutDefinition.Parse(layoutField.Value);
DeviceDefinition deviceDefinition = layoutDefinition.GetDevice(Sitecore.Context.Device.ID.ToString());
//Create a RenderingDefinition and add the reference of sublayout or rendering
RenderingDefinition renderingDefinition = new RenderingDefinition();
renderingDefinition.ItemID = sublayoutId;
//Set placeholder where the rendering should be displayed
renderingDefinition.Placeholder = "content";
// Set the datasource of sublayout, if any
renderingDefinition.Datasource = "{24240FF2-B4AA-4EB2-B0A4-63E027934C38}";
// you can also set datasource of sublayout using Sitecore Path
// renderingDefinition.Datasource = "/sitecore/content/Home/Books";
//Add the RenderingReference to the DeviceDefinition
// Save the layout changes
layoutField.Value = layoutDefinition.ToXml(); ;
Taken from here - http://www.bugdebugzone.com/2014/06/how-to-add-sublayout-to-sitecore-item.html
Also a couple of other blogs on the topic

Famo.us how to create a Select Surface or something equivalent

I need a select box with options and an on select / on change so i can populate a second select box.
My first instinct was to just create one using a surface with a click event and a renderController / scrollview to make my drop down appear. This works wonderfully except that if I leave and come back to the page the zindex of the scrollview breaks and it scrolls over the container size.
Its a bug I need to deal with but my other problem is that with the small Iphone screen size conventional drop downs just eat to much screen real-estate.
This stackoverflow famo.us: how to handle textbox.onchange events had some great hints on how to edit an InputSurface. I thought using that and looking at the code for a Surface I could do it but no luck.
Any Ideas on how to deal with the lack of a select surface?
You can access the value property from inside the callback function:
function SelectSurface(options) {
Surface.apply(this, arguments);
this.onchange = options.onchange;
this._superDeploy = Surface.prototype.deploy;
SelectSurface.prototype.elementType = 'select';
SelectSurface.prototype = Object.create(Surface.prototype);
SelectSurface.prototype.constructor = SelectSurface;
SelectSurface.prototype.deploy = function deploy(target) {
target.onchange = this.onchange;
var regionSelector = new SelectSurface({
onchange: regionSelect(),
content: '<option disabled selected style="display:none;">REGION</option><option value="central">CENTRAL</option><option value="northern">NORTHERN</option><option value="pacific">PACIFIC</option><option value="southern">SOUTHERN</option><option value="western">WESTERN</option>',
var regionSelect = function(){
return function() {

OSMDroid - Text overlay

I have a map of my country divider to touristic regions (PathOverlay), I wanna be able to have the name of every region above it, with just plain text, no bubbles no anything.
I've already searched how to do this but all I found was ItemizedOverlayWithFocus in the svn trunk of osmdroid.
Does anyone have any idea how to add simple text on the map (with latitude and longitude of course) ?
Sub-class Overlay (as for instance a "SimpleTextOverlay").
In the constructor or with setters, initialize your text, its position (GeoPoint), and the Paint to be used.
Then implement draw method this way:
#Override protected void draw(Canvas canvas, MapView mapView, boolean shadow) {
if (shadow) return;
//Get the screen position:
final Projection pj = mapView.getProjection();
pj.toMapPixels(geoPosition, screenPosition);
//And draw your text at screenPosition:
canvas.drawText(text, screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y, paint);
Answer posted here
How to add text below/above in the middle of the polyline in osmdroid
Use the Marker overlay class, which was added to osmdroid somewhere around v5.2.
Set the title, then set the icon to null, then add it to the map (in that order)
distanceMarker = new Marker(mapView);
distanceMarker.setOnMarkerClickListener((marker, mapView) -> true);
GeoPoint p3 = new GeoPoint((loc.getLatitude()+poi.getLat())/2,(loc.getLongitude()+poi.getLon())/2);

how to know if grid or list view is active with custom magento page

I have a custom product list page and i´m using the following code to show the pagenumbering and filters:
$pager = $this->getLayout()->createBlock('page/html_pager');
echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('catalog/product_list_toolbar')->setChild('product_list_toolbar_pager', $pager)->setCollection($products)->toHtml();
If i'm changing the mode from grid to list view nothing happens.
How can i get the active mode (grid or list).
Magento normaly uses $this->getMode() but this one doesnt work.
I have fixed it with the following code:
$mode = $this->getLayout()->createBlock('catalog/product_list_toolbar')->setChild('product_list_toolbar_pager', $pager)->getCurrentMode();
Another solution,