Font Outline Beizier Spline Contoures and DirectWrite - c++

I'm considering maybe using DirectWrite for a project that will be coming in a DirectX 11 version and a OpenGL 3.1+ version.
From what understand, DirectWrite uses Direct2D which sits on top of Direct3D 10.1 (until DirectX 11.1 is released). This means that to use DirectWrite with Direct3D 11, currently, I would have to create one Direct3D 10.1 device and a Direct3D 11 device and then share the resources between these two devices, which comes with some synchronization overhead it seems. Another problem is that I won't seem to be able to render the text directly to the d3d11 backbuffer with this set up, right...?
Also I have no idea if it is even possible to combine DirectWrite with OpenGL in any practical sense..? My guess is not...
Sooo... I'm also considering writing my own font renderer and I would like to be able to render the fonts based on their Bezier spline outlines for resolution independence. I know about the GetGlyphOutline() function but it seems to be in the process of being deprecated and "...should not be used in new applications" according to MSDN library. And looking at DirectWrites reference pages at MSDN, I can't see any way of getting the same in Bezier spline information like you can with GetGlyphOutline(). You can get the outline information wrapped in a ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink, but I can't see how you get the pure Bezier curve, control points, information from the ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink, you can only use it for drawing using D2D (D3D10.1) which I am not so much interested in at this point.
Is there a way to get the font outline contours using a non-deprecated method, DirectWrite or otherwise?
I'm not that familiar with either DirectWrite and Direct2D as you can probably tell. I'm trying to figure out what direction to take. Whether it is worth going down the DirectWrite/D2D road, or to make my own font renderer, or some other brilliant idea :). Any suggestions?
PS I'm currently developing for the Win7 platform and will migrate to Win8 when it is released.

Fortunately you have it a little backwards. Direct2D uses DirectWrite, not the other way around. You can technically use DirectWrite on its own (see: IDWriteBitmapRenderTarget). If you're at the prototyping stage, it may be easier to use Direct2D to do software rendering into an IWICBitmap created through IWICImagingFactory::CreateBitmap() (or just wrap a bitmap you've already created, and implement IWICBitmap yourself). You use ID2D1Factory::CreateWicBitmapRenderTarget(), call ID2D1RenderTarget::BeginDraw(), then create your IDWriteTextFormat and/or IDWriteTextLayout via IDWriteFactory, and then call DrawText() or DrawTextLayout() on the render target, then EndDraw(). Then you copy into a hardware texture and draw it however you like.


Autodesk Maya, C++ and OpenGL rendering engine

What graphics engine Maya uses, OpenGL or DirectX? Does it at all use any? Since maya is written in C++.
For going deep into Maya, is it proper to learn to use OpenGL or one should go with DirectX?
My questions specially are associated with adding super new functionalities, such as new edge-system for a certain geometry in Maya.
What graphics engine Maya uses
Its own.
Neither OpenGL nor Direct3D are graphics engines. They're drawing APIs. You push in bunches of data and parameters and shaders to make sense of that data, and rasterized points, lines and triangles on a 2D framebuffer come out on the other side. That's it.
Maya, like every other graphics program out there implements its own engine or uses a graphics engine library that maybe uses Direct3D or OpenGL as a backend. In the case of Maya OpenGL is used for the interactive display. But the offline renderer is independent from that.
For going deep into Maya, is it proper to learn to use OpenGL or one should go with DirectX?
As long as you don't want to write lower-level-ish Maya plug-ins, you don't have to learn either.
My questions specially are associayted with adding super new functionalities, such as new edge-system for a certain geometry in Maya.
You surely want to make that available to the offline renderer as well. As such neiter OpenGL nor Direct3D are of use for you. You have to implement this using the graphics pipeline functions offered by Maya and its renderer. Note that you might also have to patch into external renderers if you want to use those with your news edge features.

Draw DirectX/OpenGL Graphics on an existing graphics application

First off, let me just apologize right off the bat in case this is already answered, because I might just be searching it under irregular search terms.
I am looking to draw 2D graphics in an application that uses DirectX to draw its own graphics (A game). I will be doing that by injecting a DLL into the application (that part I have no questions about, I can do that), and drawing my graphics. But not being really good at DirectX/OpenGL, I have a couple of fundamental questions to ask.
1) In order to draw graphics on that window, will I need to get a pre-existing context from the process memory, some sort of handle to the drawing scene?
2) If the application uses DirectX, can I use OpenGL graphics on it?
Please let me know as to how I can approach this. Any details will be appreciated :-)
Thank you in advance.
Your approach in injecting an DLL is indeed the right way to go. Programs like FRAPS use the same approach. I can't tell you about the method for Direct3D, but for OpenGL you'd do about the following things:
First you must Hook into the functions wglMakeCurrent, glFinish and wglSwapBuffers of opengl32.dll so that your DLL notices when a OpenGL context is selected for drawing. Pass their calls through to the OS. When wglMakeCurrent is called use the function GetPixelFormat to find out if the window is double buffered or not. Also use the glGet… OpenGL calls to find out which version of OpenGL context you're dealing with. In case you have a legacy OpenGL context you must use different methods for drawing your overlay, than for a modern OpenGL-3 or later core context.
In case of a double buffered window use your Hook on wglSwapBuffers to perform further OpenGL drawing operations. OpenGL is just pens and brushes (in form of points, lines and triangles) drawing on a canvas. Then pass through the wglSawpBuffers call to make everything visible.
In case of a single buffered context instead of wglSwapBuffers the function to hook is glFinish.
Draw 2D with OpenGL is as simple as disable depth buffering and using an orthographic projection matrix. You can change OpenGL state whenever you desire to do so. Just make sure you restore everything into its original condition before you leave the hooks.
"1) In order to draw graphics on that window, will I need to get a pre-existing context from the process memory, some sort of handle to the drawing scene?"
Yes, you need to make sure your hooks catch the important context creation functions.
For example, all variations of CreateDevice in d3d are interesting to you.
You didn't mention which DirectX you are using, but there are some differences between the versions.
For example, At DirectX 9 you'd be mostly interested in functions that:
1. Create/return IDirect3DSwapChain9 objects
2. Create/return IDirect3DDevice9,IDirect3DDevice9Ex objects
In newer versions of DirectX their code was splitted into (mostly) Device, DeviceContext, & DXGI.
If you are on a "specific mission" share which directx version you are addressing.
Apart from catching all the needed objects to allow your own rendering, you also want to catch all presentation events ("SwapBuffers" in GL, "Present" in DX),
Because that's time that you want to add your overlay.
Since it seems that you are attempting to render an overlay on top of DX applications, allow me to warn you that making a truly generic solution (that works on all games) isn't easy.
mostly due to need to support different DX versions along with numerous ways to create
If you are focused on a specific game/application it is, naturally, much easier.
"2. If the application uses DirectX, can I use OpenGL graphics on it?"
Well, first of all yes. It's possible.
The terminology that you want to search for is OpenGL DirectX interoperability (or in short interop)
Here's an example:
I don't know if the extension they used is only available in nVidia devices or not - check it.
Another thing about this is that you need a really good motivation in order to do it, generally I would simply stick with DX for both hooking and rendering.
I assume that internal interop between different DX version is better option.
I'd personally probably go with DirectX9 for your own rendering code.
Of course, if you only need to support a single DirectX version, no interop needed.
If you ever need to generate full wrappers of C++ classes, a quick n' dirty dll wrapper, or just general global function hook, feel free to use this lib that i created:
It's far from a fully tested tool, just something i hacked 2 days, but I found it super useful.
Note that in your case, i recommend just to use VTable hooking, you'll probably have to hardcode the function offset into the table, but that's not likely to change.
Good luck :)

Vector-based fonts on OpenGL

I started working at this company that uses an 2D OpenGL implementation to show our system's data (which runs on Windows.) The whole system was built with C++ (using C++Builder 2007). Thing is, all the text they print there are pixelized when you zoom in, which I think happens because the text is a bitmap:
From what I know they use the same font files as Windows does. I asked around here on why this happens and the answer I got is that the guy who implemented it (which doesn't work at the company anymore) said fonts on OpenGL are hard and this was the best he could do or something like it.
My question is: is there any simple and effective way to make the text also a vector (the same way those lines in the picture are?) So when I zoom the camera, which happens a lot, they don't pixelize. I have little knowledge of OpenGL and if you have some guide and/or tutorial related to this to point me towards the right direction I'd be very thankful. Basically any material would be great.
Most of OpenGL text rendering libraries come to this: creating bitmaps for the fonts. This means you are going to have problems with scaling and aliasing unless you do some hacks.
One of the popular hacks is Valve's approach: Chris Green. 2007. "Improved Alpha-Tested Magnification for Vector Textures and Special Effects.". You use signed distance field algo to generate your fonts bitmap which then helps you to smooth the text outlines on scale during rendering. Wikidot has the C++ implementation for Distance field generation.
If you stick to NVidia specific hardware, you can try the NVidia Path extension which allows you to render graphics directly on GPU. Remember, it is a NVidia only thing.
But in general, signed distance field based approach is the smoothest and easiest to implement.
BTW, freetype-gl uses Valve's approach and also the modern pipeline.
You can try freetype-gl its a library for font rendering in OpenGL.
The issue with using fonts in OpenGL is that they are handled inconsistently across platforms, and that they have minimal support. If you're willing to go with a helper library for OpenGL (SDL comes to mind), then this behaviour will likely be wrapped, meaning that you merely need to provide a suitable font file for them to use.
You may try out FTOGL4 , the fonts for OpenGL4

Most efficient way to draw rectangle to screen

Essentially I want a border-less, black window which I can set the location and size of./
I then want to draw a filled white polygon given four points.
I say efficient, as I am currently using OpenCV to draw which I believe is every inefficient. I want to be able to change the points and have it redraw with new points at least 30fps.
My target platform is Windows with C++.
Does anyone know the quickest way to achieve this, maybe with a small library?
I would recommend you use openGl eg via the GLUT library.
The easiest way to do this will be to use DirectX. You can create, resize, and reposition the window with the Windows API and render into it with DirectX. DX has a much more accessible API than OpenGL, because OGL is full of implicit globals and weak typing, and the support libraries like GLUT are terrible C hackery as well, whereas DX is easy to whip up RAII with a couple of custom deleters and is object-orientated.
You can also use, if on Vista or later, Direct2D, which is more designed for simple 2D rendering.

DirectX Font tutorial that doesn't use GDI

Does anyone have any tutorials/info for creating and rendering fonts in native directx 9 that doesn't use GDI? (eg doesn't use ID3DXFont).
I'm reading that this isn't the best solution (due to accessing GDI) but what is the 'right' way to render fonts in dx?
ID3DXFont is a great thing for easy to use, early, debug output. However, it does use the GDI for font rasterization (not hardware accelerated) and there is a significant performance hit (try it, its actually very noticable). As of DirectX 11, though, fonts will be rendered with Direct2D and be hardware accelerated.
The fastest way to render text is using what's called "Bitmap Fonts". I would explain how to do this, except that there is a lot of different ways to do implement this technique, each differing in complexity and capability. It can be as simple as a system that loads a pre-created texture and draws the letters from that, or a system that silently registers a font with Windows and creates a texture in memory at load-time (The engine I developed with a friend did this, it was very slick). Either way, you should see a very noticable performance increase with bitmap fonts.
Why this isn't a good solution?
Mixing GDI rendering and D3D rendering into the same window is a bad idea.
However, ID3DXFont does not use that. It uses GDI to rasterize the glyphs into a texture. And uses that texture to render the actual text.
About the only alternative would be using another library (e.g. FreeType) to rasterize glyphs into a texture, but I'm not sure if that would result in any substantial benefits.
Of course, for simple (e.g. non-Asian) fonts you could rasterize all glyphs into a texture beforehand, then use that texture to draw text at runtime. This way runtime does not need to use any font rendering library, it just draws quads using the texture. This approach does not scale well with large font sizes or fonts with lots of characters. Also would not handle complex typography very well (e.g. where letters have to be joined etc.)
With DirectX, the correct way to render standard fonts is with GDI.
However, IF
You want to support cross platform font rendering
with proper support for internationalization - including far eastern languages where maintaining a glyph for every character in a font is impractical
and/or You want to distribute your own fonts and render them without "installing" them...
Then libfreetype might be what you are looking for. I don't claim its easy: Its a lot more complex than using the native font api.
Personally I think that ID3DXFont is the way to go.
If you really wanted to make your own font routines, I suggest you look at:
You can use this to create a bitmap with all the characters printed on it. Then its just a matter or loading the texture and blitting the relevant chars onto the screen at the right place. (This is what XNA uses for its font drawing)
Its a lot more work, but you don't need the font to be installed on the target PC, and you have the advantage to being able to go into photoshop and edit the font appearance there.