Most efficient way to draw rectangle to screen - c++

Essentially I want a border-less, black window which I can set the location and size of./
I then want to draw a filled white polygon given four points.
I say efficient, as I am currently using OpenCV to draw which I believe is every inefficient. I want to be able to change the points and have it redraw with new points at least 30fps.
My target platform is Windows with C++.
Does anyone know the quickest way to achieve this, maybe with a small library?

I would recommend you use openGl eg via the GLUT library.

The easiest way to do this will be to use DirectX. You can create, resize, and reposition the window with the Windows API and render into it with DirectX. DX has a much more accessible API than OpenGL, because OGL is full of implicit globals and weak typing, and the support libraries like GLUT are terrible C hackery as well, whereas DX is easy to whip up RAII with a couple of custom deleters and is object-orientated.
You can also use, if on Vista or later, Direct2D, which is more designed for simple 2D rendering.


Draw DirectX/OpenGL Graphics on an existing graphics application

First off, let me just apologize right off the bat in case this is already answered, because I might just be searching it under irregular search terms.
I am looking to draw 2D graphics in an application that uses DirectX to draw its own graphics (A game). I will be doing that by injecting a DLL into the application (that part I have no questions about, I can do that), and drawing my graphics. But not being really good at DirectX/OpenGL, I have a couple of fundamental questions to ask.
1) In order to draw graphics on that window, will I need to get a pre-existing context from the process memory, some sort of handle to the drawing scene?
2) If the application uses DirectX, can I use OpenGL graphics on it?
Please let me know as to how I can approach this. Any details will be appreciated :-)
Thank you in advance.
Your approach in injecting an DLL is indeed the right way to go. Programs like FRAPS use the same approach. I can't tell you about the method for Direct3D, but for OpenGL you'd do about the following things:
First you must Hook into the functions wglMakeCurrent, glFinish and wglSwapBuffers of opengl32.dll so that your DLL notices when a OpenGL context is selected for drawing. Pass their calls through to the OS. When wglMakeCurrent is called use the function GetPixelFormat to find out if the window is double buffered or not. Also use the glGet… OpenGL calls to find out which version of OpenGL context you're dealing with. In case you have a legacy OpenGL context you must use different methods for drawing your overlay, than for a modern OpenGL-3 or later core context.
In case of a double buffered window use your Hook on wglSwapBuffers to perform further OpenGL drawing operations. OpenGL is just pens and brushes (in form of points, lines and triangles) drawing on a canvas. Then pass through the wglSawpBuffers call to make everything visible.
In case of a single buffered context instead of wglSwapBuffers the function to hook is glFinish.
Draw 2D with OpenGL is as simple as disable depth buffering and using an orthographic projection matrix. You can change OpenGL state whenever you desire to do so. Just make sure you restore everything into its original condition before you leave the hooks.
"1) In order to draw graphics on that window, will I need to get a pre-existing context from the process memory, some sort of handle to the drawing scene?"
Yes, you need to make sure your hooks catch the important context creation functions.
For example, all variations of CreateDevice in d3d are interesting to you.
You didn't mention which DirectX you are using, but there are some differences between the versions.
For example, At DirectX 9 you'd be mostly interested in functions that:
1. Create/return IDirect3DSwapChain9 objects
2. Create/return IDirect3DDevice9,IDirect3DDevice9Ex objects
In newer versions of DirectX their code was splitted into (mostly) Device, DeviceContext, & DXGI.
If you are on a "specific mission" share which directx version you are addressing.
Apart from catching all the needed objects to allow your own rendering, you also want to catch all presentation events ("SwapBuffers" in GL, "Present" in DX),
Because that's time that you want to add your overlay.
Since it seems that you are attempting to render an overlay on top of DX applications, allow me to warn you that making a truly generic solution (that works on all games) isn't easy.
mostly due to need to support different DX versions along with numerous ways to create
If you are focused on a specific game/application it is, naturally, much easier.
"2. If the application uses DirectX, can I use OpenGL graphics on it?"
Well, first of all yes. It's possible.
The terminology that you want to search for is OpenGL DirectX interoperability (or in short interop)
Here's an example:
I don't know if the extension they used is only available in nVidia devices or not - check it.
Another thing about this is that you need a really good motivation in order to do it, generally I would simply stick with DX for both hooking and rendering.
I assume that internal interop between different DX version is better option.
I'd personally probably go with DirectX9 for your own rendering code.
Of course, if you only need to support a single DirectX version, no interop needed.
If you ever need to generate full wrappers of C++ classes, a quick n' dirty dll wrapper, or just general global function hook, feel free to use this lib that i created:
It's far from a fully tested tool, just something i hacked 2 days, but I found it super useful.
Note that in your case, i recommend just to use VTable hooking, you'll probably have to hardcode the function offset into the table, but that's not likely to change.
Good luck :)

Can I draw geometric primitives with OpenGL using anything other than GLUT?

I know GLUT's quadrics, I used it in a few programs when I was in school. Now I'm working on a real world application and I find myself in need of drawing some geometric primitives (cubes, spheres, cylinders), but now I also know that GLUT is a no longer supported and it's last update was in like 2005. So I'm wondering if there's anything other than GLUT's quadrics to draw such geometric shapes. I'm asking if there's anything made before I go ahead and start making my own from vertices arrays.
Yes, you can! You can use the native API of the OS to create a window with OpenGL capabilities.
The advantage of GLUT is that is makes this task easier and is a cross-platform solution.
There are other cross-platform libraries that are more complex to work with but provide the same functionality, like Qt.
NeHe has a huge amount of examples that use several different technologies to accomplish what you are looking for. Check the bottom of the page.
Here is a demo for Windows that creates a window and draws a simple OpenGL triangle inside it. This demo removes all the window frame to give the impression that a triangle is floating on the screen. And here is a similar demo for Linux.
GLUT is just some conveniece framework that came to life way after OpenGL. The problem is not, that GLUT is unmaintained. The problem is, that GLUT was not and never will be meant for serious applications.
Then there's also GLU providing some primitives, but just as GLUT it's merely a companion library. You don't need either.
The way OpenGL works is, that you deliver it arrays of vertex attributes (position, color, normal, texture coordinates, etc.) and tell to draw a set of primitives (points, lines, triangles) from those attributes from a second array of indices referencing into the vertex attribute arrays.
There used to be the immediate mode in versions prior to OpenGL-3 core, but that got depreceated – good riddance. It's only use was for populating display lists which used to have a slight performance advantage if one was using indirect GLX. With VBOs (server (=GPU) side vertex attribute storage) that's no longer an issue.
While GLUT has not been maintained, FreeGLUT has. There are still several alternatives though.
GLFW is a cross-platform windowing system which is easy to get up and running, and also provides the programmer with control of the main application loop.
SFML has support for many languages and also integration capabilities with other windowing schemes, in addition to being cross-platform.
Finally, Qt is another, popular, cross-platform windowing framework.
Now I'm working on a real world application and I find myself in need of drawing some geometric primitives (cubes, spheres, cylinders),
Actually, I don't remember anything except glut that would provide generic primitives. This might have something to do with the fact that those generic primitives are very easy to implement from scratch.
You can use other libraries (libsdl, for example, or Qt) to initialize OpenGL, though.
Most likely if you find generic library for loading meshes (or anything that provides "Mesh" object), then it will have primtives.
is a no longer supported and it's last update was in like 2005
Contrary to popular belief, code doesn't rot and it doesn't get worse with time. No matter how many years ago it was written, if it still works, you can use it.
Also there is FreeGLUT project. Last update: 2012.

Faster way to scale SDL view than SDL_gfx zoomSurface?

I'm programming a game with SDL. I've implemented scalable window size via the SDL_gfx library's zoomSurface function, but boy does the framerate take a hit (presumably because every time you call zoomSurface, it creates an entirely new SDL_Surface instance, and in order to be continuously zoomed you need to call it every frame).
I'm pretty new to programming with SDL so I'm not aware of any other functions it might have. Is there a faster way to go about doing this?
SDL doesn't really support this.
The most 'correct' way is to use the underlying graphics API (OpenGL or DirectX) to do the scaling. For example, calling glScale{f,d} if you're using OpenGL under the hood. I believe SDL on Windows is compiled to use DirectX, however, so this isn't a portable solution.
An alternative is to re-create all surfaces when you need to zoom everything by some factor. This is slow, but it doesn't need to be done every frame; it only needs to be done once when the scaling factor changes, and then the scaled surface can be kept in memory and re-used for each frame.
Keep in mind that it usually doesn't make sense for 2D games to allow scaled resizing, because sprites tend to look horrible when stretched unless some filter is used.

Fast C++ Graphics (as in programming time)

I've played around with GLUT, but I've also read about SDL and one or two other graphics libraries. All I want to do at this point is 2D work. For what I'm doing right now, pixel by pixel plotting is all I need (say, plot(x,y,color) or something of the sort), but in the future I would appreciate the use of sprites. I've given point plotting a go with GLUT but it's rather non-intuitive coming from a B.A.S.I.C. background.
I work on both Ubuntu and Windows, so solutions for both systems are welcome.
SDL is probably a good choice; another option to look at would be Qt (just subclass a QWidget and override its paintEvent() method and do your pixel plotting inside that). Qt can also provide windowing/infrastructure support for OpenGL graphics if that's your preference.

Enable antialiasing using Xlib

I'm trying to develop a custom set of libraries for creating GUIs in Linux, with, you know, widgets, buttons, etc. So I'm now learning to creating user interfaces using X11 and its Xlib. I get to the point of having a nice window of a size specified, at a position specified, of a specified background color, and the possibility of drawing points, rectangles, arcs. However as I drew my first circle I got really disappointed by the fact that the circle is not antialiased. I can see every single pixel as a square.
Now the question is easy. Is there any way to tell X: please antialias anything before drawing? Or do I have to avoid using XDrawArc and use a custom function which calls XDrawPoint for each point of the circle? Or there is a third solution?
Thanks in advance.
The short answer is "no". Xlib doesn't do anti-aliasing.
The longer answer is "you can use a higher level API such as Cairo Graphics". It's not necessary to roll your own.
What you encountered are the limitations of the X11 core protocol; technically it would be perfectly possible to add antialiasing to it, but that didn't happen.
Instead there's the XRender extension, that provides nice antialiased primitives. You'll also want to look into Xft to render antialiased text using vector fonts.
You can roll your own antialiasing algorithm. You have the only 2 primitives you need: 1) a function to draw TrueColor points (namely, xcb_poly_point(), if you're using XCB), and 2) for loops.