File Transfer failed - filezilla

I have ftp server in my local machine using MFT Internet Server. I am trying to upload / download the files from the MFT Internet server.
I could not transfer files from fileZilla to MFT Internet Server. It says
Status: Starting upload of C:\fileZilla\Rs.766Transferred.jpg
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,231,0,108,7,138)
Command: STOR Rs.766Transferred.jpg
Response: 150 Opening data connection for transferdirectory
Response: 426 Transfer failed. AuditID=A70420000444
Error: File transfer failed
I could not find any solution for the above. Please help me to fix this.

The FTP server answers with an FTP error code (error 426). I never have seen "AuditID" before, so it might be some special (error) code your FTP server is trying to tell you. Check the FTP server documentation.
A quick Internet search lead to the TIBCO MFT Internet Server User Guide, which refers to "AuditID" in section (page 101). I have no idea about their concept of branching and FTP transfers, so I leave you alone there. Hope it helped.


QtNetworkAccessManager doesn't work after network restart and issues QNetworkReply:UnknownNetworkError

I am a beginner in QT. I have a custom application which sends and receives information from my http server. When the network services are restarted, the Qt application doesn't connect with the server and issues network error as below. Also, after restart the issue gets resolved.
Here is my error log:
Network error QNetworkReply::UnknownNetworkError received
requestFinished, code: 500 url: "xxxx/xxxx/xxxx" (unknown:0) -
QIODevice::read (QDisabledNetworkReply): device not open
I have searched in forums but I couldn't get a solution to the same.

Streaming audio file from Shotcast and Icecast server

I am trying build an C++ application, which will try to connect Shoutcast/Icecast server, get an audio file, then stream the audio file into audio device. There is winamp application in windows, which already does the same. But I would like the same kind of application in C++. I have read the link. But not sure how I should start. I would need specific help on this: a) How do I connect to shotcast server? b) get the audio file url? c) How should I start streaming? I have built one socket program which can connect to server, can send/recv binary data. Hope this can help here. But I am unable to start on above three points? I have read stackoverflow urls on this:
Stream getUserMedia to an Icecast server?
Audio streaming using C++ tutorial and sample code
But could not help much.
Can you please help me on this?
SHOUTcast/Icecast are essentially HTTP. You should be searching on how to make an HTTP request.
There is a small difference for SHOUTcast servers though... the status line they return is non-standard:
ICY 200 OK
A normal status line would be:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Once you learn how to make an HTTP request, you will be streaming. Later on if you want to get the metadata, you can follow the SmackFu link you posted.

MAMP - WSO2 DSS - Error establishing data source connection: Communications link failure The last packet sent successfully to the server

I'm running MAMP and WSO2 Carbon data service at the same time. What I'm trying to do is adding a new data source by connecting to mysql server. I have added the com.mysql.jdbc.Driver to lib folder.
Full error which I'm getting when trying to test the connection
Error establishing data source connection: Communications link failure The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server.
In my case simply putting useSSL=false on end of connection string did the magic
This seems to be a problem with mysql server configuration. Please have a look at following threads.
Solving a "communications link failure" with JDBC and MySQL
Why I get this error 'Communications link failure The last packet sent...' when connecting to MySQL with Java (Netbeans)?
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException:Communications link failure
I tried this and it's working by my side:

How to close TCP connection when invalid user trying to POST large file?

I wrote a simple HTTP responding C++ program using library + nginx web-server. It works almost great. But I noticed that fcgi's function
int FCGX_Accept_r(FCGX_Request *request);
doesnt return before all the request transmitted to the server. The problem: i am unable to analyze parameters from URI before file transmission is finished: i want to analyze "?sid=" argument to reject transmission from invalid user. It would be a waste of bandwidth to allow anyone send 1GB files to a server.
As i know, web-server always send FCGI_BEGIN_REQUEST via FastCGI connection when new request started, then FCGI_PARAMS etc. So it would be good to react to content of some parameters before user transmitted all the (possibly unneeded and too large) data.
Also i will read more nginx documentation about its FastCGI abilities.
Trying to send 2 GB file to nginx via HTML-form + sniffing the exchange between nginx and fastcgi: nginx doesn't even try to send a byte to FastCGI application before all the 2GB has come. So, this behavior is kinda normal. And if you want the functionality i am asking for, it turns out that you should develop your own nginx's module or simple web-server. Hm...
I think you can control by this :
location /xxx/upload {
access_by_lua '
//check cookie or something can recognize the req is valid or not
fcgi_pass XXXX;
check this link :

"Connection refused" error with CFFTP

I'm trying to setup a connection to FTP to transfer a file. Unfortunately, because of the environment the tools I have available to me are limited.
I'm receiving the following error:
An error occurred while establishing an FTP connection.
Error: Connection refused: connect.
Does this mean that I can reach the FTP server but the credentials are incorrect? Does it mean that I can't reach the server at all? Or is there no way to tell?
Update: I changed the IP address I was using to some other random number, so it's almost certainly because I can't connect. I wish there was a way to tell the difference between connectivity and authorization issues.
A "Connection Refused" error means that either the server you're trying to connect to isn't running an FTP server, or there's a firewall in your way that's preventing the connection.
An "User Authentication failed" error would usually occur if your credentials are bad.
FYI, for plain old FTP connections, the cfftp.errorCode may give you more information, once your are able to establish a connection. The errorCode will point to the response in the IETF FTP protocol standard , like "425", which would mean "Can't open data connection.".
Could be either one of those cases. Do you have a standalone FTP client to test with? Does it work from another machine?
hey check if your directory attribute is begining with a "/" character. this used to work through cf8 but stopped working for me in cf9 (specifically 9.0.1);
also try the following and see if this helps:
<cfftp connection="mycon" server="" action="open" username = "anonymous" password = "anonymous" />
<cfdump var="#mycon#" label="">
<cfftp connection="mycon" action="getcurrentdir" result="result"/>
<cfdump var="#result#" label="">
you may find that its the listdir that is giving you the problem, not the connection.
You can check your ability to connect to the FTP server using Telnet at the command prompt(On windows, Go to Start > Run > type cmd).
telnet 21
you can try at non default port as you wish. That will let you know if your machine can reach the FTP server, and you can try logging on to check your credentials.
Here's a good post: Understanding FTP using raw FTP commands and telnet