Dynamic arrays vs STL vectors exact difference? - c++

What is the exact difference between dynamic arrays and vectors. It was an interview question to me.
I said both have sequential memory.
Vectors can be grown in size at any point in the code. He then said even dynamic arrays can be grown in size after creating.
I said vectors are error free since it is in the standard library. He said he will provide as .so file of dynamic arrays which is error free and has all the qualities on par with STL.
I am confused and didn't answer the exact difference. When I searched on Internet, I had seen the above statements only.
Can someone please explain me the exact difference? And what was the interviewer expecting from me?

He said he will provide as .so file of dynamic arrays which is error free and has all the qualities on par with STL.
If his dynamic array class does the same as std::vector (that is: it implements RAII to clean up after itself, can grow and shrink and whatever else std::vector does), then there's only one major advantage std::vector has over his dynamic array class:
std::vector is standardized and everybody knows it. If I see a std::vector in some piece of code, I know exactly what it does and how it is supposed to be used. If, however, I see a my::dynamic_array, I do not know that at all. I would need to have to look at its documentation or even — gasp! — implementation to find out whether my_dynamic_array::resize() does the same as std::vector::resize().

A great deal here depends on what he means by a "dynamic array". Most people mean something where the memory is allocated with array-new and freed with array-delete. If that's the intent here, then having qualities on a par with std::vector simply isn't possible.
The reason is fairly simple: std::vector routinely allocates a chunk of memory larger than necessary to hold the number of elements currently being stored. It then constructs objects in that memory as needed to expand. With array-new, however, you have no choice -- you're allocating an array of objects, so if you allocate space for (say) 100 objects, you end up with 100 objects being created in that space (immediately). It simply has no provision for having a buffer some part of which contains real objects, and another part of which is just plain memory, containing nothing.
I suppose if yo want to stretch a point, it's possible to imitate std::vector and still allocate the space with array-new. To do it, you just have to allocate an array of char, and then use placement new to create objects in that raw memory space. This allows pretty much the same things as std::vector, because it is nearly the same thing as std::vector. We're still missing a (potential) level of indirection though -- std::vector actually allocates memory via an Allocator object so you can change exactly how it allocates its raw memory (by default it uses std::allocator<T>, which uses operator new, but if you wanted to, you could actually write an allocator that would use new char[size], though I can't quite imagine why you would).
You could, of course, write your dynamic array to use an allocator object as well. At that point, for all practical purposes you've just reinvented std::vector under a (presumably) new name. In that case, #sbi is still right: the mere fact that it's not standardized means it's still missing one of the chief qualities of std:::vector -- the quality of being standardized and already known by everybody who knows C++. Even without that, though, we have to stretch the phrase "dynamic array" to (and I'd posit, beyond) the breaking point to get the same qualities as std::vector, even if we ignore standardization.

I expect they wanted you to talk about the traps of forgetting to delete the dynamic array with operator delete[] and then got confused themselves when they tried to help you along; it doesn't make much sense to implement a dynamic array as a plain class since it bakes in the element type.

The array memory allocated for vectors is released when the vector goes out of scope, in case the vector is declared on the stack (the backing array will be on the heap).
void foo() {
vector<int> v;
// ... method body
// backing array will be freed here

It says here: "Internally, vectors use a dynamically allocated array to store their elements."
Underlying concept of vectors is dynamically allocated array.

Maybe it's that dynamic array you would go through the copy process to a new dynamic array whenever you want to resize, but you are able to control when it does that depending on your knowledge of the data going into the array.
Whereas a vector uses the same process, but a vector does not know if it will grow or not later, so it probably allocates extra storage for possible growth in size, therefore it COULD possibly consume more memory space than intended to manage itself compared to dynamic arrays.
So, I'd say the difference is to use a vector when managing it's size is not a big deal, where you would use a dynamic array when you would rather do the resizing yourself.

Arrays have to be deallocated explicitly if defined dynamically whereas vectors are automatically de-allocated from heap memory.
Size of array cannot be determined if dynamically allocated whereas Size of the vector can be determined in O(1) time.
3.When arrays are passed to a function, a separate parameter for size is also passed whereas in case of passing a vector to a function, there is no such need as vector maintains variables which keeps track of size of container at all times.
4.When we allocate array dynamically then after size is initialized we cannot change the size whereasin vector we can do it.


A C++ container similar to dynamic array?

In this set of slides the author highly recommends to avoid pointers in C++ programs. Specially in slide 6, using vectors are suggested instead of dynamic arrays. While I believe vectors are much safer to use, for example they avoid memory leaks when an exception happens, they have extra memory overhead. This post says that vectors can consume up to twice the size of existing elements in the vector. Unfortunately, this feature causes my program to abort in my system with limited amount of available memory.
Is there a C++ container similar to dynamic arrays, getting the fixed (or rarely changing) number of elements in runtime, and provide the same safety as containers? The closest thing I could find (here) was array which required compile-time specified size provided in template.
You can use the array specialization of std::unique_ptr:
std::unique_ptr<int[]> arr(new int[5]);
This will safely manage the memory for you.
If you know the fixed size, just calling reserve(n) on the vector should do the trick. While it isn't guaranteed not to use more space, I don't know of any implementations that don't just allocate space for exactly that number of elements (assuming it is greater than the current capacity(), of course).

C++ dynamic array without STL

This is part of an assignment however I just asking for clarification:
Load data from ATM.txt and store them in a dynamic array (ATM type,
not STL) when the program starts up.
How exactly do I do dynamic arrays without STL? I thought perhaps the assignment means using pointers, the "ATM Type" threw me off.
It's mentioned again:
file accounts.txt into a dynamic array (Account type, not STL)
--not part of Assignment
I've never understood the use of memory unsafe operations, eg pulling the number of items in a file from the first line:
Wouldn't it be smarter to use STL (vectors, or C++11 arrays) and not rely on the number in the file as it may not be accurate causing buffer overflows etc?
Define a class Account in a file Account.h which contains the data members: customer
id, BSB number, etc.
I assume Account and ATM types are those classes.
The most basic form of dynamic array is one created using new[], and destroyed using delete[]:
ATM * atms = new ATM[count];
// do stuff with the array
delete [] atms;
However, this brings the danger that the code using the array might throw an exception, return from the function, or otherwise prevent the delete[] from happening. If that happens, then you will lose the only pointer to the allocated memory, and it will remain allocated but inaccessible; this is known as a memory leak. For this reason, it's better to wrap the array in a class, with:
member variables to store a pointer to the array, and (optionally) its size
constructors and/or functions to allocate the array
a destructor to delete the array
(optionally) function(s) to resize the array
Deleting the allocation in an object's destructor uses the principle of RAII to ensure that the array is deleted once it is no longer needed.
This leaves one more danger: if you copy this array object, then you will end up with two objects that both try to delete the same array, which is disasterous. To prevent this, you'll need to consider the Rule of Three. Either write a copy constructor and copy-assignment operator to allocate a new array and copy the contents; or delete them. (If you're learning old-fashioned C++, then you can't delete member functions, so you'll have to declare them private and not implement them instead).
Wouldn't it be smarter to use STL?
Usually, yes. But if you're learning C++, it's a good idea to understand how memory management works, as well as how to get the library to handle it for you. That's probably part of the point of this exercise.
A common approach for this kind of assignment would be to simulate the auto-expanding behavior of a vector on your own. Allocate an array for your data on the heap, and keep track of its length and the number of items you've stored in the array.
Once you've filled the array with your data, expand the maximum size by some amount and allocate a new array. This allows you to copy the data from the old array into the new array, and then continue adding items until you run out of space again.
Basically if you need to implement a dynamic array without using STL, you have to deal explicitely with memory allocation/deallocation.
Basically you have to:
Allocate space with malloc the first time array is constructed or used
Keep track of inserted/removed elements
Use realloc when you have finished the allocated space
Free the allocated space when the array is destroyed
Of course implementing a good STL like container like std::vector isn't an easy task (eventually a nice homework!).
What I can suggest is the following:
Avoid as much as possible reallocation. When the space is finished, allocate some more space in order to avoid to continuosly call realloc (see std::vector::reserve)
Avoid to realloc space when elements are removed. Once you have allocated, unless memory usage is too high, let the allocated space as is, in order to avoid future reallocation.
Wouldn't it be smarter to use STL (vectors, or C++11 arrays) and not
rely on the number in the file as it may not be accurate causing
buffer overflows etc?
The internals of std::vector aren't magic. It's possible to manually do yourself what std::vector does for you.
It sounds like that's what you're supposed to do for this assignment; make your own 'ATM type' that can manage reading data safely from the ATM.txt file, and an 'Account type' that can hold data from the accounts.txt file. You should probably get some clarification from whomever wrote the assignment on how exactly they expect these types to be designed/used. Also looking back at whatever class materials you have should tell you what you need to know in terms of using dynamic arrays.
Since this is homework we don't want to give answers directly, but in general what I suggest is:
Make a class myDynamicArray
Make the class contain an int or long to store array size
Allocate memory for your array using "new". From the assignment, it looks like it might be an array of strings or, if the professor is strictly banning STL (string is now considered STL), it will be an array of character arrays.
Write an insert method which, before inserting, checks the size (see #2) of your array and, if it isn't large enough, makes it bigger. One way to do this without using pre-C++ functions, which I assume is best since this is a C++ class, is to allocate a new array of larger size --> copy data from old array --> Insert any new data. How much larger? You might pick, say, 20% larger with each new allocation. Microsoft's C# allocates "the next largest prime number" of elements, though they have really fast memory allocation routines.
Don't forget to delete() the dynamic array when finished with it (what "finished" means depends on the assignment). Note that once the program exits, technically the memory should be freed up automatically, but it's very bad practice to not free it up yourself (think larger, non-academic programs that aren't regularly shut down).
I'd avoid the template code another user provided. I'm sure it's great code, but it's going to raise an eyebrow to use something that advanced in an early C++ class.
Suggested reading:

C++: is it safe to work with std::vectors as if they were arrays?

I need to have a fixed-size array of elements and to call on them functions that require to know about how they're placed in memory, in particular:
functions like glVertexPointer, that needs to know where the vertices are, how distant they are one from the other and so on. In my case vertices would be members of the elements to store.
to get the index of an element within this array, I'd prefer to avoid having an index field within my elements, but would rather play with pointers arithmetic (ie: index of Element *x will be x - & array[0]) -- btw, this sounds dirty to me: is it good practice or should I do something else?
Is it safe to use std::vector for this?
Something makes me think that an std::array would be more appropriate but:
Constructor and destructor for my structure will be rarely called: I don't mind about such overhead.
I'm going to set the std::vector capacity to size I need (the size that would use for an std::array, thus won't take any overhead due to sporadic reallocation.
I don't mind a little space overhead for std::vector's internal structure.
I could use the ability to resize the vector (or better: to have a size chosen during setup), and I think there's no way to do this with std::array, since its size is a template parameter (that's too bad: I could do that even with an old C-like array, just dynamically allocating it on the heap).
If std::vector is fine for my purpose I'd like to know into details if it will have some runtime overhead with respect to std::array (or to a plain C array):
I know that it'll call the default constructor for any element once I increase its size (but I guess this won't cost anything if my data has got an empty default constructor?), same for destructor. Anything else?
Vectors are guaranteed to have all elements in contigous memory, so it is safe to use in your scenario. There can be a small performance hit compared to c-style arrays, for instance due to index validations done by the vector implementation. In most cases, the performance is determined by something else though, so I wouldn't worry about that until actual measurements of performance show that this a real problem.
As pointed out by others, make sure that you don't reallocate the vector while you are making use of the data stored in it if you are using pointers to elements (or iterators) to access it.
It's fine to treat the data in a std::vector as an array, get a pointer to the start of it with &v[0]. Obviously if you do anything that can reallocate the data then then you pointers will probably be invalidated.
Yep, You can use it as Array in OpenGL :) Example:
glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, dataVec.size() * sizeof( dataVec[0] ), &dataVec[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB );
Where dataVec is std::Vector
It is even safer than having an array on the stack: how big really is your stack? how big could your array become (fixed size, but the size could be increased in later versions)?
If you really want a std::array you can use boost::array. It is like a common array, but support iterators and you can easily use it with STL algorithms.
Working in multithreading environment and dynamic memory allocation might cause problem because vector is usually a continuous chunk of memory and of pointers might not!

Some questions about Vector in STL

I have some questions about vector in STL to clarify.....
Where are the objects in vector allocated? heap?
does vector have boundary check? If the index out of the boundary, what error will happen?
Why array is faster than vector?
Is there any case in which vector is not applicable but array is a must?
In a contiguous memory block on the heap. A vector<int> allocates memory the same way new int[x] would.
Only if you use the at method. It throws an std::out_of_range exception if the boundary check fails. The operator[] doesn't perform bounds checking.
Because an array gives direct access to memory, while accessing a vector element most likely involves a method call. The difference can be ridiculously small though, especially if your compiler decides to inline the calls.
In general, you'll use a vector if you want your container to have a dynamic size, and a simple array if a known fixed size is enough. Be sure to check out the other containers, like deque and list, to be sure you pick the most appropriate one. Otherwise, if you need to deal with non-C++ APIs, you'll obviously need to have access to a regular array. (edit) #BillyONeal says you should use &vector[0] to get the address of the underlying array, but use it with care since it can change if the vector's capacity changes.
Where are the objects in vector
allocated? heap?
It depends on the STL implementation, but in all likelihood on the heap, yes.
does vector have boundary check? If the index out of the boundary,
what error will happen?
Yes, a vector grows dynamically, you can check its size using the capacity() member function. If it should run out of space, it generally allocates more space using the reserve() member function.
Why array is faster than vector?
Arrays can be faster because they are plain data that does not need to be accessed through a wrapper object such as vector. You can think of a vector as neatly packaged array for your convenience.
Is there any case in which vector is
not applicable but array is a must?
I think there can be times where an array is preferable over a vector. For example, when dealing with legacy C code or when speed is of utmost importance. But generally you can solve any array problem by containing the data in an STL vector.
Ad 4.: When dealing with legacy interfaces (e.g. POSIX) arrays may be a must.
On the heap (assuming you use the standard allocator, which is the default)
It is not boundary checked when using operator[], but it is if you use the member function at (e.g. my_vec.at(0)). If you use at and the index is out or bounds, it throws an std::out_of_range exception.
Arrays aren't generally faster. It depends whether or not the vector's operator[] calls are inlined or not. Most modern compilers should index it though, as it is just a single array index.
In general, normal arrays can be replaced by vectors. You shouldn't really use a std::vector on the public interface of a library, and manu library APIs require raw C-style arrays.
By default contents are allocated dynamically. (But I suppose you can provide an allocator that gets the memory from some place else.)
The at method does bounds checks and throws an out_of_range. Other methods may or may not check bounds, depending on implementation and settings.
I would assume a vector to be slower than an array when it does something different from an array. For example, dynamic allocation is costly, so vector has a cost that arrays don't have. Dynamically resizing a vector is costly, whereas an array can't be resized at all. I wouldn't expect to see any difference when accessing the elements (except for possible run-time checks done by the implementation which you should be able to turn off if desired).
I don't know of such a scenario. You can always get a pointer to the underlying array of a vector with &vec[0]. However, a vector can be an overkill if you don't need any of the features it provides - mostly the ability to (re)size it dynamically. In such cases an array could do just fine, but note that there are classes that make an array a first-class object too (std::tr1::array or boost::array) which make the array copyable and not decay into a pointer.

Why is it not possible to access the size of a new[]'d array?

When you allocate an array using new [], why can't you find out the size of that array from the pointer? It must be known at run time, otherwise delete [] wouldn't know how much memory to free.
Unless I'm missing something?
In a typical implementation the size of dynamic memory block is somehow stored in the block itself - this is true. But there's no standard way to access this information. (Implementations may provide implementation-specific ways to access it). This is how it is with malloc/free, this is how it is with new[]/delete[].
In fact, in a typical implementation raw memory allocations for new[]/delete[] calls are eventually processed by some implementation-specific malloc/free-like pair, which means that delete[] doesn't really have to care about how much memory to deallocate: it simply calls that internal free (or whatever it is named), which takes care of that.
What delete[] does need to know though is how many elements to destruct in situations when array element type has non-trivial destructor. And this is what your question is about - the number of array elements, not the size of the block (these two are not the same, the block could be larger than really required for the array itself). For this reason, the number of elements in the array is normally also stored inside the block by new[] and later retrieved by delete[] to perform the proper array element destruction. There are no standard ways to access this number either.
(This means that in general case, a typical memory block allocated by new[] will independently, simultaneously store both the physical block size in bytes and the array element count. These values are stored by different levels of C++ memory allocation mechanism - raw memory allocator and new[] itself respectively - and don't interact with each other in any way).
However, note that for the above reasons the array element count is normally only stored when the array element type has non-trivial destructor. I.e. this count is not always present. This is one of the reasons why providing a standard way to access that data is not feasible: you'd either have to store it always (which wastes memory) or restrict its availability by destructor type (which is confusing).
To illustrate the above, when you create an array of ints
int *array = new int[100];
the size of the array (i.e. 100) is not normally stored by new[] since delete[] does not care about it (int has no destructor). The physical size of the block in bytes (like, 400 bytes or more) is normally stored in the block by the raw memory allocator (and used by raw memory deallocator invoked by delete[]), but it can easily turn out to be 420 for some implementation-specific reason. So, this size is basically useless for you, since you won't be able to derive the exact original array size from it.
You most likely can access it, but it would require intimate knowledge of your allocator and would not be portable. The C++ standard doesn't specify how implementations store this data, so there's no consistent method for obtaining it. I believe it's left unspecified because different allocators may wish to store it in different ways for efficiency purposes.
It makes sense, as for example the size of the allocated block may not necessarily be the same size as the array. While it is true that new[] may store the number of elements (calling each elements destructor), it doesn't have to as it wouldn't be required for a empty destructor. There is also no standard way (C++ FAQ Lite 1, C++ FAQ Lite 2) of implementing where new[] stores the array length as each method has its pros and cons.
In other words, it allows allocations to as fast an cheap as possible by not specifying anything about the implementation. (If the implementation has to store the size of the array as well as the size of the allocated block every time, it wastes memory that you may not need).
Simply put, the C++ standard does not require support for this. It is possible that if you know enough about the internals of your compiler, you can figure out how to access this information, but that would generally be considered bad practice. Note that there may be a difference in memory layout for heap-allocated arrays and stack-allocated arrays.
Remember that essentially what you are talking about here are C-style arrays, too -- even though new and delete are C++ operators -- and the behavior is inherited from C. If you want a C++ "array" that is sized, you should be using the STL (e.g. std::vector, std::deque).