Some questions about Vector in STL - c++

I have some questions about vector in STL to clarify.....
Where are the objects in vector allocated? heap?
does vector have boundary check? If the index out of the boundary, what error will happen?
Why array is faster than vector?
Is there any case in which vector is not applicable but array is a must?

In a contiguous memory block on the heap. A vector<int> allocates memory the same way new int[x] would.
Only if you use the at method. It throws an std::out_of_range exception if the boundary check fails. The operator[] doesn't perform bounds checking.
Because an array gives direct access to memory, while accessing a vector element most likely involves a method call. The difference can be ridiculously small though, especially if your compiler decides to inline the calls.
In general, you'll use a vector if you want your container to have a dynamic size, and a simple array if a known fixed size is enough. Be sure to check out the other containers, like deque and list, to be sure you pick the most appropriate one. Otherwise, if you need to deal with non-C++ APIs, you'll obviously need to have access to a regular array. (edit) #BillyONeal says you should use &vector[0] to get the address of the underlying array, but use it with care since it can change if the vector's capacity changes.

Where are the objects in vector
allocated? heap?
It depends on the STL implementation, but in all likelihood on the heap, yes.
does vector have boundary check? If the index out of the boundary,
what error will happen?
Yes, a vector grows dynamically, you can check its size using the capacity() member function. If it should run out of space, it generally allocates more space using the reserve() member function.
Why array is faster than vector?
Arrays can be faster because they are plain data that does not need to be accessed through a wrapper object such as vector. You can think of a vector as neatly packaged array for your convenience.
Is there any case in which vector is
not applicable but array is a must?
I think there can be times where an array is preferable over a vector. For example, when dealing with legacy C code or when speed is of utmost importance. But generally you can solve any array problem by containing the data in an STL vector.

Ad 4.: When dealing with legacy interfaces (e.g. POSIX) arrays may be a must.

On the heap (assuming you use the standard allocator, which is the default)
It is not boundary checked when using operator[], but it is if you use the member function at (e.g. If you use at and the index is out or bounds, it throws an std::out_of_range exception.
Arrays aren't generally faster. It depends whether or not the vector's operator[] calls are inlined or not. Most modern compilers should index it though, as it is just a single array index.
In general, normal arrays can be replaced by vectors. You shouldn't really use a std::vector on the public interface of a library, and manu library APIs require raw C-style arrays.

By default contents are allocated dynamically. (But I suppose you can provide an allocator that gets the memory from some place else.)
The at method does bounds checks and throws an out_of_range. Other methods may or may not check bounds, depending on implementation and settings.
I would assume a vector to be slower than an array when it does something different from an array. For example, dynamic allocation is costly, so vector has a cost that arrays don't have. Dynamically resizing a vector is costly, whereas an array can't be resized at all. I wouldn't expect to see any difference when accessing the elements (except for possible run-time checks done by the implementation which you should be able to turn off if desired).
I don't know of such a scenario. You can always get a pointer to the underlying array of a vector with &vec[0]. However, a vector can be an overkill if you don't need any of the features it provides - mostly the ability to (re)size it dynamically. In such cases an array could do just fine, but note that there are classes that make an array a first-class object too (std::tr1::array or boost::array) which make the array copyable and not decay into a pointer.


When do we use arrays over vectors in C++ and vice versa?

I saw the following from this link:
Vectors are part of STL. Vectors in C++ are sequence containers representing arrays that can change their size during runtime . They use contiguous storage locations for their elements just as efficiently as in arrays, which means that their elements can also be accessed using offsets on regular pointers to its elements.
Vectors are the dynamic arrays that are used to store data.It is different from arrays which store sequential data and are static in nature, Vectors provide more flexibility to the program. Vectors can adjust their size automatically when an element is inserted or deleted from it.
If vectors can do so much, under what circumstances do we still prefer arrays?
If vectors can do so much, under what circumstances do we still prefer arrays?
A good design is not when there is nothing left to add, rather when there is nothing left to remove. Or introducing extra complexity only when it is needed.
One major disadvantage of std::vector is that it uses dynamic memory allocation whenever it must grow, which can be quite expensive in terms of execution time. Therefore, in situations when a reasonable upper limit is known, it may be better to use a fixed-length array, even if this wastes memory space. This decision is a space/time trade-off.
However, this disadvantage of std::vector can be mitigated by reserving memory for a certain amount of elements in advance, by calling std::vector::reserve.
Another disadvantage of using std::vector is that serialization is significantly harder. For example, if you make a std::array a member of a struct, then you can simply copy the entire struct contents byte by byte in order to serialize it. However, this is not possible if you make a std::vector a member of a struct, as it will probably not store the actual data inside the struct, but will probably only store a pointer to the data. Therefore, you will be unable to serialize the struct by simply copying the memory of the struct. Instead, serializing the std::vector will require special treatment.

Are there any advantages of C++ Arrays over Vectors? [duplicate]

What are the differences between an array and a vector in C++? An example of the differences might be included libraries, symbolism, abilities, etc.
Arrays contain a specific number of elements of a particular type. So that the compiler can reserve the required amount of space when the program is compiled, you must specify the type and number of elements that the array will contain when it is defined. The compiler must be able to determine this value when the program is compiled. Once an array has been defined, you use the identifier for the array along with an index to access specific elements of the array. [...] arrays are zero-indexed; that is, the first element is at index 0. This indexing scheme is indicative of the close relationship in C++ between pointers and arrays and the rules that the language defines for pointer arithmetic.
— C++ Pocket Reference
A vector is a dynamically-sized sequence of objects that provides array-style operator[] random access. The member function push_back copies its arguments via copy constructor, adds that copy as the last item in the vector and increments its size by one. pop_back does the exact opposite, by removing the last element. Inserting or deleting items from the end of a vector takes amortized constant time, and inserting or deleting from any other location takes linear time. These are the basics of vectors. There is a lot more to them. In most cases, a vector should be your first choice over a C-style array. First of all, they are dynamically sized, which means they can grow as needed. You don't have to do all sorts of research to figure out an optimal static size, as in the case of C arrays; a vector grows as needed, and it can be resized larger or smaller manually if you need to. Second, vectors offer bounds checking with the at member function (but not with operator[]), so that you can do something if you reference a nonexistent index instead of simply watching your program crash or worse, continuing execution with corrupt data.
— C++ Cookbook
are a builtin language construct;
come almost unmodified from C89;
provide just a contiguous, indexable sequence of elements; no bells and whistles;
are of fixed size; you can't resize an array in C++ (unless it's an array of POD and it's allocated with malloc);
their size must be a compile-time constant unless they are allocated dynamically;
they take their storage space depending from the scope where you declare them;
if dynamically allocated, you must explicitly deallocate them;
if they are dynamically allocated, you just get a pointer, and you can't determine their size; otherwise, you can use sizeof (hence the common idiom sizeof(arr)/sizeof(*arr), that however fails silently when used inadvertently on a pointer);
automatically decay to a pointers in most situations; in particular, this happens when passing them to a function, which usually requires passing a separate parameter for their size;
can't be returned from a function; (Unless it is std::array)
can't be copied/assigned directly;
dynamical arrays of objects require a default constructor, since all their elements must be constructed first;
is a template class;
is a C++ only construct;
is implemented as a dynamic array;
grows and shrinks dynamically;
automatically manage their memory, which is freed on destruction;
can be passed to/returned from functions (by value);
can be copied/assigned (this performs a deep copy of all the stored elements);
doesn't decay to pointers, but you can explicitly get a pointer to their data (&vec[0] is guaranteed to work as expected);
always brings along with the internal dynamic array its size (how many elements are currently stored) and capacity (how many elements can be stored in the currently allocated block);
the internal dynamic array is not allocated inside the object itself (which just contains a few "bookkeeping" fields), but is allocated dynamically by the allocator specified in the relevant template parameter; the default one gets the memory from the freestore (the so-called heap), independently from how where the actual object is allocated;
for this reason, they may be less efficient than "regular" arrays for small, short-lived, local arrays;
when reallocating, the objects are copied (moved, in C++11);
does not require a default constructor for the objects being stored;
is better integrated with the rest of the so-called STL (it provides the begin()/end() methods, the usual STL typedefs, ...)
Also consider the "modern alternative" to arrays - std::array; I already described in another answer the difference between std::vector and std::array, you may want to have a look at it.
I'll add that arrays are very low-level constructs in C++ and you should try to stay away from them as much as possible when "learning the ropes" -- even Bjarne Stroustrup recommends this (he's the designer of C++).
Vectors come very close to the same performance as arrays, but with a great many conveniences and safety features. You'll probably start using arrays when interfacing with API's that deal with raw arrays, or when building your own collections.
Those reference pretty much answered your question. Simply put, vectors' lengths are dynamic while arrays have a fixed size.
when using an array, you specify its size upon declaration:
int myArray[100];
for vectors, you just declare it and add elements
vector<int> myVector;
at times you wont know the number of elements needed so a vector would be ideal for such a situation.

Dynamic arrays vs STL vectors exact difference?

What is the exact difference between dynamic arrays and vectors. It was an interview question to me.
I said both have sequential memory.
Vectors can be grown in size at any point in the code. He then said even dynamic arrays can be grown in size after creating.
I said vectors are error free since it is in the standard library. He said he will provide as .so file of dynamic arrays which is error free and has all the qualities on par with STL.
I am confused and didn't answer the exact difference. When I searched on Internet, I had seen the above statements only.
Can someone please explain me the exact difference? And what was the interviewer expecting from me?
He said he will provide as .so file of dynamic arrays which is error free and has all the qualities on par with STL.
If his dynamic array class does the same as std::vector (that is: it implements RAII to clean up after itself, can grow and shrink and whatever else std::vector does), then there's only one major advantage std::vector has over his dynamic array class:
std::vector is standardized and everybody knows it. If I see a std::vector in some piece of code, I know exactly what it does and how it is supposed to be used. If, however, I see a my::dynamic_array, I do not know that at all. I would need to have to look at its documentation or even — gasp! — implementation to find out whether my_dynamic_array::resize() does the same as std::vector::resize().
A great deal here depends on what he means by a "dynamic array". Most people mean something where the memory is allocated with array-new and freed with array-delete. If that's the intent here, then having qualities on a par with std::vector simply isn't possible.
The reason is fairly simple: std::vector routinely allocates a chunk of memory larger than necessary to hold the number of elements currently being stored. It then constructs objects in that memory as needed to expand. With array-new, however, you have no choice -- you're allocating an array of objects, so if you allocate space for (say) 100 objects, you end up with 100 objects being created in that space (immediately). It simply has no provision for having a buffer some part of which contains real objects, and another part of which is just plain memory, containing nothing.
I suppose if yo want to stretch a point, it's possible to imitate std::vector and still allocate the space with array-new. To do it, you just have to allocate an array of char, and then use placement new to create objects in that raw memory space. This allows pretty much the same things as std::vector, because it is nearly the same thing as std::vector. We're still missing a (potential) level of indirection though -- std::vector actually allocates memory via an Allocator object so you can change exactly how it allocates its raw memory (by default it uses std::allocator<T>, which uses operator new, but if you wanted to, you could actually write an allocator that would use new char[size], though I can't quite imagine why you would).
You could, of course, write your dynamic array to use an allocator object as well. At that point, for all practical purposes you've just reinvented std::vector under a (presumably) new name. In that case, #sbi is still right: the mere fact that it's not standardized means it's still missing one of the chief qualities of std:::vector -- the quality of being standardized and already known by everybody who knows C++. Even without that, though, we have to stretch the phrase "dynamic array" to (and I'd posit, beyond) the breaking point to get the same qualities as std::vector, even if we ignore standardization.
I expect they wanted you to talk about the traps of forgetting to delete the dynamic array with operator delete[] and then got confused themselves when they tried to help you along; it doesn't make much sense to implement a dynamic array as a plain class since it bakes in the element type.
The array memory allocated for vectors is released when the vector goes out of scope, in case the vector is declared on the stack (the backing array will be on the heap).
void foo() {
vector<int> v;
// ... method body
// backing array will be freed here
It says here: "Internally, vectors use a dynamically allocated array to store their elements."
Underlying concept of vectors is dynamically allocated array.
Maybe it's that dynamic array you would go through the copy process to a new dynamic array whenever you want to resize, but you are able to control when it does that depending on your knowledge of the data going into the array.
Whereas a vector uses the same process, but a vector does not know if it will grow or not later, so it probably allocates extra storage for possible growth in size, therefore it COULD possibly consume more memory space than intended to manage itself compared to dynamic arrays.
So, I'd say the difference is to use a vector when managing it's size is not a big deal, where you would use a dynamic array when you would rather do the resizing yourself.
Arrays have to be deallocated explicitly if defined dynamically whereas vectors are automatically de-allocated from heap memory.
Size of array cannot be determined if dynamically allocated whereas Size of the vector can be determined in O(1) time.
3.When arrays are passed to a function, a separate parameter for size is also passed whereas in case of passing a vector to a function, there is no such need as vector maintains variables which keeps track of size of container at all times.
4.When we allocate array dynamically then after size is initialized we cannot change the size whereasin vector we can do it.

C++: is it safe to work with std::vectors as if they were arrays?

I need to have a fixed-size array of elements and to call on them functions that require to know about how they're placed in memory, in particular:
functions like glVertexPointer, that needs to know where the vertices are, how distant they are one from the other and so on. In my case vertices would be members of the elements to store.
to get the index of an element within this array, I'd prefer to avoid having an index field within my elements, but would rather play with pointers arithmetic (ie: index of Element *x will be x - & array[0]) -- btw, this sounds dirty to me: is it good practice or should I do something else?
Is it safe to use std::vector for this?
Something makes me think that an std::array would be more appropriate but:
Constructor and destructor for my structure will be rarely called: I don't mind about such overhead.
I'm going to set the std::vector capacity to size I need (the size that would use for an std::array, thus won't take any overhead due to sporadic reallocation.
I don't mind a little space overhead for std::vector's internal structure.
I could use the ability to resize the vector (or better: to have a size chosen during setup), and I think there's no way to do this with std::array, since its size is a template parameter (that's too bad: I could do that even with an old C-like array, just dynamically allocating it on the heap).
If std::vector is fine for my purpose I'd like to know into details if it will have some runtime overhead with respect to std::array (or to a plain C array):
I know that it'll call the default constructor for any element once I increase its size (but I guess this won't cost anything if my data has got an empty default constructor?), same for destructor. Anything else?
Vectors are guaranteed to have all elements in contigous memory, so it is safe to use in your scenario. There can be a small performance hit compared to c-style arrays, for instance due to index validations done by the vector implementation. In most cases, the performance is determined by something else though, so I wouldn't worry about that until actual measurements of performance show that this a real problem.
As pointed out by others, make sure that you don't reallocate the vector while you are making use of the data stored in it if you are using pointers to elements (or iterators) to access it.
It's fine to treat the data in a std::vector as an array, get a pointer to the start of it with &v[0]. Obviously if you do anything that can reallocate the data then then you pointers will probably be invalidated.
Yep, You can use it as Array in OpenGL :) Example:
glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, dataVec.size() * sizeof( dataVec[0] ), &dataVec[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB );
Where dataVec is std::Vector
It is even safer than having an array on the stack: how big really is your stack? how big could your array become (fixed size, but the size could be increased in later versions)?
If you really want a std::array you can use boost::array. It is like a common array, but support iterators and you can easily use it with STL algorithms.
Working in multithreading environment and dynamic memory allocation might cause problem because vector is usually a continuous chunk of memory and of pointers might not!

std::vector versus std::array in C++

What are the difference between a std::vector and an std::array in C++? When should one be preferred over another? What are the pros and cons of each? All my textbook does is list how they are the same.
std::vector is a template class that encapsulate a dynamic array1, stored in the heap, that grows and shrinks automatically if elements are added or removed. It provides all the hooks (begin(), end(), iterators, etc) that make it work fine with the rest of the STL. It also has several useful methods that let you perform operations that on a normal array would be cumbersome, like e.g. inserting elements in the middle of a vector (it handles all the work of moving the following elements behind the scenes).
Since it stores the elements in memory allocated on the heap, it has some overhead in respect to static arrays.
std::array is a template class that encapsulate a statically-sized array, stored inside the object itself, which means that, if you instantiate the class on the stack, the array itself will be on the stack. Its size has to be known at compile time (it's passed as a template parameter), and it cannot grow or shrink.
It's more limited than std::vector, but it's often more efficient, especially for small sizes, because in practice it's mostly a lightweight wrapper around a C-style array. However, it's more secure, since the implicit conversion to pointer is disabled, and it provides much of the STL-related functionality of std::vector and of the other containers, so you can use it easily with STL algorithms & co. Anyhow, for the very limitation of fixed size it's much less flexible than std::vector.
For an introduction to std::array, have a look at this article; for a quick introduction to std::vector and to the the operations that are possible on it, you may want to look at its documentation.
Actually, I think that in the standard they are described in terms of maximum complexity of the different operations (e.g. random access in constant time, iteration over all the elements in linear time, add and removal of elements at the end in constant amortized time, etc), but AFAIK there's no other method of fulfilling such requirements other than using a dynamic array. As stated by #Lucretiel, the standard actually requires that the elements are stored contiguously, so it is a dynamic array, stored where the associated allocator puts it.
To emphasize a point made by #MatteoItalia, the efficiency difference is where the data is stored. Heap memory (required with vector) requires a call to the system to allocate memory and this can be expensive if you are counting cycles. Stack memory (possible for array) is virtually "zero-overhead" in terms of time, because the memory is allocated by just adjusting the stack pointer and it is done just once on entry to a function. The stack also avoids memory fragmentation. To be sure, std::array won't always be on the stack; it depends on where you allocate it, but it will still involve one less memory allocation from the heap compared to vector. If you have a
small "array" (under 100 elements say) - (a typical stack is about 8MB, so don't allocate more than a few KB on the stack or less if your code is recursive)
the size will be fixed
the lifetime is in the function scope (or is a member value with the same lifetime as the parent class)
you are counting cycles,
definitely use a std::array over a vector. If any of those requirements is not true, then use a std::vector.
If you are considering using multidimensional arrays, then there is one additional difference between std::array and std::vector. A multidimensional std::array will have the elements packed in memory in all dimensions, just as a c style array is. A multidimensional std::vector will not be packed in all dimensions.
Given the following declarations:
int cConc[3][5];
std::array<std::array<int, 5>, 3> aConc;
int **ptrConc; // initialized to [3][5] via new and destructed via delete
std::vector<std::vector<int>> vConc; // initialized to [3][5]
A pointer to the first element in the c-style array (cConc) or the std::array (aConc) can be iterated through the entire array by adding 1 to each preceding element. They are tightly packed.
A pointer to the first element in the vector array (vConc) or the pointer array (ptrConc) can only be iterated through the first 5 (in this case) elements, and then there are 12 bytes (on my system) of overhead for the next vector.
This means that a std::vector> array initialized as a [3][1000] array will be much smaller in memory than one initialized as a [1000][3] array, and both will be larger in memory than a std:array allocated either way.
This also means that you can't simply pass a multidimensional vector (or pointer) array to, say, openGL without accounting for the memory overhead, but you can naively pass a multidimensional std::array to openGL and have it work out.
Summarizing the above discussion in a table for quick reference:
C-Style Array
Memory efficiency
More efficient
More Efficient
Less efficient (May double its size on new allocation.)
Iterate over elements or use std::copy()
Direct copy: a2 = a1;
Direct copy: v2 = v1;
Passing to function
Passed by pointer. (Size not available in function)
Passed by value
Passed by value (Size available in that function)
sizeof(a1) / sizeof(a1[0])
Use case
For quick access and when insertions/deletions not frequently needed.
Same as classic array but safer and easier to pass and copy.
When frequent additions or deletions might be needed
Using the std::vector<T> class: just as fast as using built-in arrays, assuming you are doing only the things built-in arrays allow you to do (read and write to existing elements).
...automatically resizes when new elements are inserted.
...allows you to insert new elements at the beginning or in the middle of the vector, automatically "shifting" the rest of the elements "up"( does that make sense?). It allows you to remove elements anywhere in the std::vector, too, automatically shifting the rest of the elements down.
...allows you to perform a range-checked read with the at() method (you can always use the indexers [] if you don't want this check to be performed).
There are two three main caveats to using std::vector<T>:
You don't have reliable access to the underlying pointer, which may be an issue if you are dealing with third-party functions that demand the address of an array.
The std::vector<bool> class is silly. It's implemented as a condensed bitfield, not as an array. Avoid it if you want an array of bools!
During usage, std::vector<T>s are going to be a bit larger than a C++ array with the same number of elements. This is because they need to keep track of a small amount of other information, such as their current size, and because whenever std::vector<T>s resize, they reserve more space then they need. This is to prevent them from having to resize every time a new element is inserted. This behavior can be changed by providing a custom allocator, but I never felt the need to do that!
Edit: After reading Zud's reply to the question, I felt I should add this:
The std::array<T> class is not the same as a C++ array. std::array<T> is a very thin wrapper around C++ arrays, with the primary purpose of hiding the pointer from the user of the class (in C++, arrays are implicitly cast as pointers, often to dismaying effect). The std::array<T> class also stores its size (length), which can be very useful.
A vector is a container class while an array is an allocated memory.