Deploying a Web service (WAR) application in Weblogic 11g with WS- Security enabled - Error - web-services

I am trying to deploy our proprietary web service application (WAR) into Weblogic 11g server. I have created the WAR using Eclipse Indigo and Java 1.6.
I got the below error,
Messages An error occurred during activation of changes, please see
the log for details. Error encountered during prepare phase of
deploying WebService module 'TWSWebSec.war'. When processing
WebService module 'TWSWebSec.war'. Can't find wsdl
/wsdls/wsc10/wscoor.wsdl When processing WebService module
'TWSWebSec.war'. Can't find wsdl /wsdls/wsc10/wscoor.wsdl
The deployment has been successfully installed.
I tried with a hack of creating wscoor.wsdl into the specified folder and created a new WAR, this time the error was that it is a premature closure of file, which meant the file is identified and there is nothing in the file to read.
After this, i tried to input manually the service, interfaces, operation as per the created Service endpoint interfaces/ Web services, this time i got the error
An error occurred during activation of changes, please see the log
for details. Error encountered during prepare phase of deploying
WebService module 'TWSWebSec.war'. When processing WebService module
'TWSWebSec.war'. Can't find wsdl
/wsdls/wsc11/wstx-wscoor-1.1-wsdl-200702.wsdl When processing
WebService module 'TWSWebSec.war'. Can't find wsdl
/wsdls/wsc11/wstx-wscoor-1.1-wsdl-200702.wsdl The deployment has
been successfully installed.
Am I missing anything here? Is it a configuration problem? Do I need to update any JARs I use?
Please help. Also let me know if more information required?

I post this because there is a chance that you may be in a case that is similar to what I experienced. I had the same error (i.e. "can't find wsdl") yesterday afternoon when trying to make WebLogic deploy a client created with Eclipse's web service generator using CXF. It just never worked. Today I replaced that client with one made one using WebLogic's generator, also in Eclipse, where it is found under Oracle, WebLogic, Web and Service Client. That worked for me. It seems that WebLogic uses Metro and not CXF. There is certainly nothing wrong with CXF but it does not seem to make a good pair with WebLogic.
Best regards Johannes


Developing a ws-bpel process using wso2 developer studio

I am developing a ws-bpel process using wso2 developer studio and I am following this Tutorial.
But when I want to deploy the Bpel process on the BusinessProcessServer, I am not able to test it. I get an empty interface.
I must have the request message to send it. I don't have any error in the bpel process when i generated it's .zip file.
Can any one help me please ?
Seems like it is because you have secured the service with UTOverTransport. Try unsecuring the service (Re-secure it later if needed).

Creating a New Web Service Consumer Domino

I am trying to import a WSDL in to my Domino Designer 9.0.1 client. I have downloaded the WSDL file and specify it in the Local File part of the wizard.
I click OK and get the error
"The requested operation failed. Server redirected too many times (20)"
I have imported other WSDL's without a problem and the only difference with the one I now need, is that I need to login to see the WSDL.
Does this stop the wizard?
If so, is the only option writing the java agent from scratch to access the data?
Obviously I cannot provide the actual wsdl I am trying to attach to as it is a paid service, so not sure what other information I can provide to help find a solution.

Rest Web Service,

i am approaching the development of Restful web services for the first time. I tried to follow this guide for Netbeans . I am stuck at the testing of the web service.
When i open the
page, none of the root resources appears in the left menu. (there should be entities.customer and entities.discountcode)
I really can't find a solution.
Thanks in advance to anyone who likes to give me a hint.
--------------- Edit
If i click on CustomerDB --> Deploy i get an error
In-place deployment at C:\Users\utente\Documents\NetBeansProjects\CustomerDB\build\web
GlassFish Server 4, deploy, null, false
The module has not been deployed.
See the server log for details.
The line 1071 of build-impl.xml is
<nbdeploy clientUrlPart="${client.urlPart}" debugmode="false" forceRedeploy="${forceRedeploy}"/>
I checked out the referenced tutorial.
Which exact path did you follow? Did you change anything?
Most likely your CustomerDB application is not deployed correctly (see GlassFish Server output in NetBeans) and thus is not able to expose the web service and thus is not displayed in the test page (nothing visible in the side bar).
I tried the tutorial myself and had that phenomenon when using another database ("test" instead of the sample db, which was not connectable in my installed environment), resulting in a message that "test__pm" resource was not found. I then created a conection pool and a jdbc reosurce for test and then it worked.

Apache ODE BPEL Deployment with a webservice (file transfer)

I'd like to write a axis2 webservice for deploying BPEL Processes on a Apache ODE.
At the moment I have two main issues/questions.
I wrote a simple WS that creates a file.
It works fine in eclipse with a integrated apache tomcat with axis2.
But if I run the service on the exact same server without ecplise it won't work and I get 'Unhandled IOException' Errors, although I have the handling implemented (otherwise ecplise would cry about it all the time).
EDIT: I solved it by not uploading the service.aar with axis2 but putting it in the /webapps folder.
How do I get access to the folder were I need to put the BPEL files?
Is it obligatory that the service runs on the same server as the ODE?
EDIT: Getting access to the folder on the same server is an easy one with 1.
How do I transfer files with a webservice?
Better: How do I implement it?
Regarding 2) you can use the deployment API exposed by ODE. This allows for transfering deployment units (zip files containing BPELs, WSDLs, DDs) via SOAP to ODE and starting the deployment.
The WSDL is available at http://.../processes/DeploymentService?wsdl, on the default installation that would be http://localhost:8080/ode/processes/DeploymentService?wsdl

How to deploy an Axis-generated soap service to an embedded Tomcat instance

I generated a Soap Service from a WSDL and now I need to deploy it to my existing application which uses embedded tomcat (I.E. I have a class which extends TomcatServeletContainer and a main class which instantiates that class and starts the server).
I see many examples for how to deploy an axis service to a standalone tomcat using a WAR, or a WSDD, but I don't see how to wire it together myself. I assume I have to define a servelet in the web.xml and provide some other glue. Any assistance or pointers to appropriate documentation would be most appreciated.
Have you been able to get this to work?
I've been trying to build a webservice (in a standalone war-file containing the axis jars (w/dependencies)+server-config.wsdd) using maven. I really don't want to make any calls to the AdminClient at all (meaning not to install Axis).
I've generated the server side sources from a WSDL using the axistools-maven-plugin, and everything seems to work ok until I have deployed the service. http://localhost:8080/myApp/services gives me the name of the service and two exposed methods. But clicking the wsdl link displays an Axis error message telling me "Could not generate WSDL! There is no SOAP service at this location".
Is it at all possible to build a standalone Axis webservice this way using maven?
Yes, you will need build your application the same way you would for a WAR but programmatically inform tomcat where you exploded war lives.
Everything else should be the same as the standard servlet spec.