Should I use webservice? [closed] - web-services

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Closed 8 years ago.
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There are 3 different applications that has data which is not properly formatted. I am planning to write an application to properly format this data before entering into the DB. which is the best approach to make all the applications to call this formatting application? Should the formatting application be a web service called by all other application?

If they're indeed different applications (and not, say, three controllers and/or actions of a single webapp), yes, webservice would fit quite nice, I suppose.
Still there's the other way around: you can set up a simple application which will be called in the shell context. Or, if all these apps use the same platform, just create a 'library utility class' which will be called by this very platform.


Django vs Play framework in terms of performance [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Django uses a threaded architecture unlike Play framework which uses Evented architecture.
I wanted to compare Django with Play framework. Which one performs better if we deploy the services written in Django and Play on the hardware with same configuration, also given that business logic for the service has been written effeciently in both the frameworks? Which framework has the potential to scale to 1000+ concurrent requests?
Threads and events are not a dichotomy, Play gives you threads and an event loop.
This question is too broad, it really depends on what you're trying to implement - in many many use cases the web framework is not the bottleneck, it's the database. But if you insist on getting on a comparison that completely ignores whatever your specific use case is, then here's a comparison:

What are my options for cross program communication? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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A while ago i made a database framework in c++ and have been using it in various places, even made a wrapper for it for
Now i have a new project that would require multiple programs accessing a single database and it would be wasteful to load up the database multiple times for every one of them not to mention the syncing horrors.
So I figured i would turn the framework into a standalone application and access to the data would be done in some xx magical way from those other programs. From what I've seen php and mysql do something like this..?
Problem is, I have no clue where to start. The only kind of cross program communication i've done is one program reading and writing directly into the other ones memory, seems kinda hacky though and I'm not sure if that sort of thing is going to fly with managed languages (I want to make it accessible in too).
The most portable way to do IPC (inter-process communication) is probably going to be Sockets.
What about D-Bus? There ist a port for Windows.

Qt vs. WPF - easier GUI creation [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to create an Application which also needs a lot of GUI stuff. I started with WPF and immediately found its limits, for example with the tweaking of a DataGrid... (actually not a limit, but needs a lot of effort...)
The application will also include self-made diagrams like a Gantt-diagram (at least similar to a Gantt-diagram).
Now I've read a little bit about Qt and also made some simple forms. I also know that nearly everything is possible with Qt (like an interactive Gantt-diagram). But the main question is, which one is easier (less effort) for creating non-standard UI-elements. WPF or Qt?

Interact with a C++ application throught CakePHP [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm wondering Which solution could be the best to interact with a C++ application and its data through CakePHP over a Windows environment.
I was thinking about creating an API, with Delphi or Java for example, which could work with JSON requests and which at the same time would be linked to the C++ application.
This is a very generic question but I would like to have any feedback about this or know if anyone have tried something similar before and what solution was implemented for it.
First, you need to define "best": Most performant, easiest to implement, best scalable, most portable...?
If you can modify the C++ application, I would not create a component in the middle (what you suggest to write in Delphi or Java) but instead add an interface which PHP can access directly. If you cannot do this then you need to create such a component, of course. In this case, roughly the same options exist as for embedding the interface in the C++ app:
A simple approach is to use sockets (see Interprocess communication within PHP with a continuous process?). A more heavyweight approach is
And of course you can expose a webservice (SOAP, REST, XML or JSON...). This is certainly a very portable interface but probably not the fastest (more layers in between).

What is the best approach to follow in WebService developments? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is it starting from WSDL or from coding?
I believe what you are asking is what is better: bottom up (coding first) vs top down (wsdl first).
There are many, many articles on the topic, so you can do a quick google search. This looks like a good article I found by searching.
It is depends on requirement and feasibilty.But mostly in case of service provider,first we write the code then generate the wsdl and publish it..When consumer wants to consumes the service then ,they generate the client code from wsdl and invoke the services....That how most application works......