Django vs Play framework in terms of performance [closed] - django

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Django uses a threaded architecture unlike Play framework which uses Evented architecture.
I wanted to compare Django with Play framework. Which one performs better if we deploy the services written in Django and Play on the hardware with same configuration, also given that business logic for the service has been written effeciently in both the frameworks? Which framework has the potential to scale to 1000+ concurrent requests?

Threads and events are not a dichotomy, Play gives you threads and an event loop.
This question is too broad, it really depends on what you're trying to implement - in many many use cases the web framework is not the bottleneck, it's the database. But if you insist on getting on a comparison that completely ignores whatever your specific use case is, then here's a comparison:


How to run multiple simulations inside containers programmatically? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am developing a website that runs a simulation given a user-submitted script. I tried to follow some Online Judge architectures, but in my case, I need to send user input and receive the output in realtime, like a simulation.
I tried Kubernetes Jobs, but isn't seems so easy to communicate with the container, especially if I need a Kubernetes client on the language that I am working.
So, my question is: Given this scenario, what is the best approach to orchestrate multiple containers with interactive I/O programmatically?
*Obs.: I am not worrying about security yet.
Please take a look at the design of the spark operator:
That has a somewhat similar design to what you’re targeting. Similarly, Argo Workflow is another example:

Should I use GulpJS or Ember-cli? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am in doubt. Always used the Gulp to minify, concat, etc. But am in doubt whether to use the Ember-cli or continue using Gulp. For example, with Gulp I can use and that helps me in the projects.
Or I can use Ember-cli and GulpJS together? Then use the Ember-cli on the basic tasks that it already does and Gulp for more complex tasks?
If you're developing an Ember application, you should definitely use Ember CLI. It takes care of minification and the other tasks for you.
There's usually no reason to pull in other build pipelines. For the specific case of cssnext for example, there are two addons, ember-cli-cssnext and ember-cssnext. The first one is maintained by an Ember core team developer, so it should be supported.

Advantages of Service Oriented Architecutre [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I searched on Google, but didn't get straight answers that what are the advantages of Service Oriented Architecture?
Can someone please highlight some of the benefits of SOA?
The two most important (at least in a practical sense) are:
Small, manageable (i.e. maintainable) components.
Services can be distributed across different machines. This makes
the system highly scalable.
In other words: SOA is a good fit into the modern software development landscape with distributed teams and ever-changing requirements, be it functional or non-functional.
It gives great deal of re usability to your code and enormous power to the business as well.
Lets say you start creating an application for banking, now you need to create a mobile app for the same, and if that's not it you have to expose methods from your service to Master /Visa for transaction.
Now in the above scenario if application has been designed with SOA in mind, then lot of code is reused with added advantage of centralized deployment.

Implementing TDD midway through a project [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am currently at about the 50% point in a web app's development, getting to this point by rapidly coding followed by refactoring. After reviewing with the client again at this point, the scope of the project required for completion is clear and unlikely to change.
Is it advised at this point to start implementing tests? If so, do I create tests for the functionality already completed or prioritize TDD for the remaining parts of the application?
As mentioned in the comment by #zerkms it is usually advisable to use TDD for new functionality, and when you change existing behaviour.
To guard the functionality you currently have, use some integration tests and smoke tests for some typical, and crucial scenarios. Don't aim to achieve high coverage with these tests, as it will be to much of a burden to maintain them in the future. If you will be persistent at writing unit tests for discovered bugs and new stuff in time you will get high coverage.

Should I use webservice? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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There are 3 different applications that has data which is not properly formatted. I am planning to write an application to properly format this data before entering into the DB. which is the best approach to make all the applications to call this formatting application? Should the formatting application be a web service called by all other application?
If they're indeed different applications (and not, say, three controllers and/or actions of a single webapp), yes, webservice would fit quite nice, I suppose.
Still there's the other way around: you can set up a simple application which will be called in the shell context. Or, if all these apps use the same platform, just create a 'library utility class' which will be called by this very platform.