Debugging django with Komodo IDE 7 doesnt break on breakpoints - django

I am using Komodo IDE 7 with a Django 1.4 using Python27.
I have been using the remote debugging option of Komodo IDE 7 but it seems to not responed to my breakpoints. If I break in my model decleration/ it does break for the first time but it seems to "disconnect" after the first initialization.
the command I am running the debugger is :
set KOMODO_PATH="%ProgramFiles%\ActiveState Komodo IDE 7\lib\support\dbgp\bin"
c:\python27\python %KOMODO_PATH%\ -d localhost:9000 runserver --noreload

Figured out that this is a bug in Komodo 7.02. It seems that Django 1.4 uses a multi-threading machanisim which doesnt work well with Komodo.
A bug was filed but for a while there is a work around : using --nothreading while starting
However, it seems to effect performance badly !


Pycharm debugger error

I am trying to run the pycharm debugger but he not working, for all my files (which he work for them last night)
this is the erorr:
C:\Python27\python.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\PyCharm Community Edition 5.0.1\helpers\pydev\" --multiproc --qt-support --client --port 60124 --file C:/Users/User/PycharmProjects/untitled/
pydev debugger: process 6168 is connecting
Connected to pydev debugger (build 143.595)
Process finished with exit code 0
I was stuck on the same issue for a while, but reading over these two threads at the developer's site made me find the issue:
Pycharm debugger not working
Debugger not working: code is executed normally
In my case, it was because the Breakpoints setting had become incorrect somehow. To fix it, go to the Breakpoints menu by clicking here (or CTRL+SHIFT+F8):
Then set the settings to something like this. The top option Enabled was disabled in my case.
After this, it worked as usual in my case.
Pycharm 2017.1.1 professional
Python 3.5.1
Django 1.10
Remove all set breakpoints and then retry debugging. To do this press <CTRL>+<SHIFT>+<F8> then select all breakpoints then click the (-) button. This problem can occur across multiple versions.

Pycharm debugger does not stop on breakpoints

I have a flask project I am trying to debug (this was working absolutely ok till few hours ago) - When I debug the project, I see the following :
Connected to pydev debugger (build 135.1057)
/Users/vantani/cp/bin/python /Applications/ --multiproc --save-
signatures --client --port 49223 --file /Users/vantani/cp/unnamed/ server
pydev debugger: process 484 is connecting
/Users/vantani/cp/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask_cache/ UserWarning: Flask-
Cache: CACHE_TYPE is set to null, caching is effectively disabled.
warnings.warn("Flask-Cache: CACHE_TYPE is set to null, "
* Running on
* Restarting with reloader
pydev debugger: process 498 is connecting
As I said this setup was working fine. Now, the debugger does not stop at the breakpoint and the debugger window is empty. I see that there are two processes created by PyDev and I guess that is causing this issue. I have restarted my machine and there is only one pycharm process running.
Sometimes this might be caused by the fact that some other module is using the same tracing api (sys.settrace) as debugger, for instance The solution would be to go to your Rub/Debug Configurations and add --no-cov flag to the Additional Arguments.
Alternatively you might want to delete all --cov in pytest settings (i.e. pytest.ini) or run tests with --no-cov flag, i.e.
pytest --no-cov
It might be also caused by a bad filename, e.g. your file/directory has special characters or spaces in it. Try removing them or changing to e.g. underscore (_).
There is an issue with the debugger in PyCharm lately.
I'm on mac using PyCharm 2020.2 and while the debugger would stop at tests, it wouldn't stop when running the dev server for django.
For me disabling Gevent compatible option in Preferences > Build, Execution, Deployment has helped.
Worth noting that some suggest to enable some suggest to disable that option - so it's worth having a go at each and see if that helps your case.
Just need set flask's debug mode off, such as
I didn't have a flask project but I had the same problem. In my case I had to change the project-path! There were umlauts (ü,ä,ö) in it. By removing them the breakpoints worked again.
My problem is solved when I installed pydevd-pycharm
pip install pydevd-pycharm
Also here is a useful link for this problem.
github from jetbrains intellij-community
Check your python debugger settings, and clear your cache, This helped me
The following workaround should help. I had a same problem in a simple Python script. PyCharm debugger didn't stop on a simple breakpoint and just ran to the end.
Thanks to Gabriel's answer, I checked the path to my script and it had Russian letters. Because I use Russian Windows and it creates admin user named 'Administrator' using Russian letters.
I changed the Russian letters to use only English letters from the project-path (just copied PyCharm projects folder to the root of disk and reloaded my project from new place. Nothing else was changed!). And the debugger immediately started working just fine and stopped on breakpoints!
It looks like this a bug that PyCharm debuger can't work with different national letters in the path. It very common situation outside English-speaking countries.
For Sanic case.
Run go_fast(..auto_reload=False,..).
There is a long thread about this issue on JetBrains forums: Reading through that thread is like reading a black magic book, everyone has their own voodoo $^$#
I ran into this issue with 2021.1.1 CE and a brand new project. My solution was to change the default test runner to pytest. YMMV. If that thread is any indication, debugging might stop working if it rains tomorrow.
For me I deleted project from "recent projects in pycharm" then I opened project direct from repository. It works again.
Had the same issue recently (July 2021 PyCharms 2021.1.3 CE) for days trying everything I could find online would not work. Then found under File --> Manage IDE Settings --> Restore Default Setting, that fixed the issue for me.
For all those people that have the same problem, but can't resolve it, maybe this will work:
The problem could be, that pydev isn't connecting to its subprocess.
Check if the option "Attach to subprocess automatically while debugging?" in the debugger settings is set. You can find it in File > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Python Debugger (current version of PyCharm)
Usually there is also a short hint in the console but I didn't notice it.
After removing debug_toolbar middleware the debugger is back to normal.
It's happening because of a third party module. I tried all the solutions listed and none worked for me.
I changed the interpreter that I'm using and it's working.
I had this issue when running remote interpreter from docker-compose. It disappeared when I set Working directory to my project root directory in Run/Debug Configuration. I also restarted Pycharm and invalidated caches.
I got it fixed by removing coverage config from pytest.ini
Not exactly the same case but, if you are using the Debug Server to debug a docker container, the only thing which made the breakpoint to stop for me is to set and environment variable for the container:
PyCharm Version: 2022.2.2
For me PyCharm actually executed a different file. If you just clicked the run button... try if it makes a difference if you use
right click on file => Run 'xy'.
Or double check if your file full path to be executed is specified in "Script path" in the run configuration. I used to use the file name in "interpreter option" along with "working directory" specified. It would work that way.

Powerful Debuggers for Django

The Django debugger is absolutely dreading and finding errors is a daunting task.
Are there any third party Django debuggers out there?
I don't know about Django debuggers, but PyCharm by JetBrains is an awesome Python IDE with a built-in debugger. I've been using it for over 2 years (previously a decade long user of their awesome IntellJ Java IDE) for Django work and it's been worth every penny paid.
Pydevd plugin for eclipse supports debugging code run from outside the IDE. I find it works great with Django.
It's simple to use - start the debugger from eclipse, then add the line import pydevd;pydevd.settrace() and execution will break at that line, allowing you to step through etc from eclipse.
To debug code on a remote machine, include the ip address of the machine running eclipse as an argument to settrace() (ie import pydevd;pydevd.settrace('')).
Obviously the pydevd module will neeed to be on your pythonpath.
For installation instructions check the docs.

Is there a way to make aptana 3 autoreload when i make changes to a py file in a django project?

Aptana makes it open in --noreload mode automatically because not doing so causes python instances to remain open or something like that, is there anyway to bypass this problem?
As far as I know, it's not possible to auto-reload .py files within an Aptana Python run/debug configuration (which is what I'm assuming you're doing to get access to the call stack for debugging). I've been using Aptana for Python development for a couple of years, and I've yet to see a way to do this. if someone knows how, please share!

debugger for django

how can i debug my django code ?
Generally, I use django-debug-toolbar for debugging django-specific stuff.
pdb is useful for lower-level shell debugging, when you're using runserver. Though I prefer to use ipython (pip install ipdb, then import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace(), like you would with pdb)
There's also werkzeug, which, when combined with django-extensions' runserver_plus command, will allow you to open a web-based python shell on error pages:
This item requires that you have the Werkzeug WSGI utilities (version 0.3) installed. Included with Werkzeug is a kick ass debugger that renders nice debugging tracebacks and adds an AJAX based debugger (which allows to execute code in the context of the traceback’s frames). Additionally it provides a nice access view to the source code.
What's wrong with the built-in Python debugger? Just insert this in your code where you want to set a breakpoint:
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
and execution will pause there, and the console will show a debugging prompt enabling you to inspect variables and step through the code.
Get PyCharm from JetBrains. It has a lovely built in debugger and Django support.
I use Aptana Studio and pyDev - and eclipse IDE. its free and has build in django and debugging.