I have a website where I want to show a facebook like button, which shows the faces.
my FBML looks like this
<fb:like send="false" width="200" show_faces="true" action="like" href="http://www.facebook.com/my-page" colorscheme="lite"></fb:like>
this doesnt show the faces, but if I add a url which is not a FB one, something like
it shows the faces
any idea?
ok, I think I found the answer after some troubleshooting. The faces will only show for a URL that you either like or you have friends that like it.
Try this in your code and let me know if that works for you --
I have a problem that's been bugging me for a while now. I have a page with a Facebook Like button on it. When the visitor clicks on it, everything is working as it should. The user first logs in her Facebook account, and the right information is showing in the little iFrame that pops up. It has correct headline, url, image, and the possibility to add some text to the post.
But once posted on Facebook, the wall post doesn't show the description, instead it shows four rows with the text n/a. How come?
Some additional information:
I have set the followwing fields in the head section of the html, and
the Facebook debugger tool scrapes the correct information: og:title,
og:description, og:image, og:url, og:locale, og:type
Also, it always works for me and some others when liking it, but not
when person X or Y tries to share it, so it's kind of sporadic...
I use the Facebook js sdk.
In the Facebook debugger tool I get this warning: fb:admins and fb:app_id tags are missing. These tags are necessary for Facebook to render a News Feed story that generates a high click-through rate. But I have read somewhere that this shouldn't be necessary in my case.
The description sometimes contains characters like Å, Ä and Ö.
Has anyone else experienced this behavior?
Thanks in advance!
I'm having a weird problem on this page www.vivopositivo.it/media/foto/guarda-chi-sorride-over-18-e-famiglie/ with the like button. I'm using PrettyPhoto to include the pictures from Flickr and open them in a lightbox. Each picture has it's own like button which shows in the lightbox and uses a specific URL such as:
where the number in #prettyPhoto[pp_gal]/1/ is the key for the specific image.
The like buttons are included with the following code:
iframe src="//www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?locale=en_US&href={location_href}&layout=button_count&show_faces=true&width=500&action=like&font&colorscheme=light&height=23" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:500px; height:23px;" allowTransparency="true" /iframe
where {location_href} gets replaced with the image specific URL.
This works for most of the images, but for some of them doesn't! They seem to get the like counter of the page instead, therefore, I get about 10 images which show the same 128 like counter which is obviously wrong. This seems completely random..
Do you have any idea on how to fix this?
This is because of # in URL which identifies the image.
Please refer to this post for further explanation.
I found a few similar topics however none specific to my issue. I went to create a like button code, I clicked the create like box, added my link http://www.facebook.com/pages/SpartaPerformancecom/248083571902684 to the URL formated the like button how I want it to appear. Then I opened Dreamweaver and pasted the Facebook code in the Dreamweaver HTML code where I want the Like button to appear but I get nothing. Please respond like "coding for dummies" language so I can understand how to solve my issue. Thanks in advance.
Make sure you add <div id="fb-root"></div> somewhere between the <body></body> tags. Their latest like button generator is missing that part.
I have a like button on my site, i have defined all the og: meta tags and its works for most of most pages, but doesnt for 2 other pages. Its using a template so its exactly the same code, how can it work for some but not all pages?
For the pages it doesnt work, it doesnt pick up the title, image, link or description, basically any of the meta tags information.
Working like button....
Not working Like button
Any ideas?
One usual problem is caching. If you were testing and at some point had the wrong data in the metatags facebook will cache that info.
One simple wat to test if it is a caching issue is to add a random param at the end of the URL.
so www.yourpage.com/index.php?cacheBust=1
Running the Facebook Debugger often clears those kind of things up. It appears to refresh the FB cache when you do.
I am totally new to this. What I want to do is to add a like button on an external website, which will then like a photo in one of the album in a page. I followed the instructions but still get "error" or page inaccessible whenever the like button is clicked.
The test page is at http://www.jeremyhoo.comlu.com/rosken/ try clicking the like button to see what I mean. Any idea how do I correct this?
Thanks Heaps!
Change your og:url to http://www.jeremyhoo.comlu.com/rosken/