Enable antialiasing using Xlib - drawing

I'm trying to develop a custom set of libraries for creating GUIs in Linux, with, you know, widgets, buttons, etc. So I'm now learning to creating user interfaces using X11 and its Xlib. I get to the point of having a nice window of a size specified, at a position specified, of a specified background color, and the possibility of drawing points, rectangles, arcs. However as I drew my first circle I got really disappointed by the fact that the circle is not antialiased. I can see every single pixel as a square.
Now the question is easy. Is there any way to tell X: please antialias anything before drawing? Or do I have to avoid using XDrawArc and use a custom function which calls XDrawPoint for each point of the circle? Or there is a third solution?
Thanks in advance.

The short answer is "no". Xlib doesn't do anti-aliasing.
The longer answer is "you can use a higher level API such as Cairo Graphics". It's not necessary to roll your own.

What you encountered are the limitations of the X11 core protocol; technically it would be perfectly possible to add antialiasing to it, but that didn't happen.
Instead there's the XRender extension, that provides nice antialiased primitives. You'll also want to look into Xft to render antialiased text using vector fonts.

You can roll your own antialiasing algorithm. You have the only 2 primitives you need: 1) a function to draw TrueColor points (namely, xcb_poly_point(), if you're using XCB), and 2) for loops.


OpenGL & Qt : display a label on the mouseover

I'm working with OpenGL and Qt. I render a scene in an OpenGLWidget. When hovering over objects in the scene, I would like to display a box near the selected object with some text. I have already implemented the selection of the object.
I thought of two possible approaches.
Place a widget (such as a QLabel) above the OpenGLWidget in
which the scene is rendered.
Render the text in a quad directly in OpenGL.
Which of the two approaches you recommend and you could please give me some suggestions on implementation. Alternatively, you could recommend another approach. Thanks!
Hi #Artic I am not a Qt expert so I can't give you information on widgets, but I can give you some pointers for creating a label with OpenGL. Giving a full implementation is tricky here because it depends a lot on how you want to display the text. But I'll try to outline some of your options.
To render text in OpenGL most people go with a technique known as bitmap fonts, see more here:
The concept of bitmap fonts is fairly straight forward, all characters are pre-rasterized to a texture and then you can sample from each part of the texture depending on the character you need. You build your label out of quads, textured with each part of the bitmap you sample from for each character.
Signed distance fields essentially use the same technique but the pre-rasterized texture of characters are rendered using signed distance fields which deal with some of the issues that standard bitmaps fonts have.
In basic terms, SDF works by generating a special texture, or image, of the font that stores the distance from the edge of each character to its centre, using the colour channels of the image to record the data.
If you use signed distance fields it won't be enough to just sample from your bitmap, fonts rendered this way require extra work (typically done using a shader program) to produce the correct rendering.
Once you have a way of generating a label you can decide if you want to display it in screen space or in world space.
If you want to display it in world space (where the label is hovering over the model or item) you will need to do more work if you want that label to always face the camera and this technique is called billboarding.
You could also render your text "on the fly" if you just want to render some text to the screen in screen space. You can use a library like SDL_ttf.
See: http://lazyfoo.net/tutorials/SDL/16_true_type_fonts/index.php
In this example you use SDL_ttf to render a string of text to a surface with dimensions of your choosing, you can then create an OpenGL texture from that surface and render it to the screen.
Sorry if this information is a bit broad, I would need a more specific question to give you further implementation details.
For an implementation, I would evaluate the pros and cons based on what you need. If you haven't implemented a system for rendering text before it's probably best to stick with something simple; there are more techniques for text rendering than I have listed here such as turning text in to polygons and other libraries which attempt to deal with some of the issues with traditional font rendering techniques but you probably don't need anything complicated.
For a recommendation on which to use I would go with the technique that you feel most comfortable with, typically doing things from scratch in OpenGL will take more time but it can provide you with a nicer set of functionality to use in the future. However if Qt already has something nice for rendering a label (such as a widget that you mentioned) it is probably worth taking the time to learn how to use it as it may yield faster results and you don't want to reinvent the wheel if you don't need to. On that note though doing things from scratch with OpenGL can be very rewarding and greatly improve your understanding since you have to get familiar with how things are done when you don't have a layer of abstraction to depend on. Ultimately it depends on you. Good luck!
You could use tool tips in Qt. The string will appear when the OpenGlWidget is hovered over. You can change the text of the tool tip based on the mouse location in the scene, using the tool tip method showText():
QToolTip::showText(QPoint &position, QString &text, QWidget *w);
There are more options for the showText() method and can be found in Qt's tool tip documentation. Also, here are more examples on how to use Qt tool tips.

C++ Zooming Graphical Content

I'm trying to make a program that handles graphics and I am not quite sure how to implement zooming. I have done a zooming effect with primitive shapes such as lines and circles (with SDL_gfxPrimitives) by scaling them down but that wont work for a picture. How would I implement zooming?
There is a SDL library that supports zooming:
SDL2_gfx Library
The SDL_gfx library evolved out of the SDL_gfxPrimitives code which
provided basic drawing routines such as lines, circles or polygons and
SDL_rotozoom which implemented a interpolating rotozoomer for SDL
The current components of the SDL_gfx library are:
Graphic Primitives (SDL_gfxPrimitves.h)
Rotozoomer (SDL_rotozoom.h)
Framerate control (SDL_framerate.h)
MMX image filters (SDL_imageFilter.h)
Custom Blit functions (SDL_gfxBlitFunc.h)
Your question is not specific enough to produce a specific answer that is likely to get you what you appear to be looking for.
What I can offer you is the suggestion that you first come up with a way to represent zooming.
If you already know how to draw a picture, consider the fact that when it comes to computer graphics, it is almost always the case that "zooming in" or "zooming out" is nothing more than drawing your picture at a progressively larger or smaller size.
With that in mind, maybe you will begin to see that a reasonable way to represent the concept of zooming is with some form of Camera class that will unambiguously determine the size and location of the pictures you draw.

Most efficient way to draw rectangle to screen

Essentially I want a border-less, black window which I can set the location and size of./
I then want to draw a filled white polygon given four points.
I say efficient, as I am currently using OpenCV to draw which I believe is every inefficient. I want to be able to change the points and have it redraw with new points at least 30fps.
My target platform is Windows with C++.
Does anyone know the quickest way to achieve this, maybe with a small library?
I would recommend you use openGl eg via the GLUT library.
The easiest way to do this will be to use DirectX. You can create, resize, and reposition the window with the Windows API and render into it with DirectX. DX has a much more accessible API than OpenGL, because OGL is full of implicit globals and weak typing, and the support libraries like GLUT are terrible C hackery as well, whereas DX is easy to whip up RAII with a couple of custom deleters and is object-orientated.
You can also use, if on Vista or later, Direct2D, which is more designed for simple 2D rendering.

deformation of SVG file. Bezier Curves?

I have an SVG file.This file shows the outline of cartoon character(2D character).
My question is, can I make a program that It allows the user to interact with the outline and deform it.
An example is, to pull the outline of character's arm, with the mouse,and the arm gets bigger.
I suppose that Bezier Curves and Elliptical Arcs is a solution.I also wonder if i use OPENGL, I might be more flexible to do that.
The interaction aspect you'll need to deal with yourself. There is a recent OpenGL extension, NV_path_rendering which makes accurate, hardware-accelerated rendering of SVG and other vector formats pretty simple. The SDK includes at least one example where interaction with control points is shown, which might make a good starting place for you. Obviously, this would require you/the end user to have a GPU which supports the extension. Here's a video of the developer explaining the extension and what it can do.
I also wonder if i use OPENGL, I might be more flexible to do that.
OpenGL will not make things easier in any way. OpenGL is a drawing API, not some kind of magic scene and geometry manager. All it gives you are points, lines and triangles and methods to define how those are to be drawn to a framebuffer.
Interaction with the user lies completely outside the scope of OpenGL.
iscriptdesign allows you to create interactive graphics, but you need to program/script those yourself.

Fast C++ Graphics (as in programming time)

I've played around with GLUT, but I've also read about SDL and one or two other graphics libraries. All I want to do at this point is 2D work. For what I'm doing right now, pixel by pixel plotting is all I need (say, plot(x,y,color) or something of the sort), but in the future I would appreciate the use of sprites. I've given point plotting a go with GLUT but it's rather non-intuitive coming from a B.A.S.I.C. background.
I work on both Ubuntu and Windows, so solutions for both systems are welcome.
SDL is probably a good choice; another option to look at would be Qt (just subclass a QWidget and override its paintEvent() method and do your pixel plotting inside that). Qt can also provide windowing/infrastructure support for OpenGL graphics if that's your preference.