Qml C++ Find Child - c++

I have a main.qml with a MainPage.qml inserted through:
initialPage: MainPage {tools: toolBarLayout}
because I choose to make it for Symbian. When i try:
QObject *mainPage = rootObject->findChild<QObject*>("MainPage");
if (mainPage)
QDeclarativeProperty(mainPage, "toets").write(3);
the message doesn't come through but there are no errors, I have also tried connecting a SIGNAL to a SLOT on MainPage with the "if (mainPage)" but it also has no response. I have managed to get a signal through to main though but when I try:
function changeNum(num)
The function never gets executed because I don't get a message from console.log at all unlike I do when the function on main runs. I also know the other methods didn't work because the also didn't log a message or execute the rest of their function.
I think the problem might lie in MainPage not being created as an element with a id. Do you know what might be causing this?

findChild doesn't look for the id but the objectName property which you can simply add inside the MainPage object (see the documentation):
initialPage: MainPage {
objectName: "MainPage"
tools: toolBarLayout
You could also access that object through the initialPage property of the rootObject without the need to add a objectName property:
QObject * mainPage = QDeclarativeProperty(rootObject, "initialPage").object();
if (mainPage)
QDeclarativeProperty(mainPage, "toets").write(3);


QML: C++ classes with "bring your own component"

I'm trying to develop a Qt C++ application, with a QML frontend, but I hit a roadblock.
This is what I have so far:
A Factory class that outputs a choice of objects. These objects, that I'm going to call "controllers", control different pieces of hardware.
The Factory would be exposed to the QML layer with setContextProperty.
The controller would be chosen basically with a combo box controlling the factory.
Now, for the tricky bit. I want that the "controllers" behave in a "bring your own component" way. This means that they would have a method returning the respective QML file for their controller. That shouldn't be to hard to do, it's basically biding a Loader to a method of the Factory/Manager saying the file with the component to load into a placeholder.
But the problem is: how can this newly created component and this newly created controller know and talk to each other? This is something I did before with QWidgets, just having pointers between the classes. Quite trivial.
I tried an architecture like this before for QWidgets, but seems to not be ideal for QML.
I made this drawing of what I would ultimately like to happen:
This architecture allows for a very trivial plugin system (at least in the QWidgets world) and I would very much like to keep that. Not a massive singleton and account for every possible action...
I'd appreciate ideas!
I think this is actually very easy, if you return a QQuickItem from the C++ side. If you do so you can create it with a specific context, in which you can set your "specific hardware controller" as a property
QQmlComponent *qml_controller = new QQmlComponent(qengine, "some_file.qml");
QQmlContext *context = new QQmlContext(); //should probably give a pointer to owning object
context->setContextProperty("controller", pointer_to_hw_cont);
return qml_controller->create(context);
The Loader setSource method have additional parameter you could pass to provide initial value for some property. Something like this:
ComboBox {
model: controlerFactory.specificHWListModel
onCurrentTextChanged: {
var specificHWControler = controlerFactory.getObjectFor( currentText );
{ "controler": specificHWControler }
Loader {
id: loader1
The specificHWListModel cold be QStringList or some custom QAbstractListModel.
And getObjectForcould be just a invokable function.
Q_INVOKABLE QObject* getObjectFor(QString hwName);
The object returned from Q_INVOKABLE function will be managed by QQmlEngine by default if you don't set by the QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership. Remember to register your SpecificHWControler class to QQmlEngine.
The qml_file SpecificView.ui.qml, should have property controler, and could be edited with Designer:
import SpecificHWControlerModule 1.0
Item {
property SpecificHWControler controler

Passing QObject pointer from a QML object to C++

I have a publisher/subscriber key-value DB class in Qt/C++. The subscribers can connect by passing the key ( string ) , their QObject pointer and the property.
Whenever a value of the subscribed key changes, the properties of the subscribed QObject changes to the new value. Works in Qt/C++ fine.
Now I want to make a view in QML. Is it possible to pass from QML to C++ an object with 3 parameters:
QObject pointer of the QML object
property as string
DB-key as string
The preferable solution were, as if the property connects to another property:
Item{ myQmlProp: MyCppInst("myDBKey") }
What currently works is this solution:
myQmlProp: MyCppInst("myDBKey","myQmlProp",myqmlitem)
or like this:
Compared to the preferable solution, I have to pass the connected property name and the QML item instance explicitly. But it is ok, many thanks for the answers!
I've hoped to use QML's this-Keyword but have learned, that it is currently undefined in QML :-(
Just give the object an id and pass that id to the function, it will become a QObject * on the C++ side. Then you can use the meta system to access properties by name:
// qml
Item {
id: someitem
// c++
void cppFoo(QObject * obj) {
A reference would do as well, for example children[index].
What you could do is a function taking just your dbkey as a parameter, and return a QObject* exposing a Q_PROPERTY with a READ function and NOTIFY signal.
This way, you just have to tell with the notify signal the value has changed, and the QML will call the read function automatically.
It could be implemented like that Item{ myQmlProp: MyCppInst("myDBKey").value }.
If you know the db keys at compile time you could just add a property for each of them in your MyCppInst directly, or if you know them at the creation of your cpp class you could put them in a QQmlPropertyMap.
Usage would be like that : Item { myQmlProp: MyCppInst.myDbKey } (or MyCppInst["myDbKey"] if you need to be dynamic in the QML side).

ListView not initially showing data

My QML ListView doesn't show my data until I perturb it with the mouse (e.g. just drag it up and down.) After this the view shows the model without issue until it empties, and then I once again need to perturb it to get it working again. Is there way to kick this ListView into working?
I'm using Qt 5.8 on Linux 14.04. My model is a subclass of QAbstractListModel. I build it by following the AbstractItemModel Example. The main difference is that my list model is a property of an entity, rather than being set with setContextProperty in main.cpp.
There are a few similar issues here on SO about the ListViews not updating, but none seem to only have an issue at the start. Most of them relate to the OP calling dataChanged manually instead of beforeInsertRows() & endInsertRows() - both methods I'm calling (see below.)
My ListView is in an item loaded with a SceneLoader.
I posted all the relevant code here, because I'm a little suspicious of how I use the Layouts on my ListView (maybe that's causing it? Maybe my hierarchy is broken? I haven't been able to prove that though.)
In short though,
ListView {
anchors.fill: parent
model: sceneGraph.blobs
delegate: delegate
auto BlobModel::addBlob(const BlobPointDataPtr& data) -> void
// ...
// Each blob has a uuid
const auto idx = Contains(uuid);
if (-1 != idx)
Q_EMIT dataChanged(createIndex(idx, 0), createIndex(idx, 0));
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), rowCount(), rowCount());
blobs_ << new Blob{data, id_count_}; id_count_++;
endInsertRows(); // responsible for the QQmlChangeSet
Q_EMIT dataChanged(createIndex(rowCount(), 0), createIndex(rowCount(), 0));
Also, on my terminal, I receive the message:
QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'QQmlChangeSet'
(Make sure 'QQmlChangeSet' is registered using qRegisterMetaType().)
This seems to be emitted by endInsertRows(), but I'm not sure why. In the past the solution has been to register the missing type, e.g. qRegisterMetaType<QQmlChangeSet*>("QQmlChangeSet"); but this seems not to be a public type with Qt, and because everything mostly works without it, I'm not sure missing that is the exact issue.
The problem, as pointed out in the comments, was that I was modifying my model outside of the main thread.
My code was set up so that another thread would trigger additions to my model by directly calling addData. The reason my minimal example wasn't able to replicate this was because in it I used a QTimer to simulate the other thread, however QTimer also runs on the main thread.
The solution was to change my direct call to addData(data) to emitted a signal to do the addition, thus moving the actual work back to the main thread.

Blackberry MediaPlayer retrieves empty metaData

I have a cascades project where I use the MediaPlayer class in cpp.
I have defined a handler class, which handles metaDataChanged event, but when I set the source url and call mediaPlayer.prepare() method, it doesn't retrieve anything in metadata, so it's simply empty QVariantMap.
What's interesting is that defined event handler for metaDataChaned event is not even called.
I think there could be something that I can add here to be able to get the metadata, however prepare() method workds sucessfully, so I don't know what's the problem
here is a piece of code I've tried.
bb::multimedia::MediaPlayer* mp = new bb::multimedia::MediaPlayer();
MetaDataReader metaDataReader(mp);
and a class
MetaDataReader::MetaDataReader(bb::multimedia::MediaPlayer* mediaPlayer) : QObject(NULL)
connect(mediaPlayer, SIGNAL(metaDataChanged(const QVariantMap&)), this, SLOT(onMetaDataChanged(const QVariantMap&)));
void MetaDataReader::onMetaDataChanged(const QVariantMap& metaData)
// It doesn't reach this SLOT
How can I get the metadata here?
thanks in advance
It's a bit odd, but you may not get metadata until you start playback for the file. Try starting playback, and you should see the metaDataChanged signal get fired shortly after.

Clearing WebView Cache from withing QML

I open website with QDeclarativeView and use JavaScript to load next pages in same view.
After each website loaded, my program occupy 20mb more of memory. How do i clean the cache or otherwise release the memory after new website is loaded?
I tried:
decView->engine()->rootContext()->setContextProperty("myEngine", decView->engine());
and then in qml
but i get
TypeError: Result of expression 'myEngine.clearComponentCache' [undefined] is not a function.
What i should do?
EDIT: here is what i got sofar:
void Aws::openQMLWindowSlot(){
QDeclarativeView *decView= new QDeclarativeView();
void Aws::clearCacheQMLSlot(){
import QtQuick 1.1
import QtWebKit 1.0
WebView {
id: webView
objectName: "myWebView"
onLoadFinished: {myAws.clearCacheQMLSlot();}
There two reasons why your code doesn't work as intended. First, to be able to access slots and invokable methods of QObject descendants, you have to register them:
qmlRegisterType<QDeclarativeEngine>("MyApp", 1, 0, "QDeclarativeEngine");
And second, QDeclarativeEngine::clearComponentCache is neither a slot nor an invokable method, so it would still not work. It is simply impossible to call normal C++ methods from QML.
What you actually have to do is to implement an own QObject based class wrapping the call to QDeclarativeEngine::clearComponentCache in a slot, registering the class like above, set an instance of that class as an context property like you did with the declarative engine and finally call the slot from QML.