C++ 3D vector preserving "blocks" - c++

Suppose I require an undetermined number of 3-by-4 matrices. (Or a sequence of any other fixed m-by-n-dimensional matrices.) My first thought is to store these matrices in a std::vector, where each matrix is itself a std::vector<std::vector<double> >. How can I use std::vector::reserve() to preallocate space for a number, say x, of these matrices? Because I know two of the dimensions, I ought (or I'd like) to be able to x times the size of these blocks.
I know how to implement this object in a 1D std::vector, but I'd like to know how to do it in a 3D std::vector, if for no other reason than to better learn how to use the std::vector class.

Storing matrices as vectors-of-vectors is probably pretty inefficient, but if you must, go for it. Reserving space is the same as always:
typedef std::vector<std::vector<int>> matrix_type;
std::vector<matrix_type> collection;
collection.reserve(100); // set capacity for 100 "matrices"
// make 10 4x3-matrices; `collection` won't reallocate
collection.resize(10, matrix_type(4, std::vector<int>(3)));
For your base type you might be better of to have a single vector of m * n elements and access it in strides, i.e. the (i,j)th element would be at position i * n + j. Each vector itself is a dynamic container, and you probably don't want all that many dynamic allocations all over the place.
In the same vein, the above reserve call probably doesn't do what you think, as it only reserves memory for the inner vector's bookkeeping data (typically three words per vector, i.e. 300 words), and not for the actual data.
In that light, you might even like to consider an std::array<int, m*n> as your matrix type (and access it in strides); now you can actually reserve space for actual matrices up-front - but m and n now have to be compile-time constants.

A better approach would be to provide a class interface and use a single linear block of memory for the whole matrix. Then you can implement that interface in different ways, that range from an internal array of the appropriate sizes (if the sizes are part of the size), or a single std::vector<int> by providing indexing (pos = row*cols + col).
In the std::vector< std::vector<int> > approach the outer vector will allocate memory to store the inner vectors, and each one of those will allocate memory to hold its own elements. Using raw pointers, it is similar in memory layout to:
int **array = new int*[ N ];
for ( int i = 0; i < N; ++i )
array[i] = new int[ M ];
That is:
[ 0 ] -------> [ 0, 1, 2, ... ]
[ 1 ] -------> [ 0, 1, 2, ... ]
[ . ]
[ . ]
Or basically N+1 separate blocks of memory.


How to reserve a multi-dimensional Vector without increasing the vector size?

I have data which is N by 4 which I push back data as follows.
vector<vector<int>> a;
for(some loop){
N would be less than 13000. In order to prevent unnecessary reallocation, I would like to reserve 13000 by 4 spaces in advance.
After reading multiple related posts on this topic (eg How to reserve a multi-dimensional Vector?), I know the following will do the work. But I would like to do it with reserve() or any similar function if there are any, to be able to use push_back().
vector<vector<int>> a(13000,vector<int>(4);
vector<vector<int>> a;
How can I just reserve memory without increasing the vector size?
If your data is guaranteed to be N x 4, you do not want to use a std::vector<std::vector<int>>, but rather something like std::vector<std::array<int, 4>>.
It's the more semantically-accurate type - std::array is designed for fixed-width contiguous sequences of data. (It also opens up the potential for more performance optimizations by the compiler, although that depends on exactly what it is that you're writing.)
Your data will be laid out contiguously in memory, rather than every one of the different vectors allocating potentially disparate heap locations.
Having said that - #pasbi's answer is correct: You can use std::vector::reserve() to allocate space for your outer vector before inserting any actual elements (both for vectors-of-vectors and for vectors-of-arrays). Also, later on, you can use the std::vector::shrink_to_fit() method if you ended up inserting a lot less than you had planned.
Finally, one other option is to use a gsl::multispan and pre-allocate memory for it (GSL is the C++ Core Guidelines Support Library).
You've already answered your own question.
There is a function vector::reserve which does exactly what you want.
vector<vector<int>> a;
for(some loop){
This will reserve memory to fit N times vector<int>. Note that the actual size of the inner vector<int> is irrelevant at this point since the data of a vector is allocated somewhere else, only a pointer and some bookkeeping is stored in the actual std::vector-class.
Note: this answer is only here for completeness in case you ever come to have a similar problem with an unknown size; keeping a std::vector<std::array<int, 4>> in your case will do perfectly fine.
To pick up on einpoklum's answer, and in case you didn't find this earlier, it is almost always a bad idea to have nested std::vectors, because of the memory layout he spoke of. Each inner vector will allocate its own chunk of data, which won't (necessarily) be contiguous with the others, which will produce cache misses.
Preferably, either:
Like already said, use an std::array if you have a fixed and known amount of elements per vector;
Or flatten your data structure by having a single std::vector<T> of size N x M.
// Assuming N = 13000, M = 4
std::vector<int> vec;
vec.reserve(13000 * 4);
Then you can access it like so:
// Before:
int& element = vec[nIndex][mIndex];
// After:
int& element = vec[mIndex * 13000 + nIndex]; // Still assuming N = 13000

Error: Deallocating a 2D array

I am developing a program in which one of the task is to read points (x,y and z) from a text file and then store them in an array. Now the text file may contain 10^2 or even 10^6 points, depending upon the text file user selects. Therefore I am defining a dynamic array.
For allocating a dynamic 2D array, I wrote as below and it works fine:
const int array_size = 100000;
float** array = new float* [array_size];
for(int i = 0; i < array_size; ++i){
ary[i] = new float[2]; // 0,1,2 being the columns for x,y,z co-ordinates
After the points are saved in the array, I write the following to deallocate the unallocated memory :
for (int i = 0; i < array_size; i++){
delete [] array[i];
delete [] array;
and then my program stops working and shows "Project.exe stopped working".
If I don't deallocate, the program works just fine.
In your comment you say 0,1,2 being the columns for x,y,z co-ordinates, if that's the case, you need to be allocating as float[3]. When you allocate an array of float[N], you are allocating a chunk of the memory of the size N * sizeof(float), and you will index them in the array from 1 to N - 1. Therefore if you need indeces 0,1,2, you will need to allocate a memory of the size 3 * sizeof(float), which makes it float[3].
Because other than that, I can compile and run the code without an error. If you fix it and still get an error, it might be your compiler problem. Then try to decrease 100000 to a small number and try again.
You are saying that you are trying to implement a dynamic array, this is what std::vector does and I would highly recommend that you use it. This way you are using something from the standard library that's extremely well tested and you won't run into issues by essentially trying to roll your own version of std::vector. Additionally this approach wraps memory better as it uses RAII which leverages the language to solve a lot of memory management issues. This has other benefits too like making your code more exception safe.
Also if you are storing x,y,z coordinates consider using a struct or a tuple, I think that enhances readability a lot. You can typedef the coordinate type too. Something like std::vector< coord_t > is more readable to me.
(Thanx a lot for suggestions!!)
Finally I am using vectors for the stated problem for reasons as below:
1.Unlike Arrays (not array object ofcourse), I don't need to manually deallocate unallocated memory.
2.There are numerous built in methods defined under vector class
Vector size can be extended at later stages
Below is how I used 2D Vector to store points (x,y,z co-ordinates)
Initialized (allocated memory) a 2D vector:
vector<vector<float>> array (1000, vector<float> array (3));
Where 1000 is the number of rows, and 3 is the number of columns
Once declared, values can be passed simply as:
array[i][j] = some value;
Also, at later stage I declared functions taking vector arguments and returning vectors as:
vector <vector <float>> function_name ( vector <vector <float>>);
vector <vector <float>> function_name ( vector <vector <float>> input_vector_name)
return output_vector_name_created_inside_function
Note: This method crates a copy of vector while returning, use pointer to return by reference. Even though mine is not working when I return vector by reference :(
For multi arrays I recommended use boost::multi_array.
typedef boost::multi_array<double, 3> array_type;
array_type A(boost::extents[3][4][2]);
A[0][0][0] = 3.14;

are nested vector allocated in consecutive space

For example, the following code creates 1000000 vector, each of them has length of 10.
After that we may sequentially scan the vector several times. If the 2nd-layer vectors are allocated in consecutive space( may few 2nd-layer vectors can fit in a cache block), the following access are efficient. But, if the 2nd-layer vectors are allocated in different places, each time we leave the inner loop we may jump to a random places to get the data, which is not efficient.
vector<vector<int > > a(1000000 , vector<int>(10))
for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j< a[i].size() ; j++) {
Furthermore, if the 2nd-layer vectors are allocated in consecutive space at first. After we push_back elements into vectors, they may be moved to other space due to the lack of space to extent them in-place. Will they still be kept in nearby?
Thank you.
Thanks, is there any implementation that put them together for improving performance of sequential scanning ?
vector<int> is just a small controller class, typically three words long. The actual managed dynamic memory is, well, allocated dynamically, so it is in essentially random locations. Your outer vector manages a contiguous range of inner vectors, but each inner vector manages an unrelated range of ints.
If you want contiguous storage, consider a single vector<int> of size 1000000 × 10 and access it in strides.
are nested vector allocated in consecutive space?
No! The space allocated from the inner vectors will not be guaranteed to be consecutive! Only the vector instances themselves will appear in a consecutive memory section managed by the outer vector.

Flattening a 3D array in c++ for use with MPI

Can anyone help with the general format for flattening a 3D array using MPI? I think I can get the array 1 dimensional just by using (i+xlength*j+xlength*ylength*k), but then I have trouble using equations that reference particular cells of the array.
I tried chunking the code into chunks based on how many processors I had, but then when I needed a value that another processor had, I had a hard time. Is there a way to make this easier (and more efficient) using ghost cells or pointer juggling?
You have two options at least. The simpler one is to declare a preprocessor macro that hides the complexity of the index calculation, e.g.:
#define ARR(A,i,j,k) A[(i)*ylength*zlength+(j)*zlength+(k)]
ARR(myarray,i,j,k) = ARR(myarray,i+1,j,k) + ARR(myarray,i,j+1,k) + ...
This is clumsy since the macro will only work with arrays of fixed leading dimensions, e.g. whatever x ylength x zlength.
Much better way to do it is to use so-called dope vectors. Dope vectors are basically indices into the big array. You allocate one big flat chunk of size xlength * ylength * zlength to hold the actual data and then create an index vector (actually a tree in the 3D case). In your case the index has two levels:
top level, consisting of xlength pointers to the
second level, consisting of xlength arrays of pointers, each containing ylength pointers to the beginning of a block of zlength elements in memory.
Let's call the top level pointer array A. Then A[i] is a pointer to a pointer array that describes the i-th slab of data. A[i][j] is the j-th element of the i-th pointer array, which points to data[i][j][0] (if data was a 3D array). Construction of the dope vector works similar to this:
double *data = new double[xlength*ylength*zlength];
double ***A;
A = new double**[xlength];
for (int i = 0; i < xlength; i++)
A[i] = new double*[ylength];
for (int j = 0; j < ylength; j++)
A[i][j] = data + i*ylength*zlength + j*zlength;
Dope vectors are as easy to use as normal arrays with some special considerations. For example, A[i][j][k] will give you access to the desired element of data. One caveat of dope vectors is that the top level consist of pointers to other pointer tables and not of pointers to the data itself, hence A cannot be used as shortcut for &A[0][0][0], nor A[i] used as shortcut for &A[i][0][0]. Still A[i][j] is equivalent to &A[i][j][0]. Another caveat is that this form of array indexing is slower than normal 3D array indexing since it involves pointer chasing.
Some people tend to allocate a single storage block for both data and dope vectors. They simply place the index at the beginning of the allocated block and the actual data goes after that. The advantage of this method is that disposing the array is as simple as deleting the whole memory block, while disposing dope vectors, created with the code from the previous section, requires multiple invocations of the free operator.

How to Implement a multidimensional array if the dimension is unknown at compile-time?

I want to implement a function that gets as a parameter a dimension "n" of an array of integers. This function also gets values "k_1, k_2, ..., k_n" defining the size of the array. Then this function will fill this n-dimensional array.
How do I implement this efficiently with C++?
For example for n = 3 I would use
vector < vector < vector < int > > > array;
But I don't know the dimension at compile time.
Use a one-dimensional array, and fake the other dimensions using multiplication of offsets for indexing, and you can pass the dimension sizes in by vector, i.e.
std::vector<int> create_md_array(const std::vector<int> & dimensions)
int size = std::accumulate(dimensions.begin(), dimensions.end(), 1, std::multiplies<int>());
return std::vector<int>(size);
You have a couple of choices. You can implement it yourself, basically multiplying the coordinates by the sizes to linearize the multi-dimensional address, and just have a simple std::vector<whatever> to hold the data.
Alternatively, you could use std::valarray and friends to accomplish the same. It has a set of classes that are specifically intended for the kind of situation you describe -- but they're used so rarely that almost nobody understands them. Writing the code yourself stands a good chance of being easier for most people to read and understand.