how to build a tree structure in C++ using std::map - c++

I am trying to write a tree sort of structure in C++. As in every tree there are branches and leaves. A branch can contain other branches as well as leaves.
Now my implementation calls for each branch and leaf to have different functionalities. So for example.
Take the tree structure
| |
Branch1 Branch2 Branch3
| | |
Leaf1 Leaf2 Branch4
Now Each Leaf and branch has a different function to execute so Leaf1 will have a function called leaf1_func, Leaf2 will have leaf2_func, Branch4 has Branch4_func.
I was initially trying to implement composite design pattern. But that means I would have as many classes as leafs. But since I have tons of leaves and branches I would like to avoid creates more classes. I realize this is an unusual situation but was hoping somebody could help me in this regard. What would be the best way to implement this tree without creating too many classes.
i am using map STL container to store datas as well, i want to use this tree implementation to solve this in TSP problem.
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
int n=4;
int min=1, max=10;
struct graph
int nodes;//total no. of nodes or vertices namely cities
std::map<std::pair<int,int>, int> graphMap;//an object that links a pair of vertices
void directed_Graph(graph);
void directed_Graph(graph G)
//int n = G->nodes; //city count
int i, j;
for(i = 0; i <= n-1; i++)
for(j = 0; j <= n-1; j++)
G.graphMap[std::make_pair(i,j)] = (rand()%10)+1;
G.graphMap[std::make_pair(i,j)] = 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
graph g;
g.nodes = 4;
return 0;

Different functions with the same signature do still have the same type. Even if the functions are completely unrelated, you can have a tree that stores random data by using void * (type erasure) and then typecast back to the known actual type after the leaf node is reached.
struct node {
void (*fptr)(); // pointer to any function taking no args, no return
void *data; // pointer to anything, need to cast before using
void f() { std::cout << "hello"; }
void g() { std::cout << "world"; }
node a = { f, f };
node b = { g, g };
static_cast< void (*)() >( )();
You could also use virtual methods with inheritance and store pointers to base class type in the tree. It depends on what the nodes really are.
None of this is really related to the fact it goes into a graph.

From the look of you diagram it seems that you want a tree where the nodes can have more than two children. If that's the case then the STL containers are not going to work for you. They are are self balancing binary trees.
If you're OK with a binary tree then there are a couple ways to do this. The first is to write functions and then to store function pointers or functors in the tree.
#include <set>
int foo( ) {
return 5;
std::set< int (*)( ) > my_set;
my_set.insert( &foo );
The problem with this approach is that all of your functions have to have the same type, i.e. take the same arguments and have the same return type. What's more, while they can define different behaviors, they cannot keep state, i.e. you cannot store data in a function pointer.
The second options, as you mentioned, is to write classes. If you need to vary the behavior of the nodes then the best way to do that is to define an interface and use polymorphism.
#include <set>
#include <iostream>
struct base {
virtual void print( ) const = 0;
struct derived1 : public base {
void print( ) const { std::cout << "derived1" << std::endl; }
struct derived2 : public base {
void print( ) const { std::cout << "derived2" << std::endl; }
std::set< base* > my_set;
my_set.insert( new derived1( ));
my_set.insert( new derived2( ));
You did not say whether you need to force certain behaviors to be leaves and other to be internal nodes, or if the nodes need to be ordered in a particular way, but if you do then you may be able to accomplish this by creating a custom less-than function:
bool operator < ( base const * const b1, base const * const b2 ) {
// Figure out which is less here.
Again, if you need something that isn't a binary tree, though, then you're out of luck. And any way you slice this you will need to write some code implementing the behavior stored in each node, whether it's functions or classes.

if you have limited depth of tree it's convenient to describe it like this:
typedef std::map<std::string, double> action_map_t;
typedef std::map<std::string, action_map_t> objid_map_t;
typedef std::map<std::string, objid_map_t> objtype_map_t;
//....etc here is depth == 3
objtype_map_t m_mapTooltipDuration;
m_mapTooltipDuration[objtype][objid][action] = atof(duration.c_str());


C++: Cloning and overloading with multiple inheritance

This is a follow-up to this question. Someone asked about a minimal example, but I found it impossible to condense it all into something working. I still have issues, so I hope that by giving a bit more structure I can get some idea of what I am doing wrong or what I should be doing.
The classes I use form a tree structure, like this:
struct Base
/* nodeType is a number uniquely assigned to each concrete class */
int nodeType;
int numberOfA;
int numberOfB;
int NumberOfC;
int numberOfD;
AdvancedA** A_array;
AdvancedB** B_array;
AdvancedC** C_array;
Intermediate1** D_array;
virtual Base clone() = 0;
struct Intermediate1 : Base
struct Intermediate2 : Base
struct Advanced_A : Intermediate1
/* There might be different signatures since arguments might be
* real-valued, complex, or even matrices
virtual double compute(signature 1);
virtual double compute(signature 2);
struct Advanced_B : Intermediate1
virtual std::complex compute(signature 1);
virtual std::complex compute(signature 2);
struct Advanced_C : Intermediate2
virtual matrix compute(signature 1);
//for example; definition of matrix class is not shown
struct Instance_A1 : Advanced_A
struct Instance_A2 : Advanced_A
struct Instance_B1 : Advanced_B
struct Instance_C1 : Advanced_C
I use these objects to build expression trees, which can evaluate to different types, corresponding to the three Advanced types. (Think of them as real-valued, complex-valued and matrix-valued expressions.) Because I need to evaluate the expressions, I have created three different types of expression trees, as follows.
struct BasicTree
virtual void cloneTree();
struct TreeType_A : BasicTree
Advanced_A* root;
struct TreeType_B : BasicTree
Advanced_B* root;
struct TreeType_C : BasicTree
Advanced_C* root;
I hope to eventually be able to use these in this manner:
TreeType_A* tree_A;
TreeType_B* tree_B;
TreeType_C* tree_C;
TreeType_A* copy_A;
TreeType_B* copy_B;
TreeType_C* copy_C;
copy_A = tree_A->cloneTree();
copy_B = tree_B->cloneTree();
copy_C = tree_C->cloneTree();
tree_A->root->compute(signature 1);
tree_B->root->compute(signature 1);
tree_C->root->compute(signature 2);
I have two concerns: The cloning of the array of Advanced elements will have to also clone the descendants. At the moment I put his into the method itself:
Base* Instance1::clone()
Base* temp = new Instance1();
(clone local stuff)
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfA; i++)
temp->A_array[i] = this->A_array[i]->clone();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfB; i++)
temp->B_array[i] = this->B_array[i]->clone();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfA; i++)
temp->C_array[i] = this->C_array[i]->clone();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfD; i++)
temp->D_array[i] = this->D_array[i]->clone();
return temp;
If possible I would actually prefer to write a method cloneChildren that takes care of the recursion transparently.
Mostly I want to avoid having to use explicit casting. Different instances of the Advanced classes have different content, and this content seems to get lost if I try to write, e.g.
temp->A_array[i] = ((Advanced_A*)this->A_array[i])->clone();
On the other hand, using a long case statement based on the particular instance seems inefficient. So it seems I need to rely on automagic.
If further simplifications are possible, such as collapsing everything into a single tree type, or a single array of children, that would be great. (I doubt the former will work, because the compute functions need to look different and return different values for each type of root. The latter seems more promising to me.)
What other pitfalls might there be?

Using Stack implementation C++

I am making a toy programming language in c++, but i have run into a problem. I have noticed that in c++ a stack can only store one type of data. I was wondering if there was an easy way to fix this problem, such as by storing in the stack a byte array of each object. I was wondering if anyone knows how the jvm overcomes this issue. The types i would need to store on the stack would be char, short, int, float, double, strings, arrays, and references to objects. I understand that the jvm stack might be more of an abstraction, but if it is i would still like to know how they have accomplished it. If it makes any difference, i am only planning to target windows computers.
You know C++ has support for inheritance and polymorphism, right? A far easier way to do this is to derive all your tokens from a common base class, and make a stack of Base * objects, for instance:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stack>
#include <memory>
class base {
virtual void print_token() = 0;
virtual ~base() {}
class token_a : public base {
token_a(int n) : n(n) {}
virtual void print_token() { std::cout << n << std::endl; }
int n;
class token_b : public base {
token_b(std::string s) : s(s) {}
virtual void print_token() { std::cout << s << std::endl; }
std::string s;
int main(void) {
std::stack<std::shared_ptr<base> > my_stack;
my_stack.push(std::shared_ptr<base>(new token_a(5)));
my_stack.push(std::shared_ptr<base>(new token_b("a word")));
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) {
std::shared_ptr<base> pb =;
return 0;
paul#local:~/src/cpp/scratch$ ./stack
a word
The way I have solved this problem (in C, for a lisp interpretr, about 25 years ago, but same idea applies today) is to have a struct with a type and a union inside it:
struct Data // or class
enum kind { floatkind, intkind, stringkind, refkind };
Kind kind;
double f;
int i;
std::string s;
Data* r; // reference, can't use Data &r without heavy trickery.
} u;
Data(double d) { kind = floatkind; u.f = d; }
Data(int i) { kind = intkind; u.i = i; }
std::stack<Data> st;
Just a guess, but the jvm probably treats everything as an object, so the stack is simply a collection of objects.
You can do the same, if you create a base data object class and derive all your supported data types from it.

How can I avoid a virtual call when I know the type?

Consider the following code snippet:
struct Base { virtual void func() { } };
struct Derived1 : Base { void func() override { print("1"); } };
struct Derived2 : Base { void func() override { print("2"); } };
class Manager {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Base>> items;
template<class T> void add() { items.emplace_back(new T); }
void funcAll() { for(auto& i : items) i->func(); }
int main() {
Manager m;
m.funcAll(); // prints "1" and "2"
I'm using virtual dispatch in order to call the correct override method from a std::vector of polymorphic objects.
However, I know what type the polymorphic objects are, since I specify that in Manager::add<T>.
My idea was to avoid a virtual call by taking the address of the member function T::func() and directly storing it somewhere. However that's impossible, since I would need to store it as void* and cast it back in Manager::funcAll(), but I do not have type information at that moment.
My question is: it seems that in this situation I have more information than usual for polymorphism (the user specifies the derived type T in Manager::add<T>) - is there any way I can use this type information to prevent a seemingly unneeded virtual call? (An user should be able to create its own classes that derive from Base in its code, however.)
However, I know what type the polymorphic objects are, since I specify that in Manager::add<T>.
No you don't. Within add you know the type of the object that's being added; but you can add objects of different types, as you do in your example. There's no way for funcAll to statically determine the types of the elements unless you parametrise Manager to only handle one type.
If you did know the type, then you could call the function non-virtually:
But, to reiterate, you can't determine the type statically here.
If I understand well, you want your add method, which is getting the class of the object, to store the right function in your vector depending on that object class.
Your vector just contains functions, no more information about the objects.
You kind of want to "solve" the virtual call before it is invoked.
This is maybe interesting in the following case: the function is then called a lot of times, because you don't have the overhead of solving the virtual each time.
So you may want to use a similar process than what "virtual" does, using a "virtual table".
The implementation of virtual is done at low level, so pretty fast compared to whatever you will come up with, so again, the functions should be invoked a LOT of times before it gets interesting.
One trick that can sometimes help in this kind of situation is to sort the vector by type (you should be able to use the knowledge of the type available in the add() function to enforce this) if the order of elements doesn't otherwise matter. If you are mostly going to be iterating over the vector in order calling a virtual function this will help the CPU's branch predictor predict the target of the call. Alternatively you can maintain separate vectors for each type in your manager and iterate over them in turn which has a similar effect.
Your compiler's optimizer can also help you with this kind of code, particularly if it supports Profile Guided Optimization (POGO). Compilers can de-virtualize calls in certain situations, or with POGO can do things in the generated assembly to help the CPU's branch predictor, like test for the most common types and perform a direct call for those with a fallback to an indirect call for the less common types.
Here's the results of a test program that illustrates the performance benefits of sorting by type, Manager is your version, Manager2 maintains a hash table of vectors indexed by typeid:
Derived1::count = 50043000, Derived2::count = 49957000
class Manager::funcAll took 714ms
Derived1::count = 50043000, Derived2::count = 49957000
class Manager2::funcAll took 274ms
Derived1::count = 50043000, Derived2::count = 49957000
class Manager2::funcAll took 273ms
Derived1::count = 50043000, Derived2::count = 49957000
class Manager::funcAll took 714ms
Test code:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <random>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <typeindex>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;
static const int instanceCount = 100000;
static const int funcAllIterations = 1000;
static const int numTypes = 2;
struct Base { virtual void func() = 0; };
struct Derived1 : Base { static int count; void func() override { ++count; } };
int Derived1::count = 0;
struct Derived2 : Base { static int count; void func() override { ++count; } };
int Derived2::count = 0;
class Manager {
vector<unique_ptr<Base>> items;
template<class T> void add() { items.emplace_back(new T); }
void funcAll() { for (auto& i : items) i->func(); }
class Manager2 {
unordered_map<type_index, vector<unique_ptr<Base>>> items;
template<class T> void add() { items[type_index(typeid(T))].push_back(make_unique<T>()); }
void funcAll() {
for (const auto& type : items) {
for (auto& i : type.second) {
template<typename Man>
void Test() {
mt19937 engine;
uniform_int_distribution<int> d(0, numTypes - 1);
Derived1::count = 0;
Derived2::count = 0;
Man man;
for (auto i = 0; i < instanceCount; ++i) {
switch (d(engine)) {
case 0: man.add<Derived1>(); break;
case 1: man.add<Derived2>(); break;
auto startTime = high_resolution_clock::now();
for (auto i = 0; i < funcAllIterations; ++i) {
auto endTime = high_resolution_clock::now();
cout << "Derived1::count = " << Derived1::count << ", Derived2::count = " << Derived2::count << "\n"
<< typeid(Man).name() << "::funcAll took " << duration_cast<milliseconds>(endTime - startTime).count() << "ms" << endl;
int main() {

Working with enum-like data in C++

I am updating an old piece of C++ code and am stuck on a design issue and need advice on the best course of action. The code handles geometric data. Currently, the code defines many global constants to handle element types:
#define HEXAHEDRON 1
Each constant has information associated with it that remains constant and which is currently handled by a class, in our case Topology.
int Topology::nodesPerElement(int topType)
switch(topType) {
return 4;
return 8;
The Topology class has many of these functions that simply switch on the global constant to figure out associated information. There are a lot of element types and many bugs are introduced by switch statements that don't consider all element types. If an element type is added all of these methods need to be fixed. I need a better way of doing this that keeps the associated information with the type.
Enumerations are an improvement over this design, but it doesn't solve the problem of associating data with the enumeration.
For simplicity, I would like to avoid needing to instantiate classes for each type, as each will contain only static data that doesn't change.
What I really need is a "static class" that holds this information and performs like the pseudocode below:
class Tetrahedron : public TopType {
static const int nodesPerElement = 4;
static const std::string name = "Tet";
Each method in Topology becomes trivial:
int Topology::nodesPerElement(TopType topType)
return topType.nodesPerElement;
Is there a way to do this in C++? I've thought about just getting rid of the enumerations and having separate child Topology classes for each TopologyType, but the feedback I get from others is that it's too complicated of a solution. I hope that my question is clear enough.
Create a base class that contains all of the properties that your objects should support, and a private constructor to set those properties. You don't need derived classes, then: you can use static public objects to create the objects that you want with the desired properties.
class TopologyObject
int numberVertices;
int numberFaces;
// etc.
int getVertices() { return numberVertices; };
int getFaces() { return numberFaces; };
TopologyObject(int vertices, int faces) :
static TopologyObject Tetrahedron = new TopologyObject(4, 4);
// etc.
You can access the Tetrahedron with all of its properties via TopologyObject::Tetrahedron.
If you decide that you need more complex variable behavior based on the type of object, then you really do need derived classes and virtual methods for the overrideable behavior.
Unless your Topology types have different runtime behaviors (like drawing themselves), then I agree with your peers that sub-classing is overkill. Reporting static properties like nodesPerElement and name is hardly a runtime behavior.
Unless you are not telling us the whole story about Topology, it seems that what you need is a simple property map. Use std::map to associate a topology type code with a structure of topology properties. This refactoring resembles Replace Subclass with Fields.
Here's some code that may serve as inspiration:
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
struct Topology
enum Code {tetrahedron, hexahedron};
int nodesPerElement;
std::string name;
namespace // Anonymous namespace
// Lookup table associating topology code with properties
const struct {Topology::Code code; Topology topo;} topoTable_[] =
{Topology::tetrahedron, {4, "Tetrahedron"}},
{Topology::hexahedron, {6, "Hexahedron"}}
class TopologyMap // Singleton
static TopologyMap lookup(Topology::Code code)
return Topology(instance().doLookup(code));
typedef std::map<Topology::Code, Topology> Map;
Map map_;
// Initialize map with constant property table
size_t tableSize = sizeof(topoTable_) / sizeof(topoTable_[0]);
for (size_t row=0; row<tableSize; ++row)
map_[topoTable_[row].code] = topoTable_[row].topo;
static TopologyMap& instance()
static TopologyMap instance;
return instance;
const Topology& doLookup(Topology::Code code) const
Map::const_iterator match = map_.find(code);
assert(match != map_.end());
return match->second;
class Shape
Shape(Topology::Code topoCode)
: topo_(TopologyMap::lookup(topoCode)) {}
const Topology& topology() const {return topo_;}
// etc...
Topology topo_;
int main()
Shape shape1(Topology::tetrahedron);
Shape shape2(Topology::hexahedron);
std::cout << "shape1 is a " << shape1.topology().name << " with " <<
shape1.topology().nodesPerElement << " nodes per element.\n";
std::cout << "shape2 is a " << shape2.topology().name << " with " <<
shape2.topology().nodesPerElement << " nodes per element.\n";
shape1 is a Tetrahedron with 4 nodes per element.
shape2 is a Hexahedron with 6 nodes per element.
If the topology code is zero-based and continuous, then you may use simple array indexing instead of a map. However, array indexing will be more error-prone if someone messes around with the topology code enum. Here is the same example that uses array indexing:
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
struct Topology
enum Code {tetrahedron, hexahedron, CODE_COUNT};
int nodesPerElement;
std::string name;
namespace // Anonymous namespace
// Lookup table associating topology code with properties
const Topology topoTable_[] =
{4, "Tetrahedron"},
{6, "Hexahedron"}
class TopologyMap // Singleton
static Topology lookup(Topology::Code code)
assert(code < Topology::CODE_COUNT);
return topoTable_[code];
TopologyMap() {} // Non-instantiable
class Shape
Shape(Topology::Code topoCode)
: topo_(TopologyMap::lookup(topoCode)) {}
const Topology& topology() const {return topo_;}
// etc...
Topology topo_;
int main()
Shape shape1(Topology::tetrahedron);
Shape shape2(Topology::hexahedron);
std::cout << "shape1 is a " << shape1.topology().name << " with " <<
shape1.topology().nodesPerElement << " nodes per element.\n";
std::cout << "shape2 is a " << shape2.topology().name << " with " <<
shape2.topology().nodesPerElement << " nodes per element.\n";
Note that because the details of storing and retrieving Topology was encapsulated in TopologyMap, I didn't have to rewrite any code in Shape and main.
You can have classes with nothing but static member variables. And that's a nice way to encapsulate attribute data.
If you'd rather not do that, traits might get you what you want.
I'm not sure who advised you to avoid derived classes for each Toplogy type. To my eye, this problem is screaming for derived classes.
Unless you would need a very large number of such classes.
Personally I think the best way to store this information would be to create a general Shape class. Then, instead of coding all those static variables put them in a file/database and load your shape information from the data store when you start your program.
Couldn't you use a record to do this if your goal is to avoid class instantiation?
Really though, you should class the poop out of this.
If topType is contiguous and starting a 0, you could just maintain an array of structs and index into that, instead of trying to have classes and subclasses. This way the only code change you would need is to
add the struct: Easy
add an array of structs: Easy
change each method to index into array and return proper field of struct: Tedious, but you have to do this anyway.
It your TopologyType can just be modelled as an instance of a struct (i.e no methods on it etc), Classes + Derived classes is overkill, IMO.
Since (apparently) all the relevant data is available at compile time, one possibility would be to use an enumeration along with templates and specialization to do the job:
enum { tetrahedron, hexahedron };
template <int type>
struct nodes_per_element { int operator()() const {
throw std::invalid_argument("Attempt to use unknown shape");
template <>
struct nodes_per_element<tetrahedron> { int operator()() const { return 4; } };
template <>
struct nodes_per_element<hexahedron> { int operator()() const { return 8; } };
You'd use this like: int x = nodes_per_element<hexahedron>()(); If you try to use it for a value for which there's no specialization, that will invoke the un-specialized template, which will throw an exception, halting the program and (normally) displaying a message saying you attempted to use an unknown shape. Of course, you can customize how that's displayed (if at all).
This should quickly show where you have problems due to values that haven't been defined.
The other obvious possibility would be to just define a struct for each shape you're going to use, and create an array of those structs, using the name of the shape as an index into the data, and the name of the specific data you want will be the member of the struct. For just the nodes per element you've given, that would look like:
struct shape_data {
int nodes_per_element;
std::string name;
shape_data data[] = {
{4, "Tetrahedron"},
{8, "Hexahedron" }
Retrieving data would be something like:
shape_data &s = data[hexahedron];
std::cout << "A " << << " has " << s.nodes_per_element << "nodes per element.\n";
Having look at the previous answers, I've decided to add my own.
To me there are 2 things that I would require of such a design:
the ability to define a new item without recompiling the whole program
the ability to look up an item based on a property (like the number of faces)
This can be quite easy to do, so here is my little bit of code:
class Solid
typedef std::vector<Solid> solids_type;
Solid(std::string name, size_t faces, size_t nodes):
mName(name), mFaces(faces), mNodes(nodes)
/// Properties
const std::string& getName() const { return mName; }
size_t getFaces() const { return mFaces; }
size_t getNodes() const { return mNodes; }
/// Collection Handling
static bool Add(Solid solid); // only add if it's not already there.
/// struct Predicate: std::unary_function<Solid,bool>
template <class Predicate>
static const Solid* Get(Predicate pred)
solids_type::const_iterator it =
std::find_if(Solids().begin(), Solids().end(), pred);
return it == Solids().end()) ? 0 : &(*it);
} // Get
/// Some Predicates
class ByName: std::unary_function<Solid,bool>
ByName(std::string name): mName(name) {}
bool operator()(const Solid& s) const { return s.getName() == mName; }
std::string mName;
class ByFaces; /// ...
class ByNodes; /// ...
/// Properties
std::string mName;
size_t mFaces;
size_t mNodes;
/// Collection
static solids_type& Solids()
static solids_type MSolids;
return MSolids;
}; // class Solid
And thus, now we can have:
// in tetrahedron.cpp
bool gTetrahedron = Solid::Add(Solid("Tetrahedron", 4, 4));
// in main.cpp
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
const Solid* myTetra = Solid::Get(Solid::ByFaces(4));
assert(myTetra->getName() == "Tetrahedron");
assert(myTetra->getFaces() == 4);
assert(myTetra->getNodes() == 4);
return 0;
} // main
And now we have met our goals:
Adding one new solid does not cause any recompilation
We can lookup solid based on their properties
We could also imagine:
being able to iterate through all the registered solids
having them sorted by number of faces, or whatever
defining a little macro for the registration
This is precisely what virtual functions are for. The classical way to do it would be:
class Topology
virtual int nodesPerElement() const = 0;
// etc
class Tetrahedrom : public Topology
virtual nodesPerElement() const { return 4; }
// etc
// etc
But if you really have an aversion to re-implementing the accessor methods (as opposed to just defining variables) you could do the following with templates (although it's really no less verbose):
class Topology
virtual int nodesPerElement() const = 0;
// etc
template<typename T>
class ConcreteTopology : public Topology
virtual int nodesPerElement() const { return T::nodesPerElement; }
// etc
struct Tetrahedron_Data {
int nodesPerElement = 4;
// etc
typedef ConcreteTypology<Tetraheadron_Data> Tetrahedron;
// etc

raw function pointer from a bound method

I need to bind a method into a function-callback, except this snippet is not legal as discussed in demote-boostfunction-to-a-plain-function-pointer.
What's the simplest way to get this behavior?
struct C {
void m(int x) {
(void) x;
_asm int 3;
typedef void (*cb_t)(int);
int main() {
C c;
boost::function<void (int x)> cb = boost::bind(&C::m, &c, _1);
cb_t raw_cb = *<cb_t>(); //null dereference
return 0;
You can make your own class to do the same thing as the boost bind function. All the class has to do is accept the function type and a pointer to the object that contains the function. For example, this is a void return and void param delegate:
template<typename owner>
class VoidDelegate : public IDelegate
VoidDelegate(void (owner::*aFunc)(void), owner* aOwner)
mFunction = aFunc;
mOwner = aOwner;
void Invoke(void)
if(mFunction != 0)
void (owner::*mFunction)(void);
owner* mOwner;
class C
void CallMe(void)
std::cout << "called";
int main(int aArgc, char** aArgv)
C c;
VoidDelegate<C> delegate(&C::CallMe, &c);
Now, since VoidDelegate<C> is a type, having a collection of these might not be practical, because what if the list was to contain functions of class B too? It couldn't.
This is where polymorphism comes into play. You can create an interface IDelegate, which has a function Invoke:
class IDelegate
virtual ~IDelegate(void) { }
virtual void Invoke(void) = 0;
If VoidDelegate<T> implements IDelegate you could have a collection of IDelegates and therefore have callbacks to methods in different class types.
Either you can shove that bound parameter into a global variable and create a static function that can pick up the value and call the function on it, or you're going to have to generate per-instance functions on the fly - this will involve some kind of on the fly code-gen to generate a stub function on the heap that has a static local variable set to the value you want, and then calls the function on it.
The first way is simple and easy to understand, but not at all thread-safe or reentrant. The second version is messy and difficult, but thread-safe and reentrant if done right.
Edit: I just found out that ATL uses the code generation technique to do exactly this - they generate thunks on the fly that set up the this pointer and other data and then jump to the call back function. Here's a CodeProject article that explains how that works and might give you an idea of how to do it yourself. Particularly look at the last sample (Program 77).
Note that since the article was written DEP has come into existance and you'll need to use VirtualAlloc with PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE to get a chunk of memory where you can allocate your thunks and execute them.
#include <iostream>
typedef void(*callback_t)(int);
template< typename Class, void (Class::*Method_Pointer)(void) >
void wrapper( int class_pointer )
Class * const self = (Class*)(void*)class_pointer;
class A
int m_i;
void callback( )
{ std::cout << "callback: " << m_i << std::endl; }
int main()
A a = { 10 };
callback_t cb = &wrapper<A,&A::callback>;
cb( (int)(void*)&a);
i have it working right now by turning C into a singleton, factoring C::m into C::m_Impl, and declaring static C::m(int) which forwards to the singleton instance. talk about a hack.