URL Regular Expression matching exact 3 characters after decimal - regex

I require regular expression to match exactly 3 or 2 characters after decimal point, so that it validates www.xyz.com and not xyz.Complete

I think what you want is \b
I can't think of a case that's not reasonably covered by using the word-boundary assertion \b any of the other answers need only have \b at the end (if it's always .com, then you'd use .com\b which means essentially a literal dot (.) character followed by com, where whatever follows is something other than a letter, number or underscore. It's a zero-width assertion, which means it will not capture anything. To allow a .net or .edu as well, you would use \.(com|edu|net)\b
The \b assertion is supported in most tools and languages using regexes, but if you need to get more precise (for instance, you might want to allow an underscore after com), your tool or language compiler may support "lookaheads" which are also zero-width assertions. (in the instance mentioned just above, you would use something like \.(com|net|edu|org|mil|museum)(?![a-zA-Z0-9]) which would prohibit numbers and uppercase or lowercase letters)

Strictly answering your question of
match exactly 3 or 2 characters after decimal point
To match just the ending:
the \ escapes the . which otherwise means "any character"

You forgot the string beginning and ending checks (^, $). Use this:


How to include special chars in this regex

First of all I am a total noob to regular expressions, so this may be optimized further, and if so, please tell me what to do. Anyway, after reading several articles about regex, I wrote a little regex for my password matching needs:
What I am trying to do is: it must start with an uppercase letter, must contain a lowercase letter, must contain at least one number must contain at least on special character and must be between 8-20 characters in length.
The above somehow works but it doesn't force special chars(. seems to match any character but I don't know how to use it with the positive lookahead) and the min length seems to be 10 instead of 8. what am I doing wrong?
PS: I am using http://gskinner.com/RegExr/ to test this.
Let's strip away the assertions and just look at your base pattern alone:
This will match one or more uppercase Latin letters, followed by by a single lowercase Latin letter or decimal digit, followed by 8 to 20 of any character. So yes, at minimum this will require 10 characters, but there's no maximum number of characters it will match (e.g. it will allow 100 uppercase letters at the start of the string). Furthermore, since there's no end anchor ($), this pattern would allow any trailing characters after the matched substring.
I'd recommend a pattern like this:
Where !##$ is a placeholder for whatever special characters you want to allow. Don't forget to escape special characters if necessary (\, ], ^ at the beginning of the character class, and- in the middle).
Using POSIX character classes, it might look like this:
Or using Unicode character classes, it might look like this:
Note: each of these considers a different set of 'special characters', so they aren't identical to the first pattern.
The following should work:
I removed the (?=.*[A-Z]) because the requirement that you must start with an uppercase character already covers that. I added (?=.*[^a-zA-Z0-9]) for the special characters, this will only match if there is at least one character that is not a letter or a digit. I also tweaked the length checking a little bit, the first step here was to remove the + after the [A-Z] so that we know exactly one character has been matched so far, and then changing the .{8,20} to .{7,19} (we can only match between 7 and 19 more characters if we already matched 1).
Well, here is how I would write it, if I had such requirements - excepting situations where it's absolutely not possible or practical, I prefer to break up complex regular expressions. Note that this is English-specific, so a Unicode or POSIX character class (where supported) may make more sense:
/^[A-Z]/ && /[a-z]/ && /[1-9]/ && /[whatever special]/ && ofCorrectLength(x)
That is, I would avoid trying to incorporate all the rules at once.

Does regular expression \d match minus sign and/or decimal point?

I'm look at some old PERL/CGI code to debug an issue and noticed a lot of uses of:
\d - Match non-digit character
\D - Match digit character
Most online docs mention that \d is the same as [0-9], which is what I've always thought of it as. But, I've also noticed Stackoverflow Questions that mention character set difference.
Does "\d" in regex mean a digit?
Does \d also match a minus sign and/or decimal point?
I'm off to do some testing.
Does \d also match a minus sign and/or decimal point?
I don't know how Perl determine whether to use Unicode or ASCII or locale by default (no flag, no use). Regardless, by declaring use re '/a'; (ASCII), or use re '/u'; (Unicode), or use re '/l'; (locale), you will clearly signify to the Perl interpreter (and human reader) which mode you want to use and avoid unexpected behaviour.
Due to the effect of modifiers, \d has at least 2 meanings:
Under effect of /a flag (ASCII), \d will match digits from 0 to 9 (no more and no less).
Under effect of /u flag (Unicode), \d will match any decimal digit in any language, and is equivalent to \p{Digit}reference. This effectively makes \d+ pretty useless and dangerous to use, since it allows a mix of digits in any languages.
Quote from description of /u flag
And, \d+ , may match strings of digits that are a mixture from different writing systems, creating a security issue. num() in Unicode::UCD can be used to sort this out. Or the /a modifier can be used to force \d to match just the ASCII 0 through 9.
\d will not match any sign or punctuation, since those characters does not belong to Nd (Number, decimal digit) General Category of Unicode.
The answer is no. It merely does a digit check. However, Unicode makes things a bit more complex.
If you want to make sure something is a number -- a decimal number -- ake a look at the Scalar::Util module. One of the functions it has is look_like_number. This can be used to see if the string you're looking at could be a number or not, and works better than trying to use a regular expression.
This module has been part of standard Perl for a while, so you should have it on your system.

What does (^?)* mean in this regex?

I have this regex:
If I understand correctly, this is the breakdown of what it does:
^ - start matching from the beginning of the string
(^?)* - I don't know know, but it stores it in $1
\? - matches a question mark
(.*)$ - matches anything until the end of the string
So what does (^?)* mean?
The (^?) is simply looking for the literal character ^. The ^ character in a regex pattern only has special meaning when used as the first character of the pattern or the first character in a grouping match []. When used outside those 2 positions the ^ is interpreted literally meaning in looks for the ^ character in the input string
Note: Whether or not ^ outside of the first and grouping position is interpreted literally is regex engine specific. I'm not familiar enough with LUA to state which it does
Lua does not have a conventional regexp language, it has Lua patterns in its place. While they look a lot like regexp, Lua patterns are a distinct language of their own that has a simpler set of rules and most importantly lacks grouping and alternation features.
Interpreted as a Lua pattern, the example will surprising a longtime regexp user since so many details are different.
Lua patterns are described in PiL, and at a first glance are similar enough to a conventional regexp to cause confusion. The biggest differences are probably the lack of an alternation operator |, parenthesis are only used to mark captures, quantifiers (?, -, +, and *) only apply to a character or character class, and % is the escape character not \. A big clue that this example was probably not written with Lua in mind is the lack of the Lua pattern quoting character % applied to any (or ideally, all) of the non-alphanumeric characters in the pattern string, and the suspicious use of \? which smells like a conventional regexp to match a single literal ?.
The simple answer to the question asked is: (^?)* is not a recommended form, and would match ^* or *, capturing the presence or absence of the caret. If that were the intended effect, then I would write it as (%^?)%* to make that clearer.
To see why this is the case, let's take the pattern given and analyze it as a Lua pattern. The entire pattern is:
Handed to string.match(), it would be interpreted as follows:
^ anchors the match to the beginning of the string.
( marks the beginning of the first capture.
^ is not at the beginning of the pattern or a character class, so it matches a literal ^ character. For clarity that should likely have been written as %^.
? matches exactly zero or one of the previous character.
) marks the end of the first capture.
* is not after something that can be quantified so it matches a literal * character. For clarity that should likely have been written as %*.
\ in a pattern matches itself, it is not an escape character in the pattern language. However, it is an escape character in a Lua short string literal, making the following character not special to the string literal parser which in this case is moot because the ? that follows was not special to it in any case. So if the pattern were enclosed in double or single quotes, then the \ would be absorbed by string parsing. If written in a long string (as [[^(^?)*\?(.*)$]], the backslash would survive the string parser, to appear in the pattern.
? matches exactly zero or one of the previous character.
( marks the beginning the second capture.
. matches any character at all, effectively a synonym for the class [\000-\255] (remember, in Lua numeric escapes are in decimal not octal as in C).
* matches zero or more of the previous character, greedily.
) marks the end of the second capture.
$ anchors the pattern to the end of the string.
So it matches and captures an optional ^ at the beginning of the string, followed by *, then an optional \ which is not captured, and captures the entire rest of the string. string.match would return two strings on success (either or both of which might be zero length), or nil on failure.
Edit: I've fixed some typos, and corrected an error in my answer, noticed by Egor in a comment. I forgot that in patterns, special symbols loose their specialness when in a spot where it can't apply. That makes the first asterisk match a literal asterisk rather than be an error. The cascade of that falls through most of the answer.
Note that if you really want a true regexp in Lua, there are libraries available that will provide it. That said, the built-in pattern language is quite powerful. If it is not sufficient, then you might be best off adopting a full parser, and use LPeg which can do everything a regexp can and more. It even comes with a module that provides a complete regexp syntax that is translated into an LPeg grammar for execution.
In this case, the (^?) refers to the previous string "^" meaning the literal character ^ as Jared has said. Check out regexlib for any further deciphering.
For all your Regex needs: http://regexlib.com/CheatSheet.aspx
It looks to me like the intent of the creator of the expression was to match any number of ^ before the question mark, but only wanted to capture the first instance of ^. However, it may not be a valid expression depending on the engine, as others have stated.

A pattern matching an expression that doesn't end with specific sequence

I need a regex pattern which matches such strings that DO NOT end with such a sequence:
by which I mean the examined string must not have at its end a sequence of a dot and then two or more alphanumeric characters.
For example, a string
and also
should match desired pattern and
/home/patryk/images/DSC002.jpg should not.
I suppose this has something to do with lookarounds (look aheads) but still I have no idea how to make it.
Any help appreciated.
Old Answer
You can use a negative lookbehind at the end if your regex flavor supports it:
This will match a string that has an end anchor not preceded by the icky sequence you don't want.
Note that as m.buettner has pointed out, this uses an indefinite length lookbehind, which is a feature unique to .NET
New Answer
After a bit of digging around, however, I've found that variable length look-aheads are pretty widely supported, so here is a version that uses those:
In a comment on an answer, you have stated you wanted to not match strings with forward slashes at the end, which is accomplished by simply adding a forward slash to the lookahead.
Note that I am using \w for succinctness, but it lets underscores through. If this is important, you could replace it with [^\W_].
Asad's version is very convenient, but only .NET's regex engine supports variable-length lookbehinds (which is one of the many reasons why every regex question should include the language or tool used).
We can reduce this to a fixed-length lookbehind (which is supported in most engines except for JavaScrpit) if we think about the possible cases which should match. That would be either one or zero letters/digits at the end (whether preceded by . or not) or two or more letters/digits that are not preceded by a dot.
This should do it:
It alternates between matching one or more of anything except a dot, or a dot if it's not followed by two or more alphanumeric characters and the end of the string.
EDIT: Upgrading it to meet the new requirement is just more of the same:
Breaking that down, we have:
[^./]+ # one or more of any characters except . or /
/(?=.) # a slash, as long as there's at least one character following it
\.(?![A-Za-z0-9]{2,}$) # a dot, unless it's followed by two or more alphanumeric characters followed by the end of the string
On another note: [A-z] is an error. It matches all the uppercase and lowercase ASCII letters, but it also matches the characters [, ], ^, _, backslash and backtick, whose code points happen to lie between Z and a.
Variable length look behinds are rarely supported, but you don't need one:

Regexp Question - Negating a captured character

I'm looking for a regular expression that allows for either single-quoted or double-quoted strings, and allows the opposite quote character within the string. For example, the following would both be legal strings:
"hello 'there' world"
'hello "there" world'
The regexp I'm using uses negative lookahead and is as follows:
This would work I think, but what about if the language didn't support negative lookahead. Is there any other way to do this? Without alternation?
I know I can use alternation. This was more of just a hypothetical question. Say I had 20 different characters in the initial character class. I wouldn't want to write out 20 different alternations. I'm trying to actually negate the captured character, without using lookahead, lookbehind, or alternation.
This is actually much simpler than you may have realized. You don't really need the negative look-ahead. What you want to do is a non-greedy (or lazy) match like this:
The ? character after the .* is the important part. It says, consume the minimum possible characters before hitting the next part of the regex. So, you get either kind of quote, and then you go after 0-M characters until you encounter a character matching whichever quote you first ran into. You can learn more about greedy matching vs. non-greedy here and here.
On a successful match, the $+ variable will hold the contents of whichever alternate matched.
In the general case, regexps are not really the answer. You might be interested in something like Text::ParseWords, which tokenizes text, accounting for nested quotes, backslashed quotes, backslashed spaces, and other oddities.