Visual C++ MFC Application- Event not receiving in child dialog - mfc

I have created a derived control handling events as mouse movement, left button down up,down etc.
And I have a popup dialog and within that dialog, three child dialogs.
When I use the derived control in my popup dialog, it is working properly.
But when I place my control in any of the child dialog, the mouse events are not handled.
Please suggest a solution.
Thanks in advance,

Must to pass forward the events. Catch them on the child dialog with the respective message handlers and then forward them using the ::SendMessage method.
The popup dialog possibly catched up automatically the mouse events and enabled to be forwarded towards.


Preventing Mouse-wheel scrolling of controls

I am developing an application using the MFC library and I am currently trying to prevent the user accidentally changing one of the combo box controls when they are scrolling the mouse wheel.
I am looking for a solution without deriving a new class from the CComboBox class and preventing the mouse scrolling there.
My understanding of the system is that Windows passes the WM_MOUSEWHEEL message to the Combo box control which handles it (scrolling the combo box) and then this is propagated up the chain of parent controls (so them to my CFormView etc.), which means I cannot prevent the scrolling by capturing the event in my form view.
Does anyone have a solution to this problem? Thanks in advance!
You can always derive a control from CComboBox and trap the WM_MOUSEWHEEL message in the control itself. Then simply use your new derived combo box in your form view.
If you don't want to create a derived class (perhaps it's too big a change for your project), you can subclass the combo box and trap the WM_MOUSEWHEEL there.
Override the PreTranslateMessage handler in the main window class and look for WM_MOUSEWHEEL messages. Compare the pMsg->hwnd handle in PreTranslateMessage handler with the combobox handle, if found, filter the messages away.

Adding event handler to user defined window classes

I am using MFC MDI. I create a window the main document window. I create another window(lets call it second window) as child of MDI Window View, then I create child window(third window) of second window. Again I need to create another window, child window of third window. I have a button on the ribbon and I want to call message handler in the third window to handle this command. I have added message map and all required stuff but it is not calling the message handler. If I define the message handler in MDI window view, it catches the event. If I dont delare the message handler in my main CWinApp class or MDI window View class the button appears disabled.
All my child view classes are inherited from CWnd and main MDI window is derived from CView. Please let me know what I am missing here.
I am at the loss here. You are using MFC; why using events? use command messages and command message handlers instead events.
Use MFC implemented and well working command routing.
MFC doesnt route messages generated by clicking Ribbon buttons to child windows. If we want to send messages to child windows of MDI windows we need to do it ourselves. Ribbon button's messages are either passed to active MDI window or CWinApp class.

OnLButtonDown() is not fired if I click an item in my dialog (ListBox, CheckBox etc) but it fires ok if I click background or Static Text

If I click anywhere on the dialog window, like in the "background", or on a Static Text, the function OnLButtonDown() is fired. But if I click a ListBox/EditBox/Combo/Calendar/Checkbox etc is not fired.
I thought that because these have control variables atached to it, and the Static Text don't. But adding a new Listbox to my Dialog and testing, I see that it doesn't fire either, so now I am confused...
I added OnLButtonDown() with the Class Wizard, it appears in:
// other handlers, etc
My function:
void CMFCTesting2Dlg::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
AfxMessageBox(CString("BUTTON DOWN"));
CDialogEx::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point);
I tried calling CDialogEx:: ... before AfxMessageBox... but same result.
The CListBox item, has the Notify option set to True, as I seen some advices in other posts.
I suspect that the WM notification message is captured somehow by the ListBox, and not sent "forward" to my CMFCTesting2Dlg, but I understood that this should happen with the Notify option set to True, on the ListBox, no? (well, obviously, not...)
Sorry, I am new to dealing with WM in MFC.
BTW, I use Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate, and this is a Visual C++ - MFC- MFC Application - Dialog Based project.
How can I capture this mouse down event if clicked on a listbox / combo / etc?
On the LONG STORY, I am actually trying to accomplish this issue:
I have two listboxes (lets say), and I want to scroll them synchronously, when user scrolls one of them, others must scroll the same (or update in the next moment). And I thought of using on mouse down to track the position of every Listbox (with the GetTopIndex), and on mouse up, to GetTopIndex again and compare with the previous ones. If a change was made, then a listbox was scrolled and then update all listboxes with SetTopIndex. The unfriendly solution for the user, but simpler for me, would be clicking a button that does this verification / update, but its not elegant at all, and it can only set them at the same level, but can't determine which one was scrolled last time. This automatically scrolling of the listboxes should be made just for displaying, it is not important the selections in the listboxes. I tried using the Message Type in the Add Event Handler for the Listbox, but none that are displayed work for my problem, KillFocus and SetFocus, are not fired if the scroll-bar is dragged, only if an item in the listbox is clicked... and I didn't succeed on the others message type either, from the Add Event Handler.
Once a window handles a message, it stops being sent to the other windows beneath it. A static window doesn't handle a mouse down, so it goes to the dialog. The other controls all handle it in some fashion (setting focus at least) so it never gets to the dialog.
You can override the OnLButtonDown handler in each of the controls to do something else once they've finished their default handling in the base class. You might also get to see the message in the PreTranslateMessage method of the dialog.
As far as getting the List Controls to sync scrolling goes, your best bet would be to intercept WM_VSCROLL by subclassing CListCtrl or perhaps by PreTranslateMessage, and then calling SetScrollInfo on the other list. If the number of items in the lists are the same, it should be fairly simple.

How I can get a focus message in MFC?

I have a dialog box with some CListCtrl. I want that when I click on one of them, receive killfocus or setfocus message.
How I can get it?
The CListCtrl class wraps the Win32 ListView control. That control communicates with its parent (your dialog) via WM_NOTIFY messages.
So you can process WM_NOTIFY messages from your list control in your dialog class. Use the Properties window to create an OnChildNotify handler function and write a switch statement that handles the notification message(s) of interest.
The possible notification messages are listed here in the Windows SDK documentation.

"?" help button triggers WM_HELP _and_ WM_LBUTTONUP

I have a Windows application that registers one CALLBACK procedure that handles WM_HELP messages for the dialog, and one CALLBACK procedure that handles WM_LBUTTONUP messages for a custom button.
Now, when the user clicks the "?" button, then clicks the custom button, the help opens up as expected (on mouse down), BUT if the help window is not occluding the button, a WM_LBUTTONUP message is triggered as well for the custom button (on mouse up). This causes the button to trigger when the user was only asking for help.
Is there any way to stop the WM_LBUTTONUP message from being sent if the button press is for help?
EDIT: The custom button is implemented using a STATIC control. I believe this is because it needs to have an image and no border. So, it does not send BN_CLICKED notifications. In fact, it does not seem to trigger WM_COMMAND in the parent at all.
This is normal. Be sure to use the button's BN_CLICKED notification to see the difference. Generated when the user clicks the button, not generated when the user uses the help cursor. The button still sees the normal button up/down messages so that's not a good trigger to detect a click. Extra bonus is that the button can now also be clicked with the keyboard (space bar).
A good class library takes care of these nasty little details.
A better way would be to create ? as a custom control with BS_CHECKBOX | BS_PUSHLIKE style and capture the mouse. After that you will get all the WM_LBUTTONDOWN message to this custom control and then you can use WindowFromPoint to get the window where the WM_LBUTTONDOWN happened and can send a custom notification to the parent window. The parent window can then show a the tooltip or open the help doc or discard it.
The advantage is, you create the control only once and you can use it in multiple places.
Okay, I fixed it by creating the custom button (static control) with the SS_NOTIFY style, then handling the STN_CLICKED notification in the WM_COMMAND message. (SS_NOTIFY causes WM_COMMAND to trigger in the parent when it is clicked.) This does not trigger when using the "?" button. Thanks!