Ofstream not writing to file C++ - c++

I have this method which supposed to get a buffer and write some content to a file:
void writeTasksToDevice()
TaskInfo *task;
unsigned int i = lastTaskWritten;
printf("writing elihsa\n");
outputFile.write(" Elisha2", 7);
for(; i < (*writingTasks).size(); i++)
task = (*writingTasks).at(i);
if(NULL == task)
printf("ERROR!!! in writeTasksToDevice - there's a null task in taskQueue. By "
" design that should NEVER happen\n");
if(true == task->wasItWritten)
else // we've found a task to write!
printf("trying to write buffer to file\n");
printf("buffer = %s, length = %d\n", task->buffer, task->length);<====PRINT HERE IS OK< PRINTING WHAT IS WANTED
outputFile.write(task->buffer, task->length); <===SHOULD WRITE HERE
printf("done writing file\n");
// TODO: check if we should go to sleep and wait for new tasks
// and then go to sleep
the buffer content is:
task->buffer: elishaefla
task->length: 10
i opened the stream in another init function using:
outputFile.open(fileName, ios :: app);
if(NULL == outputFile)
//print error;
return -1;
but at the end, the file content is empty, nothing is being written.
any idea why?

You did not provide enough information to answer the question with certainty, but here are some of the issues you might be facing:
You did not flush the buffer of the ofstream
You did not close the file that you are trying to open later on (if I'm correct, outputFile is a global variable, so it is not closed automatically until the end of the program)


How to create a function: Get a single value from SD card file using the file name as function parameter

I appreciate any guidance or help I can get on this. I am writing a program with values for a PID stored on an SD card so I can change them on the touchscreen without the need to hook it up to my computer. I want a single function that I can call with parameters allowing me to increase or decrease the number and change the file name. The below function is what I have to change whether "pnum.txt" increases or decreases; however I cannot figure out how to make a File work as a parameter.
I have tried making " "pnum.txt" " (with quotes) as a char and as a String, and even though it prints out as it should, it doesn't work when inserted into the function. I have also tried passing the whole SD.open("pnum.txt", FILE_WRITE) and myFile = SD.open("pnum.txt", FILE_WRITE) as a File, but that does something odd - it will create the file when I open it, but it won't write to the file. I'm finding myself just trying the same things over and over, so I clearly have a lack of understanding that I'm not finding anywhere. Thank you again for any help on this!
float incDecValue(float value) {
//This is important, because the libraries are sharing pins
pinMode(XM, OUTPUT);
pinMode(YP, OUTPUT);
myFile = SD.open("pnum.txt", FILE_WRITE);
counter = 0;
myFile = SD.open("pnum.txt");
if (myFile) {
while (myFile.available()) {
testChar[counter] = myFile.read();
float convertedValue = atof(testChar);
return convertedValue;
And I will call it like this.
pValue = incValue(pValue+=.5);
As not exactly knowing what you really want I did the following assumptions:
You want to save a single float value to a file called pnum.txt
You want to do something with that value
You want the processed value to write back to the file pnum.txt (overwriting the content)
Two different functions parametrized each with fileName as input and the value for write
So here a complete sequence (works as posted) you could easily implement into your code. No String class is used and its a one line file read/write only:
/* SD card pid read/write
The circuit:
SD card attached to SPI bus as follows:
** MOSI - pin 11
** MISO - pin 12
** CLK - pin 13
** CS - pin 4 */
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>
const uint8_t chipSelect = 4;
char dataChar[16] = {'\0'};
void setup() {
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
while (!Serial) {
; // wait for serial port to connect.
Serial.print("Initializing SD card...");
// see if the card is present and can be initialized:
if (!SD.begin(chipSelect)) {
Serial.println("Card failed or no card present");
Serial.println("Card initialized");
void loop() {
float pValue = readFileValue ("pnum.txt") + 0.5;
writeFileValue ("pnum.txt", pValue);
float readFileValue (const char* fileName) {
/* Open the file. note that only one file can be open at a time,
so you have to close this one before opening another.*/
File dataFile = SD.open(fileName, FILE_READ);
// if the file is available, write to it:
if (dataFile) {
char c;
uint8_t i = 0;
while (dataFile.available()) {
c = dataFile.read(); // Read char by char
if (c != '\n') { // As long no line terminator
dataChar[i] = c;
else {
dataChar[i] = '\0'; // Terminate char array properly
Serial.print("Success writing content: ");
else { // If the file isn't open, pop up an error:
Serial.print("Error opening requested file: ");
float fileVal = atof(dataChar);;
return fileVal;
bool writeFileValue (const char* fileName, float fileVal) {
SD.remove(fileName); // Delete the existing file if existing
File dataFile = SD.open(fileName, FILE_WRITE);
// If the file opened okay, write to it
if (dataFile) {
// dtostrf(floatvar, StringLengthIncDecimalPoint, numVarsAfterDecimal, charbuf);
dtostrf(fileVal, 5, 2, dataChar); // Not really needed for this simple issue, but ..
Serial.print("Writing to file: ");
// Close the file
Serial.println("Success saving done");
return true;
} else {
// if the file didn't open, print an error:
Serial.println("Error opening file: ");
return false;

Strings read from FIFO teleport to other lines

My code reads lines from a fifo, constructs a functor, and queues it with a Boost thread pool. I was having a problem with occasional work items failing, but when I added logging the problem disappeared.
I've worked it down to the location of where a std::ofstream is opened, but I can't figure out why this is true. By moving that line I was able to get the problems to reoccur. Sometimes part of a line goes missing and reappears somewhere else (either preppended to or overwriting another line). This doesn't appear to be random. Given the same input the error always occurs in the same place, but if the input lines are reordered the error will occur in a different location.
As an example
# This line should read
# /dev/shm/test/bluetooth-active-symbolic.symbolic.png.csv.plot.png
# But it is missing the leading "/dev/"
# This line should read
# But the missing text reappeared here
Where we fork to the background
switch (fork()) {
case -1:
std::cerr << "Error forking\n";
return 1;
case 0:
dup2(stdout_file, fileno(stdout));
dup2(stdout_file, fileno(stderr));
went_background = true;
// If this ofstream line is moved elsewhere, things break
log_file = std::ofstream("poolcmd-log.txt");
Where we read from the fifo
decltype(read_threads)::value_type(new std::thread([&]() {
char* line = 0;
size_t n = 0;
while (true) {
auto read = getline(&line, &n, fifo);
locked_print(log_file, "read: ");
locked_print(log_file, line);
if (read >= 0) {
std::string tmp(line, read - 1);
if (tmp == "POOLCMD_CLOSE") {
locked_print(log_file, "Understood POOLCMD_CLOSE\n");
tp.add(Executer(cmd, {tmp}, quiet));
else {
locked_print(log_file, "read < 0\n");

Qt GUI app unexpectedly ending

Hi I am working on Linux and I am trying to create a GUI app to go with my executable I have made.
For some reason it unexpectedly ends. There is no error message, it just says in the Qt console window it unexpectedly ended with exit code 0.
Can someone please have a look at it for me. I am working on Linux.
I will also paste the code here.
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
QString stringURL = ui->lineEdit->text();
if(stringURL.isEmpty() || stringURL.isNull()) {
ui->labelError->setText("You have not entered a URL.");
std::string cppString = stringURL.toStdString();
const char* cString = cppString.c_str();
char* output;
//These arrays will hold the file id of each end of two pipes
int fidOut[2];
int fidIn[2];
//Create two uni-directional pipes
int p1 = pipe(fidOut); //populates the array fidOut with read/write fid
int p2 = pipe(fidIn); //populates the array fidIn with read/write fid
if ((p1 == -1) || (p2 == -1)) {
//To make this more readable - I'm going to copy each fileid
//into a semantically more meaningful name
int parentRead = fidIn[0];
int parentWrite = fidOut[1];
int childRead = fidOut[0];
int childWrite = fidIn[1];
//Fork into two processes/
pid_t processId = fork();
//Which process am I?
if (processId == 0) {
//CHILD PROCESS - inherits file id's from parent/
::close(parentRead); //Don't need these
::close(parentWrite); //
//Map stdin and stdout to pipes
dup2(childRead, STDIN_FILENO);
dup2(childWrite, STDOUT_FILENO);
//Exec - turn child into sort (and inherit file id's)
execlp("htmlstrip", "htmlstrip", "-n", NULL);
} else {
::close(childRead); //Don't need this
::close(childWrite); //
//Write data to child process
//char strMessage[] = cString;
write(parentWrite, cString, strlen(cString));
::close(parentWrite); //this will send an EOF and prompt sort to run
//Read data back from child
char charIn;
while ( read(parentRead, &charIn, 1) > 0 ) {
output = output + (charIn);
printf("%s", output);
::close(parentRead); //This will prompt the child process to quit
I ran the debugger and this is the error I received:
The inferior stopped because it received a signal from the Operating System.
Signal name : SIGSEGV
Signal meaning : Segmentation fault
You haven't initialized the "output" variable. On the last lines of your code, you do this:
while ( read(parentRead, &charIn, 1) > 0 ) {
output = output + (charIn);
printf("%s", output);
Which will do nasty things, since you are adding a byte read from your child process, to the output variable, which is a pointer that contains garbage, and then printing the contents of the "output" variable's address as a string. You probably want "output" to be a std::string, that way your code could make sense:
std::string output;
/* ... */
while ( read(parentRead, &charIn, 1) > 0 ) {
output += (charIn);
std::cout << output;
Once you have read all the data your child process has generated, you can write it to stdout.
EDIT: since you want to set the contents of "output" to a QPlainTextEdit, you can use QPlainTextEdit::setPlainText:
while ( read(parentRead, &charIn, 1) > 0 ) {
output += (charIn);

Linux: Executing child process with piped stdin/stdout

Using Linux and C++, I would like a function that does the following:
string f(string s)
string r = system("foo < s");
return r;
Obviously the above doesn't work, but you get the idea. I have a string s that I would like to pass as the standard input of a child process execution of application "foo", and then I would like to record its standard output to string r and then return it.
What combination of Linux syscalls or POSIX functions should I use?
I'm using Linux 3.0 and do not need the solution to work with older systems.
The code provided by eerpini does not work as written. Note, for example, that the pipe ends that are closed in the parent are used afterwards. Look at
and the subsequent write to that closed descriptor. This is just transposition, but it shows this code has never been used. Below is a version that I have tested. Unfortunately, I changed the code style, so this was not accepted as an edit of eerpini's code.
The only structural change is that I only redirect the I/O in the child (note the dup2 calls are only in the child path.) This is very important, because otherwise the parent's I/O gets messed up. Thanks to eerpini for the initial answer, which I used in developing this one.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#define PIPE_READ 0
#define PIPE_WRITE 1
int createChild(const char* szCommand, char* const aArguments[], char* const aEnvironment[], const char* szMessage) {
int aStdinPipe[2];
int aStdoutPipe[2];
int nChild;
char nChar;
int nResult;
if (pipe(aStdinPipe) < 0) {
perror("allocating pipe for child input redirect");
return -1;
if (pipe(aStdoutPipe) < 0) {
perror("allocating pipe for child output redirect");
return -1;
nChild = fork();
if (0 == nChild) {
// child continues here
// redirect stdin
if (dup2(aStdinPipe[PIPE_READ], STDIN_FILENO) == -1) {
// redirect stdout
if (dup2(aStdoutPipe[PIPE_WRITE], STDOUT_FILENO) == -1) {
// redirect stderr
if (dup2(aStdoutPipe[PIPE_WRITE], STDERR_FILENO) == -1) {
// all these are for use by parent only
// run child process image
// replace this with any exec* function find easier to use ("man exec")
nResult = execve(szCommand, aArguments, aEnvironment);
// if we get here at all, an error occurred, but we are in the child
// process, so just exit
} else if (nChild > 0) {
// parent continues here
// close unused file descriptors, these are for child only
// Include error check here
if (NULL != szMessage) {
write(aStdinPipe[PIPE_WRITE], szMessage, strlen(szMessage));
// Just a char by char read here, you can change it accordingly
while (read(aStdoutPipe[PIPE_READ], &nChar, 1) == 1) {
write(STDOUT_FILENO, &nChar, 1);
// done with these in this example program, you would normally keep these
// open of course as long as you want to talk to the child
} else {
// failed to create child
return nChild;
Since you want bidirectional access to the process, you would have to do what popen does behind the scenes explicitly with pipes. I am not sure if any of this will change in C++, but here is a pure C example :
void piped(char *str){
int wpipefd[2];
int rpipefd[2];
int defout, defin;
defout = dup(stdout);
defin = dup (stdin);
if(pipe(wpipefd) < 0){
if(pipe(rpipefd) < 0){
if(dup2(wpipefd[0], 0) == -1){
if(dup2(rpipefd[1], 1) == -1){
if(fork() == 0){
//Call exec here. Use the exec* family of functions according to your need
if(dup2(defin, 0) == -1){
if(dup2(defout, 1) == -1){
//Include error check here
write(wpipefd[1], str, strlen(str));
//Just a char by char read here, you can change it accordingly
while(read(rpipefd[0], &ch, 1) != -1){
write(stdout, &ch, 1);
Effectively you do this :
Create pipes and redirect the stdout and stdin to the ends of the two pipes (note that in linux, pipe() creates unidirectional pipes, so you need to use two pipes for your purpose).
Exec will now start a new process which has the ends of the pipes for stdin and stdout.
Close the unused descriptors, write the string to the pipe and then start reading whatever the process might dump to the other pipe.
dup() is used to create a duplicate entry in the file descriptor table. While dup2() changes what the descriptor points to.
Note : As mentioned by Ammo# in his solution, what I provided above is more or less a template, it will not run if you just tried to execute the code since clearly there is a exec* (family of functions) missing, so the child will terminate almost immediately after the fork().
Ammo's code has some error handling bugs. The child process is returning after dup failure instead of exiting. Perhaps the child dups can be replaced with:
if (dup2(aStdinPipe[PIPE_READ], STDIN_FILENO) == -1 ||
dup2(aStdoutPipe[PIPE_WRITE], STDOUT_FILENO) == -1 ||
dup2(aStdoutPipe[PIPE_WRITE], STDERR_FILENO) == -1
// all these are for use by parent only

Libzip - read file contents from zip

I using libzip to work with zip files and everything goes fine, until i need to read file from zip
I need to read just a whole text files, so it will be great to achieve something like PHP "file_get_contents" function.
To read file from zip there is a function "int
zip_fread(struct zip_file *file, void *buf, zip_uint64_t nbytes)".
Main problem what i don't know what size of buf must be and how many nbytes i must read (well i need to read whole file, but files have different size). I can just do a big buffer to fit them all and read all it's size, or do a while loop until fread return -1 but i don't think it's rational option.
You can try using zip_stat to get file size.
I haven't used the libzip interface but from what you write it seems to look very similar to a file interface: once you got a handle to the stream you keep calling zip_fread() until this function return an error (ir, possibly, less than requested bytes). The buffer you pass in us just a reasonably size temporary buffer where the data is communicated.
Personally I would probably create a stream buffer for this so once the file in the zip archive is set up it can be read using the conventional I/O stream methods. This would look something like this:
struct zipbuf: std::streambuf {
zipbuf(???): file_(???) {}
zip_file* file_;
enum { s_size = 8196 };
char buffer_[s_size];
int underflow() {
int rc(zip_fread(this->file_, this->buffer_, s_size));
this->setg(this->buffer_, this->buffer_,
this->buffer_ + std::max(0, rc));
return this->gptr() == this->egptr()
? traits_type::eof()
: traits_type::to_int_type(*this->gptr());
With this stream buffer you should be able to create an std::istream and read the file into whatever structure you need:
zipbuf buf(???);
std::istream in(&buf);
Obviously, this code isn't tested or compiled. However, when you replace the ??? with whatever is needed to open the zip file, I'd think this should pretty much work.
Here is a routine I wrote that extracts data from a zip-stream and prints out a line at a time. This uses zlib, not libzip, but if this code is useful to you, feel free to use it:
# compile with -lz option in order to link in the zlib library
#include <zlib.h>
#define Z_CHUNK 2097152
int unzipFile(const char *fName)
z_stream zStream;
char *zRemainderBuf = malloc(1);
unsigned char zInBuf[Z_CHUNK];
unsigned char zOutBuf[Z_CHUNK];
char zLineBuf[Z_CHUNK];
unsigned int zHave, zBufIdx, zBufOffset, zOutBufIdx;
int zError;
FILE *inFp = fopen(fName, "rbR");
if (!inFp) { fprintf(stderr, "could not open file: %s\n", fName); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
zStream.zalloc = Z_NULL;
zStream.zfree = Z_NULL;
zStream.opaque = Z_NULL;
zStream.avail_in = 0;
zStream.next_in = Z_NULL;
zError = inflateInit2(&zStream, (15+32)); /* cf. http://www.zlib.net/manual.html */
if (zError != Z_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "could not initialize z-stream\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
*zRemainderBuf = '\0';
do {
zStream.avail_in = fread(zInBuf, 1, Z_CHUNK, inFp);
if (zStream.avail_in == 0)
zStream.next_in = zInBuf;
do {
zStream.avail_out = Z_CHUNK;
zStream.next_out = zOutBuf;
zError = inflate(&zStream, Z_NO_FLUSH);
switch (zError) {
case Z_NEED_DICT: { fprintf(stderr, "Z-stream needs dictionary!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
case Z_DATA_ERROR: { fprintf(stderr, "Z-stream suffered data error!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
case Z_MEM_ERROR: { fprintf(stderr, "Z-stream suffered memory error!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
zHave = Z_CHUNK - zStream.avail_out;
zOutBuf[zHave] = '\0';
/* copy remainder buffer onto line buffer, if not NULL */
if (zRemainderBuf) {
strncpy(zLineBuf, zRemainderBuf, strlen(zRemainderBuf));
zBufOffset = strlen(zRemainderBuf);
zBufOffset = 0;
/* read through zOutBuf for newlines */
for (zBufIdx = zBufOffset, zOutBufIdx = 0; zOutBufIdx < zHave; zBufIdx++, zOutBufIdx++) {
zLineBuf[zBufIdx] = zOutBuf[zOutBufIdx];
if (zLineBuf[zBufIdx] == '\n') {
zLineBuf[zBufIdx] = '\0';
zBufIdx = -1;
fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", zLineBuf);
/* copy some of line buffer onto the remainder buffer, if there are remnants from the z-stream */
if (strlen(zLineBuf) > 0) {
if (strlen(zLineBuf) > strlen(zRemainderBuf)) {
/* to minimize the chance of doing another (expensive) malloc, we double the length of zRemainderBuf */
zRemainderBuf = malloc(strlen(zLineBuf) * 2);
strncpy(zRemainderBuf, zLineBuf, zBufIdx);
zRemainderBuf[zBufIdx] = '\0';
} while (zStream.avail_out == 0);
} while (zError != Z_STREAM_END);
/* close gzip stream */
zError = inflateEnd(&zStream);
if (zError != Z_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "could not close z-stream!\n");
if (zRemainderBuf)
With any streaming you should consider the memory requirements of your app.
A good buffer size is large, but you do not want to have too much memory in use depending on your RAM usage requirements. A small buffer size will require you call your read and write operations more times which are expensive in terms of time performance. So, you need to find a buffer in the middle of those two extremes.
Typically I use a size of 4096 (4KB) which is sufficiently large for many purposes. If you want, you can go larger. But at the worst case size of 1 byte, you will be waiting a long time for you read to complete.
So to answer your question, there is no "right" size to pick. It is a choice you should make so that the speed of your app and the memory it requires are what you need.