call jboss web service from other machine - web-services

I've created a contract-last web-service which is deployed on a Jboss AS on my VDI machine. I can get the WSDL just fine from localhost, but if I try to call the webservice from my laptop or any other machine I simply cannot connect to it.
I'm using SoapUI to test with and I just get a NullPointerException when I call it and if I try to get the WSDL via a browser it just times out.
I've tried to use a listener to see if I can connect to the VDI from other machines and that works just fint.
Any suggestions what I could try? - I'm thinking that it could be some property setting in some Jboss AS properties file, but the only thing I've found is "" which is set to "" which should allow other machines to connect to the web-service, but no luck :/

The solution was to add "-b" to my startup script


Apex callout to local web service or to web service in test environment?

I'm pretty new to salesforce callout stuff and trying to make a simple GET request from my salesforce callout, but I kept getting this error:
System.CalloutException: Unable to tunnel through proxy. Proxy returns "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found
I'm pretty sure this is because I'm making request to the web service on my local machine, but since I'm only testing this out, I don't have a server that's available online.
I tried making a callout to just and it works just fine.
So I guess my question is that anyone has a way to make callout to a web service on their local machine?
Just put your ip address instead of 'localhost' and that is it. If you have a router at work/home, you need setup it so it route internet calls to your PC.
That is how it works for me right now. I created a WS using Java. Started a server on 8080 port. From my SFDC application I call xx.xx.xx.xx:8080/bla

SOAP client in IIS cannot access web services in Tomcat

I have IIS (localhost:443) and Tomcat (localhost:8080) both running on my local machine. The Tomcat contains Java web services and I can remotely debug it in Eclipse IDE. I have an application installed in my IIS and when I access the page of that application, it requests a web service in Tomcat.
The problem is that when I try to load the page (the one deployed in IIS), my Eclipse won't go to the break point, meaning no request was retrieved on the Tomcat side.
But when I try to execute a request using SoapUI, Tomcat receives it and it enters my breakpoint in Eclipse. (meaning that the web services are accessible)
I cannot debug the application in IIS so I cannot determine why it can't call the web service.
Do I need to setup Windows Firewall for it? I'm just running those apps in my local machine.
Any ideas?
I got it working. My problem was permission issues in c:\windows\temp directory. I found my answer here

Axis Bottom-up Webservice IWAB0489E error

I am having a look around bottom-up Webservice in Eclipse. Here is my environment:
Eclipse Helios
Java 1.6.0_29
Apache Axis2
Tomcat 6.x
I create Dynamic Web project and create a simple service class. And then I tried to create Webservice for the class, I got some errors like below:
IWAB0489E Error when deploying Web service to Axis runtime
axis-admin failed with {}Client The service cannot be found for the endpoint reference (EPR) http://localhost:8080/myws/services/AdminService
Searching web, I could not any clear answer yet. Please help me.
Thanks in advance.
I have the same problem i go Window -> Preferences -> WebServices -> Server and Runtime and set it as you see here:
Previously it was selected Tomcat 6 (i use 7) and axis1 not 2
Try these 3 methods
1) try deleting the .snap file found in
yourprojectworkspace\ .metadata\ .plugins\ org.eclipse.core.resources
2) The most common hiccup is when another web server (or any process for that matter) has laid claim to port 8080. This is the default HTTP port that Tomcat attempts to bind to at start-up. To change this, open the file:
And search for '8080'. Change it to a port that isn't in use, and is greater than 1024, as ports less than or equal to 1024 require superuser access to bind under UNIX. (Example 8181)
Restart Tomcat and you're in business. Be sure that you replace the "8080" in the URL you're using to access Tomcat. For example, if you change the port to 8181, you would request the URL http://localhost:8181/ in your browser.
3) Open the bin folder which contains the shutdown.bat file residing inside the tomcat directory. Run it, that should solve the port problem.

Testing a remote web service with soapUI

I have a Javax web service deployed in a remote Linux machine within a JBoss ESB container. I am able to test the web service using soapUI on the same machine as where the service is deployed. The WDSL URI I used was something like
What I would like to do is to be able to test the same service from another machine using soapUI. I tried replacing with the IP address of the machine where the service is deployed. This does not seem to work. Can someone tell me what I am missing here?
a sum of things could go wrong there - as already mentioned by the others the firewall is blocking access for the given (address, port) pair. Another thing that happened to me was that the WSDL was generated using the name of the machine it was deployed on and whenever I was trying to call the service from a different machine it was complaining that I cannot find the given machine.
You need to test network connectively. One tool you can use is plain old telnet. If you telnet to the ip/port combo of the web server, you will get a response (an HTTP error). For example:
$ telnet 8080
If you get nothing then there is almost certainly a firewall blocking access.
If you are convinced that no firewall is blocking you, the other possibility is that the web server is only bound to the local network adapter ( and not the other network adapters (ethernet/wifi). This is very unlikely however.

what is the use of creating proxy for an webservice

i have an webserivce written where i do an insertion opertion to DB.
path :http://localhost:1838/Ajax/WebService.asmx? of the webservice is localhost
i have added webservice for the project
now on button click event i try to call this webserice like this
localhost obj= new localhost();
now i am able to do the insertion operation fine.
but i wanted to create an proxy for the webservice so wat is the use of it doing like tat?
when i run this command in my command prompt in vs
wsdl /out:myProxyClass.cs http://localhost:1838/Ajax/WebService.asmx?WSDL
i get an error
unable to connect the remote server.
no connection would be made because
the target machine actively refused
looking forward for an solution any help would great
thank you
It looks like you are using the built in develoment webserver (Cassini). Are you sure it was running when you issued the wsdl command ? The tool needs to connect to the service and download metadata, in order to generate your proxy.