Running a Django 1.4-based app on Google App Engine - django

I'm working on a Django 1.4-based social networking website as a personal project. I'm considering hosting it at Google App Engine; however, I've read that its non-relational database engine doesn't support joins.
How does that affect me, i.e. are there any I should take for make my site work on GAE, or does Django work fully out of the box?
My site relies on numerous third-party Django apps, including django-generic-m2m. Would I even need it on Google's DBMS?

You can try to apply for access to Google Cloud SQL, which apparently supports django running on GAE.


Could the directus app be used in a django stack as a CMS

I am developing a web application in django and react but would like to use directus as a cms. I already have a mysql database and RESTful api set up and working so I was wondering if I could use the directus application as an application within django to manage and update content?
if not what would be the correct way to connect directus to my application? or should I stick with a cms built for integration into django projects?
There is no SDK for django/python yet but you can still use the standard way of HTTP requests instead.
In the docs, you can learn more about how to authenticate and how to make requests or update data.

How to Store images in Django deployed on Google App engine?

I have just started using GAE and can't figure out how to store images.
I created Django project and deployed on GAE using the methodology in this
tutorial which use cloud SQL (my project uses MySQL)
Now I want to add a Django model for images. I can't figure out how to go about it. I used AWS extensively earlier and stored links in MySQL database while filing on buckets.
Do I need to use google cloud storage? What is the GAE way to do it?

Django 1.5.1 support from Google App Engine

I am planning to make a large site and want to host it on Google App Engine using Django 1.5.1 web framework. But as I searched around the Internet I did not found any positive response about my question.
Reasons for Using Django 1.5.1-
Django 1.5.1 is the latest Django version and Django Developers at says that you would get all the bugfixes and support for these versions.
Django 1.5.1 (and in general Django is used for large websites the great sites undoubtedly , , instagram , pinterest).
My Questions are:
Can I add Django 1.5.1 in Google App Engine library would it work on Google App Engine?
Should I use Google App Engine if I am hosting a site using Django 1.5.1 or I use some other PaaS for this ?
Should I use Django 1.3 as it provides in the library of GAE ?
Provided you are using Cloud SQL as your backend and not the datastore, you should be able to use your own Django. You might need to do some work in tweaking the database settings.
App Engine provides up to django 1.4, so you can use that if you don't want to install your own.
If you want to use the datastore, you'll have to use django-nonrel. I believe there is an experimental branch that's up to 1.5 if not 1.5.1

Integrate django application with turbogears

I am working with a legacy web application based off of Turbogears 1.1 (CherryPy 2.3) and I would like to integrate it with a Django 1.4 web application. What I would like to do ideally is find some way for both applications to share authentication/session state so that the experience is seamless to the user.
Both applications can run on the same server and technically can access the same mysql database instance.
Initial thoughts are that this could be achieved by:
Storing session data in a shared database
Use the Django application as a 'master' that would issue requests via http to the turbogears application
Running the Django application from within Cherrpy via the internal CherryPyWSGIServer
Any other suggestions would be welcome!
I would suggest looking into creating a custom Django auth and session backend which reuses the existing Turbogears data. You will likely also find it necessary to use Django 1.5's configurable user model.

django on google app engine with relational database

So is there any other way to use mysql database with django app on app engine? I found nice solution but it is not free - Google SQL Cloud seem to work great. But how about, moving django app to appengine and connecting to other hosting with mysql db? Or do you have any other solutions?
So to sum up - is there any way to work GAE with outside database?
Actually I have found the answer:
The Python Development Server in the Google App Engine SDK can use a locally-installed MySQL server instance to closely mirror the Google Cloud SQL environment during development.
More info here->