django on google app engine with relational database - django

So is there any other way to use mysql database with django app on app engine? I found nice solution but it is not free - Google SQL Cloud seem to work great. But how about, moving django app to appengine and connecting to other hosting with mysql db? Or do you have any other solutions?
So to sum up - is there any way to work GAE with outside database?

Actually I have found the answer:
The Python Development Server in the Google App Engine SDK can use a locally-installed MySQL server instance to closely mirror the Google Cloud SQL environment during development.
More info here->


Google App Engine: Deplying frontend and backend configuration (Nuxt + Django)

I am deploying Nuxt (frontend, universal configuration), Django (backend API, DRF), and Postgres on Google App Engine and Cloud SQL.
If this is relevant: (I need to be able to store images, dynamically create and store new images and dynamically create and store pdfs.)
In Google App Engine, what is the ideal setup for Django and Nuxt in terms of speed and performance?
Should they be on separate apps?
Any information you can provide/suggest regarding this setup would be helpful as this is my first time deploying this configuration on GAE.
Depending on whether your App Engine environment is standard or flexible, you can use the following links to setup Django on the App Engine:
[1] Standard:
[2] Flexible:

How to Store images in Django deployed on Google App engine?

I have just started using GAE and can't figure out how to store images.
I created Django project and deployed on GAE using the methodology in this
tutorial which use cloud SQL (my project uses MySQL)
Now I want to add a Django model for images. I can't figure out how to go about it. I used AWS extensively earlier and stored links in MySQL database while filing on buckets.
Do I need to use google cloud storage? What is the GAE way to do it?

Working with PostgreSQL and Django on Google App Engine standard environment

I'm currently setting up a Django app on the Google App Engine platform, using a standard environment. Is it possible to connect to a PosgreSQL Google Cloud SQL instance?
I can connect to a MySQL instance by following this tutorial ( I can't get PostgreSQL to work however - is this because PostgreSQL only works on a flexible environment?
Many thanks

URL after hosting web application on cloud

I was playing with google cloud just for the sake of learning cloud and web applications.
I made an application using
1)Front end (html,CSS, javascript)
2)Database( sqlite)
3)Middleware(Python Flask)
I have the application running on my local system .I have a flask service running to collect and write data to my DB, an API interface(using flask) to read from the DB and the web application that uses this API to display graphs.
Now I want to host this in google cloud. If i do that I will have the web application running on a port. But will i be able to access that from outside. Is there any way to do that?
That's definitely possible, looks like you should give Google App Engine a try

Running a Django 1.4-based app on Google App Engine

I'm working on a Django 1.4-based social networking website as a personal project. I'm considering hosting it at Google App Engine; however, I've read that its non-relational database engine doesn't support joins.
How does that affect me, i.e. are there any I should take for make my site work on GAE, or does Django work fully out of the box?
My site relies on numerous third-party Django apps, including django-generic-m2m. Would I even need it on Google's DBMS?
You can try to apply for access to Google Cloud SQL, which apparently supports django running on GAE.