Jarque -Bera test interpretation - wiki

i have run the Jarque -Bera test and have obtained the following results,
JB=11.62 and
i am not able to interpret them. please help

If your JB calculated is bigger than JB critical(you find it in a table but you have to know the level of significance) than you reject H0 else, you accept H0. You also have to take into consideration the p value. Usually if JBcalculated we accept H0(the residuals are normally distributed). Hope that this is helpful for you


How to compute p-value when number of degrees of freedom and chi-square value are known?

I know how to do this in R: e.g. pchisq(18.98, df=2, lower.tail=FALSE)
However, I've no idea about how to write Stata code to solve this problem.
In case you're interested in more general post-estimation tests check out: help test.
Otherwise is seems like chi2(2,18.98) or chi2tail(2,18.98) are what you're after (depending on what lower.tail=FALSE means.
Note that in Stata you'll probably want to put this into a "local" in order to do other things with the output.
For example if you say the following to Stata:
local pchi2 = chi2(2,18.98)
display "chi2: `pchi2'"
Stata should reply:
chi2: .9999243958967154
See for more detail and links to the Stata manual section on statistical functions:
help chi2
help chi2tail

Extracting number of bits in a macroblock from VVC VTM reference software

Final:Result after calculating and displaying the differenceI am new to VVC and I am going through the reference software's code trying to understand it. I have encoded and decoded videos using the reference software. I want to extract the bitstream from it, I want to know the number of bits there are in each macroblock. I am not sure which class I should be working with, for now I am looking at, mv.cpp, QuantRDOQ.cpp, and TrQuant.cpp.
I am afraid to mess the code up completely, I don't know where to add what lines of code. Start: Result after calculating and displaying the difference
P.S. The linked pictures are after my problem has been solved, I attached these pictures because of my query in the comments.
As the error says, getNumBins() is not supported by the CABAC estimator. So you should make sure you call it "only" during the encoding, and not during the RDO.
This should do the job:
if (isEncoding())
before = m_BinEncoder.getNumBins()
coding_unit( cu, partitioner, cuCtx );
if (isEncoding())
after = m_BinEncoder.getNumBins();
diff = after - before;
The simpleset solution that I'm aware of is at the encoder side.
The trick is to compute the difference in the number of written bits "before" and "after" encoding a Coding Unit (CU) (aka macroblock). This stuff happens in the CABACWriter.cpp file.
You should go to to coding_tree() function, where coding_unit() function is called, which is responsible for context-coding all syntax elementes in the current CU.
There, you may call the function getNumBins() twice: once before and once after coding_unit(). The difference of the two value should do the job for you.

What are hp.Discrete and hp.Realinterval? Can I include more values in hp.realinterval instead of just 2?

I am using Hyperparameter using HParams Dashboard in Tensorflow 2.0-beta0 as suggested here https://www.tensorflow.org/tensorboard/r2/hyperparameter_tuning_with_hparams
I am confused in step 1, I could not find any better explanation. My questions are related to following lines:
HP_NUM_UNITS = hp.HParam('num_units', hp.Discrete([16, 32]))
HP_DROPOUT = hp.HParam('dropout', hp.RealInterval(0.1, 0.2))
HP_OPTIMIZER = hp.HParam('optimizer', hp.Discrete(['adam', 'sgd']))
My question:
I want to try more dropout values instead of just two (0.1 and 0.2). If I write more values in it then it throws an error- 'maximum 2 arguments can be given'. I tried to look for documentation but could not find anything like from where these hp.Discrete and hp.RealInterval functions came.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
Good question. They notebook tutorial lacks in many aspects. At any rate, here is how you do it at a certain resolution res
for dropout_rate in tf.linspace(
By looking at the implementation to me it really doesn't seem to be GridSearch but MonteCarlo/Random search (note: this is not 100% correct, please see my edit below)
So on every iteration a random float of that real interval is chosen
If you want GridSearch behavior just use "Discrete". That way you can even mix and match GridSearch with Random search, pretty cool!
Edit: 27th of July '22: (based on the comment of #dpoiesz)
Just to make it a little more clear, as it is sampled from the intervals, concrete values are returned. Therefore, those are added to the grid dimension and grid search is performed using those
RealInterval is a min, max tuple in which the hparam will pick a number up.
Here a link to the implementation for better understanding.
The thing is that as it is currently implemented it does not seems to have any difference in between the two except if you call the sample_uniform method.
Note that tf.linspace breaks the mentioned sample code when saving current value.
See https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorboard/issues/2348
In particular OscarVanL's comment about his quick&dirty workaround.

Weka Resample to balance instances in binary dataset

I've only been using Weka for a couple of weeks but I am absolutely blown away by how great it is!
But I have a question, I have a dataset with a target column which is either True or False.
6709 instances in my dataset are True
25318 instances are False.
I want to randomly add duplicates of my True instances to produce a new dataset with 25318 True and 25318 False.
The only filter I can find which does this is the supervised Resample filter however I am having trouble understanding what parameters I should use.
(there might be a better filter to do what I want)
I've got some success with these parameters
biasToUniformClass = 1.0
invertSelection = False
noReplacement = False
randomSeed = 1
sampleSizePercent = 157.5 (a magic number I've arrived at by trial and error)
This produces 25277 True and 25165 False. Not exactly what I want, but quite close.
The problem is that I cant figure out how to arrive at the magic number. I'm also not getting exactly the numbers of instances that I really want.
Is there a better filter for this purpose?
If not, is there a way to calculate the sampleSizePercent magic number?
Any help is greatly appreciated :)
Supplemental question, am I best to run NominalToBinary on my boolean columns to ensure they are Binary? I'm using a NaiveBayes classifier (at the moment) and I don't have any missing instances.
I think the tricky part of this question is getting a perfect balance using the Resample Filter. This is because, as it is stated in the description, it 'Produces a random sub-sample of a dataset using either sampling with replacement or without replacement'. If these cases are being drawn randomly, there is no guarantee that you will get an equal measure between the two classes.
As for the magic number, this would be associated with the total number of cases that you would like to have when the filter is applied. In your case, it would be 50636 instead of 32027. In this case, your magic number would be 50636 / 32027 = 1.581. However, as stated above, you may not get an exact match of true and false cases.
If you really need an exact figure, you could use your favourite spreadsheet and preprocess the data. One possible method is to randomise the true cases (in a separate column), sort and copy all of the cases until the number matches the false one. It's not an automated solution, and the solution is outside of Weka, but I have used this method before and does the job reasonably quickly.
Hope this Helps!

How to unit test complex methods

I have a method that, given an angle for North and an angle for a bearing, returns a compass point value from 8 possible values (North, NorthEast, East, etc.). I want to create a unit test that gives decent coverage of this method, providing different values for North and Bearing to ensure I have adequate coverage to give me confidence that my method is working.
My original attempt generated all possible whole number values for North from -360 to 360 and tested each Bearing value from -360 to 360. However, my test code ended up being another implementation of the code I was testing. This left me wondering what the best test would be for this such that my test code isn't just going to contain the same errors that my production code might.
My current solution is to spend time writing an XML file with data points and expected results, which I can read in during the test and use to validate the method but this seems exceedingly time consuming. I don't want to write a file that contains the same range of values that my original test contained (that would be a lot of XML) but I do want to include enough to adequately test the method.
How do I test a method without just reimplementing the method?
How do I achieve adequate coverage to have confidence in the method I am testing without having to have test points for all possible inputs and results?
Obviously, don't dwell too much on my specific example as this applies to many situations where there are complex calculations and ranges of data to be tested.
NOTE: I am using Visual Studio and C#, but I believe this question is language-agnostic.
First off, you're right, you do not want your test code to reproduce the same calculation as the code under test. Secondly, your second approach is a step in the right direction. Your tests should contain a specific set of inputs with the pre-computed expected output values for those inputs.
Your XML file should contain just a subset of the input data that you've described. Your tests should ensure that you can handle the extreme ranges of your input domain (-360, 360), a few data points just inside the ends of the range, and a few data points in the middle. Your tests should also check that your code fails gracefully when given values outside the input range (e.g. -361 and +361).
Finally, in your specific case, you may want to have a few more edge cases to make sure that your function correctly handles "switchover" points within your valid input range. These would be the points in your input data where the output is expected to switch from "North" to "Northwest" and from "Northwest" to "West", etc. (don't run your code to find these points, compute them by hand).
Just concentrating on these edge cases and a few cases in between the edges should greatly reduce the amount of points you have to test.
You could possibly re-factor the method into parts that are easier to unit test and write the unit tests for the parts. Then the unit tests for the whole method only need to concentrate on integration issues.
I prefer to do the following.
Create a spreadsheet with right answers. However complex it needs to be is irrelevant. You just need some columns with the case and some columns with the expected results.
For your example, this can be big. But big is okay. You'll have an angle, a bearing and the resulting compass point value. You may have a bunch of intermediate results.
Create a small program that reads the spreadsheet and writes the simplified, bottom-line unittest cases. You want your cases stripped down to
def testCase215n( self ):
self.fixture.setCourse( 215 )
self.fixture.setBearing( 45 )
self.assertEquals( "N", self.fixture.compass() )
[That's Python, the same idea would hold for C#.]
The spreadsheet contains the one-and-only authoritative list of right answers. You generate code from this once or twice. Unless, of course, you find an error in your spreadsheet version and have to fix that.
I use a small Python program with xlrd and the Mako template generator to do this. You could do something similar with C# products.
If you can think of a completely different implementation of your method, with completely different places for bugs to hide, you could test against that. I often do things like this when I've got an efficient, but complex implementation of something that could be implemented much more simply but inefficiently. For example, if writing a hash table implementation, I might implement a linear search-based associative array to test it against, and then test using lots of randomly generated input. The linear search AA is very hard to screw up and even harder to screw up such that it's wrong in the same way as the hash table. Therefore, if the hash table has the same observable behavior as the linear search AA, I'd be pretty confident it's correct.
Other examples would include writing a bubble sort to test a heap sort against, or using a known working sort function to find medians and comparing that to the results of an O(N) median finding algorithm implementation.
I believe that your solution is fine, despite using a XML file (I would have used a plain text file). But a more used tactic is to just test limit situations, like using, in your case, a entry value of -360, 360, -361, 361 and 0.
You could try orthogonal array testing to achieve all-pairs coverage instead of all possible combinations. This is a statistical technique based on the theory that most bugs occur due to interactions between pairs of parameters. It can drastically reduce the number of test cases you write.
Not sure how complicated your code is, if it is taking an integer in and dividing it up into 8 or 16 directions on the compass, it is probably a few lines of code yes?
You are going to have a hard time not re-writing your code to test it, depending how you test it. Ideally you want an independent party to write the test code based on the same requirements but without looking at or borrowing your code. This is unlikely to happen in most situations. In this case that may be overkill.
In this specific case I would feed it each number in order from -360 to +360, and print the number and the result (to a text file in a format that can be compiled into another program as a header file). Visually inspect that the direction changes at the desired input. This should be easy to visually inspect and validate. Now you have a table of inputs and valid outputs. Next have a program randomly select from the valid inputs feed it into your code under test and see that the right answer comes out. Do a few hundred of these random tests. At some point you need to validate that numbers less than -360 or greater than +360 are handled per your requirements, either clipping or modulating I assume.
So I took a software testing class link text and basically what you want is to identify the class of inputs.. all real numbers? all integers, only positive, only negative,etc... Then group the output actions. is 360 uniquely different from 359 or do they pretty much end up doing the same thing to the app. Once there do a combination of inputs to outputs.
This all seems abstract and vague but until you provide the method code it's difficult to come up with a perfect strategy.
Another way is to do branch level testing or predicate coverage testing. code coverage isn't fool proof but not covering all your code seems irresponsible.
One approach, probably one to apply in combination with other method of testing, is to see if you can make a function that reverses the method you are testing. In this case, it would take a compass direction(northeast, say), and output a bearing (given the bearing for north). Then, you could test the method by applying it to a series of inputs, then applying the function to reverse the method, and seeing if you get back the original input.
There are complications, particularly if one output corresponds to multiple inputs,but it may be possible in those cases to generate the set of inputs corresponding to a given output, and test that each member of the set (or a certain sample of the elements of the set).
The advantage of this approach is that it doesn't rely on you being able to simulate the method manually, or create an alternative implementation of the method. If the reversal involves a different approach to the problem to that used in the original method, it should reduce the risk of making equivalent mistakes in both.
array colors = { red, orange, yellow, green, blue, brown, black, white }
for north = -360 to 361
for bearing = -361 to 361
theColor = colors[dirFunction(north, bearing)] // dirFunction is the one being tested
setColor (theColor)
drawLine (centerX, centerY,
centerX + (cos(north + bearing) * radius),
centerY + (sin(north + bearing) * radius))
Verify Resulting Circle against rotated reference diagram.
When North = 0, you'll get an 8-colored pie chart. As north varies + or -, the pie chart will look the same, but rotated around that many degrees. Test verification is a simple matter of making sure that (a) the image is a properly rotated pie chart and (b) there aren't any green spots in the orange area, etc.
This technique, by the way, is a variation on the world's greatest debugging tool: Have the computer draw you a picture of what =IT= thinks it's doing. (Too often, developers waste hours chasing what they think the computer is doing, only to find that it's doing something completely different.)