Connecting to neo4j using ColdFusion - coldfusion

Has anyone here successfully connected to neo4j using ColdFusion?
I was able to connect to neo4j 1.6.1 using this guide as a starting point:
. However, it was a short lived success. I have since uninstalled neo4j 1.6.1 and installed 1.7.
I am now running Apache, CF 9.0.1 on windows XP as a local dev box. I added ...\neo4j-community-1.7\lib to my CF class path and the libraries are listed in CF Server Java Class Path. neo4j is running fine, as I can use their administrator interface: http://localhost:7474/webadmin/# . CF and Apache are also running fine. I use them daily.
While the code below works, I'd really like to 'see' what's going on using the neo4j web admininistrator. So I can coordinate my learning neo4j while using the data in a CF application.
Code: (Works)
dbroot = "/tmp/neo4jtest1/";
graphDb = createObject('java', 'org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedGraphDatabase');
graphDb.init( dbroot & 'var/myFirstGraphDB');
So I tried to connect to the neo4j db graph.db . However the code fails.
Code: (fails)
graphDb = createObject('java', 'org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedGraphDatabase');
graphDb.init( dbroot & 'graph.db');
Object instantiation exception.
An exception occurred while instantiating a Java object. The class must not be an interface or an abstract class. Error: ''.
If I remove the "." in graph.db it does create a "graphdb" in the neo4j data folder, and successfully connects to it. However, that db is not viewable with their admin :(
I'm a novice, so please dumb down your answer.

Ok, I think what you're trying to achieve is not possible. It is not possible to access Neo4J within CF (via Java) and have the admin interface working (caveat 1 applies).
If you have put all the jars of the Neo4J package into Adobe CF then most likely the Neo4J admin interface is looking at it's own Neo4J file system. When you create the Embedded server it is not connecting to the same database because it simply can't.
Embedded Neo4J doesn't work like a standard database connection. One Embedded Neo4J reads and writes to one directory location (key word: directory, it doesn't open a single file but a whole bunch of them). No two Neo4J instances can access the same directory location (caveat 2 applies).
Ok, the caveats:
1- it is possible, in theory, to manually start up the admin interface programatically so that it uses the Embedded server that you create via Java. The Java code looks simple enough (taken from Using the server (including web administration) with an embedded database):
// Create your embedded graph db somewhere
src = CreateObject("java", "org.neo4j.server.WrappingNeoServerBootstrapper")
// The server is now running
// until we stop it:
I did not get this working, mostly because the admin server hasa bunch of dependencies that were incompatible with the rest of my setup, so I can't advise on how well the above will work.
2- it is possible to have 1 read/write Neo4J accessing one location and then have multiple read-only Neo4Js (EmbeddedReadOnlyGraphDatabase) reading the same location (but I've never tried it).
You do have the option of using the REST interface - either manually, or via the Neo4J Java REST Binding (kinda slow, though).
It might be worth reading the Deployment Scenarios documentation before getting too deep in this.
There is at least one CF/Neo4J bridge out there, but it's pretty incomplete. I have one that I worked on, but I need to figure out if I can open source it!

Just a small addition to otupman's comments. I can confirm his theory of connecting to the admin interface from CF. Adding the following jars to the CF class path seemed to be enough to get the basics up and running. You may need additional jars if you are using more advanced features. Note, I am using Tomcat so the exact jars may differ slightly for your environment
neo4j-community-1.7/lib/*.* (entire directory)
neo4j-community-1.7/system/lib: (ONLY the jars below)
Then started the server and database in onApplicationStart
factory = createObject("java", "org.neo4j.graphdb.factory.GraphDatabaseFactory");
dbroot = ExpandPath("/neo4jtest/");
graphDb = factory.newEmbeddedDatabase(dbroot & 'myFirstGraphDB');
Bootstrapper = createObject("java", "org.neo4j.server.WrappingNeoServerBootstrapper");
graphServer = Bootstrapper.init( graphDb );
application.graphServer = graphServer;
application.graphDb = graphDB;
And closed both in onApplicationEnd
Edit: After some further testing, I think is better to load them once in OnServerStart. Then use a shutdown hook to close them. But since this is just for a local development box, it is less critical.


How can I make a SQL application work offline?

I'm making a c++/Qt application. It connects to a small online database to find different information. I need to make sure that the application works offline. So I would like to do the following
On start up of application:
- Check if internet connection is available
- if available connect to online database, download database to local (for next time no internet is available)
- if not available connect to the kocally stored version of the database
My problem is I can't find a simple solution how to "download" the database. The user will not update the database, so there is no need for syncing when online again, just the ability to download the newest version of the database, whenever online. It is a MS SQL server that the application uses.
My only idea for a solution is to have an SQLite db in the application, and then write a script that clears the SQLite database and then puts everything from the online server into it, but this requires that I write a script that goes through all of the databse. There must be a better solution. I'm also not sure how this solution should work if the database structure changes. A solution for this could just be to send out a update for the application if the structure changes with a new SQLite db with the new structure.
I tried searching for a solution, but I could not find anything that are simple. Since I don't neew syncing back and forth, I thought there must be a simple solution. Any help pointing me in the right direction is appreciated.

Connecting to Google Cloud Spanner from DBVisualizer

I've created a test cloud spanner instance and database have have been attempting to connect to it through DBVisualizer.
I have authenticated using the gcloud auth command, and have the driver set up within DBVisualizer.
The connection string I'm using is:
However, when I try to connect I get the following error:
[Simba][SpannerJDBCDriver](100004) Failed to connect to Spanner: No NameResolverProviders found via ServiceLoader, including for DNS. This is probably due to a broken build. If using ProGuard, check your configuration
Is there anyway to get a connection from a DB Management Tool such as DB Visualizer?
I found a solution on MacOS at least. Copy the CloudSpannerJDBC42.jar and google-cloud-spanner-0.9.4-beta.jar to DBvisualizers lib folder. In the case of MacOS the location is:
Restart DBVisualizer and then you can connect.
I don't think DBVisualizer supports Cloud Spanner right now. See their documentation:
As the product is still pretty new publicly, we'll hopefully be seeing more 3rd party support in the coming months.
I've run into similar problems with the driver supplied by Google, so I decided to develop my own. The driver has both a 'thin' version and a 'fat' version. The thin version is intended as a dependency to be included in Java applications you develop yourself. The thick version can be used for standalone purposes, such as these kind of connections. The thick version (and other) can be found here:
More information about the whole driver can be found on my GitHub page.
The driver does work with DBVisualizer. Follow these steps to set it up:
Download the driver and place it in your JRE/lib/ext directory (this is necessary because of dynamic loading of services done by the underlying Google Cloudspanner API). Make sure you place it in the lib/ext directory of the JRE you are actually using with DBVisualizer.
Open DBVisualizer and open Driver Manager. Click on Create a new Driver.
Give it the name Cloudspanner
URL format is jdbc:cloudspanner://localhost;Project=projectId;Instance=instanceId;Database=databaseName;PvtKeyPath=key_file
Driver class is automatically selected.
Close the Driver Manager and make a new connection using the new driver.

Deploying Django as standalone internal app?

I'm developing an tool using Django for internal use at my organization. It's used to search and tag documents (using Haystack and Solr), and will be employed on different projects. My team currently has a working prototype and we want to deploy it 'in the wild.'
Our security environment is strict. Project documents are located on subfolders on a network drive, and access to these folders is restricted based on users' Windows credentials (we also have an MS SQL server that uses the same credentials). A user can only access the projects they are involved in. Since we're an exclusively Microsoft shop, if we want to deploy our app on the company intranet, we'll need to use an IIS server to deal with these permissions. No one on the team has the requisite knowledge to work with IIS, Active Directory, and our IT department is already over-extended. In short, we're not web developers and we don't have immediate access to anybody experienced.
My hacky solution is to forgo IIS entirely and have each end user run a lightweight server locally (namely, CherryPy) while each retaining access to a common project-specific database (e.g. a SQLite DB living on the network drive or a DB on the MS SQL server). In order to use the tool, they would just launch an all-in-one batch script and point their browser to I recognize how ugly this is, but I feel like it leverages the security measures already in place (note that never expect more than 10 simultaneous users on a given project). Is this a terrible idea, and if so, what's a better solution?
I've dealt with a similar situation (primary development was geared toward a normal deployment situation, but some users have a requirement to use the application on a standalone workstation). Rather than deploy web and db servers on a standalone workstation, I just run the app with the Django internal development server and a SQLite DB. I didn't use CherryPy, but hopefully this is somewhat useful to you.
My current solution makes a nice executable for users not familiar with the command line (who also have trouble remembering the URL to put in their browser) but is also relatively easy development:
Use PyInstaller to package up the Django app into single executable. Once you figure this out, don't continue to do it by hand, add it to your continuous integration system (or at least write a script).
Modify the to:
Detect if the app is frozen by PyInstaller and there are no arguments (i.e.: user executed it by double clicking it) and if so, then run execute_from_command_line(..) with arguments to start the Django development server.
Right before running the execute_from_command_line(..), pop off a thread that does a time.sleep(2) (to let the development server come up fully) and then webbrowser.open_new("").
Modify the app's to detect if frozen and change things around such as the path to the DB server, enabling the development server, etc.
A couple additional notes.
If you go with SQLite, Windows file locking on network shares may not be adequate if you have concurrent writing to the DB; concurrent readers should be fine. Additionally, since you'll have different DB files for different projects you'll have to figure out a way for the user to indicate which file to use. Maybe prompt in app, or build the same app multiple times with different files. Variety of a ways to hit this nail...
If you go with MSSQL (or any client/server DB), the app will have to know the DB credentials (which means they could be extracted by a knowledgable user). This presents a security risk that may not be acceptable. Basically, don't try to have the only layer of security within the app that the user is executing. The DB credentials used by the app that a user is executing should only have the access that the user is allowed.

Python Database Connection String with Derby Database

Just to let you know about the problem i am facing, I will give a short introduction about what I have been doing.
I am working on a project, where the WEB interface is constructed in Java.
There is a parser built in python, which parses data and stores it into the database.
We were using a MySQL server, but were later asked to change it into DERBY. The java code now works perfectly connecting with the database.
But the python part of the code has problems with connection. I learnt how the derby database works, but find it hard to find articles about connecting to a derby database.
I have the following details:
uname : root
pwd : root
driver class : org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
DRIVER LOCATIONS : C:\Users\esusank\AppData\Roaming\RazorSQL\derby\derby10.10.jar
JDBC URL : jdbc:derby:C:\Derby\databases\MyDbTest;create=true
I am finding it hard to find syntax for writing a connection string for DERBY.
I have installed mxODBC driver.
Can someone help me out on this? If you can post some links or some suitable syntax, it will be very much helpful.
To communicate with Derby, you will need to use a JDBC driver. ODBC drivers can't talk directly to Derby; it is a Java-only database.
I believe there are some ODBC-JDBC bridge providers that provide such connection mechanisms, but I'm not sure if they are still in active use.
Another possibility is to use Jython, which is a Java implementation of Python, which may help: see this related question: Derby Database ODBC Connection

Deploy a local webservice on many machines - is it the right strategy?

I was wondering about the best way to deliver private web service instances to lots of users, so the user would always be able to connect to their own offline version of a service, just like running a web service from visual studios while debugging. I was struggling with setting this up in VS2013 even with the many online tutorials, but I am not sure if its not working because it was never supposed to work this way.
I have provided this in-depth explanation of my issue as i am not sure i am going about this in the right way and would appreciate feedback:
I have a web service to interface with an engine. This deals with the front-end and builds a set of commands for how to make a CAD model. These commands are for controlling the 3rd party CAD software's API. Therefore the engine can be seen to have two main functions -
Build the CAD's API instructions, which can be saved for later
Execution, where it catches the instance of the CAD software
running on the same computer and it builds the model.
The second part is restricted for the general public. Only our in-house users should be able to use it. However, they want to have an otherwise identical front-end and user experience.
The problem is, if they connect to the same engine as the public, which exists on our main server, then the engine will be looking for an instance of the CAD package on the same machine as itself - i.e the server, as stressed in the emboldened point above. What should happen is the engine finds the CAD instance running on the machine that the controlling UI is based on and it uses that for its target. I have spoke to the CAD API support and they say they do not know how to do that.
And so we get to my solution of providing an offline stand alone of my web service on each of the employees computers. This means the front-end will check at the start of the session if a localhost connection is available. If not it will use the main address, which takes it to my server. Otherwise it uses the local engine which will look perform the default behavior of looking for a CAD package on the same machine as itself. Because its locally installed that is now the right machine and it will find the CAD instance of the user successfully.
Final points:
The engine cannot be accessed by the UI directly as i am using
Unity3D for the front-end and there is .Net compatibility issues.
I need a completely self contained version of the software in the
future anyway, so eventually i have to deal with having the engine
accessed locally
I ended up using IISExpress. I got the user to install this and then get them to call a batch file installer i made which sets up the config file and moves my web project to the correct directory.