i have a couple of problems with cfwheels (n:m relationsship)
here my database schema
rights righthaspath path
-id -------| -id --> -id
-role -->-rightid (FK) | -url
-pathid (FK)------|
my models
<cffunction name="init">
<cfset hasMany(name="righthaspath",shortcut="path")>
<cfset nestedProperties(associations="righthaspath")>
<cffunction name="init">
<cfset hasMany(name="righthaspath")>
<cffunction name="init">
<cfset belongsTo("path")>
<cfset belongsTo("right")>
in my Controller
<cfset tmp= model("right").findall(include="righthaspath")>
so, the sql statement from cfhweels is:
SELECT rights.id,rights.Role,righthaspaths.id AS righthaspathid,righthaspaths.pathID,righthaspaths.rightID FROM rights
LEFT OUTER JOIN righthaspaths ON rights.id = righthaspaths.rightID
but i want a sql statement over the three tables like this
INNER JOIN righthaspaths on rights.id=righthaspaths.rightID
INNER JOIN paths on righthaspaths.pathID=paths.id
can u help?
PS: i cant include path e.g.
<cfset tmp= model("right").findall(include="righthaspath,path")>
because i got an error
An association named path could not be found on the right model.
On behalf of Hans Maeier above, I'll post his answer so it can be marked as answered and aid the CFWheels community on stackoverflow.
include="righthaspath(path)" will work done
Hope that helps anyone searching for this.
I have tried, off and on, for about 6 months or so to figure out CFC's but never could get it. So now I have SQL and LDAP queries scattered around in different pages that I would like to consolidate into a component. The query below works in it's own CF page, (I've omitted some of the query details for the post) but I'm getting a blank page instead of any results. This is my queries.cfc:
<cffunction name="EmployeeQuery" access="public" returntype="query">
<cfargument name="EmployeeID" required="yes" type="string">
<cfldap action = "query"
name = "EmployeeAdd"
attributes = "distinguishedName, displayName"
filter = "sAMAccountName=#Arguments.EmployeeID#"
start = ""
server = ""
separator=";" />
<cfreturn EmployeeAdd>
I've got a simple entry form where I enter text, click submit, and on the action page I have:
<cfif IsDefined("form.btnEmployeeAdd")>
<cfinvoke component="queries"
<h3>Confirm Employee Entered</h3>
My result is a blank page, I don't even get the h3 text. As mentioned, all this works fine in .cfm pages, but it craps the bed when I try to put it in a .cfc. As with all documentation on this, there's so many different ways to do this, but nothing I've tried works so I was hoping I could get a push in the right direction.
Your cfinvoke is missing a returnVariable
<cfinvoke component="queries" method="EmployeeQuery" returnVariable="EmployeeAdd">
<cfinvokeargument name="EmployeeID" value="#form.txtEmployeeID#">
<h3>Confirm Employee Entered</h3>
Alternatively if you're on CF10 or higher you could do this instead of your cfinvoke
<cfset employeeAdd = new queries().EmployeeQuery(form.txtEmployeeID)>
Looking at your code to invoke the cfc method, it seems like you are doing it in a wrong way. You have added cfinvokeargument inside cfinvoke as an attribute. cfinvokeargument should be added to cfinvoke body, instead. And as #matt suggested you need to add returnvariable attribute to cfinvoke in order to get results returned from the method. Like this.
<cfinvoke component="queries" method="EmployeeQuery" returnVariable="EmployeeAdd">
<cfinvokeargument name="EmployeeID" value="#form.txtEmployeeID#">
Also as #matt suggested, if you are using cf10 or higher you can use new to instantiate the cfc and then call the method using . notation. Like this.
<cfset employeeAdd = new queries().EmployeeQuery(form.txtEmployeeID)>
Well, I have been experiencing same error as discussed here:
Coldfusion 10 File Not Found Error
I am using Coldfusion 11 , developer edition on my Laptop , Windows 8.1 Pro (OS).
People have suggested two approaches over there to overcome this problem:
1) Setting Missing Template in CFAdmin
2) Setup onMissingTemplate function in Application.cfc
I am basically not sure with any of the approaches , however, I would like to go with the first approach. Could anyone tell me how should I set up missing template in CFadmin?
Why do you prefer letting the server handle the missing template? Myself, I like to handle it on a per-application basis. Some applications should never have links leading to non-existing files, others may operate on that as part of its core.
Straight from adobe's docs, you can use (I accidentally pulled this info from cf8 docs, but the link is to current docs and the result is largely the same.
<cffunction name="onMissingTemplate" returnType="boolean">
<cfargument type="string" name="targetPage" required=true/>
<cfreturn BooleanValue />
For a few of my projects, I've written a CMS (Content-Management-System) that stores all the content in the database in fashion.
PID PTitle PFile PContent
1 Home /index.cfm <b>Hey!</b> Welcome to our gollygizmo website.
And then I (my real code actually uses cfincludes rather than directly in the document. You can do it either way, but it was easiest for me to demonstrate with inline code).
<cffunction name="onMissingTemplate" returnType="boolean">
<cfargument type="string" name="targetPage" required=true/>
<cfquery name="FindPage">
select * from CMSPages
where pFile = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="nvarchar" value="#Arguments.targetPage#">
<cfif FindPage.recordcount eq 1>
<cfoutput query="FindPage">show page stuffs</cfoutput>
<cfreturn true>
<!--- Page not found, log some stuff or email stuff
include cgi data so you know where the link came from --->
Hey, this page doesn't exist, sorry about that.
<cfreturn true>
<!--- Something went wrong, log/email error info and --->
<cfreturn false>
<!--- We return false here to pass it back to the default error handler, which can be a handler set in cfadmin. --->
In such a scenario, it's probably beneficial to cache queries based on query name, you can do something like
<cfquery name="local.FindPage#hash(arguments.targetpage)#" cachedWithin="...">
<cfset request.FindPage=local["Findpage#hash(arguments.targetpage)#"]>
So that the queries are cached by unique names, even though it's easily accesible in your document by a common name.
However, if you still prefer server-centric missing template handling, a simple search for cold fusion admin missing template will bring you here.
In the ColdFusion Administrator, click on "Settings" to view the "Server Settings" page
Specify the absolute path that ColdFusion will use to find your error handling template
I am severely new to ColdFusion... I have searched for help on this statement and have found a bunch of material, but still don't understand what is going on. All of the parts of this statement make sense, but when I put them all together, it's confusing... the ColdFusion 8: IsDefined("URL.variable) and is not"" thread is the closest, but I still don't understand. This is the 1st statement in the index.cfm file of my application. It's not throwing an error, I just want to understand how it works. Thank you.
I have yet to be able to successfully post code here, so here is a link to a text version of the index.cfm.
The code below should be the relevant sections related to URL.openFile
<cfif isdefined("URL.openFile")>
<cfquery name="getFile" datasource="xxxxxxxx">
SELECT filename, filename2, filecontent, filesize
FROM Help_FooterInfo
WHERE Help_id=5 and Section='Registration'
<cfset sproot=#getDirectoryFromPath(getTemplatePath())#>
<cfset newDest = #sproot#&"temp\">
<cfoutput query="getFile">
<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="attachment; filename=#getfile.FileName2#">
<cfcontent type="application/msword" variable="#getfile.filecontent#">
<cfquery name="getRegistration" datasource="xxxxxxxx">
select * from help_footerinfo where help_id=5
<a href="<cfif #getRegistration.filename2# neq "">index.cfm?openfile=Yes</cfif>" target="_blank">
The error message I am receiving (see comment below): ORA-00942: table or view does not exist (ColdFusion application)
<cfif IsDefined("URL.variable") and URL.variable is not "" >
means, "If url.variable actually exists and is not an empty string".
A better alternative for isDefined("URL.variable") is StructKeyExists(url,"variable").
Other alternatives for is not "" include len(trim(url.variable)) gt 0, and isNumeric(url.variable).
I'm looking to use "vanity" URLs to redirect to a login page, with a company logo on it.
The URL would be something like: companyname.domain.com
First, I need to query the requested URL to see if "companyname" exists, then either
serve the custom login page if it exists -OR-
show an error page if it doesn't.
The true destination will actually be something like www.domain.com/folder/. But again, I need to display the "vanity" URL throughout the whole application. Example:
I know I can probably figure it out by trial and error over some period of time. But being a self-taught CF-er, I thought to gain some advice on the "right way" to go about this task.
This is how I ended up doing what I was looking for. Thanks for all the input.
First I added a DNS A record to the domain.com zone like this: * site-ip-address-here
siteDomainName = cgi.http_host;
if (ListLen(siteDomainName, '.') gt 2) {
siteDomainName = ListFirst(siteDomainName,'.');
<cfif siteDomainName NEQ "www">
<cfquery name="qUrl" datasource="#dsn#">
SELECT id, pre
FROM table
WHERE pre = <cfqueryparam value="#siteDomainName#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
<cfif qUrl.recordCount GT 0>
<cflocation url="/folder/" addtoken="false">
<cflocation url="http://www.domain.com/error.cfm" addtoken="false">
If anyone has any comments on how it could've been done better, I'm always looking to learn something new.
I have a coldfusion web site I need to change. Have no idea or experience with this environment (I do know ASP.NET). All I need to do is to write a condition based on the referral value (the URL) of the page, and redirect to another page in some cases.
Can anyone give me an example of the syntax that would perform this?
All of the other examples would work...also if you're looking to redirect based on a referral from an external site, you may want to check CGI.HTTP_REFERER. Check out the CGI scope for several other options.
<cfif reFindNoCase('[myRegex]',cgi.http_referer)>
<cflocation url="my_new_url">
...my example uses a regex search (reFind() or reFindNoCase()) to check the referring URL...but you could also check it as a list with / as a delimiter (using listContainsNoCase()) depending on what you're looking for.
Lets assume your the URL variable you are basing this on is called goOn (http://yoursite.com?goOn=yes) then the following code would work:
<cfif structKeyExists(url, "goOn") AND url.goOn eq "yes">
<cflocation url="the_new_url" addtoken="false">
Nothing will happen after the cflocation.
There is a CGI variable scope in ColdFusion that holds information on the incoming request. Try the following:
<cfif CGI.SCRIPT_NAME EQ 'index.cfm'>
<cflocation url="where you want it to redirect" />
To see what else is available within the CGI scope, check out the following:
Haven't done coldfusion in a little while but:
<cfif some_condition_based_on_your_url>
<cflocation url="http://where_your_referrals_go">
<!--- continue processing for non-redirects --->
A dynamic version.
<cfif isdefined("somecondition")>
<cfset urlDestination = "someurl">
<cfelseif isdefined("somecondition")>
<cfset urlDestination = "someurl">
<cfset urlDestination = "someurl">
<cflocation url = urlDestination>