wxHTTP & Threads - c++

I have some problems with using wxHTTP inside a Thread. I have created below class which derive from wxThread to use wxHTTP.
class Thread : public wxThread {
wxHTTP get;
virtual ExitCode Entry()
get.SetHeader(wxT("Content-Type"), wxT("text/html; charset=utf-8"));
wxInputStream *httpStream = get.GetInputStream(wxT("/script.php?name=aaa&text=blabla"));
return 0;
I create this thread and run it (threads are created, ran and everything is fine with them). Unfortunately wxHTTP seems to doesn't work properly with threads (even my firewall doesn't ask me about connection). Is there any way to create wxHTTP connection inside a thread?

Here is the answer (as requested by #bluefeet)
wxHTTP inherits from wxSocketBase and in wxSocketBase we have this quote
When using wxSocket from multiple threads, even implicitly (e.g. by using wxFTP or wxHTTP in another thread) you must initialize the sockets from the main thread by calling Initialize() before creating the other ones.
See here for more explanation

in your apps OnInit function
and wxurl/wxhttp functions should work from threads.


std::async analogue for specified thread

I need to work with several objects, where each operation may take a lot of time.
The processing could not be placed in a GUI (main) thread, where I start it.
I need to make all the communications with some objects on asynchronous operations, something similar to std::async with std::future or QtConcurrent::run() in my main framework (Qt 5), with QFuture, etc., but it doesn't provide thread selection. I need to work with a selected object (objects == devices) in only one additional thread always,
I need to make a universal solution and don't want to make each class thread-safe
For example, even if make a thread-safe container for QSerialPort, Serial port in Qt cannot be accessed in more than one thread:
Note: The serial port is always opened with exclusive access (that is, no other process or thread can access an already opened serial port).
Usually a communication with a device consists of transmit a command and receive an answer. I want to process each Answer exactly in the place where Request was sent and don't want to use event-driven-only logic.
So, my question.
How can the function be implemented?
MyFuture<T> fut = myAsyncStart(func, &specificLiveThread);
It is necessary that one live thread can be passed many times.
Let me answer without referencing to Qt library since I don't know its threading API.
In C++11 standard library there is no straightforward way to reuse created thread. Thread executes single function and can be only joined or detachted. However, you can implement it with producer-consumer pattern. The consumer thread needs to execute tasks (represented as std::function objects for instance) which are placed in queue by producer thread. So if I am correct you need a single threaded thread pool.
I can recommend my C++14 implementation of thread pools as tasks queues. It isn't commonly used (yet!) but it is covered with unit tests and checked with thread sanitizer multiple times. The documentation is sparse but feel free to ask anything in github issues!
Library repository: https://github.com/Ravirael/concurrentpp
And your use case:
#include <task_queues.hpp>
int main() {
// The single threaded task queue object - creates one additional thread.
concurrent::n_threaded_fifo_task_queue queue(1);
// Add tasks to queue, task is executed in created thread.
std::future<int> future_result = queue.push_with_result([] { return 4; });
// Blocks until task is completed.
int result = future_result.get();
// Executes task on the same thread as before.
std::future<int> second_future_result = queue.push_with_result([] { return 4; });
If you want to follow the Active Object approach here is an example using templates:
The WorkPackage and it's interface are just for storing functions of different return type in a vector (see later in the ActiveObject::async member function):
class IWorkPackage {
virtual void execute() = 0;
virtual ~IWorkPackage() {
template <typename R>
class WorkPackage : public IWorkPackage{
std::packaged_task<R()> task;
WorkPackage(std::packaged_task<R()> t) : task(std::move(t)) {
void execute() final {
std::future<R> get_future() {
return task.get_future();
Here's the ActiveObject class which expects your devices as a template. Furthermore it has a vector to store the method requests of the device and a thread to execute those methods one after another. Finally the async function is used to request a method call from the device:
template <typename Device>
class ActiveObject {
Device servant;
std::thread worker;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IWorkPackage>> work_queue;
std::atomic<bool> done;
std::mutex queue_mutex;
std::condition_variable cv;
void worker_thread() {
while(done.load() == false) {
std::unique_ptr<IWorkPackage> wp;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck {queue_mutex};
cv.wait(lck, [this] {return !work_queue.empty() || done.load() == true;});
if(done.load() == true) continue;
wp = std::move(work_queue.back());
if(wp) wp->execute();
ActiveObject(): done(false) {
worker = std::thread {&ActiveObject::worker_thread, this};
~ActiveObject() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck{queue_mutex};
template<typename R, typename ...Args, typename ...Params>
std::future<R> async(R (Device::*function)(Params...), Args... args) {
std::unique_ptr<WorkPackage<R>> wp {new WorkPackage<R> {std::packaged_task<R()> { std::bind(function, &servant, args...) }}};
std::future<R> fut = wp->get_future();
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck{queue_mutex};
return fut;
// In case you want to call some functions directly on the device
Device* operator->() {
return &servant;
You can use it as follows:
ActiveObject<QSerialPort> ao_serial_port;
// direct call:
//async call:
std::future<void> buf_future = ao_serial_port.async(&QSerialPort::setReadBufferSize, size);
std::future<Parity> parity_future = ao_serial_port.async(&QSerialPort::parity);
// Maybe do some other work here
buf_future.get(); // wait until calculations are ready
Parity p = parity_future.get(); // blocks if result not ready yet, i.e. if method has not finished execution yet
EDIT to answer the question in the comments: The AO is mainly a concurrency pattern for multiple reader/writer. As always, its use depends on the situation. And so this pattern is commonly used in distributed systems/network applications, for example when multiple clients request a service from a server. The clients benefit from the AO pattern as they are not blocked, when waiting for the server to answer.
One reason why this pattern is not used so often in fields other then network apps might be the thread overhead. When creating a thread for every active object results in a lot of threads and thus thread contention if the number of CPUs is low and many active objects are used at once.
I can only guess why people think it is a strange issue: As you already found out it does require some additional programming. Maybe that's the reason but I'm not sure.
But I think the pattern is also very useful for other reasons and uses. As for your example, where the main thread (and also other background threads) require a service from singletons, for example some devices or hardware interfaces, which are only availabale in a low number, slow in their computations and require concurrent access, without being blocked waiting for a result.
It's Qt. It's signal-slot mechanism is thread-aware. On your secondary (non-GUI) thread, create a QObject-derived class with an execute slot. Signals connected to this slot will marshal the event to that thread.
Note that this QObject can't be a child of a GUI object, since children need to live in their parents thread, and this object explicitly does not live in the GUI thread.
You can handle the result using existing std::promise logic, just like std::future does.

Object with its own thread and thread from inheritance?

I have two objects
class Protocol : public UDPServer, private Thread { void loop(); ... };
class UDPServer : private Thread { void loop(); ... };
where Thread is a class which will call the object's loop-method in its own thread and where UDPServer will call a notify()-function in Protocol whenever it receives a new message.
Each of the two objects should run its own loop() during runtime (hence the two Thread-inheritances). According to this thread, this is not possible the way I wrote it.
I now wonder if I have to copy and rename the Thread-class to solve this problem or whether there's another workaround? I could probably solve this with two separate objects and circular inheritance but this would make the code somewhat more complex ...

Communication between 2 threads C++ UNIX

I need your help with wxWidgets. I have 2 threads (1 wxTimer and 1 wxThread), I need communicate between this 2 threads. I have a class that contains methods to read/write variable in this class. (Share Memory with this object)
My problem is: I instanciate with "new" this class in one thread but I don't know that necessary in second thread. Because if instanciate too, adress of variable are differents and I need communicate so I need even value in variable :/
I know about need wxSemaphore to prevent error when to access same time.
Thanks you for your help !
EDIT: My code
So, I need make a link with my code. Thanks you for all ;)
It's my declaration for my wxTimer in my class: EvtFramePrincipal (IHM)
In .h
EvtFramePrincipal( wxWindow* parent );
#include <wx/timer.h>
wxTimer m_timer;
in .cpp -Constructor EvtFramePrincipal
EvtFramePrincipal::EvtFramePrincipal( wxWindow* parent )
FramePrincipal( parent ),m_timer(this)
So I call OnTimer method every 250ms with this line.
For my second thread start from EvtFramePrincipal (IHM):
in .h EvtFramePrincipal
#include "../Client.h"
Client *ClientIdle;
in .cpp EvtFramePrincipal
ClientIdle= new Client();
In .h Client (Thread)
class Client: public wxThread
virtual void *Entry();
virtual void OnExit();
In .cpp Client (Thread)
Client::Client() : wxThread()
So here, no probleme, thread are ok ?
Now I need that this class that use like a messenger between my 2 threads.
#ifndef PARTAGE_H
#define PARTAGE_H
#include "wx/string.h"
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
class Partage
virtual ~Partage();
bool Return_Capteur_Aval()
{ return Etat_Capteur_Aval; }
bool Return_Capteur_Amont()
{ return Etat_Capteur_Amont; }
bool Return_Etat_Barriere()
{ return Etat_Barriere; }
bool Return_Ouverture()
{ return Demande_Ouverture; }
bool Return_Fermeture()
{ return Demande_Fermeture; }
bool Return_Appel()
{ return Appel_Gardien; }
void Set_Ouverture(bool Etat)
{ Demande_Ouverture=Etat; }
void Set_Fermeture(bool Etat)
{ Demande_Fermeture=Etat; }
void Set_Capteur_Aval(bool Etat)
{ Etat_Capteur_Aval=Etat; }
void Set_Capteur_Amont(bool Etat)
{ Etat_Capteur_Amont=Etat; }
void Set_Barriere(bool Etat)
{ Etat_Barriere=Etat; }
void Set_Appel(bool Etat)
{ Appel_Gardien=Etat; }
void Set_Code(wxString valeur_code)
{ Code=valeur_code; }
void Set_Badge(wxString numero_badge)
{ Badge=numero_badge; }
void Set_Message(wxString message)
wxString Get_Message()
return Message_Affiche;
wxString Get_Code()
{ return Code; }
wxString Get_Badge()
{ return Badge; }
bool Etat_Capteur_Aval;
bool Etat_Capteur_Amont;
bool Etat_Barriere;
bool Demande_Ouverture;
bool Demande_Fermeture;
bool Appel_Gardien;
wxString Code;
wxString Badge;
wxString Message_Affiche;
#endif // PARTAGE_H
So in my EvtFramePrincipal(wxTimer), I make a new for this class. But in other thread (wxThread), what I need to do to communicate ?
If difficult to understand so sorry :/
Then main thread should create first the shared variable. After it, you can create both threads and pass them a pointer to the shared variable.
So, both of them, know how interact with the shared variable. You need to implement a mutex or wxSemaphore in the methods of the shared variable.
You can use a singleton to get access to a central object.
Alternatively, create the central object before creating the threads and pass the reference to the central object to threads.
Use a mutex in the central object to prevent simultaneous access.
Creating one central object on each thread is not an option.
EDIT 1: Adding more details and examples
Let's start with some assumptions. The OP indicated that
I have 2 threads (1 wxTimer and 1 wxThread)
To tell the truth, I know very little of the wxWidgets framework, but there's always the documentation. So I can see that:
wxTimer provides a Timer that will execute the wxTimer::Notify() method when the timer expires. The documentation doesn't say anything about thread-execution (although there's a note A timer can only be used from the main thread which I'm not sure how to understand). I can guess that we should expect the Notify method will be executed in some event-loop or timer-loop thread or threads.
wxThread provides a model for Thread execution, that runs the wxThread::Entry() method. Running a wxThread object will actually create a thread that runs the Entry method.
So your problem is that you need same object to be accessible in both wxTimer::Notify() and wxThread::Entry() methods.
This object:
It's not one variable but a lot of that store in one class
struct SharedData {
// NOTE: This is very simplistic.
// since the information here will be modified/read by
// multiple threads, it should be protected by one or more
// mutexes
// so probably a class with getter/setters will be better suited
// so that access with mutexes can be enforced within the class.
SharedData():var2(0) { }
std::string var1;
int var2;
of which you have somewhere an instance of that:
std::shared_ptr<SharedData> myData=std::make_shared<SharedData>();
or perhaps in pointer form or perhaps as a local variable or object attribute
Option 1: a shared reference
You're not really using wxTimer or wxThread, but classes that inherit from them (at least the wxThread::Entry() is pure virtual. In the case of wxTimer you could change the owner to a different wxEvtHandler that will receive the event, but you still need to provide an implementation.
So you can have
class MyTimer: public wxTimer {
void Notify() {
// Your code goes here
// but it can access data through the local reference
void setData(const std::shared_ptr<SharedData> &data) {
std::shared_ptr<SharedData> mLocalReferece
That will need to be set:
MyTimer timer;
timer.StartOnece(10000); // wake me up in 10 secs.
Similarly for the Thread
class MyThread: public wxThread {
void Entry() {
// Your code goes here
// but it can access data through the local reference
void setData(const std::shared_ptr<SharedData> &data) {
std::shared_ptr<SharedData> mLocalReferece
That will need to be set:
MyThread *thread=new MyThread();
thread->Run(); // threads starts running.
Option2 Using a singleton.
Sometimes you cannot modify MyThread or MyTimer... or it is too difficult to route the reference to myData to the thread or timer instances... or you're just too lazy or too busy to bother (beware of your technical debt!!!)
We can tweak the SharedData into:
struct SharedData {
std::string var1;
int var2;
static SharedData *instance() {
// NOTE that some mutexes are needed here
// to prevent the case where first initialization
// is executed simultaneously from different threads
// allocating two objects, one of them leaked.
if(!sInstance) {
sInstance=new SharedData();
return sInstance
SharedData():var2(0) { } // Note we've made the constructor private
static SharedData *sInstance=0;
This object (because it only allows the creation of a single object) can be accessed from
either MyTimer::Notify() or MyThread::Entry() with
Interlude: why Singletons are evil
(or why the easy solution might bite you in the future).
What is so bad about singletons?
Why Singletons are Evil
Singletons Are Evil
My main reasons are:
There's one and only one instance... and you might think that you only need one now, but who knows what the future will hold, you've taken an easy solution for a coding problem that has far reaching consequences architecturally and that might be difficult to revert.
It will not allow doing dependency injection (because the actual class is used in the accessing the object).
Still, I don't think is something to completely avoid. It has its uses, it can solve your problem and it might save your day.
Option 3. Some middle ground.
You could still organize your data around a central repository with methods to access different instances (or different implementations) of the data.
This central repository can be a singleton (it is really is central, common and unique), but is not the shared data, but what is used to retrieve the shared data, e.g. identified by some ID (that might be easier to share between the threads using option 1)
Something like:
EDIT 2: Comments after OP posted (more) code ;)
It seems that your object EvtFramePrincipal will execute both the timer call back and it will contain the ClientIdle pointer to a Client object (the thread)... I'd do:
Make the Client class contain a Portage attribute (a pointer or a smart pointer).
Make the EvtFramePrincipal contain a Portage attribute (a pointer or smart pointer). I guess this will have the lifecycle of the whole application, so the Portage object can share that lifecycle too.
Add Mutexes locking to all methods setting and getting in the Portage attribute, since it can be accessed from multiple threads.
After the Client object is instantiated set the reference to the Portage object that the EvtFramePrincipal contains.
Client can access Portage because we've set its reference when it was created. When the Entry method is run in its thread it will be able to access it.
EvtFramePrincipal can access the Portage (because it is one of its attributes), so the event handler for the timer event will be able to access it.

Waiting for an asynchronous method to finish

In my multi-threaded programs I often use an approach like shown below to synchronize access to data:
class MyAsyncClass
public: // public thread safe interface of MyAsyncClass
void start()
// add work to io_service
_ioServiceWork.reset(new boost::asio::io_service::work(_ioService));
// start io service
_ioServiceThread = boost::shared_ptr<boost::thread>(new boost::thread(boost::bind(&boost::asio::io_service::run, &_ioService)));
void stop()
_ioService.post(boost::bind(&MyAsyncClass::stop_internal, this));
// how do I wait for stop_internal to finish here?
// remove work
// wait for the io_service to return from run()
if (_ioServiceThread && _ioServiceThread->joinable())
// allow subsequent calls to run()
// delete thread
void doSometing()
_ioService.post(boost::bind(&MyAsyncClass::doSometing_internal, this));
private: // internal handlers
void stop_internal()
_myMember = 0;
void doSomething_internal()
private: // private variables
// io service and its thread
boost::asio::io_service _ioService;
boost::shared_ptr<boost::thread> _ioServiceThread;
// work object to prevent io service from running out of work
std::unique_ptr<boost::asio::io_service::work> _ioServiceWork;
// some member that should be modified only from _ioServiceThread
int _myMember;
The public interface of this class is thread-safe in the sense that its public methods can be called from any thread and boost::asio::io_service takes care that access to the private members of this class are synchronized. Therefore the public doSomething() does nothing but posting the actual work into the io_service.
The start() and stop() methods of MyAsyncClass obviously start and stop processing in MyAsyncClass. I want to be able to call MyAsyncClass::stop() from any thread and it should not return before the uninitialization of MyAsyncClass has finished.
Since in this particular case I need to modify one of my private members (that needs synchronized access) when stopping, I introduced a stop_internal() method which I post to the io_service from stop().
Now the question is: How can I wait for the execution of stop_internal() to finish inside stop()? Note that I cannot call stop_internal() directly because it would run in the wrong thread.
It would be nice to have a solution that also works if MyAsyncClass::stop() is called from the _ioServiceThread, so that MyAsyncClass can also stop itself.
I just found a very nice solution myself:
Instead of removing work (resetting _ioServiceWork) in stop(), I do it at the end of stop_internal(). This means that _ioServiceThread->join() blocks until stop_internal() has finished - exactly what I want.
The nice thing about this solution is that it doesn't need any mutex or condition variable or stuff like this.

QThread:How to use protected static functions

I learn from the following links that sub classing a QThread is not a correct way of using it...the proper way is to subclass the QObject and then move the object of QObject class to the respective thread using moveToThread() function...i followed the following links..
link 1 and link 2...but my question is then how will i be able to use msleep() and usleep() protected static functions ? or will i use QTimer to make a thread wait for some time ?
No need for timers. For waiting, Qt provides QWaitCondition. You can implement something like this:
#include <QWaitCondition>
#include <QMutex>
void threadSleep(unsigned long ms)
QMutex mutex;
QWaitCondition waitCond;
waitCond.wait(&mutex, ms);
This is a normal function. You can of course implement it as a member function too, if you want (it can be a static member in that case.)
One solution would be to create a timer:
class Worker: public QObject
private slots:
void doWork()
QTimer::singleShot(delay, this, SLOT(continueDoingWork()));
void continueDoingWork()
Sometimes, you only need to run an operation in a different thread and all this event loops and threads are overhead. Then you can use QtConcurent framework:
class Worker
void doWork()
} worker;
QtConcurent::run(worker, &Worker::doWork);
Then, I usually use mutexes to simulate the sleep operations:
QMutex m;
The canonical answer is "use signals and slots."
For example, if you want a QObject in a thread to "wake itself up" after a certain period of time, consider QTimer::singleShot(), passing in the slot as the third argument. This can be called from the slot in question, resulting in periodic execution.
You can't let a different thread sleep without cooperation of this thread, thats the reason the member functions of QThread are protected. If you want to sleep a different thread you need to use a condition variable or a timer inside
If you want so sleep the current thread with usleep(), the simplest way is to subclass it - its perfectly fine as long as you don't need QThreadPool, a thread local event loop or similar.