C++ - Making an event loop - c++

Does anyone know how to make an event loop in c++ without a library? It doesn't have to be cross-platform, I'm on a Mac. Basically, I want the program to run and do nothing until the user presses the up arrow key, then the program will output "You pressed up" or something. All i can think of is having an infinite while or for loop and get input with cin, but I don't think cin can detect arrow keys and I believe it pauses the program until it reaches a '\n';
I would want it to look like this:
void RUN()
// poll events and do something if needed
int main()
I'm kinda sure it's possible without threads, and I've heard that this can be accomplished with fd_set or something, but I'm not sure how.
Any help would be really appreciated.
The program has to run in the background when there aren't any events. For example, Microsoft Word doesn't stop until the user presses a button, it keeps running. I want something like that, but command-line not GUI.

Since you're talking keyboard input, and not looking for a Mac look and feel, what you want is the UNIX way of doing it. And that is,
1) set the terminal in either raw or cbrk mode (I forget which).
2) now use read() to read single characters at a time.
3) temporarily echo the character read (as an int) so you can find what the up arrow key gives you.
As for the more general event loop question, where the only input device is the keyboard, you sit in a loop, and whenever a key is typed (in raw mode?) you call a routine with the value of the key typed. If you had more input devices, you would need multiple threads each could listen to a different device, putting what they find on a queues (with appropriate locking). The main loop would then check the queue and call a routine appropriately everytime something appears in it.

You can use ncurses and enable cbreak to get the raw input stream.

I've used a while loop with signal handlers. Like this incomplete snippet.
void getSomething()
std::cout << "Enter new step size: "; std::cout.flush();
std::cin >> globalVariable;
std::getchar(); // consume enter key.
void printCommands()
std::cout << "1: do something\n"
<< "q: quit\n"
<< "h: help\n"
<< std::endl;
void getCommand()
// Output prompt
std::cout << "Enter command ('h' for help): "; std::cout.flush();
// Set terminal to raw mode
int ret = system("stty raw");
// Wait for single character
char input = std::getchar();
// Reset terminal to normal "cooked" mode
ret = system("stty cooked");
std::cout << std::endl;
if (input == 'h') printCommands();
else if (input == '1') getSomething();
else if (input == 'q') {
g_next = true;
g_quit = true;
signalHandler(int signo)
if (signo == SIGINT) {
g_next = true;
} else if (signo == SIGQUIT) {
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
signal(SIGINT, signalHandler);
signal(SIGUSR1, signalHandler);
signal(SIGQUIT, signalHandler);
do {
// Stuff
} while (!g_quit);

The question has been updated to say "The program has to run in the background ... but command-line not GUI."
All traditional; *NIX shells that can put a program into the background also disconnect the program's standard input from the terminal, so AFAIK, this has become impossible.
This does not need to be Mac specific. The Mac supports *NIX mechanisms for reading characters from a keyboard.
AFAICT all the program is doing is waiting for a character, so it might as well block.
Normally the terminal device, tty (teletype!), is interpreting characters typed on the keyboard before your program can read them from standard input. Specifically the tty device normally buffers an entire line of text, and intercepts the rubout character (and a few others like CTRL+w) to edit the line of text. This pre-processing of characters is called a 'line discipline'
You need to set the tty device driver to stop doing that! Then you can get all of the characters the user types.
You change the device using ioctl or termios on the file descriptor.
Search for e.g. "ioctl tty line discipline raw" to understand the details, and find program examples.
You can set the terminal to 'raw' using the command line program stty.
Please read the stty man page because setting it back can be slightly tricky (NB: if you make a mistake it is often easier to kill the terminal, than try to fix it, because there is not echoing of anything you type)
It is possible that the up-arrow is not a single char, so it will require some byte-at-a-time decoding to avoid blocking at the wrong point in the input stream, i.e. if some input sequences are one character, and others two, or three characters, the decoding needs to happen at each byte to decide if there is a pending byte, or one too many read's might get issued, which would cause the program to block.


Program hangs after handling SIGWINCH

Just for fun I'm trying to write a library that does everything ncurses does, using iostreams and sending escape sequences directly to the terminal.
I'm trying to handle SIGWINCH to tell the library when the terminal is resized. The program responds normally until I resize the terminal, then it stops responding to input, even CTRL-C (although I'm not handling SIGINT, and have the terminal in "raw" mode using termios).
Here's some code snippets I've copied out of my code to show how I've set up the signal handler.
void handle_sigwinch(int sig)
if(sig == SIGWINCH)
// set a flag here
void setup_signals()
struct sigaction new_sig_action;
new_sig_action.sa_handler = handle_sigwinch;
sigemptyset (&new_sig_action.sa_mask);
new_sig_action.sa_flags = 0;
sigaction (SIGWINCH, NULL, &old_sig_action_);
if (old_sig_action_.sa_handler != SIG_IGN)
sigaction (SIGWINCH, &new_sig_action, NULL);
int main()
int ch;
// exit if ctrl-c is pressed
while((ch == cin.get()) != 3)
if(ch > 0)
cout << (char)ch;
I've tailored my code according to the example provided at https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Sigaction-Function-Example.html#Sigaction-Function-Example for setting up the signal handler.
Is there something I've failed to do after handling SIGWINCH that is causing my program to stop working?
Edit: I left out the code where I set up the terminal using cfmakeraw and tcsetattr, and prior to this I sent an escape sequence for putting xterm into the alternate screenbuffer mode.
Thanks to nos's comment, I found through the debugger that the program was running normally, but cin.get() wasn't receiving valid input anymore. So I changed my google search from "program hangs after signal handler" to "input stream broken after signal handler" and found this answer on StackOverflow, which allowed me to realize that the input stream was in an error state after the signal handler was called.
I had placed a check before the input to ignore a character value of -1 (I must have been thinking of the Arduino library read statement when I did that, where -1 is an indicator that no input is available). So the program was basically ignoring errors on the input stream. (I edited my question's code to reflect that omission).
I placed a cin.clear() statement immediately before the read in the loop, and now the program works as expected.

Holding the console-screen when end-of-file is involved

Here's the scaled down version of the program which accepts an unknown no. of Integer inputs. I used cin.get() before but to no avail, finally used this but unfortunately it too didn't worked. I am using Notepad++ spawning command prompt to run my programs. Is this something to do with Notepad++ OR the CTRL-Z (end-of-file) character?
EDIT : Works fine using cmd.exe
vector<int> vint;
int val = 0;
cout << "Enter integers..... Press CTRL and \'Z\' when done entering!"
<< "\n GO... : ";
while(cin >> val)
if (vint.size() > 1)
std::cin.ignore (std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );
When you enter Ctrl+Z in a console programme you tell that it's the end of the file. Any subsequent reading from cin is then doomed to fail.
It works from the command line, because the command processor doesn't close the window when the programme is over.
Possible solutions:
The portable approach would be to interupt the loop cleanly by checking for a special value (for example 0).
If this is not possible, another approach would be to gain more control on the user input and read lines into a string. You could then end the loop when an empty line is entered. This is I think for the user the most intuitive approach. All you have to do is to parse non empty strings with stringstreams (and eventually complain if non numeric values were entered).
An less perfect approach could be to instruct the user to enter some non numeric value to end the loop. You then have to clear the failure that invalid input would generate:
while (std::cin >> val ) {
if (std::cin.eof()) // display the special case
std::cout <<"End of file encountered !" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Press a key...";
std::cin.clear(); // clear the error state of cin
std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
Surprisingly, this works compiled with MSVC2015 on windows when entering Ctr+Z: once the end of file state cleared the console is magically restored and you can continue to read. However you can't assume this to work with console front-ends like Notepad++, nor with other implementations of the standard library, nor on other OS.

Multithreaded console I/O

I'm using a console in my multithreaded application. Right now, it only accepts output (printf and the like) and so far I have no issues. However, I want to be able to support console input as well, and this is where my life gets complicated.
To forewarn, I'm very unfamiliar with the more complicated nuances of working with console input and output. My experience in the subject doesn't go much further than printf/cout, scanf/cin, and using SetConsoleTextAttribute() to change the color (on windows).
I would prefer to keep my program as cross-compatible as possible, but I'm not opposed to having to write platform-specific code, as long as I can find viable alternatives for other platforms.
Conceptually, I'd like the console to run on it's own thread, so that it can lock up while waiting with cin without freezing the whole program or one of the other threads. Any thread could send console output to this thread which would output it in a clean manner (probably using a thread-safe queue), and any input that the console reads would send the command off to the appropriate thread.
My first problem is that while I'm typing some input, any output will show up in the middle of what I'm typing. The solution I would like to handle this would be to reserve the bottom line of the console for input, and have output go to the second last line, pushing the input line down. How can I do this?
You really don't want to go down the road of trying to reserve part of the console for input while writing to the rest of the console. At least, not if you're just writing scrolling text. It's possible, but fraught with error and way more trouble than it's worth. See Async Console Output for a few hints of the problems.
Certainly, it's not possible to do this using just conio.h.
You could allocate two console screen buffers, with one being for input and one for program output. When your program is running normally, the output screen buffer is selected and you see the output scrolling on the screen. But when your program is waiting for user input, you swap screen buffers so that the output is still going, but in the other screen buffer.
You end up having to format the output yourself and call WriteConsoleOutput, passing it the handle of the screen buffer you want to write to. It gets complicated in a real hurry, and it's very difficult to get right. If it's even possible. I know I've spent way too much time on it in the past, and there were always odd problems.
I won't say that what you want to do isn't possible. I will say, however, that you're going to have a tough time with it.
Wellp, I solved it using pdcurses. In case someone else wants to do something similar, here's how I did it. First, I initialize the console thusly:
Console::Console(bool makeConsole)
if (makeConsole == false)
if (self)
throw ("You only need one console - do not make another!\n");
self = this;
#ifdef WIN32
inputLine = newwin(1, COLS, LINES - 1, 0);
outputLines = newwin(LINES - 1, COLS, 0, 0);
if (has_colors())
for (int i = 1; i <= COLOR_WHITE; ++i)
init_pair(i, i, COLOR_BLACK);
wprintw(outputLines, "Terminal cannot print colors.\n");
scrollok(outputLines, TRUE);
scrollok(inputLine, TRUE);
leaveok(inputLine, TRUE);
nodelay(inputLine, TRUE);
keypad(inputLine, TRUE);
hello("Starting %s.\n", APP_NAME);
hellomore("Version %i.%i.%i.\n\n", APP_MAJORVER, APP_MINORVER, APP_REVISION);
Next, This is the function responsible for handling output. It's actually very simple, I don't need to do anything special to keep it thread-safe. I might simply not have encountered any issues with it, but an easy fix would be to slap a mutex on it.
void Console::sendFormattedMsg(short prefixColor, const char* prefix, short color, const char* format, ...)
if (!self)
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
if (has_colors())
if (prefix)
wattron(outputLines, A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR(prefixColor));
wprintw(outputLines, prefix);
if (color == COLOR_WHITE)
wattroff(outputLines, A_BOLD);
wattron(outputLines, COLOR_PAIR(color));
vwprintw(outputLines, format, args);
wattroff(outputLines, A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR(color));
wprintw(outputLines, prefix);
vwprintw(outputLines, format, args);
And finally, input. This one required quite a bit of fine-tuning.
void Console::inputLoop(void)
static string input;
wattron(inputLine, A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_WHITE));
wprintw(inputLine, "\n> ");
wattroff(inputLine, A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_WHITE));
wprintw(inputLine, input.c_str());
char c = wgetch(inputLine);
if (c == ERR)
switch (c)
case '\n':
if (input.size() > 0)
sendFormattedMsg(COLOR_WHITE, "> ", COLOR_WHITE, input.c_str());
case 8:
case 127:
if (input.size() > 0) input.pop_back();
input += c;
This is run every frame from the same thread that handles window messages. I disabled wgetch()'s blocking behavior using nodelay(), eliminating the need to have console input running in it's own thread. I also disable echoing and echo the input manually. Enabling scrolling on the input window allows me to clear it's contents using a simple "\n", replacing it with updated contents if the user has typed anything. It supports everything one would expect from a simple, multi-threaded terminal capable to typing input as well as receiving output from multiple threads.
To disable echoing characters check this out:
Reading a password from std::cin
Maybe combine that with this guy's blog post on non-blocking Win32 console io.
You might also find this stuff useful:

How to prevent input text breaking while other thread is outputting to the console?

I have 2 threads: one of them is constantly cout'ing to the console some value, let's say increments an int value every second - so every second on the console is 1,2,3... and so on.
Another thread is waiting for user input - with the command cin.
Here is my problem: when I start typing something, when the time comes to cout the int value, my input gets erased from the input field, and put into the console with the int value. So when I want to type in "hello" it looks something like this:
Is there a way to prevent my input from getting put to the console, while other thread is writing to the console?
FYI this is needed for a chat app at client side - one thread is listening for messages and outputs this message as soon as it comes in, and the other thread is listening for user input to be sent to a server app.
Usually the terminal itself echos the keys typed. You can turn this off and get your program to echo it. This question will give you pointers on how to do it Hide password input on terminal
You can then just get the one thread to handle output.
If you are a slow typer, then the solution to your problem can be, as I said, making it a single thread, but that may make the app to receive only after it sends.
Another way is to increase your receiving thread's sleep time, which would provide you some more time to type (without interruption)
You could make a GUI (or use ncurses if you really want to work in the console). This way you avoid having std::cout shared by the threads.
I think you could solve this problem with a semaphore. When you have an incoming message you check to see if the user is writing something. If he does you wait until he finishes to print the message.
Is there a way to prevent my input from getting put to the console, while other thread is writing to the console?
It is the other way around. The other thread shouldn't interrupt the display of what you are typing.
Say you have typed "Hel" and then a new message comes in from the other thread. What do you do? How should it be displayed?
Totally disable echoing of what you type and only display it after you hit enter. In this way you can display messages from the different threads properly, in an atomic fashion. The big drawback is that you cannot see what you have typed already... :(
You immediately echo what you type. When the new message comes in, you undo the "Hel", print the new message and print again "Hel" on a new line and you can continue typing. Doable but a bit ugly.
You echo what you type in a separate place. That is, you split somehow the display. In one place you display the posted/received messages in order; and in another place you display what you are typing. You either need a GUI or at least some console library to do this. This would be the nicest solution but perhaps the most difficult to port to another OS due to the library dependencies.
In any case, you need a (preferably internally) synchronized stream that you can safely call from different threads and can write strings into it atomically. That is, you need to write your own synchronized stream class.
Hope this helps.
Well i recently solved this same issue with a basic workaround. This might not be the #1 solution but worked like a charm for me, as a newbie;
#include <iostream> // I/O
#include <Windows.h> // Sleep();
#include <conio.h> // _getch();
#include <string> // MessageBuffer
#include <thread> // Thread
using namespace std;
void ThreadedOutput();
string MessageBuffer; // or make it static
void main()
thread output(ThreadedOutput); // Attach the output thread
int count = 0;
char cur = 'a'; // Temporary at start
while (cur != '\r')
cur = _getch(); // Take 1 input
if (cur >= 32 && cur <= 126) // Check if input lies in alphanumeric and special keys
MessageBuffer += cur; // Store input in buffer
cout << cur; // Output the value user entered
else if (cur == 8) // If input key was backspace
cout << "\b \b"; // Move cursor 1 step back, overwrite previous character with space, move cursor 1 step back
MessageBuffer = MessageBuffer.substr(0, MessageBuffer.size() - 1); // Remove last character from buffer
else if (cur == 13) // If input was 'return' key
for (int i = 0; i < (signed)MessageBuffer.length(); i++) // Remove the written input
cout << "\b \b";
// "MessageBuffer" has your input, use it somewhere
MessageBuffer = ""; // Clear the buffer
output.join(); // Join the thread
void ThreadedOutput()
int i = 0;
while (true)
for (int i = 0; i < (signed)MessageBuffer.length(); i++) // Remove the written input
cout << "\b \b";
cout << ++i << endl; // Give parallel output with input
cout << MessageBuffer; // Rewrite the stored buffer
Sleep(1000); // Prevent this example spam

Trying to read keyboard input without blocking (Windows, C++)

I'm trying to write a Windows console application (in C++ compiled using g++) that will execute a series of instructions in a loop until finished OR until ctrl-z (or some other keystroke) is pressed. The code I'm currently using to catch it isn't working (otherwise I wouldn't be asking, right?):
if(kbhit() && getc(stdin) == 26)
//The code to execute when ctrl-z is pressed
If I press a key, it is echoed and the application waits until I press Enter to continue on at all. With the value 26, it doesn't execute the intended code. If I use something like 65 for the value to catch, it will reroute execution if I press A then Enter afterward.
Is there a way to passively check for input, throwing it out if it's not what I'm looking for or properly reacting when it is what I'm looking for? ..and without having to press Enter afterward?
Try ReadConsoleInput to avoid cooked mode, and GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents to avoid blocking.
If G++ supports conio.h then you could do something like this:
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
for (;;)
if (kbhit())
char c = getch();
if (c == 0) {
c = getch(); // get extended code
} else {
if (c == 'a') // handle normal codes
This link may explain things a little more for you.