How to display dynamic tooltip? - c++

In a customized wxScrolledWindow, there are many nodes and edges which are displayed.
When mouse rolls over some kinds of the nodes, I can calculate which node is covered by the mouse and want to show a tooltip about the information of the nodes.
How to do it?

wxWidgets has a wxTipWindow class that you can use for this. Define an EVT_ENTER_WINDOW mouse event handler. The handler will get called when the mouse cursor is inside one of your nodes. Inside of the handling function you can create a new wxTipWindow to show extra info for your nodes.


How can I wrap the item text in treeview control in WTL

I am maintaining a ATL/WTL project in which it contains a tree view. The class used for the tree view is CTreeViewCtrl. Now the client has asked to wrap the tree item text when it goes out of view though we can re-size the pane or scroll left of right anytime to see the content. It also shows the full string, when hidden, as a tool tip when mouse pointer is hovered on a tree item.
Is there any way I can set in the tree item or the tree view to wrap the text content.
There's a way: do custom drawing of treeview's items while processing NM_CUSTOMDRAW message from treeview control, specifically the CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT drawing stage.
On custom drawing you draw multi-line text using ::DrawText() with DT_WORDBREAK flag.
In order to have enough space available for text to fit in use TVITEMEX structure's iIntegral field. You'll have to specify number of lines for each node by sending TVM_SETITEM message to treeview window with pointer to TVITEMEX as LPARAM. You'll have to recalculate number of lines for each of tree's nodes every time treeview's width changes (WM_SIZE).

Button in MFC CtreeCtrl column

I have a CTreeListCtrl in my MFC application.What I need to do is add a button in a particular column of a node when a particular condition is satisfied(type is changed to reference).
In the image I have edited and added a blue rounded oval to mark the place of desired button.What I want to do is to invoke a dialog on clicking it.But I don't have any clue whether it is possible or not.If yes then pls give me some suggesions.
This is no normal tree control. It is already customized to use multiple columns and I am sure it uses some kid of owner draw. For me it seams more like a list control with tree Features... I know some similar code from Codepproject..
Creating a "real" button (window) isn't wise/good. because it is another window inside the list control...
Change your code to "Draw a button. You can use DrawFrameControl.
Just intercept the left mouse click. Check the range if this area is cliecked. Fire a user defined message to the parent window.

Qt C++ Let multiple QGraphicsItem handle one mouse event

I've created an object Chartblock that implements QGraphicsItem. My goal is to create a grid of these objects, and when the mouse button is pressed (and held) and is drug over each block, perform something on each block as the cursor enters it.
Since a QGraphicsItem grabs the mouse events when it is clicked within it, other Items will not fire for the mouseMoveEvent. I then created an object based on the QGraphicsItemGroup to handle all the mouse events, but then I would need some way to pass mousePressEvent/mouseReleaseEvent as well as mouseMoveEvent to each child that the cursor is over.
Am I overthinking how to do this? It seems like such a simple action shouldn't be that difficult to create, but with QGraphicsItems holding onto the mouse events for itself, I'm not sure how to get around it. I've read similar situations, but nothing seems to give a straightforward answer.
Edit: I suppose a way to do this would keep track of the coordinates/sizes of every single QGraphicsItem I create in an array, then get the position of the cursor in the Group mouseMoveEvent, and see if there's a hit..
I was able to pull together a few similar answers to create a solution; I dropped the idea of placing all my QGraphicItem's in a Group, and placed them directly on a scene. With the scene grabbing all mouse events, I have the mouseMoveEvent check to see if the current position is on top of a QGraphicsItem - if so, perform something.
I still need to try and get itemAt() to work for my own classes that implement QGraphicsItem, as itemAt returns only QGraphicsItem's, but I'm sure some cast should get it working.
void ChartScene::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
QPointF mousePosition = event->scenePos();
QGraphicsItem* pItem = this->itemAt(mousePosition.x(), mousePosition.y());

overlaping QGraphicsItem-s hover events

I have more QGraphicsItems on top of each other. How can I make hover event available for all items? Only the last added item (the one on the top) accepts hover events.
You could simulate those events, you "just" have to:
reimplement mouseMoveEvent in a QGraphicsView or QGraphicsScene derived class,
use QGraphicsView::items(QPointF) get the item list below the mouse
create and send events, with QGraphicsScene::sendEvent whenever an item is added or removed from the list for all items but the one at the top of the stack (which is already handled).

Get relative X/Y of a mouse-click on a MFC CListBox item

I have a CListBox with custom drawing being used, and need to detect mouse-clicks within each item to perform actions.
I can listen for mouse-clicks on the main control and mess about translating coords into the local space of the RECT for the item under the mouse. But is it possible to register message handlers for clicks on individual list items... are there messages for that?
You can use the LVM_HITTEST message to find out which item was clicked.
Well you could just listen for the LBN_SELCHANGE notification. This will fire every time the user clicks a new item. It won't activate if the already selected item is selected though. This may, or may not, be a problem.
Beyond that I'm pretty sure you'll need to intercept WM_LBUTTONUP messages and transform them to the list box's client space ...
OR You could just use a single columned CListCtrl (ListView) class with headers turned off (LVS_NOCOLUMNHEADER). You can then trap the NM_CLICK message. Personally, I massively prefer CListCtrl to CListBox. It IS a little more complex but way more powerful :)
Edit: Or you could try using
I'm not certain I understand why you need to have the XY coordinate inside each item of a Clistbox ?
AFAIK, Individual items are not CWnd derived objects.
You could get the mouse position inside the control with OnLButtonDown (or up), it returns a CPoint.
After that, use CListBox::GetItemRect to get the rect of the currently selected item, do a bit of pixel computation and you should be able to get the XY inside the rect of the selected item.
Use the DPtoLP function to convert device coordinates into logical coordinates.