WMI Associators of DiskDrive Where Result Class is MSStorageDriver - wmi

Trying to link DiskDrives found in Win32_DiskDrive with the data in MSStorageDriver_ATAPISmartData.
I've tried the following WQL statement, but it returned nothing each time. (I know that there is relevant data in the MSStorageDrive class)
ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_DiskDrive.DeviceID=[value]} WHERE RESULTCLASS = MSStorageDriver_ATAPISmartData
Any ideas to match the data up?

The answer was this:
SELECT * FROM MSStorageDriver_ATAPISmartData WHERE InstanceName='[PNPDeviceID]'
Just make sure to double-escape any backslashses. So if the PNPDeviceID as found in Win32_DiskDrive was
what would be returned by getting the value will be
but what you need to send in the WHERE clause is
Silly, isn't it?
Oh, and from what I've gathered, you also need _0 on the end of the Device ID, so all together, you would send:
SELECT * FROM MSStorageDriver_ATAPISmartData WHERE InstanceName='IDE\\\\DISKHITACHI_HDT725050VLA360_________________V56OA7EA\\\\5&276E2DE5&0&1.0.0_0'


Selection / Filtering by kind

I would like to select or filter scenarios by kinds in my Capella Project. When I use:
It returns:
The first request I tried returns an empty set:
ownedScenarios->select(myScenario | myScenario.kind='DATA_FLOW')
The second one returns "ERROR: Couldn't find the 'filter(Set(EClassifier=Scenario),EClassifier=ScenarioKind)' service (78, 124)"
Any idea why?
interaction::ScenarioKind is an EEnum (an enumeration) and interaction::ScenarioKind::DATA_FLOW an EEnumLiteral (a value from the interaction::ScenarioKind enumeration) but the service filter() use an EClass as parameter. In order to filter on an EEnumLiteral you can use the select() service as in your first attempt:
ownedScenarios->select(myScenario | myScenario.kind = interaction::ScenarioKind::DATA_FLOW)

What is wrong with my Power BI query (using a parameter)?

I'm brand new to using PBI but as far as I can tell, I should be able to substitute a parameter as part of a Direct Query in place of a hard-coded variable...ie
Source = Sql.Database("NAMEOFDB", "CMUtility", [Query="sp_get_residentsinfo "& home_name]),.....
instead of
Source = Sql.Database("NAMEOFDB", "CMUtility", [Query="sp_get_residentsinfo 'NAME OF HOME'"]),...
However, the parameter-included version just says
DataSource.Error: Microsoft SQL: Incorrect syntax near 'House'.
Message=Incorrect syntax near 'House'.
"House" is the currently - assigned last word of the home_name variable. What have I done wrong?
PS - I have surmised that I shouldn't need the extra & at the end of the parameter, as I'm not adding anything else to the query, but even with both &s it still doesn't work.
The type of your parameters is text. In SQL, text literals must be quoted, i.e. sp_get_residentsinfo 'NAME OF HOME', but the statement build by you is sp_get_residentsinfo NAME OF HOME.
You should use Text.Replace to escape single quotes in the parameter's value and append a quote before and after it.

AWQL - how can i use a regular expressions or something similar?

I am querying the adwords api via the following AWQL-Query (which works fine):
SELECT AccountDescriptiveName, CampaignId, CampaignName, AdGroupId, AdGroupName, KeywordText, KeywordMatchType, MaxCpc, Impressions, Clicks, Cost, Conversions, ConversionsManyPerClick, ConversionValue
WHERE CampaignStatus IN ['ACTIVE', 'PAUSED']
AND AdGroupStatus IN ['ENABLED', 'PAUSED']
AND AdNetworkType1 IN ['SEARCH'] AND Impressions > 0
DURING 20140501,20140531
Now i want to exclude some campaigns:
we have a convention for our new campaigns that the campaign name begins with three numbers followed by an underscore, eg. "100_brand_all"
So i want to get only these new campaigns..
I tried lots of different variations for STARTS_WITH but only exact strings are working - but i need a pattern to match!
I already read https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/guides/awql?hl=en and following its content it should be possible to use a WHERE expression like this:
CampaignName STARTS_WITH ['0','1','2','3']
But that doesn't work!
Any other ideas how i can achieve this?
Well, why don't you run a campaign performance report first, then process that ( get the campaign ids you want or don't want) the use those in the "CampaignId IN [campaign ids here] . or CampaignID NOT_IN [campaign ids]

How to make =NULL work in SQLite?

Given the following table:
Table: Comedians
Id First Middle Last
--- ------- -------- -------
1 Bob NULL Sagat
2 Jerry Kal Seinfeld
I want to make the following prepared query:
SELECT * FROM Comedians WHERE Middle=?
work for all cases. It currently does not work for the case where I pass NULL via sqlite3_bind_null. I realize that the query to actually search for NULL values uses IS NULL, but that would mean that I cannot use the prepared query for all cases. I would actually have to change the query depending on the input, which largely defeats the purpose of the prepared query. How do I do this? Thanks!
You can use the IS operator instead of =.
SELECT * FROM Comedians WHERE Middle IS ?
Nothing matches = NULL. The only way to check that is with IS NULL.
You can do a variety of things, but the straight forward one is...
middle = ?
OR (middle IS NULL and ? IS NULL)
If there is a value you know NEVER appears, you can change that to...
COALESCE(middle, '-') = COALESCE(?, '-')
But you need a value that literally NEVER appears. Also, it obfuscates the use of indexes, but the OR version can often suck as well (I don't know how well SQLite treats it).
All things equal, I recommend the first version.
NULL is not a value, but an attribute of a field. Instead use
If you want match everything on NULL
SELECT * FROM Comedians WHERE Middle=IfNull(?, Middle)
if want match none on NULL
SELECT * FROM Comedians WHERE Middle=IfNull(?, 'DUMMY'+Middle)
See this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/799406/30225

doctrine2 dql, use setParameter with % wildcard when doing a like comparison

I want to use the parameter place holder - e.g. ?1 - with the % wild cards. that is, something like: "u.name LIKE %?1%" (though this throws an error). The docs have the following two examples:
// Example - $qb->expr()->like('u.firstname', $qb->expr()->literal('Gui%'))
public function like($x, $y); // Returns Expr\Comparison instance
I do not like this as there is no protection against code injection.
// $qb instanceof QueryBuilder
// example8: QueryBuilder port of: "SELECT u FROM User u WHERE u.id = ?1 OR u.nickname LIKE ?2 ORDER BY u.surname DESC" using QueryBuilder helper methods
$qb->select(array('u')) // string 'u' is converted to array internally
->from('User', 'u')
$qb->expr()->eq('u.id', '?1'),
$qb->expr()->like('u.nickname', '?2')
->orderBy('u.surname', 'ASC'));
I do not like this because I need to search for terms within the object's properties - that is, I need the wild cards on either side.
When binding parameters to queries, DQL pretty much works exactly like PDO (which is what Doctrine2 uses under the hood).
So when using the LIKE statement, PDO treats both the keyword and the % wildcards as a single token. You cannot add the wildcards next to the placeholder. You must append them to the string when you bind the params.
$qb->expr()->like('u.nickname', '?2')
$qb->getQuery()->setParameter(2, '%' . $value . '%');
See this comment in the PHP manual.
The selected answer is wrong. It works, but it is not secure.
You should escape the term that you insert between the percentage signs:
->setParameter(2, '%'.addcslashes($value, '%_').'%')
The percentage sign '%' and the symbol underscore '_' are interpreted as wildcards by LIKE. If they're not escaped properly, an attacker might construct arbirtarily complex queries that can cause a denial of service attack. Also, it might be possible for the attacker to get search results he is not supposed to get. A more detailed description of attack scenarios can be found here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/7893670/623685