Where can I find beginners video tutorials to TDD / UnitTesting using ASP.NET Webforms? - unit-testing

I am very interested in changing the way I tackle applications to integrate TDD / UnitTesting.. But I don't want to go down the MVC route just yet, and would like to see via Video a beginners guide to using TDD.
How you set it up, use it in VS2008 etc...

Dimecasts have some good videos on the subject.
I know you mentioned you don't want to go down the MVC path yet but I think the Asp.Net MVC storefront series is worth a look. The storefront series is focused more on using TDD and design patterns then MVC. I would highly recommend you take a look if you interested in getting started with TDD. A GREAT additional video series can be found here at Tekpub. It is a not free but very cheap for the content you get.


Django API Rest Framework

this is - don't slap me in the face - a beginner question.
I have some knowledge in Python and Django, but it is not too overwhelming. I have a very appealing business idea in my head and I made it a challange to see if I can get the nessesary skills to make it come to life.
Long story short, somewhere along the road I want to be able to build an IOS and Android App (or bring someone in who can do it). I also need a homepage for this (Django is a good enough solution for this - this much I know).
As far as I unserstand it, I can use the rest API Framework to connect Apps with the Django Backend. Is this a good solution? Or would you recommend another way to realise this projekt?
Speed would be impartant for the final solution. Also I need good scalability, though, I don't plan to recreate Facbook.
Django REST Framework is brilliant, and the documentation is really helpful (http://www.django-rest-framework.org/), takes a little while to get used to but with django experience its very simple. There is also a short video tutorial(4 videos) by a guy called thenewboston https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yw7gETuRKjw which will help get you started.
Hope this helps, good luck with the business adventure

Is there a good way to do TDD in Siebel?

I am looking for a way/solution to implement TDD in Siebel development.
I come from web development world and i used a lot unit testing, integration platform and other XP things.
Today i am working on Siebel CRM development for a new job in business in and i am shocked to see that there is no test automation solution in place.
I am currently searching for some documentations, feedbacks, or all other interesting things regarding TDD in Siebel development environemnt.
I could develop some tools myself but i don't want to reinvent the wheel.
If someone have more informations, interesting articles, interesting way to do this it could be very usefull for me.
This is really several questions in one. TDD is a way of working, but I think you are already wel versed in what this entails. It can be applied to any kind of technology. From that stance I feel comfortable saying that it's possible with Siebel as well.
As for the tooling to be used, it very much depends on the version of Siebel you are on (HI/Open UI), the skills of your developers, the way of working at your project (Agile/Waterfall), the test (automation) tooling used and the general level of automation at the project/program.
To me it sounds more like a way-of-working transformation then the implementation of a test approach.

Which UI toolkit are you using with your Ember.js apps?

I just started using Ember.js recently and I love the functionality. I'm wondering which UI toolkit you might be using to tie into design side of your applications.
For Bootstrap integration with Ember, take a look at this project I started two days ago:
It really fun and easy to use and lightly integrate bootstrap and ember components altogether.
Personaly, I am using Twitter's bootstrap library, which is quite low level, but pretty clean.
Twitter Bootstrap is my preffered choice when it comes to UI especially when prototyping something quickly, recently i have started to use EmberJS and have looked into this as well. So far i have found https://github.com/emberjs-addons/ember-bootstrap
I will update this as my search continues.
Hope this helps with your project!
Twitter bootstrap is a great UI frameworks no doubts but I feel it is too mainstream these days. Hence my personal preference is Metro UI CSS, it's sleek and great for developing mobile applications using HTML5
I am just starting with emberjs also. Actually I use JQMobile. But I have some issues with it. As I want have a Mobile look and feel, I will try more.
But even if have not use bootstrap with EmberJs I think it will be easier to use as it's only css.
With a UI toolkit that use JavaScript and is owns attributs(exemple : data-role="List"... with JQuery Mobile) you can have rendering issues. I think this is because that Metamorphose/Handlebars and JQuery Mobile both modify the DOM on the fly and it can be tricky to get all work right.
But I am not a EmberJs or JQ Mobile Guru :-)
Sorry for my english, it isn't my mother tongue.
Just one Question .. what is a OSS framework and do you have the links on GitUb
This maybe old but I've used this addon on over 5 projects so far with great success. The project is well maintained and flexible. The maintainer is active and takes pull requests efficiently.
Disclaimer: I am not officiated with this project beyond that of an end consumer.
You could have a look at Ember Paper if you like Google Material:

Grails Webservices Restfull

I want to start to learn about using webservices, and the best way to start is by doing some small examples. I want to use Grails. I searched the web, but didn't find any usefull examples about implementing simple webservices in my code. I would like to do a RESTFULL webservice, which uses two numbers as input, calculate the sum and return an output with the value of the sum.
If possible, i would appreciate any tutorials about this, more simple the better.
Thanks in advanced,
Grails is very easy to learn and a good choice. The official Grails documentation covers web services well enough, in my opinion, to be a simple tutorial
For a more step by step, try here

Learning Django as an experienced ASP.NET developer

I am quite aware of the MVC concept, though I have never developed anything bigger in ASP.NET MVC, but I have been developing ASP.NET pages for years now.
So is there any good tutorial or even better: a book that is suitable for an ASP.NET developer and does comparisons? Especially I am looking for information on Django reusability/how to deal with components, etc.
Regardless of your background, if you want to learn DJango, try the free online Django Book.
I'm not aware of anything that will specifically compare ASP.NET code to Django/Python. There are a bunch of good books though. Practical Django Projects 2nd Edition by James Bennett is an excellent book. It has a couple of example applications you can build.
There's also Pro Django by Marty Alchin that really gets into some of the guts of Django. There isn't any "tutorial" kind of information here. It's more just an extension of the documentation.
Both of these books talk some about reusability in Django, but they don't dwell on it specifically that much. One of Django's design goals has been to keep things modular and reusable. Because of this, there are a lot of mostly plug and play apps that you can drop into your project.
Once you get a little bit familiar with how Django works, you should check out Virtualenv and pip to manage each of your projects. It helps out a ton.