Crash while using memcpy? - c++

I am trying to copy file from one location to other location using memcpy.
And I am getting a crash every time when the file path which I provide as source is non existing.
Is this a correct behaviour, if yes then how could I prevent the crash.

memcpy's purpose is not to copy files, but chunks of memory from one place to another. Depending on platform, I'm sure there are better ways to copy files between directories.

No, no, no! What in the name of holy memory are you doing? memcpy is strictly used for memory transfer. For example, say you have a bunch of vertices in a graphics application that you want to give to the vertex buffer without actually passing a pointer. That way, you copy the entire array of bytes that represent your vertices and from thereafter - they are a problem of the underlying API. That's the intended usage. Also, be careful how you use it. You specify the amount of bytes that are to be copied. Make sure it is exact. At the lowest levels, there is no such thing as types, if you give it too much, it'll wreak havoc - tear into bytes that "belong" to other variables. If you're lucky, such code will kill your application. If you're not - it'll continue working.
For file reading/writing/copying, you have to consult standard C/C++ file input/output (or some more refined methods courtesy of the underlying platform, as one of the answers suggested). There's a lot of resources online, so I won't reinvent the wheel here. Hope it gave you a better idea of what memcpy is for.


Write boost managed shared memory to file

I hope any expert using the boost managed shared memory can help me. I´m trying to write the memory to a file. I can not figure it out with the boost examples. ¿Can anyone provide me some examples?
If you truly need this, I see roughly 2 approaches, at a glance:
Copy it
use serialization/deserialization
or just copy by constructing clones in a different segment manager (obviously linked to a memory mapped file, this time)
Use a Managed External Buffer. A managed buffer is basically your segment manager on top of some transparent memory buffer. You can decide whether it exists in local process address space, shared memory, or indeed a memory-mapped file.
This is the supported method to use the same segment manager + segment data layout in both.
If you're really desperate you COULD try to bitwise copy the complete shared memory object into a file of equal size and simply open it. This might work IFF the managed_mapped_file implementation has exactly the same or compatible segement management structure, headers and layout. That's a long call though, and even if it appears to work, it's at best undocumented, and therefore likely invokes undefined behaviour.
Perhaps you are looking for mapped_file:
It is a memory-mapping API for files, and you can open the same file in multiple processes.

Loading large amount of binary data into RAM

My application needs to load from MegaBytes to dozens of GigaBytes of binary data (multiple files) into RAM. After some search, I decided to use std::vector<unsigned char> for this purpose, although I am not sure it's the best choice.
I would use one vector for each file. As application previously knows file size, it would call reserve() to allocate memory for it. Sometimes the application might need to fully read a file and in some others only part of it and vector's iterators are nice for that. It may need to unload a file from RAM and put other in place, std::vector::swap() and std::vector::shrink_to_fit() would be very useful. I don't want to have the hard work of dealing with low level memory allocation stuff (otherwise would go with C).
I've some questions:
Application must load the more files from a list it can into RAM. How would it know if there is enough memory space to load one more file? Should it call reserve() and look for errors? How? Reference only says reserve() throws an exception when requested size is greater than std::vector::max_size.
Is std::vector<unsigned char> applicable for getting such large amount of binary data into RAM? I'm worried about std::vector::max_size, since its reference says its value would depend on system or implementation limitations. I presume system limitation is free RAM, is it right? So, no problem. But what about implementations limitation? Are there anything regarding to implementations that could prevent me from doing what I want to? Case affirmative, please give me an alternative.
And what if I want to use entire RAM space, except N GigaBytes? Is the best way really to use sysinfo() and deduce based on free RAM if it is possible to load each file?
Obs.: This section of the application must be get the more performance (low processing time/CPU usage and RAM consumption) possible. I would appreciate your help.
How would it know if there is enough memory space to load one more file?
You wouldn't know before hand. Wrap the loading process in try - catch. If memory runs out, then a std::bad_alloc will be thrown (assuming you use default allocators). Assume that memory is sufficient in the loading code, and deal with the lack of memory in the exception handler.
But what about implementations limitation?
Are there anything regarding to implementations that could prevent me from doing what I want to?
You can check std::vector::max_size at run time to verify.
If the program is compiled with a 64 bit word size, then it is quite likely that the vector has sufficient max_size for a few hundred gigabytes.
This section of the application must be get the more performance
This conflicts with
I don't want to have the hard work of dealing with low level memory allocation stuff
But in case low level memory stuff is worth it for the performance, you could memory-map the file into memory.
I've read on some SO questions to avoid them on applications that need high performance and prefer dealing with return values, errno, etc
Unfortunately for you, non-throwing memory allocation is not an option if you use the standard containers. If you are allergic to exceptions, then you must use another implementation of a vector - or whatever container you decide to use. You don't need any container with mmap, though.
Won't handling exceptions break performance?
Luckily for you, run time cost of exceptions is insignificant compared to reading hundreds of gigabytes from disk.
May it be better to run sysinfo() and work on checking free RAM before loading a file?
sysinfo call may very well be slower than handling an exception (I haven't measured, that is just a conjecture) - and it won't tell you about process specific limits that may exist.
And also, it looks hard and costly to repetitively try load a file, catch exception and try load a smaller file (requires recursion?)
No recursion needed. You can use it if you prefer; it can be written with tail call, that can be optimized away.
About memory mapping: I took a look on it sometime ago and found boring to deal with. Would require to use C's open() and all that stuff and say bye to std::fstream.
Once you have mapped the memory, it is easier to use than std::fstream. You can skip the copying into vector part, and simply use the mapped memory as if it was an array that already exists in memory.
Looks like best way of partially reading a file using std::fstream is to derive std::streambuf
I don't see why you would need to derive anything. Just use std::basic_fstream::seekg() to skip to the part that you wish to read.
As an addition to #user2097303's answer, I want to add that vector guarantees contiguous allocation. For long running applications, this will result in memory fragmentation, and in the end, no contiguous block of memory will be present anymore, although between blocks, plenty of space is free.
Therefore it may be a good idea to store your data into deque

Debug tool to track size of all STL containers in program?

Is there anything that can be done to track the size of every container in my C++ program? I have a program that has to be run real-time to actually work and in which memory grows over time probably due to STL containers I have forgotten to clean up nodes from when I am done with them.
They aren't proper memory leaks but there are plenty of containers in which I write data, do stuff with it for a while, erase entries (which I am not consistently doing it seems) and move on. I want to see if I can track down which containers I have forgotten to clean up. I apologize for what I'm sure must be a duplicate question, but I could not for the life of me find an answer.
I have to run my program real-time or it will drastically change the course of the program.
I don't have an IDE set up to run my code
It has to run on Linux
I am sadly limited to those and I can't change that. Any ideas shy of grepping each instance of vector etc and putting a print in the code?
One interesting approach that is potentially quite powerful and performant, but a non-trivial amount of work, is to write a custom allocator. Start with the minimal allocator, described here: You can then add two key things: first, on construction, you can get a backtrace (e.g., there are many resources online for this), and log the backtrace along with the this pointer. Then, on every allocate and deallocate call, you can log the size of the allocation/deallocation along with the this pointer.
Ultimately, your log file will contain all the allocations and deallocation sizes mapped by pointer, and a backtrace that will let you figure out what object in your code each pointer corresponds to. You can add additional logging statements to get a sense of where these are occuring relative to program control flow. Then, you can easily write a python script that will do running sums of allocations/deallocations to see what the sizes of your containers are at various points in your program.
Once you write the custom allocator you'll of course need to use it everywhere, which is slightly annoying but not too difficult. Preferably factor out your container types into typedefs in a central header file so its each to change back to the standard allocator afterwards.
Thank you all for the suggestions. You are probably right that the only way is to actually edit the allocator and add my own code.
In the end, since Valgrind was too slow, I tried gperftools which was also too slow but at least fast enough to get me a little bit of a clue of what is happening in my code. Thanks all for the suggestions.

Accessing >2,3,4GB Files in 32-bit Process on 64-bit (or 32-bit) Windows

Disclaimer: I apologize for the verbosity of this question (I think it's an interesting problem, though!), yet I cannot figure out how to more concisely word it.
I have done hours of research as to the apparently myriad of ways in which to solve the problem of accessing multi-GB files in a 32-bit process on 64-bit Windows 7, ranging from /LARGEADDRESSAWARE to VirtualAllocEx AWE. I am somewhat comfortable in writing a multi-view memory-mapped system in Windows (CreateFileMapping, MapViewOfFile, etc.), yet can't quite escape the feeling that there is a more elegant solution to this problem. Also, I'm quite aware of Boost's interprocess and iostream templates, although they appear to be rather lightweight, requiring a similar amount of effort to writing a system utilizing only Windows API calls (not to mention the fact that I already have a memory-mapped architecture semi-implemented using Windows API calls).
I'm attempting to process large datasets. The program depends on pre-compiled 32-bit libraries, which is why, for the moment, the program itself is also running in a 32-bit process, even though the system is 64-bit, with a 64-bit OS. I know there are ways in which I could add wrapper libraries around this, yet, seeing as it's part of a larger codebase, it would indeed be a bit of an undertaking. I set the binary headers to allow for /LARGEADDRESSAWARE (at the expense of decreasing my kernel space?), such that I get up to around 2-3 GB of addressable memory per process, give or take (depending on heap fragmentation, etc.).
Here's the issue: the datasets are 4+GB, and have DSP algorithms run upon them that require essentially random access across the file. A pointer to the object generated from the file is handled in C#, yet the file itself is loaded into memory (with this partial memory-mapped system) in C++ (it's P/Invoked). Thus, I believe the solution is unfortunately not as simple as simply adjusting the windowing to access the portion of the file I need to access, as essentially I want to still have the entire file abstracted into a single pointer, from which I can call methods to access data almost anywhere in the file.
Apparently, most memory mapped architectures rely upon splitting the singular process into multiple processes.. so, for example, I'd access a 6 GB file with 3x processes, each holding a 2 GB window to the file. I would then need to add a significant amount of logic to pull and recombine data from across these different windows/processes. VirtualAllocEx apparently provides a method of increasing the virtual address space, but I'm still not entirely sure if this is the best way of going about it.
But, let's say I want this program to function just as "easily" as a singular 64-bit proccess on a 64-bit system. Assume that I don't care about thrashing, I just want to be able to manipulate a large file on the system, even if only, say, 500 MB were loaded into physical RAM at any one time. Is there any way to obtain this functionality without having to write a somewhat ridiculous, manual memory system by hand? Or, is there some better way than what I have found through thusfar combing SO and the internet?
This lends itself to a secondary question: is there a way of limiting how much physical RAM would be used by this process? For example, what if I wanted to limit the process to only having 500 MB loaded into physical RAM at any one time (whilst keeping the multi-GB file paged on disk)?
I'm sorry for the long question, but I feel as though it's a decent summary of what appear to be many questions (with only partial answers) that I've found on SO and the net at large. I'm hoping that this can be an area wherein a definitive answer (or at least some pros/cons) can be fleshed out, and we can all learn something valuable in the process!
You could write an accessor class which you give it a base address and a length. It returns data or throws exception (or however else you want to inform of error conditions) if error conditions arise (out of bounds, etc).
Then, any time you need to read from the file, the accessor object can use SetFilePointerEx() before calling ReadFile(). You can then pass the accessor class to the constructor of whatever objects you create when you read the file. The objects then use the accessor class to read the data from the file. Then it returns the data to the object's constructor which parses it into object data.
If, later down the line, you're able to compile to 64-bit, you can just change (or extend) the accessor class to read from memory instead.
As for limiting the amount of RAM used by the process.. that's mostly a matter of making sure that
A) you don't have memory leaks (especially obscene ones) and
B) destroying objects you don't need at the very moment. Even if you will need it later down the line but the data won't change... just destroy the object. Then recreate it later when you do need it, allowing it to re-read the data from the file.

Is it safe to send a pointer to a static function over the network?

I was thinking about some RPC code that I have to implement in C++ and I wondered if it's safe (and under which assumptions) to send it over the network to the same binary code (assuming it's exactly the same and that they are running on same architecture). I guess virtual memory should do the difference here.
I'm asking it just out of curiosity, since it's a bad design in any case, but I would like to know if it's theoretically possible (and if it's extendable to other kind of pointers to static data other than functions that the program may include).
In general, it's not safe for many reasons, but there are limited cases in which it will work. First of all, I'm going to assume you're using some sort of signing or encryption in the protocol that ensures the integrity of your data stream; if not, you have serious security issues already that are only compounded by passing around function pointers.
If the exact same program binary is running on both ends of the connection, if the function is in the main program (or in code linked from a static library) and not in a shared library, and if the program is not built as a position-independent executable (PIE), then the function pointer will be the same on both ends and passing it across the network should work. Note that these are very stringent conditions that would have to be documented as part of using your program, and they're very fragile; for instance if somebody upgrades the software on one side and forgets to upgrade the version on the other side of the connection at the same time, things will break horribly and dangerously.
I would avoid this type of low-level RPC entirely in favor of a higher-level command structure or abstract RPC framework, but if you really want to do it, a slightly safer approach would be to pass function names and use dlsym or equivalent to look them up. If the symbols reside in the main program binary rather than libraries, then depending on your platform you might need -rdynamic (GCC) or a similar option to make them available to dlsym. libffi might also be a useful tool for abstracting this.
Also, if you want to avoid depending on dlsym or libffi, you could keep your own "symbol table" hard-coded in the binary as a static const linear table or hash table mapping symbol names to function pointers. The hash table format used in ELF for this purpose is very simple to understand and implement, so I might consider basing your implementation on that.
What is it a pointer to?
Is it a pointer to a piece of static program memory? If so, don't forget that it's an address, not an offset, so you'd first need to convert between the two accordingly.
Second, if it's not a piece of static memory (ie: statically allocated array created at build time as opposed to run time) it's not really possible at all.
Finally, how are you ensuring the two pieces of code are the same? Are both binaries bit identical (eg: diff -a binary1 binary2). Even if they are bit-identical, depending on the virtual memory management on each machine, the entire program's program memory segment may not exist in a single page, or the alignment across multiple pages may be different for each system.
This is really a bad idea, no matter how you slice it. This is what message passing and APIs are for.
I don't know of any form of RPC that will let you send a pointer over the network (at least without doing something like casting to int first). If you do convert to int on the sending end, and convert that back to a pointer on the far end, you get pretty much the same as converting any other arbitrary int to a pointer: undefined behavior if you ever attempt to dereference it.
Normally, if you pass a pointer to an RPC function, it'll be marshalled -- i.e., the data it points to will be packaged up, sent across, put into memory, and a pointer to that local copy of the data passed to the function on the other end. That's part of why/how IDL gets a bit ugly -- you need to tell it how to figure out how much data to send across the wire when/if you pass a pointer. Most know about zero-terminated strings. For other types of arrays, you typically need to specify the size of the data (somehow or other).
This is highly system dependent. On systems with virtual addressing such that each process thinks it's running at the same address each time it executes, this could plausibly work for executable code. Darren Kopp's comment and link regarding ASLR is interesting - a quick read of the Wikipedia article suggests the Linux & Windows versions focus on data rather than executable code, except for "network facing daemons" on Linux, and on Windows it applies only when "specifically linked to be ASLR-enabled".
Still, "same binary code" is best assured by static linking - if different shared objects/libraries are loaded, or they're loaded in different order (perhaps due to dynamic loading - dlopen - driven by different ordering in config files or command line args etc.) you're probably stuffed.
Sending a pointer over the network is generally unsafe. The two main reasons are:
Reliability: the data/function pointer may not point to the same entity (data structure or function) on another machine due to different location of the program or its libraries or dynamically allocated objects in memory. Relocatable code + ASLR can break your design. At the very least, if you want to point to a statically allocated object or a function you should sent its offset w.r.t. the image base if your platform is Windows or do something similar on whatever OS you are.
Security: if your network is open and there's a hacker (or they have broken into your network), they can impersonate your first machine and make the second machine either hang or crash, causing a denial of service, or execute arbitrary code and get access to sensitive information or tamper with it or hijack the machine and turn it into an evil bot sending spam or attacking other computers. Of course, there are measures and countermeasures here, but...
If I were you, I'd design something different. And I'd ensure that the transmitted data is either unimportant or encrypted and the receiving part does the necessary validation of it prior to using it, so there are no buffer overflows or execution of arbitrary things.
If you're looking for some formal guarantees, I cannot help you. You would have to look in the documentation of the compiler and OS that you're using - however I doubt that you would find the necessary guarantees - except possibly for some specialized embedded systems OS'.
I can however provide you with one scenario where I'm 99.99% sure that it will work without any problems:
32 bit process
Function is located in a module that doesn't have relocation information
The module in question is already loaded & initialized on the client side
The module in question is 100% identical on both sides
A compiler that doesn't do very crazy stuff (e.g. MSVC and GCC should both be fine)
If you want to call a function in a DLL you might run into problems. As per the list above the module (=DLL) may not have relocation information, which of course makes it impossible to relocate it (which is what we need). Unfortunately that also means that loading the DLL will fail, if the "preferred load address" is used by something else. So that would be kind-of risky.
If the function resides in the EXE however, you should be fine. A 32 bit EXE doesn't need relocation information, and most don't include it (MSVC default settings). BTW: ASLR is not an issue here since a) ASLR does only move modules that are tagged as wanting to be moved and b) ASLR could not move a 32 bit windows module without relocation information, even if it wanted to.
Most of the above just makes sure that the function will have the same address on both sides. The only remaining question - at least that I can think of - is: is it safe to call a function via a pointer that we initialized by memcpy-ing over some bytes that we received from the network, assuming that the byte-pattern is the same that we would have gotten if we had taken the address of the desired function? That surely is something that the C++ standard doesn't guarantee, but I don't expect any real-world problems from current real-world compilers.
That being said, I would not recommend to do that, except for situations where security and robustness really aren't important.