Adding a Like button to my web site - facebook-like

I've added a facebook Like button to a few of my web site pages. All of them work except for the home page and I can't figure out why?

It is almost impossible to answer this question without seeing some sample code of your "home page".

Check your page with
If the response code isn't 200 or your meta tags don't appear properly or whatever else, at least you'll know where to look. Keep in mind that when you click like, Facebook makes a request to your page. Make sure you let Facebook do that (don't block/Redirect the Facebook crawler).
Edit: Sometimes, simply adding your URL and testing on the link above solves the problem. This is if you had a problem with the site when you first added it and meanwhile Facebook cached it as problematic. Debugging it will clear the Facebook cache for that URL.


Facebook likes (with comments) not working well on a password/login protected website

I am working with our web developer to integrate Facebook Likes (with comments) onto our website. However, he is having problems because FB doesn't work very well with sites where a log in is required. Currently when you click on the 'like' button the 'like' turns into 'confirm'. You then have to click on 'confirm' and another box appears showing how the like will appear on your FB page saying 'Click Like to post this to your profile' with the option of 'like' or cancel. If you click on 'like' then it allows the comment box to pop up then you can add a comment and post to FB.
There are currently too many clicks for this to work. Does anyone have any advice? Would it be better to just use straight likes with the number perhaps or is this a common problem with website that require a login. We just want users to be able to click once, add their comment and post it to FB.
Any help would be really apprecaited. If it is technical that is fine as I will pass replies onto my developer.
Many thanks
This will generally happen for URLs and sites that are new to the Facebook scraper. It is a security measure to prevent like-jacking that some sites have done in the past. You should ensure that you test your site fully with the Debug tool and after some confirmed 'likes', that step will be automatically removed and future users will just have to click like once.
Where you are gating content behind a login, I would additionally recommend that you show different HTML (including OG tags) for anything detected with the Facebook scraper User Agent (see When does Facebook scrape my page? on the Like Button FAQ) so that, for example, the OG tags for a product detail page are picked up correctly even though the scraper is technically not logged in.

Facebook Send Button: 'Sorry, something went wrong'

I'm implementing a Facebook Send dialog, by opening in a popup window. When I click the 'Send' button the dialog will display the error: 'Sorry, something went wrong' – but only for certain link URLs. The best examples I have are:
Not Working:
These links are identical except that the first one shares '' and the second one shares ''. Only the second one works.
The same errors occur if I use the Facebook JavaScript API with FB.ui({method: 'send'}).
Answering my own question:
Both the links now work for me, although I have not changed anything. I can only hypothesise that Facebook has either fixed this bug, or this issue occurs on some internet connections and not others.
I think Facebook is trying to read the URL and pre-populate the image and content. In your case probably because is a redirected to the other domain and facebook doesn't accept it.
Edit. Your first link works though
I had the same problem & worked out that this was due to linking to a Facebook page that did not have a vanity URL set up (i.e. rather than If you set up a vanity URL for the page it seems to work OK (providing you link to the vanity URL version of the page URL).
To claim a vanity URL, once you have a certain no of like (it used to be 25, but think it's a little lower now) visit
This can also happen if you share a link to localhost

Facebook Like button og:image needs to be scraped to be displayed

I've got a Drupal website with articles on them which have Facebook like buttons.
Now I've got all the OpenGraph metatags added on the pages and it's all working perfectly except for one thing.
Site visitors can share a page URL or like a page URL.
When a new article is added and the first person who presses the like button will not see the image added in the og:image tag.
If another person afterwards presses the like button, the og:image however is visible so it seems to me Facebook needs to scrape the page first before the og:image is added in the 'Facebook Like window'.
The Facebook share doesn't seem to suffer from this problem and does it right from the first time.
Now whenever somebody adds a new article, I'd need the URL of the article to be scraped automatically by Facebook using some PHP code or some other fix...
Anyone who knows if autoscraping a URL is possible or does anyone have an idea for a workaround?
You can use the graph API with scrape=true to force Facebook to scrape you right when you create your contents

Actions do not appear on timeline

I'm developing an app which publishes actions to the timeline.
On the app settings, I've created the action "post" and use the built in object type "article".
Although my graph actions have not been approved by facebook, that should not be a problem, because I am logged in as the developer of the app.
My article URLs pass facebook's linter with warnings, but no errors.
When my app notifies facebook of the the post action, it appears to succeed. Facebook returns an ID representing the action.
When I use facebook's graph explorer to view that ID, the data appears to be correct, showing the correct action type and object data. (If there's a URL to browse the action on facebook, instead of the graph explorer, I do not know what it is).
Still, with all the above apparently working without errors, I never see the action on my timeline. Whether I browse my own timeline, or when logged in as a friend and another developer of the app, I never see any indication on that the action was performed.
What am I missing to make my custom action appear on my timeline page?
I had a similar problem. I was using OG and I could post everything successfully, but the posts didn't appear in timeline, but only in the activity log in Facebook.
I just went to the settings of the action and set "Explicitly Shared: This action can specify the user explicitly shared an action." to ON.
Then in my piece of code I put "true" to the key "fb:explicitly_shared" while creating the OG object.
If no error is being returned it sounds as if there is an issue in your public page that is preventing Facebook from knowing what to post.
Have you double checked your OG: meta tags through Facebook's validation tool [ ]. While you need all of the values to be filled in, the type bit is the most overlooked and must be setup properly to link to your particular application and corresponding action.
If your OG: data is correct and validating you should also check the detail settings for your action and aggregations. If the phrase / tense bits are not filled in Facebook may be uncertain how to make your post appear back to on the timeline.
Discoverd the problem....
My article page include an article:author tag. The URL in that tag was not visible to anonymous users. So, I'm guessing, facebook visited that author URL and received a HTTP 403.
When I removed the article:author tag, the items started appearing on my timeline.
So be careful with all tags and put all urls through facebook's debug tool.
Hmmm Interesting
Was having the same issue...
Using the XFBML, fb:like with all required og meta tags validating on the linter.
Last month when I liked a 'product' on my website, the post was published on my fb timeline wall no worries. Nice, perfect!
Today after clicking Like, I noticed it wasn't publishing to my timeline wall at all... but was logged in the Activity Feed.
It did however post to my wall if I commented on the Like Button flyout comment section.
Then I found this
"Pages of type article do not have publishing rights, and will not show up on user's profiles because they are not real world objects."
I've been getting the same issue with a feed dialog post. The posts can be navigated to directly, but doesn't show on timeline. More details here:
Actions not appearing on timeline
I had a similar problem, but everything was actually working correctly. If you get a returned ID and your article appears in your RECENT ACTIVITY, then all should be good.
The perceived issue, your post not appearing in your timeline, is actually the correct behavior. Your post doesn't appear in your timeline because it should appear in your friends' timeline as an activity that you completed. Once they comment or like it, then it should reappear on your timeline.
For me the issue was the posts doesn't show on timeline for all users except me also it was public !, i fixed it by make turn on application as online to be available to all users

Website title is wrong when sharing link on facebook, or liking website

Ever since adding the code for facebook like buttons and the meta tags, my website now has a problem when being shared on facebook. If you put the link "" into facebook it comes up with the title being "Derp" instead of "Pod Awful".
I have no idea why. "derp" is nowhere in my code. This sounds so stupid, but its true. Any help?
website for reference:
In general, check the debug tool at which will show what information Facebook has detected on your page as well as updating Facebook's cache of that information
I don't see the 'Derp' title when I try to share on Facebook, for example: