Website title is wrong when sharing link on facebook, or liking website - facebook-graph-api

Ever since adding the code for facebook like buttons and the meta tags, my website now has a problem when being shared on facebook. If you put the link "" into facebook it comes up with the title being "Derp" instead of "Pod Awful".
I have no idea why. "derp" is nowhere in my code. This sounds so stupid, but its true. Any help?
website for reference:

In general, check the debug tool at which will show what information Facebook has detected on your page as well as updating Facebook's cache of that information
I don't see the 'Derp' title when I try to share on Facebook, for example:


Open Graph Protocol, Facebook App & Facebook Like Button on Website

So I set up an App to handle open graph protocol setting for my website. I embedded the open graph protocol metadata into the site and I added a Facebook like button that ties to the home page. I ran it through the linter and everything looks good. But when I look at the administration interface in Facebook, it shows a different number of "likes" than on my page itself. Also I thought by setting it up in this way I would be able to see who liked my page as well. Finally, when I go to my website and I am logged into facebook, it does not show an "admin page" link which I thought it is supposed to do. I have been looking all over the Facebook developer documentation and cannot seem to find an answer. Thank you!

Adding a Like button to my web site

I've added a facebook Like button to a few of my web site pages. All of them work except for the home page and I can't figure out why?
It is almost impossible to answer this question without seeing some sample code of your "home page".
Check your page with
If the response code isn't 200 or your meta tags don't appear properly or whatever else, at least you'll know where to look. Keep in mind that when you click like, Facebook makes a request to your page. Make sure you let Facebook do that (don't block/Redirect the Facebook crawler).
Edit: Sometimes, simply adding your URL and testing on the link above solves the problem. This is if you had a problem with the site when you first added it and meanwhile Facebook cached it as problematic. Debugging it will clear the Facebook cache for that URL.

Can't eliminate "Confirm" button when liking

I have read many q&a's and forum posts across the net including Facebook Developer forum. I have setup open graph and FB code on my tag, tag, tags and installed the Facebook SDK after the tag.
Yet, I continually have to confirm Likes and then, many times, the like does not record. Further the pictures that appear in the Confirm window seem to come from a Facebook image vault when I have set the og:image to the be a screenshot of my site.
I have read about like-jacking, etc.
What is the trick to getting the Like button to work on a website?
Maybe they are detecting your site as likejacking, you can debug the url with the Facebook URL Debugger and it will delete the cached tags from your site
Good luck

Removing/Unlink site root link that appears under title link in like/share wall posts

Our site deals with affiliate marketing, so we need to ensure that the affiliate that shares a page from our website gets credit for any retail sales that are made from that person sharing the site on his/her facebook page. We have the link working perfectly, so that is not the problem. The problem we are having is when someone clicks the like button on a page and adds comments the title of the page is correctly linked, but there's also a link underneath the title that is linked to the site root without the affiliates info attached. From looking at several posts on my own facebook page I've noticed that a few sites have their site "greyed out" or unlinked. I checked the source of these pages and was not able to find a clear solution to how they were able to accomplish this. I even went as far as contacting one of the sites and they said that they were unable to give that type of information out.
Does anyone know how to accomplish this?

Facebook Like button og:image needs to be scraped to be displayed

I've got a Drupal website with articles on them which have Facebook like buttons.
Now I've got all the OpenGraph metatags added on the pages and it's all working perfectly except for one thing.
Site visitors can share a page URL or like a page URL.
When a new article is added and the first person who presses the like button will not see the image added in the og:image tag.
If another person afterwards presses the like button, the og:image however is visible so it seems to me Facebook needs to scrape the page first before the og:image is added in the 'Facebook Like window'.
The Facebook share doesn't seem to suffer from this problem and does it right from the first time.
Now whenever somebody adds a new article, I'd need the URL of the article to be scraped automatically by Facebook using some PHP code or some other fix...
Anyone who knows if autoscraping a URL is possible or does anyone have an idea for a workaround?
You can use the graph API with scrape=true to force Facebook to scrape you right when you create your contents