Using C compiled code from python GUI - c++

I am writing an application where I am coding all of my front-end and GUI with python library (wxpython specifically). For this application, I would like to write the model class with C and use python to use the compiled C code? How can this be implemented in python?
I know this is little vague question but I am struggling with the starting point.

If you're using CPython (the most popular version of Python), you'll need to learn the CPython C API. Other python implementations may or may not support C calls. You can also use the ctypes library which is easier to learn, but also more rigid and may not support everything you need.

You can try Cython, which is basically Python with embedded support for C types and calls (it goes through the CPython API).

You could strictly seperate design(python part) and code(c++ part) like this:
Write a complete c++ programm that works in the terminal/console and then make the python-application call these c++-terminal programm via os.Popen.
So if your programm is a calculator it does this:
(python gui) 5 + 5 -> my_c_programm.exe "5 + 5" -> (returns) 10 -> (python gui) display
that way you can use your programm with and without gui.
Its easier and faster than embedding Python in your c++ programm or extending Python with C++.
I basically do the same thing on my current project, but like this:
php: my webinterface
python: for structure and logic and easy operation
c++: for heavy calculations and where I need speed
so php -> python -> c++
and it works very well for me :)


C/C++ Python interpreter

What I'm trying to do is write an app in C/C++ which will allow users to enter a Python script, which the app will then interpret & run. The aforementioned script will have a separate API that I'll implement in C, then expose to the user.
Is there a way to do this? I've searched on Google, but I've only found ways to create 'extensions' and not actual interpreters (like Lua allows).
Documentation about Embedding Python in Another Application says:
The previous chapters discussed how to extend Python, that is, how to extend the functionality of Python by attaching a library of C functions to it. It is also possible to do it the other way around: enrich your C/C++ application by embedding Python in it. Embedding provides your application with the ability to implement some of the functionality of your application in Python rather than C or C++. This can be used for many purposes; one example would be to allow users to tailor the application to their needs by writing some scripts in Python. You can also use it yourself if some of the functionality can be written in Python more easily.
Look especially into Extending Embedded Python:
Until now, the embedded Python interpreter had no access to functionality from the application itself. The Python API allows this by extending the embedded interpreter. That is, the embedded interpreter gets extended with routines provided by the application.
Just read the docs I referenced and you should be able to implement Python interpreter within your app written in C.
You can do a call from C++ to Python and vice versa using Boost Python
If you're interested I recently implemented embedded Python scripting for C++ from first principles. I created a C++ Python wrapper library called ECS:Python (Embedded C++ Scripting with Python) that allows you to expose object from a C++ application to an embedded Python interpreter for interactive scripting. It's light-weight and very easy to use (and free!).

Prototyping Qt/C++ in Python

I want to write a C++ application with Qt, but build a prototype first using Python and then gradually replace the Python code with C++.
Is this the right approach, and what tools (bindings, binding generators, IDE) should I use?
Ideally, everything should be available in the Ubuntu repositories so I wouldn't have to worry about incompatible or old versions and have everything set up with a simple aptitude install.
Is there any comprehensive documentation about this process or do I have to learn every single component, and if yes, which ones?
Right now I have multiple choices to make:
Qt Creator, because of the nice auto completion and Qt integration.
Eclipse, as it offers support for both C++ and Python.
Eric (haven't used it yet)
PySide as it's working with CMake and Boost.Python, so theoretically it will make replacing python code easier.
PyQt as it's more widely used (more support) and is available as a Debian package.
Edit: As I will have to deploy the program to various computers, the C++-solution would require 1-5 files (the program and some library files if I'm linking it statically), using Python I'd have to build PyQt/PySide/SIP/whatever on every platform and explain how to install Python and everything else.
I want to write a C++ application with Qt, but build a prototype first using Python and then gradually replace the Python code with C++. Is this the right approach?
That depends on your goals. Having done both, I'd recommend you stay with Python wherever possible and reasonable. Although it takes a bit of discipline, it's very possible to write extremely large applications in Python. But, as you find hotspots and things that can be better handled in C++, you can certainly port relevant parts to C++.
Is there any comprehensive documentation about this process or do I have to learn every single component, and if yes, which ones?
Here's what I'd recommend for the various pieces:
EDITOR/IDE: Use any editor/IDE you're comfortable with, but I'd highly recommend one that supports refactoring. If you're comfortable with Eclipse, use it. If you want to mainly go the C++ route and you're not too familiar with any editors, you might be better off with QtCreator. Eric is an extremely good Python IDE with support for refactoring, unless you're going to be doing lots of C++, take a look at it. Even better, its source code is an example of good PyQt usage and practices.
The quick summary:
Write your application in Python using PyQt
When identified as hotspots, convert decoupled Python classes to C++
Create bindings for those classes using SIP
Import the newly defined libraries in Python in place of their Python counterparts
Enjoy the speed boost
General details:
Write the application in Python using PyQt. Be careful to keep a good separation of concerns so that when you need to port pieces to C++ they will be separate from their dependencies. When you finally need to port something to C++, write it in C++/Qt and then create bindings for it using SIP. SIP has a good reference manual on the process, and you have all of PyQt as an example.
C++ - For many applications the dependencies are sufficiently simple that it's not too difficult to create an installer using a tool like NullSoft's Installer or InnoSetup.
Python/PyQt - PyQt applications are a bit more difficult to install because of the dependency on Python and its dependence on the presence of the Qt libraries. One person documented his efforts on this post at ARSTechnica. py2exe works pretty well on Windows and should work fine. IME,, which comes with the Python source, sometimes has problems determining which shared libraries are truly necessary and will sometimes end up creating a binary whose dependencies aren't present. Py2app can be made to work on Mac OS X.
But worse, however, is the PyQt/Qt licensing. If you are developing a commercial application, you need to have a commercial PyQt (and Qt) license and make sure to prevent the users from easily modifying the source or otherwise writing code against the PyQt/Qt API because of licensing restrictions. Because of that, the PyQt author created a tool called VendorId (although it has a Python license). Within VendorId is a tool called SIB that can be used to create an executable which depends only on the Python interpreter. But, if you're going to go this far, you might want to install a custom Python along with your application.
DISCLAIMER: I haven't used PySide at all, so I'm not sure how it compares to PyQt. Also, note the following warning on their website:
PySide is a work in progress and is not yet suited for application development requiring production-level stability.
But, on a good note, they intend, at least for the initial release to "maintain API compatibility with PyQt." So, aside from the C++ bindings, you could easily switch between the two later.
If you are just learning Qt and want to leverage the speed of prototyping that Python gives you, then I would recommend you make a sample project using PyQt. As you said, there is a debian package, so you are just a simple apt-get away from making your first application.
I personally use gVim as my Python/Qt editor, but you can really use any Python-friendly editor without much trouble. I liked WingIDE and they have auto-complete for Qt but once you sip from the vim kool-aid it's hard to switch.
I would say that PySide is 95%+ compatible with PyQt and the LPGL license is nice, but if you are just trying to prototype your first Qt app, then I don't think there is a real reason to use PySide. Although, I do like the PySide docs better, you can also just use them and replace all the library references with PyQt.
Depending on the complexity of the application you are building, it might be better off to just start from scratch with a C++ version than to try to do a bunch SIP refactoring black magic. Once you have a solid grasp of the Qt framework, you should be able to switch between the C++ and Python bindings pretty effortlessly.
I would draw UI mockups before starting to code prototypes. Here are some benefits:
Quicker than coding prototypes as there is no programming involved
Quickly fill widgets, such as tables and trees, with data
Add descriptions and notes to your screens
Easily integrate mockups into specification documents without having to capture screens
Validate UI design concepts before implementing
There are a lot of tools that can help you do that, but if you are going to use Qt, MockupUI may be a good choice as it renders Qt widgets with native styles for Windows 7,8 or 10 which makes your mockup look more realistic.

Adding python script to c++ project

How would I go about adding a script written in python to a c++ project? Thanks
Edit: Basically all the script does is email some data. I would like to pass the data and maybe the email address to a function written in python. Hope that clears things up..
You could look at Boost.Python which is a "a C++ library which enables seamless interoperability between C++ and the Python programming language."
You have to be more specific, though.
You may be interested in Boost.Python: Embedding the Interpreter, or Python/C API: Embedding the Python Interpreter. You can either use the Python C APIs directly or use the Boost.Python library as you so choose. You might also be interested in reading Embedding Python in Your C Programs which walks you through it.
The most primitve solution would be to use the system command to call you script, but that does limit your control over it to setting environment variables and passing parameters.
system(" param1 param2")

How does Gedit expose its api to python for plugins?

I'm starting a medium (academic) project in C++ for which I need users to be able to write small scripts, which interact directly with the main program. My first thought as an aproach to this was to make something like Gedit does with it's plugins (in fact I thought about it because it is something very similar to what I need to do.)
I do have some experience writting plugins for geddit, but zero experience in writting a plugin framework.
Would it be really difficult to me to write one similar to gedit's? (i mean, the way it exposes its API to python, and then loads the python plugin and calls its methods). Can anyone point me in the right directions or teach me a little if you have experience with it?
Fortunately, gedit's plugin framework can be used. You could use Ethos, which is the same plugin framework gedit uses, only without gedit.

Modifying old Windows program for Mac OS X

This application was written for windows back in 1998,
I loved using this program, Now I want to learn how to make it
work on Mac, And maybe changing and adding functionality,
The problem is I don't know where to start, I Have studied C++ php, javascript, But don't really know how to read this code. or where to start.
Thanks for taking a look
What is TextCalc?
TextCalc is a combination of an
expression calculator and a text
editor. Being both, it has several
advantages over conventional
1) You can evaluate expressions like
9*4-2+95-12 just the way you write
them on paper.
2) You can put comments besides your
answer and expressions.
3) You can save, reload, edit and
print your results and expressions.
4) You do not need to write your
answer down on a paper before
computing another expression, as you
can leave the previous result in the
5) You can open an existing text data
file and perform calculations on it.
6) You can apply an expression to many
numbers at one go. For example, you
can change the list 1 2 3 4 5 to 2 4
6 8 10 by multiplying each number by
7) You can sum, average, convert into
hex etc. a list of numbers easily.
The editor is capable of parsing
numbers and strings enclosed in double
quotes " ". Numbers will be colored
blue and strings will be colored red.
This makes it ideal for editing files
containing numeric data.
Based on the screenshots and info on the TextCalc site, I think this is best implemented as a Mac OS X service. You can assign a hot key to trigger your service in the System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Services.
It would actually be rather easy. You don't need to write the text editor portion, it will be available in all text areas in all apps. You will be handed the text the user has selected, and all you need to do is evaluate it. There's a built-in command line tool, bc, that you should be able to delegate this to.
There is a guide to implementing services. You will need to read through the Cocoa intro material to understand it. This is a good first project, though.
I don't think there's any reason to try to read the source of the original app in this case. You just need to know what you want the behavior to be.
Check out the Calculator example from the second chapter of Stroustrup's "The C++ Programming Language".
It looks like this application is written using MFC, which is quite Windows-centric. Translating this program to use a different API such as Cocoa would be a lot of work, and would require good familiarity with both MFC and Cocoa. Not to mention the work involved in translating the C++ to Objective-C, of course.
You may be better off running it as-is in a virtual machine such as VirtualBox, or under Wine. Unfortunately, the free version of Microsoft Visual C++ does not include MFC, so to modify this code you would have to either purchase a non-free version of MSVC, or translate the program to "bare bones" Win32, without using MFC.
The core part of this program (Expression Evaluation) has been taken from this smaller program written by Zoly Farkas.
So I would suggest the following:
Learn Objective C.
As an exercise, port Zoly Farkas' Expression Evaluation to Objective-C, to use as a library or on the command line.
Learn Cocoa.
As an exercise, create a graphical interface for your library using Cocoa. You don't need MFC.
Should be fun! :-)
I would not recommend to "port" such a old program using MFC which you cant use on a Mac anyway.
Rather i would recommend to create the skeleton of a new blank application and then to insert more or less large fragments from the old code. The skeleton may use whatever language is appropriate: C++, Objective-C, real Basic. But as the code to reuse is C++ its probably best to use C++.
If you decide to re-write it, I recommend RealBasic. It has many components that will help shorten the development cycle and you can compile the program for Windows, Mac and Linux.
Easy to learn and very productive platform.
Why not rewrite it in C# .NET and use Mono to compile it on the Mac? You can rewrite the GUI parts in Native Cocoa from c# using a wrapper. Depends on your program but this program doesn't sound like your going to sell it to the public so L+F issues are probably not an issue.
The code looks to be in C++. C++ is available on Macs.
The code relies on MFC, which if course is not available on OS X. So you'll need to pick a framework like WxWidgets, Qt, FLTK, etc. that's available on both the Mac and Windows. Then you need to translate from MFC to your new framework.
In the process you'll learn more about MFC than you intend to.