Need guidance in non C/C++ based graphics interface - c++

I have prepared a program launcher in C++ (the only language I know), which accepts strings as program trigger.
But however hard I try I'm unable to give it a GUI like look; using graphics.h's graph functions creates graphics but in cmd like window.
All I need is a small widget/window like thing that sits on the desktop where a user can type the command string (and error messages can be displayed as usual).
Can I get a code snippet for such a widget/window?
The input string may be copied to a .txt file and my prog will read it from there.
P.S.- I'm a beginner & rookie so please avoid complex alternatives.

Well, one of the easiest options in my opinion is to use .NET Framework:


Replacing std::cout output with windows form

I made a program in c++ (visual studio 2010) that looks for serial com ports and compares their friendly names with defined text. When there is a match that port is opened/connected and serial communication starts.
The program notifies the user when a com port is found, whether the connection was successful or not and if the data send was successful or not and other useful information. The program uses cout to notify the user.
I want to replace console output window with windows form but cant find much resources online on how to do this. To illustrate, I want this:
To become this:
I included form1.h and other files and tried replacing cout with below line but code is not compiling:
Form1::textBox1->Text = L" Text I want to display";
Can anyone explain how to use textBox1, or a tutorial for this?
"I included form1.h" - You can't just grab random files and hope it works. That is not how C++ works, or computers in general.
How then do you do something like this? The Standard Library provides std::cout and Visual Studio by default includes the Standard Library, so using it is fairly easy. But for graphics, you will need another library. I recommend Qt, if only because there are good tutorials for beginners.
So I finally did achieve the functionality I described above in my question and thought I should post my findings here.
To convert my code from console output to Windows Form I basically had to migrate from c++ to C++/cli. has a great tutorial on how to get started with windows form (c++/cli) in visual studio.
Next if there is any busy looping(like infinite while-loop) in your c++ code then you would need to run that busy loop on a separate thread or the program can hang. Dr.Dobb's tutorial on how to create and mange threads in c++/cli, can help a lot.
Finally, if you need to access resources (such as textbox and other controls) of windows form from another thread then a thread-safe call has to be made. Microsoft's "HowTo:Make thread-safe call to windows Form controls" explains how the invoke method can be used for updating textbox from another thread.

Automatically filling a form and running a program

A friend sent me 3 programs, which are written in C or C++. Every program has a form, which is filled and then a button is pressed to perform some calculation. The programs were written in LabWindows/CVI which I've never heard of. He asked me, if it was possible to automatically fill the forms and run the calculation to get the output. I said that one way would be, to modify the program to a console one and run it with parameters (if the number of fields is low).
Does there exist a tool, which could be used to automate the execution of such programs or, if possible, does the LabWindows/CVI have anything which could help me, besides modifying the source?
I thank you in advance for you help.
you could use some automated test programs such as (this is written in java), it is also nice because you can add any java code you want to improve the test and modify it if you really need something extraordinary.
another way would be creating your own "automated test program" using c++ (since you posted this with c++ tag) to create a mouse and keyboard hook that will move the mouse and type characters on your forms.
the following links might help if you want to create your hooks C++ mouse click on certain spot in window, Global keyboard hook with WH_KEYBOARD_LL and keybd_event (windows)

Prevent mixing of console output and written text

I have a C++ console application that prints some output constantly while it also accepts commands (using std::cin) from the user - output and input happen in separate threads.
If I write a text while some output appears the written text is mixed with application output. How can I prevent this behaviour?
To solve this problem, I need to display the program one line above the line where the text is typed. I'd inspire myself in Minecraft Bukkit server's solution - however I need the same for C++.
Assuming you want the output to appear while things are being typed, you'll need some screen control facilities to have the output go somewhere different than the input area. If I were tasked to implement something like this writing to a terminal I would refresh my ncurses experience. I realize you are on a Windows console and I have no idea if the Windows console is capable of the screen control needed to make it happen.
You can possibly tie custom stream buffers into std::cin and std::cout using the curses functionality under the hood but it may not be worth it. In any case, it isn't entirely trivial.
There's a windows port of ncurses called pdcurses. But if you are using visual studio there's a simple function provided called SetConsoleCursorPosition()

how do I get win32 file browser with SDL?

I want to create an editor in C++ using SDL & OpenGL and have decided to use the win32 api to access the window bar menus (for file, edit and so on) and it seems quite simple, but I don't know how to create a "file-> open" file browser/loader... I'm hoping it's quite simple but I'm finding it hard to look up any tutorials on google because of the phrasing...
I just want to have an "open" or "import" option in the file menu that will open a standard windows file browser... then grab the file location, place it into a string then pass it into a function that is activated by selection a file... (I hope that makes sense).
The method I'm using to create the win32 menus are from this post:
Half way down the page there is a comment by "caseyd"... that's how I learnt how to use it, so that is my current understanding of win32 menus in SDL... I wanted to post the code here, but I didn't know how to paste it here in codeblocks without reformatting every line.
I'm hoping this is quite simple... Thanks to anyone who can teach me how or just point me in the right direction.
Oh, and I'm not trying to convert this to other operating systems, I just like SDL.
Use GetOpenFileName(). Note that that function blocks until the user selects a file, so if you want to continue rendering etc. in the background, make sure to run it on a separate thread.

Ahk script and C++ communication

I wish to use the functions of autohotkey within a C++ program.
I am currently running my scripts triggered by the c++ program- I just run them as a .bat file. This works well but the problem is that I cannot return values from the script to the c++ program.
I wish to be able to read the position of the mouse from the script and make decisions based upon this in my C++ program. My scripts do quite complex things- so doing this in autohotkey is the best solution for me- I have knowledge of C, but little of C++.
I have read about the Autohotkey .DLL - I know how to trigger it but not how to read values from it. If anyone could instruct me or even post example code of a .dll being loaded and a value sent to a script and a value returned- I would be eternally grateful!!
I have spent hours on this and to no avail!
to return a value, could this possibly work
I'm not sure about the dll, but you could just write your own application in Autohotkey and package it along with your C++.
The communication takes place over a hidden window with an edit control and a button. You use one application to set text in the edit box, and then to click the submit button. The other application owns the window can process whatever is put into the edit control - as if you were passing a variable. Basically, that's it.
Check out this thread where I've explained it in more detail: How to send a command to a running application via commandline
Now, that's not quite what you wanted, but the effect is the same, and you already know all the api.