Qt splitter layout resize behaviour using Qt Designer - c++

I have an issue with size in my view made in Qt with drag and drop.
Let me start with an image to help me explain
This is the mainwindow for my form.
What happens is:
We have 4 tab widgets. the left tab widget has a horizontal splitter to the 2 mid widgets.
The 2 mid widgets have a vertical splitter, and a horizontal splitter on the left and right side.
The right widget has a vertical splitter on its left hand.
So all views are connected using splitters.
Lastly the mainform sticks every thing together in a resizable way using horizontal layout.
The problem is, the width of the leftmost and rightmost widgets are fixed (in designer).
I want them to be smaller in width. Something similar to:
You can see the widgets are resized. I was able to do this running the application, and manually adjusting the splitters. Is there a way in QtDesigner to do this? I tried playing with policies. I didn't really get any further however. Does this indicate a lack of knowledge of my part about policies? Perhaps layouts in general?
What options should I use to achieve the desired layout using QtDesigner. I want to avoid using code.
Hope I will be able to solve this soon. It must be overlooking something simple..

You can play with the "Horizontal Stretch" and "Vertical Stretch" properties to change the position of the split.
For example with both the vertical stretch of the top central QTabWidget and the horizontal stretch of the central QSplitter at 1 and all the other values kept at 0, you'll get the result you want.
When you have multiple non-zero stretch values, the result of the ratio (e.g.: vertical strech at 2 and 1 for the 2 central QTabWidgets => 2/3 and 1/3) is not visible in the designer but seems to be working when you run the application.
PS: You can also achieve the same result with tabbified QDockWidgets but the dock tabbification is not possible through the designer only.

I set start position that:
QList<int> list= ui->splitter->sizes();
and remember to minimum size child widget


How to collapse Gtkmm notebook tabs?

So I am making a Gtkmm application using a Gtk::notebook and during run-time I'm adding new tabs to the notebook. But when I add more tabs than there is space on my screen it just keeps going moving out of the screen.
Now I know most Gtk widgets have a lot of properties that can be configured, so I'am wondering is there such a property for notebook that automatically collapses tabs or scales them in some way to make it fit inside the widget/screen.
If not it would be great if you could give me some pointers to how to implement this functionality myself.
set_scrollable() is your best bet. It will add scrolling arrows on the sides of the tab labels at the top when there isn't enough room to show them all.
Note that GtkNotebook will always ask for enough space to show the contents of all tabs, not just the one that's currently visible. If one of your tab pages is really big (say, contains a 10x10 grid of 100x100 buttons), you won't be able to resize the GtkNotebook smaller than that tab page (in that case, 1000x1000 + the height of the label area), even if the current tab page is just an empty container. All set_scrollable() will do is let you resize smaller than the width needed to show all tab labels at the top.
Put this in your .xml GUI file in the GtkNotebook object:
<property name="scrollable">True</property>
This causes the tabs that go out of screen to be horizontal scrollable by adding arrows beside the last tab at the right and the most left tab at the left.

How can I overlap qwidgets while using the grid layout and positioning overlapping widgets a particular distance from the window border?

I am programming a game and I have a tab widget which takes up the majority of the window. I want to use the extra space in the tab bar for buttons. I have the tab widget in a grid layout. To accomplish this, I use the code below in order to remove and add back the button widgets to the desired areas (the solution to someone else's question).
ui->centralLayout->addWidget(ui->ResizeButton,0,4, Qt::AlignTop|Qt::AlignRight);
ui->centralLayout->addWidget(ui->exitButton,0,4, Qt::AlignTop|Qt::AlignRight);
This does not work for me; however, because I would like the second widget-- the resize button-- to be just to the left of the exit button. What is occurring is that it instead overlaps the exit button. I simply need to move it 21 pixels to the left and have no idea how!
I tried putting both buttons in a frame and then removing and adding the frame the way I did the buttons. Unfortunately the same functions I used do not exist for the qt frame object.
Here are some pictures of my window.
you are using void QGridLayout::addWidget(QWidget * widget, int row, int column, Qt::Alignment alignment = 0) overload.
2-nd and 3-rd parameters are row and column of a grid. And you put 2 widgets in the same cell so they are overlaping each other.
I solved my problem. Earlier when I was trying to add them to a frame and reposition it I could not but using a widget as the container for my buttons let me place them the way I was earlier attempting to individually place the buttons.

Area for detachable QDialogs within QGridLayout

I have a QMainWindow with a QGridLayout of various widgets that looks like the following:
I will have various little input dialogs that come up at different times, and I want them to appear in certain cell of the layout (bright cyan area below purple tab widget in picture). They would show up in this cell by default but should be detachable and able to be moved around as desired (just like a regular, stray QDialog).
What would be the best way to go about this?
I tried using a QDockWidget and just adding it right into the grid layout, but it seems I cannot un-dock it and move it around, even with a call to setFeatures that should allow this freedom.
The addDockWidget function allows the desired movement, but this won't let me incorporate the dock area within the grid; it just puts the dock widget on, e.g., one side of the entire main window.

Qt Show Half of Widget

I have a QGroupBox widget that I am animating off the screen. The problem is that I only want to show certain parts of the group box. For example if the widget is 200 pixels in width how do I only show the first 100 pixels with out changing the size of the widget and making the layout go funny?
Thanks in advance
I have come up with a solution. By placing the widget inside of another group box and animating it to move out side the bounds of the group box produces the desired result.

Qt window resize problem

I am having a problem redrawing a QWidget window after its size has been adjusted. I have tried update(), repaint(), adjustSize(), but all seem to suffer from the same thing: only part of the window is redrawn, resulting in the window frame on the bottom and right sides to not show. The window is also not resized entirely.
Just in case it makes a difference, the window is in a QMdiArea.
// ... some subwidget resizing and moving.
calibrationWindowUIs[activeWindow].layoutWidget2->move(QPoint(oldXLeft, 30 + height + 21));
calibrationWindowUIs[activeWindow].layoutWidget1->move(QPoint(oldXRight, 30 + height + 21));
// Set window size.
calibrationWindows[activeWindow]->setMinimumSize(calibrationWindowUIs[activeWindow].tabWidget->geometry().width() + 40, calibrationWindowUIs[activeWindow].tabWidget->geometry().height() + 40);
Note: I'm new to Qt; perhaps I'm doing something wrong with layouts?
Edit: I may have not given enough information. Alright, to be quite honest, I still have to delve deeper into layouts and related material. What I had tried to do here was to use Qt Designer in order to design the window. I've done what perhaps amounts to a stupid mistake: I didn't use an overall parent layout for the entire window, but hacked it with a couple of smaller layouts that I therefore have to move about and resize individually. See the Qt Designer screen (the red rectangles are the sole layouts): .
What is happening is that in the frame to the right, I am playing a video clip that can be of various resolutions. I want the frame to resize depending on this resolution, which also means that the buttons and window have to move/resize accordingly. That is where the window resize comes in. I'm sure there is a more elegant solution than what I am doing here, but I am trying to handle several other scenarios here and hence the lack of quality of code.
The result is that when I load a clip, the window attempts to resize, but does so badly; the following is the result:
If the window is dragged, it 'pops' into its correct size; in the meantime, however, it just looks ugly.
A couple further questions: do you use the Qt Designer to design your UIs? I found that programmatically you can achieve much better control of your interfaces. One thing which I could not do in the designer was to have a layout parented by the main widget, i.e. the equivalent of having the following bit of code:
QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout;
A layout placed in the designer always seems to create this 'layoutWidget' subwidget, which the layout you placed is then parented to. Any way around that?
We use a mix of designer and code to create layouts, the Qt layout system can be very unintuitive at times. But I would probably not layout a full series of tabs in one designer ui file, i would make each tab each own widget and then assemble them either through code or in the designer by promoting to custom classes. This gives you better separation of responsibilities, by putting all the functionality of all the tabs into one file you almost guarantee a large unwieldy class.
When a widget has child widgets in designer you can assign a layout to it by adding it from the context menu. Make sure nothing is selected and click on the background of the widget in which you want to create a layout, select the layout and all of the widgets children will be assigned the layout.
What does help is creating hierarchies of layouts. Looking at your first screenshot, i would probably use a vertical layout with spacers on top and bottom for the items on the right, an horizontal layout with spacers left and right for the button bar and a grid layout for all the items together. Without the spacers your items will extend when the window grows. The spacers will let you control the behavior under resizing better.
you are calling setMinimumSize(). That's fine, but you should also call resize()