Google Charts API - Overlapping X axis labels - google-visualization

I have a chart generated from Google Charts that can be found here: Chart generate by Google Charts API. As you can see the x axis labels are being overlapped.
Anyone knows how to solve this?

See the docs under Bar Width and Spacing (chbh). There's this snippet:
a - space_between_bars and space_between_groups are given in
absolute units (or default absolute values, if not specified). Bars
will be resized so that all bars will fit in the chart.
So just add chbh=a to the options. Here's the example with this option added.


Google Charts: Is it possible to have a table as the horizontal axis?

I need to display a chart where the horizontal axis is a kind of a table. I checked the Google Charts documentation as well as other links but could not find any help. Can you tell me whether something like that is possible in Google Charts? If yes, then how?
Below is the link to an image showing a similar kind of a thing.

chart.js 2 - Is it possible to format tick labels with HTML?

I have a chart that shows 3 datasets - 2 Line, 1 Bar.
I would like to be able to format the Y-2 axis labels in the screenshot below with HTML to allow me to show the values in each tick as bubbles to match the styling displayed on the line data points. (I am using the datalabels plugin to achieve the data point styling
In addition to this I would like to have all labels with "XLabelLine1" and "XLabelLine2" to have a line break between them.
Is this possible? From looking at the docs it looks as if the axis labels can only be strings.
You are correct that the tick labels can only be strings and that the Chart.JS tick labels do not have HTML support. It's likely a plugin would need to be developed for this behavior. Sorry. :)

Axis on Google Charts - Bar

I have created a Bar Chart using Google Charts. I am not able to get the X axis for the Bar Chart even though I am getting the axis labels. I tried using baseline but to no effect.
**I have added an image of what I exactly want.
Please refer to the image.
Could someone please let me know how I could enable X axis for Bar Chart.
I am also facing a similar issue with Y axis Column charts.

Vertically stacked Google Bar Charts

I'm trying to produce a vertically stacked bar chart using the Google Charts API and I thought I had found the solution when I found the option:
isStacked: true
However, This seems to add the stacking horizontally (see link below) and I cant seem to find a way to do it. Anyone come across this before or can help me?
Do you mean a vertically stacked ColumnChart?
Just change the chart from BarChart to ColumnChart:
new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById('chart'))

Place my own controls overlapping Google visualization chart

I'd like to add paging controls to my Google Visualization bar chart, similar to the one described here (keywords: thenez101 Google Visualization BarChart Paging), but instead of flowing my paging controls around the Google bar chart, I'd like to place them on top of the chart. When I place my controls inside the chart's div, however, I see them only until the chart is drawn.
Assigning my controls a CSS class whose z-index property I have changed to positive and negative has not worked. Perhaps I can change their z position after my ready event has fired? Has anyone succeeded in getting this working?
Thanks, BH