Place my own controls overlapping Google visualization chart - google-visualization

I'd like to add paging controls to my Google Visualization bar chart, similar to the one described here (keywords: thenez101 Google Visualization BarChart Paging), but instead of flowing my paging controls around the Google bar chart, I'd like to place them on top of the chart. When I place my controls inside the chart's div, however, I see them only until the chart is drawn.
Assigning my controls a CSS class whose z-index property I have changed to positive and negative has not worked. Perhaps I can change their z position after my ready event has fired? Has anyone succeeded in getting this working?
Thanks, BH


Can we disable the segments other than the one which is active in doughnut chart ? or can we make the segments look disabled? (Chart Js)

I want the segments go disabled other than the one which is active in doughnut chart. Is there any option to achieve it ?
I have tried using hidden, But it seems it is hiding whole chart. my expectation should like below
at the initial stage chart will look alike:
current output:
expected outcome:

AMCharts4 XYChart no prezoom when hiding a series

I have an AMCharts XYChart with one columnseries which is added and shown when I init the chart. I have another lineseries which I also add, but series.hide() when I init the chart. The legend then allows me to show/hide the lineseries.
Two problems:
1) When the chart is first set up, it prezooms to the single columnseries. I want the ability to zoom on the chart, but I don't want it to prezoom when it first loads with the single series. What is the chart configuration to disable this or return the chart to the full zoom extent onready (which would be a bit hacky).
2) The second issue is that sometimes when I click the lineseries in the legend to add it, the zoom doesn't work at first when the lineseries is added to the chart. Instead, it may only correctly zoom on the subsequent click. I may escape this second problem if the first one is fixed.

How to make google chart API responsive?

I am creating two charts Line Chart and Donut Chart on same HTML Page using Google JS API. But these charts are not responsive. How can I make those charts as responsive?
The Google Charts API was probably not designed with responsiveness in mind, specifically. The default size of the chart is to fill the element it's being rendered into, so you can just use CSS and Media Queries like you would normally do to make a responsive design.
The only real problem is that once the chart is drawn, it doesn't change it's size in a desktop window resize-type scenario. In Angular Google Chart we listen for the window's resize event and redraw the chart.
I've seen some of the resize strategy paired with a bit of JavaScript to keep the chart the same aspect ratio no matter how wide it is.
Anything more specific will need a more detailed question. I am intentionally not including any code for this answer, because whatever I write will probably be wrong for your situation.

how to add label/text to each coloumn in Google Chart

I am using ColumnChart to draw a chart and I need to have text on each coloumn (at the top of it)
I can't find any documentation about this, I was wondering if someone can help please?
Something similar to this:
This is currently not possible with the new Google Charts, the nearest you can get is to have a tooltip but those can only be triggered on hover at the moment.

Google Charts API - Overlapping X axis labels

I have a chart generated from Google Charts that can be found here: Chart generate by Google Charts API. As you can see the x axis labels are being overlapped.
Anyone knows how to solve this?
See the docs under Bar Width and Spacing (chbh). There's this snippet:
a - space_between_bars and space_between_groups are given in
absolute units (or default absolute values, if not specified). Bars
will be resized so that all bars will fit in the chart.
So just add chbh=a to the options. Here's the example with this option added.