C++/Qt, getting a derived objects variable name as list? - c++

I'm not too sure how to explain this, but I will try.
I have a object A which has a rownr and partition nr. B, C inherits from A and adds a few other variables (and get/setters for them)
I then have a function which takes a variable that is derived from A (B, C... etc) that will create an record in a database/table with the same columns as the variables the object has.
For example:
class A {
int paritionKey;
int rowKey;
set/get for them both
class B : A {
string color;
One table will then be called "B" and have 3 columns, partitionKey, rowKey and color.
Is there any way of not hard coding this? Or would the best way be to create a toString method in the classes that returns a part of the xml request body that will be used to construct the new row in the table? (using REST)

It sounds like you are asking if there is a way to do automated marshalling of C++ objects into a database. The short answer is no, there is no built-in way in the C++ language to do this. Your toString() method isn't a bad approach, although it does require you to write toString() (and likely at some point also fromString()) methods for each of your classes... whether that is too much work or not would depend on how many such classes you need to support.
Alternatively you might also take a look at Qt's property system -- if you don't mind subclassing your data objects from QObject, you can decorate your class definitions with Q_PROPERTY declarations, along with getter methods for each property, and then you can write generic code that uses Qt's QMetaObject class to iterate over all declared properties of any given QObject in a generic fashion. This works because Qt's moc preprocessor (which you will be running anyway if you are using Qt) will parse the Q_PROPERTY macros and it can auto-generate a lot of the necessary glue code for you. You'll still have to write the last step (converting the QObject's data to XML or SQL commands by iterating over myObject->metaObject()->property(int) and calling myObject->property(propName) for each property) yourself, but at least you can do that in a generic fashion, without having to write a separate marshalling routine for each class.

The approach I'm using is indeed a "toString" or rather "toXml", the hierachical nature of xml being perfect for this. Schematically:
void A::toXml(QDomElement *parentEl)
QDomeElement* el = parentEl->ownerDocument()->createElement("A");
el->setAttribute("paritionKey", paritionKey);
el->setAttribute("rowKey", rowKey);
void B::toXml(QDomElement *parentEl)
QDomeElement* el = parentEl->ownerDocument()->createElement("B");
el->setAttribute("color", color);
Which gives e.g.:
<B color="blue">
<A partitionKey=2 rowKey=25/>
Same logic for class "C".


C/C++: Should serialization methods be class members?

Suppose we have a complex (i.e. non-primitive) class ComplexObject defined below:
class A{...};
class B{...};
class C{...};
class ComplexObject
A _fieldA;
B _fieldB;
C _fieldC;
I would like to implement a serializer that serializes instances of ComplexObject into binary form. From my experience in C#, I have seen essentially 3 distinct ways to implement a serializer.
Define a serialize(binarystream&) method in ComplexObject's definition and those of the "child" classes, A, B, and C. The serialize method defined in ComplexObject will recursively call those of the child members.
Create a separate class that contains methods to serialize each of ComplexObject, A, B, and C. The method used to serialize ComplexObject will recursively call those of the child members. Of course, getters will have to be defined in the classes to retrieve private fields for the serializer.
Use reflection to generate a template of the object and to write all serializable fields into a table according to the generated template.
Unfortunately I believe reflection will be extremely hard to utilize in C++, so I shall stay away from the third option. I have seen options 1 and 2 both been used very often (in C#).
An advantage that option 1 possess over option 2 is that it allows for classes that derive from ComplexObject, by marking the serilalize(binarystream&) method virtual. However, it would add to the list of member functions of an object and confuse programmers. You don't see a serialize method being defined in std::string, do you?
On the other hand, option 2 takes out and groups all serialization methods together to make things a bit neater. However, I suppose it isn't as easy to accommodate for derived classes of ComplexObject.
Under which circumstances should each of the options (1 and 2) be used?
I choose "both". Serialization has components in the object and (templated) free standing functions.
For example:
class Serialization_Interface
virtual void load_from_buffer(uint8_t*& buffer_ptr) = 0;
void Load_From_Buffer(unsigned int& number, uint8_t*& buffer_pointer)
number = *((unsigned int *) buffer_ptr);
buffer_pointer += sizeof(unsigned int);
template <class Object>
void Load_From_Buffer(Object& obj, uint8_t*& buffer_pointer)
Don't limit yourself to two choices. There's always a third alternative. :-)
Also, don't reinvent the wheel, check out Boost::serialization.
C++ doesn't have reflection, but that doesn't mean serialization code needs to be written by hand.
You can use a code generator (for example, protocol buffers) to create the serialization code from a simple description. Of course, that description format doesn't support the rich C++ features for creating your public API, but you can take the data structure type created by the code generator and embed that inside your "real" class, either directly embedded or via pimpl. That way you write all non-serialization behavior in your class, but it doesn't have any data of its own, it relies on the serialization object to store the data.
It's basically like your method #2, but applying inversion of control. The serializer logic doesn't reach into your class to get access to the data, instead it becomes responsible for storing the data where your class also can use it.
I wold not bother with self-made serializer.
(Notice that designing deserialization is harder than serialization...)
I would rather use something line:
or boost (you can also check how they solved similar problem)
Getting back to your dilemma.
Grouping all serialization code in a single class is a bad idea, because this class would grown with each new serializable object. You could use friend "serializer" class for each "serializable" class,
or use friend method / operator<<.
But there is no perfect solution and it is not easy task. If you can, use lib.

Proxy class for polymorphic type, using templates

This is for a "game engine" as a bit of programming practice. All of my GameObjects are component based, where each component adds a functionality to its parent GameObject and all of these components descend from a base Component class which has virtual methods making it polymorphic.
When I read in these gameobject definitions from an XML file some components need to know about others for example a physics component needs to be aware of the transform component for the physics calculations. However if these components aren't present in the XML file then occasionally it throws up nasty null-pointers and endless rabbit hole call stack chasing to find the XML typo I fudged while half asleep.
My solution was to have a node in the XML file as an assertion that a component of this type should exist and possibly throw an exception or another appropriate action if it doesnt.
<ComponentRequirement type="ComponentTransform">myTransformComponent</ComponentRequirement>
So I need a way of representing this in C++. The first idea, template classes to change according to what type of component it's the proxy of since this class needs to act like their unproxied component. I've solved that with some operator overloading so long as the class is a template class.
template <class T>
class ComponentRequirement {
T* operator->() { (I chose the arrow operator because the CompReq class will never be referenced as a pointer)
return this->component;
//Other unrelated functions . . .
T* component;
And this is all fine and dandy at compile time because I can just say
ComponentRequirement<ComponentTransform> req = ComponentRequirement("myComponentTransform");
But I need to be able to specify what that template type in place of the will be from a string when I read the XML in. I thought a hashmap could do it but I dont think the type name even "is" anything other than a human readable compiler hint so I couldn't use it as a hashmap value.
Can this be done and how could I go about implementing it? Inserting some string literal into a "black-box of magic" and get something that can be used as a template argument. And if it helps, everything that will be the value of "T" is polymorphic.
Or is there a better solution to my problem. It needs to be able to act as any Component I put into it and it needs to be discernable at runtime.
In my components I have a read and write function. If I read the component requirement in there I can make sure the template has the right value because each component is seperate.
I can then evaluate the requirements with a virtual function and a few functions in the gameobject class to check it's a valid configuration. This could solve the problem.
At a first glance I would use the factory pattern for your problem. That way you can create classes to create your objects given a different string without specifying the exact class you need at compile time unlike with normal typed constructors. The analogy I see people use are Virtual Constructors.
In essence you would have a map of factories (creator objects).
Define some top level interface for your components, such as IComponent.
Define a factory class for every component you want to generate that has a Create Instance method. I recommend the Create Instance method should be part of an interface like IFactory.
During setup of your program create your map and assign factories to particular keys. ActorCreator["MyComponent"] = new MyComponentFactory();
When you want to create an object read from an XML node you can just call the create instance method on the returned factory for the key. auto myComponent = ActorCreator[readXML]->CreateInstance();
You now have an actor/components whose concrete type has been decided at runtime instead of compile time.

Inherit C++ class from protobuf

I have objects of two types: TActionInfo and TActionStats. The first one describes action's characteristics and the second one can "eat" the first one and maintain some statistics based on many actions.
It is very convenient to use a protobuf in my task, because these objects are frequently serialized and deserialized.
It seems to be a good idea that TActionStats should have a method like
bool AddAction(const TActionInfo& action);
Is it a good idea to inherit a class from from google-protobuf TActionStats class?
It is a good idea to inherit smth from protobuf in general?
No, you should not subclass protobuf types.
Consider what would happen if you embedded a TActionStats inside some other message type:
message TEnvelope {
optional TActionStats stats = 0;
optional string recipient = 1;
Now when you call stats() or mutable_stats() on a TEnvelope, you will receive a TActionStats, not your subclass. If you have a bunch of code that expects specifically to receive your subclass, you won't be able to call that code (without making a copy), so now you have to rewrite everything.
Instead, write your helper methods as independent, free-standing functions.

Retrieving values of collection from multiple classes, what's the correct way?

Before anything, thanks for reading!
I'm developing an application in C++ and I want an advice about a design issue. Let me explain:
The main class of my application has some collections, but other classes eventually need to get a value from one of those collections. Something like this:
class MainClass {
// Collections are internally implemented as QHash
Collection<Type1> col1;
Collection<Type2> col2;
class RosterUnit {
RosterUnit() {
/* This method needs to get a specific value from col1 and
initialize this class with that data */
class ObjectAction {
virtual void doAction() = 0;
class Action1 : public ObjectAction {
void doAction() {
// This needs a specific value from col2
class Action2 : public ObjectAction {
void doAction() {
// This needs a specific value from col1
My first approach was passing the whole collection as parameter when needed, but it is not so good for ObjectAction subclasses, because I would have to pass the two collections and if I later create another subclass of ObjectAction and it needs to get an element from other collection (suppose col3), I would have to modify the doAction() signature of every ObjectAction subclass, and I think that is not too flexible. Also, suppose I have a Dialog and want to create a RosterUnit from there. I would have to pass the collection to the dialog just to create the RosterUnit.
Next I decided to use static variables in RosterUnit and ObjectAction that pointed to the collections, but I'm not very happy with that solution. I think it is not flexible enough.
I have been reading about design patterns and I first thought a Singleton with get functions could be a good choice, but after some more investigation I think it isn't a proper design for my case. It would be easier and more or less the same if I use global variables, which don't seem to be the right way.
So, could you give some advices, please?
Thank you very much!
As mentioned previously, Iterators are good for abstracting away the details of the Collection. But going this route implies that the objects that use the Iterators will need to know about what's inside the Collection. Meaning they will need to know how to decide which object in the Collection they need, thus increasing the coupling. (more details below in the Factory paragraph) This is something you need to consider.
Another approach would be to create accessor methods on the MainClass that take some sort of key and return an object from the Collection (findObject(key)). Internally the MainClass methods would search through the container(s) and return the appropriate object. To use this approach, you will however need access to the MainClass, either by dependancy injection as mentioned before, or possibly making it a Singleton (not recomended in this scenario, though).
With the info provided so far, it may even be better for your ObjectAction Factory to have a reference to the MainClass, and as a part of the ObjectAction creation logic, call the appropriate MainClass accessor and pass the result into the ObjectAction, thus decoupling the ObjectAction Objects from the MainClass.
You probably want to use iterators, they exist exactly for the purpose of abstracting away sequences from specific containers.
If your issue is how to pass the iterators to the code that needs them in the first place, do not give in to the temptation to use globals. It may look more convoluted if you have to pass parameters in, but your code is that much more decoupled for it. "Dependency Injection" is a good keyword if you want to read more about this topic.
I would also advise you to check out std::function or boost::function instead of inheriting from ObjectAction. Functional style is getting more common in modern C++, as opposed to how it's usually done in languages like Java.
There's not enough information here of what you are trying to do. You make it sound like 'at some point in the future, this statically created action needs this data that was left behind.' How does that make any sense? I would say either construct the actions with the data, as you would for instance with a Future or Callable), or have the command ask for the next piece of data, in which case you are just implementing a Work queue.
Sounds like you are trying to do something like a thread pool. If these actions are in any way related, then you should have then in some composing object, implementing something like the Template Method pattern, e.g. execute() is abstract and calls a few other methods in a fixed sequence and that cannot be overridden, the other methods must be (protocol enforcement).

What is the best design pattern to register data "chunks"?

I have a library which can save/load on disk "chunks" which are POD structs with constant size and unique static CHUNK_ID field. So load looks somethink like this.
void Load(int docId, char* ptr, int type, size_t& size)...
If you want to add new chunk you just add struct with new CHUNK_ID and use Save Load functions to it.
What I want is to force all "chunks" to have functions like PrintHumanReadable, CompareThisTypeOfChunk etc(Ideally program should not compile without such functions). Also I want to mark/register/enumerate all chunk-structs.
I have a few ideas but all of them have problems.
Create base class with pure virtual functions PrintHumanReadable, CompareThisTypeOfChunk.
Problem:breaks pod type and requires library rewriting.
Implement factory which creates chunk struct from CHUNK_ID. Problem: compiles when I add new chunk without required functions.
Could you recomend elegant design solution for my problem?
Implement a simple code generator. You can use something like Mako or Cheetah (both Python libraries). Make a text file containing all the class names, then have the generator build the factory method and a series of methods which aren't really used but which refer to the desired methods in all the classes. This will also make it straightforward to enumerate the classes (again, using generated code).
The proper design pattern for this is called "use Boost.Serialization". It's really the best tool for writing objects to a format and then reading them back later. It can write in text, binary, and even XML formats (and others if you write a proper stream for them). It's can be non-intrusive, so you don't need to modify the objects to serialize them. And so forth.
Once you're using the proper tool for this job, you can then use whatever class hierarchy or other method you like to ensure that the proper functions for an object exist.
If you can't/won't use Boost.Serialization, then you're pretty much stuck with a runtime solution. And since the solution is runtime rather than compile time, there's no way to ensure at compile time that any particular chunk ID has the requisite functions.