Including header files when there's no implementation file? - c++

I was looking at the source code for ncmpcpp, and I saw this.
#include <mpd/client.h>
Inside that file are functions which are used by ncmpcpp. But those are just the headers. Don't the cpp files have to exist somewhere as well? I couldn't find them in the same directory. Where are they?
Also, when something that's included is surrounded by < and >, how do I know where to look?

If it's a third-party library, most likely the source code won't be included. Nor is it needed. All symbols declared in the headers (which are meant to be used) should be exported in the .lib file which was probably shipped with the headers.
Unless you have templates, which could be inline.
You only need the cpp files, or, more generally, the implementation files, if you want to compile the code yourself. Which you don't. You can use the module having just headers and binaries.
Of course, the example of open-source projects comes to mind, where all files are generally included, but if it's a commercial product, why release the source code? What's keeping any competitors from just copying it and resell it under a new name?
There's no standard rule that tells where to look for headers that are delimited by <> or "", but the general consensus is that <> are to be used for system headers (like string or iostream) and "" for own headers (myclass.h). It just tells the compiler where to look first.

The source files aren't needed if there is a library (static or dynamically linked) with it that the compiler can link to, these are generally .a or .lib files (though very rarely you might need a .def file).
For search paths, see this for MSVC and this for GCC.


Does std:: library of c++ have .cpp files?

This may be a naive question since I'm a c++ beginner.
In a typical cpp project, we have cpp files and their header files. So based on my understanding, usually cpp files have definitions, while respective header files have declarations. During compiling, we have to include very cpp files in the project since header files do not specify the location of the definition of the declared object. Finally, linker links declaration and definition. This allows the communication between different translation units.
However, when it comes to std:: library, we do include header files but never compile its cpp files. For example, we write #include in main.cpp, but when compiling, the command does not have anything like g++ vector.cpp main.cpp ...
I even tried to search cpp files in the std library folder in my system, but all I can find is various header files.
I do know the definition and declaration can be included in a single header file, I don't think this is how std:: is wrote. Otherwise, it will result in multiple copies of definition when included in different cpp files.
Please help me to understand how this works? Can I do something like this with my own project?
When it comes to templated libraries, the source code must be found in the header files (.h or .hpp), so it is not exceptional to find header-only libraries.
If part of the code is not templated and its implementation is made in source files (.cpp), usually the code is precompiled and supplied as .lib (.a/.so) files to be linked to.
As regards open source APIs, if there are .cpp files they are delivered as well and you have to compile/precompile them by yourself.
Yes, there is compiled code in the standard library. You don't have to compile it because the library comes already compiled with your compiler. And you don't explicitly link to it, because the compiler knows about it. So you don't see it mentioned anywhere when you do normal builds. If you set your compiler to some form of verbose mode you can see that the name of the standard library gets passed to the linker, which pulls the code it needs from the library.

C++ How to include class headers without having to compile their cpp files?

We can include < iostream > and we do not care about its cpp file, but why can't we do the same for our own classes ?
So if my project uses 50 custom classes, not only do I have to have 50 includes, but also have to compile/link 50 cpp files along with them (and clutter the project tree).
Q: Is there any way to use custom headers the same way we use standard libraries ?
In other words is there a kosher way so that we do not have to add all those cpp files in the project. I want to only include ClassSnake.hpp which in turn knows where to find ClassSnake.cpp which links to ClassVector.hpp which knows how to find ClassVector.cpp ... all in an automatic daisy chain without me having to explicitly add those cpp files in my project tree.
Edit: I am not worried so much about the cpp files recompiling. My issue is with having to remember which class internally links to which other class, so that I can properly include all those hidden cpp files in the project tree ... and clutter the tree.
Not really.
What you're missing is that your compiler toolchain has already compiled the bits <iostream> needs that aren't in the header.
Your compiler (linker really) just implicitly links this code in without you having to specify it.
If you want to clean up your project tree a bit, you could create other projects that are libraries of code for one main project to use.
Headers do not (normally) provide implementations of things (functions, classes), they must be implemented somewhere if you are going to use them.
When you include your own header, you include your own sources in order to provide the implementation. Straight forward enough there.
When you include a standard header (such as iostream), the implementation is in the libraries you include (either implicitly because the compiler just does it, or explicitly through compiler/linker options).
As an extention to Collin's answer, you could always offload "shared" code to a shared library, and then reference the header files and lib files in your other projects. The lib files will only come in to play at the linker stage, as all those other pesky .cpp files have already been compiled.
If this is is just a self-enclosed project with no other commonality, you're just going to have to suck up the fact you have to provide an implementation :)
First of all if you use a system such as make then it will identify that the .cpp file has not changed and therefore the compiler does not have to reconstruct the object file.
You can also create your own static/shared library. The method to do this depends on the platform. If you go down this avenue then all you need is the header file along with the library.
Please Google on how to construct how to make a library for you particular platform.
Actually, if you have a decent build process cpp files that have not changed will not be compiled again. They only have to be linked. If you don't want that either you need to create your own libraries. It can be done, is just a bit more involved.
Edit: This question might help you if you want to create your own library.
So answer to edited question: Yes, you can avoid having all those cpp files in the project but only if you don't want to change them. In this case you can just create a static or dynamic library and you will only need the symbols for linking. In that case you would create another project to compile everything into such a library.
STL code like "iostream" is made of templates no code is actually generated until instances of the templates are created.

Why does the C++ boost package only contain .hpp files?

I'm new to C++. I just downloaded the Boost libraries to study. I wanted to look into some implementation details, so I looked for .cpp files. To my surprise, I haven't found any so far.
There seem only .hpp files out there. Where are the .cpp files?
From the Boost documentation:
Most Boost libraries are header-only: they consist entirely of header
files containing templates and inline functions, and require no
separately-compiled library binaries or special treatment when
See that link for the list of libraries that are not header-only and must be built separately. For those libraries, the .cpp files are in the /libs directory of the Boost distribution. If you got the precompiled package, you'll instead find the already-compiled .lib files in the /lib directory.
The .hpp files are the headers that you must include in your code in order to use Boost classes. Many Boost libraries are header-only; all of the implementations are in the .hpp files. For those that do have source, you only see the compiled versions as .lib files.
If you download a source distribution of Boost, it should have several subdirectories:
boost: contains .hpp headers
lib: contains .lib files (compiled implementation details)
libs: the source of those implementation details
Because many (but not all) of the libraries are implemented using templates, and must therefore be placed within header files.
A lot of the Boost library are purely template. In the previous standard of C++ there was already the keyword export to allow the developer to separate the implementation from the interface.
The sad truth was that the keyword never worked completely (difficult to implement from the compiler vendor point of view and difficult to use it right for the developer). One way to fix the problem was provide interface and implementation in a header file and avoid the implementation file. By the way, there are several Boost libraries that you need to compile and link in order to use it, and I bet you will find implementation files in those libraries.
For those which aren't header-only, the source files can be found inside the libs sub directory.
I believe the majority of the Boost libraries are implemented in the actual header files only, as previous posters mentioned. As was also mentioned, compiled implementation code will be included as separate library files when separate from the header files.
You mentioned being new to C++, so I think it's worth mentioning that this type of library distribution is not particular to Boost. Other third party libraries and APIs you use will likely be structured in the same way; you will find packages of header files and library files only, with no .c, .cxx, .cpp, etc files. This is done for a number of reasons, including to hide the implementation of the library functionality, and to allow shared libraries to be loaded into memory once each.
This article might help clarify things for you:
You are probably looking at precompiled package, where cpp files are available in shape of libraries, not source. If you actually grab the source you will find some cpp files.

Building "Monolithic" Libraries

I have a series of small library "modules" designed to handle very specific tasks. A single module usually consists of just a .h and a .cpp, and possibly another set to provide relevant non-friend, non-member functions that the user might find useful.
For example, Foo.h might declare a class called Foo, that Foo.cpp defines, and FooUtilities.h might declare a function that uses Foo which is defined by FooUtilities.cpp.
Normally to use these modules in my programs, I add the .h and .cpp to my project and #include the .h in whatever files need it. However, for larger programs that use more potentially-interdependent modules, this is growing to be a big inconvenience. Therefore, I'd like to compile it all as a single monolithic static or dynamic library so I can just add the library file to my project, set the header search directories to folders that contain the aforementioned .h files, and compile.
Seems pretty simple, right? All I'd have to do is start a new project with a static/dynamic library as its build target and then add all the appropriate files. The .cpp files, which #include the .h files anyway, will be compiled and added to the final product.
However, some of the modules use templates and therefore have to use .tpp instead of .cpp. The .tpp files are only meant for organization and are #included by their respective header files, which is the opposite of how the normal modules are handled. Because of this, just adding them to my library project won't compile anything.
How can I work around this? Should I have a CompileThis.cpp file that includes all the modules that use templates? If so, should this file also include the non-template modules? It seems like this could rapidly become an organizational mess.
Many compilers cannot "precompile" templates into libraries. My best suggestion is to treat them like header files; header files are not compiled into libraries, they are just included.
I compile code into a library when the amount of changes is minimal. This often speeds up the build process since those files don't need to be compiled again (and again...).
Should I have a CompileThis.cpp file that includes all the modules that use templates?
Yes - you'll still need an object to link. It's also nice because it will perform the syntax/instantiation checks (assuming your depends are properly ordered).
If so, should this file also include the non-template modules?
that depends on the structure.
at minimum, it should include/define what it must export (and their dependencies).
it should often include the headers represented by the module, in order to easily detect errors issues at the package level.
ideally, you'll add all necessary concepts and some instantiations (in some cases).
this makes it easier to maintain, and will not require major restructuring when you realize you have moved from needing 0 exported symbols to needing one or more.

How to view source code of header file in C++?

similar to iostream.h ,conio.h , ...
The standard library is generally all templates. You can just open up the desired header and see how it's implemented†. Note it's not <iostream.h>, it's <iostream>; the C++ standard library does not have .h extensions. C libraries like <string.h> can be included as <cstring> (though that generally just includes string.h)
That said, the run-time library (stuff like the C library, not-template-stuff) is compiled. You can search around your compiler install directory to find the source-code to the run-time library.
Why? If just to look, there you go. But it's a terrible way to try to learn, as the code may have non-standard extensions specific to the compiler, and most implementations are just generally ugly to read.
If you have a specific question about the inner-workings of a function, feel free to start a new question and ask how it works.
† I should mention that you may, on the off chance, have a compiler that supports export. This would mean it's entirely possible they have templated code also compiled; this is highly unlikely though. Just should be mentioned for completeness.
From a comment you added, it looks like you're looking for the source to the implementations of functions that aren't templates (or aren't in the header file for whatever reason). The more traditional runtime library support is typically separately compiled and in a library file that gets linked in to your program.
The majority of compilers provide the source code for the library (though it's not guaranteed to be available), but the source files might be installed anywhere on your system.
For the Microsoft compilers I have installed, I can find the source for the runtime in a directory under the Visual Studio installed location named something like:
vc\crt\src // VS2008
vc7\crt\src // VS2003
vc98\crt\src // VC6
If you're using some other compiler, poke around the installation directory (and make sure that you had asked that runtime sources to be installed when you installed your compiler tools).
As mentioned, it is implementation specific but there is an easy way to view contents of header files.
Compile your code with just preprocessing enabled for gcc and g++ it is -E option.
This replaces the contents of header files by their actual content and you can see them.
On linux, you can find some of them in /usr/include
These files merely contain declarations and macro definitions.The actual implementation source files can be obtained from the library provider e.g the source code of standard C++ Library(libstdc++) is obtainable here.
According to the C++ language specification, implementors do not have to put standard headers into physical files. Implementors are allowed to have the headers hard coded in the translator's executable.
Thus, you may not be able to view the contents of standard header files.