How to delete an archived artifact in jenkins? - build

I am using Jenkins with tomcat. I use jenkins cli from java class to create job and to build. I want to delete a archived artifact. How to accomplish this?
Another question is, can we give a specific name to the build in jenkins (e.g) i want the build name like (buildNumber + someName). How to achieve this?

The artifacts for a build by default are located in: [JENKINS_HOME]/jobs/[job_name]/builds/[$BUILD_ID]/archive/, go there and delete it. It won't delete the link to the artifact from the build page, though. (If you are not sure where your JENKINS_HOME is, go to http://[jenkins_server]/configure, you'll see Home directory near the top of the page).
To change the display name of a build automatically try Build Name Setter Plugin.
To change the display name via CLI:
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://[server]/ set-build-display-name [job_name] [build#] [new_name]


CodeBuild get Artifact Folder Path

I am running a build through a Codebuildpipeine. I am uploading artifacts based on each stage as documented which is working fine. As you know each time a build is run the artifact folder creates a new folder for the new set of artifacts (all in S3) to be uploaded. What I want to do is retrieve the new folder name that is created in the Artifact folder into my buildspec so I can use it as a variable. Does anyone have a link or a way I can reference this? I would be willing to settle if I can get the entire URL where I can parse it?

How do I view the contents of my build artifact folder in Azure Dev Ops?

I am trying to modify my configuration file, dataSettings.json, located somewhere inside the build artifacts folder. Figuring out the correct access path to it is like working in the dark. Using "**/dataSettings.json" as a path doesn't work in my task since I don't know the artifact's folder structure, nor wether dataSettings.json even exists.
Is there a way to quickly view the contents of a build artifacts folder within DevOps?
Add a script step in your shell scripting language of choice (bash, PowerShell, Windows command prompt, etc) that recursively outputs the directory structure. Specific commands are easy to Google. i.e. PowerShell would be gci -rec. DOS would be dir /s. Bash would be ls -R.
You can quickly view the contents of the artifacts in many of the tasks in your release pipeline.
For example, If you are using File transform task or Azure App Service deploy task. You can click the 3dots at the right end of the Package or folder field to view the contents and folder structure of the artifacts.
The Source Folder field of Copy files tasks for example:
If the artifacts is a zip file. You can navigate to its correponding build pipeline runs and download the artifacts locally to check its contents. You can download the build artifacts at the Build summary page.

How to rename existing 'named configurations' using gcloud cli in GCP?

I would like to know if there is a way to rename an existing 'gcloud topic configurations' e.g. I would like rename 'foo' to 'bar' in the below example.
I couldn't find anything on this in the gcloud reference documents.
Technically, it is not possible to change the name of that configuration using the gcloud command.
However, you can change it doing this little workaround:
Use gcloud config configurations activate [YOUR_CONFIG_NAME] to activate the configuration you wish.
Use gcloud info --format='get(config.paths.active_config_path)' to find the directory where your configurations are stored. You will get the path of the file of that specific configuration, looking like this /tmp/tmp.XAfddVDdg/configurations/[YOUR_CONFIG_NAME]
If you cd into the directory /tmp/tmp.XAfddVDdg/configurations/, you will find all your configurations there. Every configuration will be named there like this config_[YOUR_CONFIG_NAME]. Modifying the part that matches the name of your configuration will successfully change its name. DO NOT delete the config_ part of the name.
After this, is you print all the configurations using gcloud config configurations list, you will find your configuration renamed, but none will be active now. Just activate it with gcloud config configurations activate [YOUR_CONFIG_NAME], and you will be good to go.
Don't know when this was added, but there is a remame command for configurations. So no more need to jump through hoops by deleting and recreating configurations or directly editing the file.
gcloud config configurations rename CONFIGURATION_NAME --new-name=NEW_NAME

command not found from Jenkins Execute Shell

Hi Jenkins and AWS Guru's
I already look online for any possible solutions but not getting a solution for my problem. I just issued an "eb --version" on Jenkins execute shell under a test project but getting "eb: command not found" during the execution.
Wierd thing is if I issue the same command on the Jenkins box via CLI I'm getting a good response from it. Any suggestions for the fix please? thanks in advance
Your Jenkins setup has a different path than the user you logged in with.
There are two solutions:
Add the path to the executable in the PATH environment variable. Use where eb to find the correct path. Then in Jenkins, click on
Manage Jenkins -> Configure System, Global Properties. Check Environment Variables. Set Name to PATH. Set Value to $PATH:/path/to/eb. Then restart Jenkins.
Call the eb command with its fully qualified path.
EDIT: Added steps to update path in Jenkins.
this is now fixed, need to create a properties file that was basically a copy of /var/lib/jenkins/.bash_profile file which would have the correct paths and add that in Jenkins settings. Allowing it to get the required paths. After properties file is created you need to set it on Jenkins-Configure section, Place a check on Prepare jobs environment then set the full path of the properties file (/var/lib/jenkins/ on the Properties File Path and restart Jenkins

jenkins ci : how to select the artifacts to be archived

I'm using Jenkins to build a maven 2 project. As part of the build a couple of jar files get generated in the target directory. I would like Jenkins to archive/copy a specific jar from the target location to a custom folder.
How can I achieve this ? I've tried using the 'Archive the artifacts' post build option but it does not allow me to select the file under target. I get a error message saying such a location does not exist.
I'm new to Jenkins so any help is appreciated.
You may have your file specification or the base directory for the artifacts wrong. From the help text:
Can use wildcards like 'module/dist/*/.zip'. See the #includes of Ant fileset for the exact format. The base directory is the workspace.
So you'll need to figure out where your target directory is relative to the workspace directory.
The archive feature copies/saves your build artifacts out of the workspace into the build's individual directory. You cannot specify where it puts them. That said, I would probably leave archiving turned on if you'll ever need to refer back to a previous version.
You can use a script build step to create the dir if it does not exist and perform the copy.
But you have not said why you want to move the artifacts around. If it is to make them available to other projects, you should look instead at the Copy Artifact build step.