whats happen when leaving a CCscene in cocos2d? - cocos2d-iphone

using cocos2d.
i need to know what happen when leaving a scene(replace scene) with the next:
shared frame cache (plist and png 's that where spriteSheets )
sprites (the removed?)
actions (they stoped and released?)
bodies (box2d) (i have to destroy them or its auto? )
is that happen auto , or i need to do something on the dealloc( ex: removing childs)
thanks .

All caches remain unchanged, it's up to you to remove textures, sprite frames, etc. as needed.
Sprites and all other nodes of the scene are removed automatically. So are actions.
Box2D is a separate library and not integrated in cocos2d's source code. The Box2D source code is merely distributed with cocos2d-iphone. That means you are responsible for cleaning up all Box2D objects and the world. There's nothing automatic there.


Memory Issue in cocos2dx

Thanx in advance..I have a problem , how we release memory in cocos2dx ??
In my game, my first scene takes a lot of memory because there are so many animations run at a single time on this scene,there are so many animations , so i am satisfied with this but when we go to next scene, it does not release previous memory used,this is my problem so how we release memory used by previous scene when we change the scene?
To go between scenes you can either call pushScene or replaceScene.
Push Scene
If you're pushing between scenes then I recommend that you have a loading scene in between. It should be lightweight so that you have a chance to release everything from your old scene. This is where the onEnter(DidFinish) and onExit(DidStart) methods come in handy.
The chain of calls would be:
oldScene->onExit() <-- this is where you release everything
loadScene->onEnterDidFinish() <-- this is where you load up the new scene
and so on... If you've managed your memory correctly then you shouldn't have 2 heavy scenes at once.
Replace Scene
This is a much easier scenario. You simply need to make sure that for the new scene you load as little as possible until the old scene has completely disappeared. I.e. when onEnterDidFinish() is called, or even 1 frame after it.
Cocos2d-x supports auto release memory. For example, when you create a sprite by calling Sprite::create() it will add this sprite to the auto-release pool. If you don't add this sprite to become the child (or n-th leveled child) of the current scene, it will be released.
Do not create an object using new,use create() instead when you call the next scene, everything from the last scene are released.

VTKActor not visible after render but visible on camera->resetview()

I am working on a qt-vtk project. We have a line drawing function. where straight lines are created between two mouse click position. But once actor is created it is not visible. I was calling render function just after adding the actor. But it didn't work. But if i do camera->resetview() lines become visible , but entire perspective changes. Where am i doing wrong ?
This may not be relevant to you, but I had this exact same problem (in ActiViz [managed VTK]) and wrangled with it for a week, so I hope this helps someone out there. It turned out to be a problem with the location of the lines we wanted to draw on the canvas; they were too far away from the camera (on the Z axis) to be visible.
For us, we were trying to draw a cross on the viewing area wherever the user clicked. The data points were there, as were the actors and whatnot, but they would only be visible in the scene if you called resetCamera() and thusly changed the camera's configuration.
Initially, I blamed the custom interactor that we had to add to cirvumvent the default interactor's swallowing of MouseUp events (intended behavior). Investigation revealed that this seemed unlikely.
After this I shifted the blame onto the camera under the suspicion that perhaps the reset call was making a call to some kind of update method which I wasn't aware of. I called resetCamera() and then reverted the camera values to what they were initially.
When this was successfully done, it eventuated that the crosses would appear when the camera zoomed out and then disappear again as soon as it was set back, and it was at this point I realized that it was something to do with the scene.
At this point, I checked the methods we were using to retrieve the mouse location in 3D and realized that the z value was enormous and it was placing the points too far away as a byproduct of VTK's methods to convert 2D locations on the control to 3D locations in the scene and vice versa.
So after all that, a very mundane and avoidable mistake that originated from the methods renderer.DisplayToWorld() and WorldToDisplay().
This might not be everyone's problem, but I hope I've spared someone a week of fiddling around with VTK.
I think that's a bit hard to help, without see the code, but have you tried using
, where ui is the instance of your class derived from QMainWindow?

Sprite does not jump when moving

I'm making a platform game, and everything was great. My sprite moved when i touched the left side of the screen, and jumped when i touched the right side. But then i decided to make it move by itself. so i added the ccmoveto function, but now it does not jump! I'm new to cocos2d but everything is working ok, except this, already searched but couldn't find the answer can someone please help me?
I tried everything, but it only jumps if i delete the ccmoveto action.
I'm using cocos2d 2.0
Thank you!!
CcMoveTo will override any manual position changes, inluding changes from other actions like CCJump. Your character is set to move to destination in a straight line, no matter what.
It's issues like these why I always recommend not to use actions for gameplay logic. Especially position, you need to retain full control over it. Use a direction vector and integrate position every update: and you're free to do everything you need.
my advice is to use one of the physics engines provided with cocos2d: Box2D and Chipmunk physics. Thanks to this engines you can define the characteristics of the world (i.e. gravity vector) a shape and a mass for your sprite (i.e. a rectangle with a weight). Then when you need it to jump you will just create a force vector with the characteristics you need (i.e. angle, etc.) and keep updated your sprite with its physical body. This will make your sprite jump and land quite realistically.

Using replace scene to navigate

I have a question with regards to using replace scene in cocos2d.
Assume my game menu has the following structure:
Main Menu
2.1 Strategy levels
2.2 Accuracy levels
Is the recommended method of navigation between the menus, "replace scene" or "push/pop"?
I've read in some places that its good to avoid push/pop in cocos2d. But my concern in using replace scene is that i have the impression that im just stacking up scenes instead of having a proper navigational flow.
Push and pop scene is going to stack your scenes. Each time you push a new scene, the old scene remains in memory and you need the exact same amount of popScene to get back to the initial scene.
So yes, using replaceScene is the standard and recommended method of switching scenes. While replaceScene removes the original scene from memory, there is a short time of overlap where both scenes remain in memory. So if you have two very memory intensive scenes, it is recommended to go through a temporary loading scene instead to allow the previous scene enough time to release its memory.
Note also that you cannot call replaceScene within the init method of a scene. That will cause CCDirector to crash.

Can I layer a CCSprite between two CCTMXLayers?

I am making a top-down shooter that makes extensive use of TMX maps created with the "Tiled" application. Within my TMX map, I have a "Background" layer with floor tiles, which appears beneath my characters (CCSprites.)
I have another layer in the TMX file called "Foreground" which I would like to appear "above" my CCSprites, giving the illusion of them walking underneath various objects.
I tried using the vertexZ property of the CCNode class to do this:
CCTMXLayer *backgroundLayer = ...
CCSprite *spriteNode = ...
CCTMXLayer *foregroundLayer = ...
[backgroundLayer setVertexZ:1];
[spriteNode setVertexZ:2];
[foregroundLayer setVertexZ:3];
...but it turns out vertexZ actually alters the node's visual appearance within the openGL view. It effectively causes a CCNode to appear larger, or closer to the user when it has a higher vertexZ value. I don't want that- all I want is a sort of layers-of-an-impossibly-thin-cake effect, without any visual differences between the layers.
So I thought I would try altering the zOrder property of the nodes, like this:
[[backgroundLayer parent] reOrderChild:backgroundLayer z:1];
[[spriteNode parent] reOrderChild:backgroundLayer z:2];
[[foregroundLayer parent] reOrderChild:backgroundLayer z:3];
But I realized there's a fundamental problem with what I'm doing here, since my spriteNode is a direct child of the CCScene, but the background and foreground nodes are both children of my CCTMXTiledMap, which itself is a child of the CCScene.
So I'm basically trying to slip a CCSprite between two layers of the map, which, from the CCScene's perspective, are really just two parts of the same layer.
It seems I could create an additional instance of CCTMXTiledMap just to hold the foreground layer, but that also seems like overkill. My other thought was to create CCSprites to serve the same purpose, but it seems like there's got to be a better way.
Yes, I have used Tiled once very lightly and I do believe there is an option to add an Object Layer into your TMXTiledMap (Tiled -> Layer -> Add Object Layer...), then once imported into your build you can link up a CCSprite with the corresponding Object Layer you have created. I would post your question on the cocos2d forum, as people there are more experienced and equipped to answer this with examples.