How do you force Infragistics UltraWebGrid to databind if you handle the InitializeDataSource event? - infragistics

I am using Infragistics UltraWebGrid. I've handled its InitializeDataSource event with a function that fills the grid's DataSource property. Great. That works. When the grid determines that it needs data it goes and gets it.
My issue is that there are times where, because of actions taken on the page, I need to go back to storage and get new data. When I do this supplying the data I want to use to the DataSource property and then calling DataBind nothing happens. The grid does not bind itself to its DataSource.
Is there an incantation of code that will force UltraWebGrid to bind to its DataSource while still handling the InitializeDataSource event?

Thanks for the suggestions. I ended up find the solution (with a little help from a co-worker). Here is the code (sorry for the VB):
grid.DataSource = Nothing
grid.DataSource = theNewDataSource
Apparently you need to reset the DataSource and call Clear before setting the DataSource to your desired source and calling DataBind().


Dynamically update QML GUI values

I have bunch of data that has to be displayed continuously on the GUI. I can actually achieve it by setting timer and assigning the new values to the displayed values but I do not want to do in that way. Is there any solution or practical way to do that?
I think you have two options to achieve that:
All your data have a Q_PROPERTY. That means create a get function and a signal
If you want to show them under a list or a treeview, I suggest you gather all the data up, under a QAbstractListModel.
Then implementing the function data, index, ecc., you will have everything already done for the UI
Have you tried using Q_Property? Notify Signal may work for your situation.
You can find the documentation from here.
First, I defined the property and added the notifier called payloadChanged to the signals of my class.
Q_PROPERTY(QList<qreal> PayloadList READ getPayloadList NOTIFY payloadChanged)
qmlRegisterType<<YOUR_CLASS_NAME>>("sample1.sample2", 1, 0, "<QML_ITEM_NAME>");
When I applied these steps my data is automatically updated without any timer stuff.

AgGrid Detect changing on columns/filters/sortings events

I'm using ag-grid and I'd like to save the layout/state of the user. Pretty much something like this
This solution forces the user to click on the button to save the preferences ("Save state"). There is some other way/event to detect that the user changed the state of the table (in order, to me to save and avoid to force the user to click on a button for that)?
I was hopping to find some method here but i didn't..
I initially had code that listened to all of the applicable events from the grid, but ultimately, I found it easier to just save the entire grid state in the component's onDestroy method, regardless of whether anything has actually changed.
Found my answer here.
All the events are here but i prefer to add a global event:
addGlobalListener(listener) Add an event listener for all event types coming from the grid.)
Source: AgGrid javascript grid api

ListView in android for dynamic data

how to refresh List View dynamic data content in android?
I tried loading dynamic data for the List View in android application but no luck .Any advice how to accomplish this?
Call notifyDataSetChanged() on your Adapter object once you've modified the data in that adapter.
Some additional specifics on how/when to call notifyDataSetChanged() can be viewed in this Google I/O video.
Or else Look at this may helpful.
Dynamic ListView in Android app
Or else
The right thing to do is to call notifyDataSetChanged() on your Adapter.
If calling notifyDataSetChanged() doesn't work all the layout methods won't help either. Believe me the list view was properly updated. If you fail to find the difference you need to check where the data in your adapter comes from.
If this is just a collection you're keeping in memory check that you actually deleted the item from the collection before calling the notifyDataSetChanged().
If you're working with a database or service backend you'll have to call the method to retrieve the information again (or manipulate the in memory data) before calling the notifyDataSetChanged().
The thing is this notifyDataSetChanged only works if the dataset has changed. So that is the place to look if you don't find changes coming through. Debug if needed.
UI Thread
It is true that this has to be called from the UI thread. Other answers have examples on how to achieve this. However this is only required if you're working on this information from outside the UI thread. That is from a service or a non UI thread. In simple cases you'll be updating your data from a button click or another activity/fragment. So still within the UI thread. No need to always pop that runOnUiTrhead in.
More Information
Another nice post about the power of list Views is found here:

ActiveX Property Persistance

I have a question about an ActiveX Control I am developing. I have hashed my way through most problems but I am stuck at a real road block. This ActiveX is being imorted into other software so I have to have a good implementation of the Property Pages. I have managed to get some persistant properties working with one issue. When I make a change in the property page it is updated and persists as long as the application that is development app that is using it is open but it reverts back when I reload the app. I have narrowed this down to the fact that the development app doesnt realize the ActiveX has changed and therfore doesnt save. If i make a unrelated change and save the program all is good and the values persist as expected. I have tried everything and cant seem t get the application that imports my ActiveX to realize when it has changed via the property page. I am wondering if anyone has some work arounds for this type of problem. It seems to me if I could force the DoPropExchange() it would work but I dont know how to call this explicitly.
Thanks in advance
Thanks for the input. I did have the SetModifiedFlag() but it wasnt working. After poking at it I solved that problem but now I am redirecting my question. I had removed the property above in question from the idl files dispinterface in order to prevent the application that loads the activex from displaying the property in its "Connection List"(3rd party application specific"). It appears that the app loads all the interface into this list but this is not good as some properties should be persistant and only modifiable through the proppages. I tried all the flags like hidden and local but still were displayed in the list. When I removed it from the dispinterface it was how I wanted it but would not signal the IsModified. My new question is in there another way to define properties for an instance like this or is it possible to have a secondary interface(I have not tested if the application would see this interface because I am not sure how I would go about defining this inteface)or to have a property only between the proppage and control. Or is there another way to signal the dirty. The OnMemberVariable of the control was properly executing I know from testing it just seems SetModifiedFlag() doesnt do anything if the property is not in the dispinterface
Thanks Again
You need to mark your control as "modified", so that its host could detect it and re-save persistent properties. In this case IPersistXxx::IsDirty implemented by your control would indicate dirty state.
MFC based control has COleControl::SetModifiedFlag for this purpose:
Call this function whenever a change occurs that would affect your control's persistent state. For example, if the value of a persistent property changes, call this function with bModified TRUE.
Update: To hide a property from property browser you can use nonbrowsable attribute.
Use the [nonbrowsable] attribute to tag an interface or dispinterface member that should not be displayed in a properties browser.

Sitecore - Creating an New Item on the OnSavingItem Event redirects the Shell to the newly created Item

Got an annoying issue.
When a user edits a field on an item, we use a OnSavingItem event handler to create some new items elsewhere in the background as it were.
Problem is the item the users edited the field of gets redirected to the item we invisible created in the background.
We want it to stay where it is... Any ideas?
If you want to disable the transfer to the item you've just created you could also consider implementing the following code:
// Before we copy the item we put notifications on to make sure we won't be transfered to the newly created item
Sitecore.Client.Site.Notifications.Disabled = true;
// Your action comes here
Sitecore.Client.Site.Notifications.Disabled = false;
Are you using the
<event name="item:saved">
Handler? If so, don't forget that this event is fired on all the new items you create as well, potentially triggering a recursive event loop.
This answer came from the SiteCore forum ... credit goes to John West
I think you could use the item:saving event or the saveUI pipeline. Use the event if you need to handle changes that occur through APIs, or use the pipeline if you only need to handle changes that occur through the user interface.
You could also consider adding the logic to the field itself.
John West Sitecore Blog
item:saved is much heavier than a processor within the saveUI pipeline. For example, item:saved is triggered during publishing which is not what you really want. I always recommend handling such customizations either on the pipeline or workflow action level.